House Dad's Literary Life-Chapter 281

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Chapter 281 – When Performing Ancestral Rituals At Home, Never Forget To Inform The Elderly

At the end of the year, Mu Yucheng’s work was very busy, but no matter how busy he was every day, he had to set aside some time at ten o’clock in the morning and four o’clock in the afternoon to catch up on “Prison Break” written by that b*st*d Yang Yi.

Yes, in the past, Mu Yucheng would still respectfully call Yang Yi as “Great Yang Yi” in the book review section, but now he has followed the trend and also called Yang Yi a “b*st*d”!

Who made this guy to tease everyone’s appetite every day? A prison break that has been going on for months and still couldn’t escape. It was full of twists and turns, causing everyone to have heart problems. They were sent to the hospital, recovered, came back to read again, had heart problems again, sent to the hospital again, and then struggled to death in the middle of the night, saying, “I want to read the updates…”

In the book review section of “Prison Break”, half of the posts were discussing the plot, while the other half were urging for updates and venting frustrations. Criticism and complaints about this never-ending prison break made up the majority!

Moreover, what was highly praised by everyone was a book friend’s brilliant comment: “The youth knows not the taste of sorrow, daringly chasing ‘Prison Break’ bravely. When people are middle aged, all matters cease, how can one rest without reading ‘Prison Break’? In old age, reminiscing the wildness of youth, going crazy after reading ‘Prison Break’. When the day of ‘Prison Break’ finale arrives, when performing ancestral rituals at home, never forget to inform the elderly.”

This book was truly addictive!

It was dangerously captivating!

Mu Yucheng recