Heaven's Devourer-Chapter 1675: The Immortal Guests

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Chapter 1675: The Immortal Guests

Three years passed in a flash.

For Wu Yu, these three years had been used to process his spiritual change, and bring him a step nearer to the eternal immortal emperor realm.

For the rest of Mettle Sky, things were getting lively.

In the last three months, immortal emperors had begun to arrive from afar, waiting to watch the Immortal Emperor Trials. These were all names well-known in the sky palaces, even if they were not the absolute strongest. They too had children in this competition.

The Patriarch Bodhi's disciples were busy day and night entertaining these important guests during their long stay at Habitual Mansion.

Although it was called Habitual Mansion, it was in fact a lesser realm, wide enough for billions of life forms to live in, let alone a few immortal emperors. Besides, each person had spacious accommodations, and would not feel cramped in at all.

Even the first few immortal emperors who arrived were quite well-known. Wu Yu had also seen them in the scenes in Eternal Emperor Tomb before. Many had taken part in the massacre at Demon Immortal Realm.

Wu Yu watched them from afar. They were not as imperious in their attitudes as the strongest immortal emperors, although each held themselves with pride. They were courteous and civil, lacking the murderous air that he had seen.

Many of the immortal emperors in the sky palaces were like that. Wu Yu still found it hard to reconcile them with their savage countenance during the massacre.

"Could it be that they had been controlled back then? But to control so many immortal emperors, only someone even stronger than the Jade Emperor could do it. Who has that power?"

Wu Yu was still in the dark.

He saw them bring their children to Mettle Sky. The Patriarch Bodhi did not even make an appearance at the Cave of the Slanting Moon and Three Stars, leaving it all to his disciples to receive the immortal emperors.

The immortal emperors did not begrudge him this either. They knew well that the Immortal Emperor Trials was the Patriarch Bodhi's idea, in order to let their children into the Everlasting Battlefield. They were grateful for it.

By now, news of Wu Yu's entry into the Immortal Emperor Trials had spread far and wide.

Although some immortal emperors were unhappy about this, but there was nothing they could do. More, they could not allow their displeasure to show. The Patriarch Bodhi was well within his rights to cancel the Immortal Emperor Trials, and hand the privilege directly to Wu Yu, and there would be nothing they could do about it.

After all, the Wheel of Taichi was the Patriarch Bodhi's epochal immortal treasure.

"Wu Yu can be considered a strong contender in the Immortal Emperor Trials. After all, he beat Memory Star Immortal Emperor."

"Still, I wonder if Wu Yu is still as strong after surviving 10,000 years on the Heavenly Devil Battlefield?"

"The way I see it, the victor will still either be True Lord Erlang's son Yang Qiang or Lotus Prince Nezha's son Li Tianji. The two of them came to power far earlier than Wu Yu, and could already defeat immortal emperors!"

The immortal emperors fell into easy conversation with each other after they had taken up residence in Habitual Mansion.

Some immortal emperors felt that Wu Yu would definitely be weakened by his exposure to the heavenly devils, or have his ability stunted. Even if he could defeat the average competitor at the Immortal Emperor Trials, he would not prevail against the top seeds like Yang Qiang and Li Tianji.

After standing in disuse for a long time, Habitual Mansion suddenly turned into a hive of business.

Besides the many no-name immortal emperors, some were important immortal emperors who had ministerial postings or other important duties.

For example, the Four Heavenly Kings. Virudhaka, Vaisravana, Virupaksa, and Dhrtarastra. The four of them had come earlier in order to watch Wu Yu.

Another notable figure was Mighty Miracle God. He heard that Wu Yu had actually made it out from Heavenly Devil Battlefield alive, and was still bent on revenge. However, he had no good plan for now, and the Patriarch Bodhi was watching over things, so he did not dare to make a move.

Besides them, there were also other immortal emperors such as Qianliyan, The All-Seeing; Shunfeng'er, The All-Hearing; Marshal Tian You; Father of Thunder and Mother of Lightning; Demigod of Day and Demigod of Night; Seven Celestial Officials, and many others!

All of these immortal emperors had their own modest fame, and most immortal emperors would pay their respects if they met them.

They were considered to be in the third tier in the sky palaces, and were fairly important. Each child they sent forth had great influence backing them, and the Patriarch Bodhi's disciples often had to receive them in a 10 : 1 ratio. There were also other normal immortal emperors who had to be properly greeted.

Those like The All-Seeing and The All-Hearing, and Father of Thunder and Mother of Lightning, had brought their children to compete, and so took special notice of Wu Yu. All of them came seeking information about Wu Yu from the moment they arrived.

They all appeared concerned about him, asking if he had been injured or anything in the Heavenly Devil Battlefield. They wanted to know how strong he was relative to when he had defeated Memory Star Immortal Emperor.

If he was still as strong as he had been, then their children might not stand too good a chance against Wu Yu.

Of course, it was all a wild shot to them. With Li Tianji and Yang Qiang around, the first place of the Immortal Emperor Trials was basically out of reach for their children.

Therefore, they only asked a little about Wu Yu.

More importantly, this was a good chance for the immortal emperors to network, gaging each others' strength and exchanging cultivation tips.

Besides, the younger generation could also come out to see the world. There were many elite immortal emperors who could come to the Immortal Emperor Trials. Letting the younger generation familiarize with each other was a good thing.

Wu Yu felt a little bad when he saw the other disciples scurrying back and forth. Besides him, the entire discipleship of the Patriarch Bodhi had been mobilized. Only he had been exempt of duties.

Memory Star Immortal Emperor had laughingly mentioned that Wu Yu was a candidate competing in the Immortal Emperor Trials, and so only needed to focus on training. There was no need to take on ushering duties.

Still, Wu Yu felt a little bad.

It made him "special" among the Patriarch Bodhi's disciples. Of course, he did not insist on receiving the immortal emperors either. After all, his identity was a sensitive topic, and might incite tension.

When the third-tier immortal emperor such as Four Heavenly Kings, Mighty Miracle God, Seven Celestial Officials, Demigod of Night and Day had all arrived, Mettle Sky became extremely lively. One could see young and talented immortal kings everywhere - the young generation preparing for the competition.

When there was about two months to the Immortal Emperor Trials, the second-tier immortal emperors began to arrive.

The second-tier immortal emperors were much more highly ranked than the previous immortal emperors. These included True Lord Erlang Yang Jian, God of the Three Seas Nezha, the Pagoda Heavenly King Li Jing, as well as the Five Directional Divine Emperors.

Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor, Northern Mysterious Spiritual Dipper Empress, Central Ecliptic Great Yellow Horn Immortal all also belonged to this tier of immortals.

Because they were so much more important than even the Four Heavenly Kings or Mighty Miracle God, the disciples of the Patriarch Bodhi turned out in full force to greet them.

Although they were here to take part in the Immortal Emperor Trials, they were still seniors to the Patriarch Bodhi disciples, and could not be offended.

Besides, the disciples also wished to interact with these high and mighty immortals. After all, the immortal emperors' children today might well rise to become important people in the sky palaces. Some connections would not hurt.

"Woah, Old Wu, did you see that son of Lotus Prince Nezha, Li Tianji? When he came he had beauties draped all over him. Damn, I'm envious!" Full Moon of Nanshan's eyes immediately came alive.

All he could get so far were ordinary immortals.

But the two beauties accompanying Li Tianji were no ordinary women. They were divas even among the immortals, great beauties whose looks were unrivaled.

That was because these two were Peach Cloud Fairy, the daughter of Dong Hua Great Emperor Lord, and Happy Fleece Fairy, daughter of the Mysterious Spiritual Dipper Empress.

These beauties made Full Moon of Nanshan's blood boil. He took an immediate disliking to Li Tianji as a result.

"Hey hey hey, what are you fantasizing about all day? Not cultivating seriously! Chasing beauties! I can't believe you had the nerve to criticize me before, you!" Ye Xixi immediately fired up upon seein ghim like that. After all, she was a great beauty too. How dare this Full Moon of Nanshan slight her like that.

Plus, Full Moon of Nanshan had scolded her for not cultivating seriously before, and she still nursed that grudge.

"Well, all cultivation and no play makes Nanshan a dull boy, isn't that right Old Wu?"

Full Moon of Nanshan quipped cheekily without a trace of shame. "Really now, if you meet that Li Tianji during the Immortal Emperor Trials, you have to beat him up for me, alright Old Wu? Aggravating guy!"

"Li Tianji is not weak at all. He's the hot favourite to win the Immortal Emperor Trials this time. You have to be careful if you face him." Luo Pin said worriedly.


Wu Yu nodded.

Like Luo Pin, he was watching the other competitors closely. He would pay special attention to Li Tianji and True Lord Erlang's son Yang Qiang. He knew that both were capable of beating immortal emperors.

Now that the cohort of second-tier immortal emperors had arrived, soon there was only one month left to the Immortal Emperor Trials.

And at this time, the first-tier VIPs arrived.

Before this, the Patriarch Bodhi did not make an appearance. Even when True Lord Erlang and the others arrived, he had simply left it to his disciples.

But when the heavy-duty immortal emperors arrived, he personally received them!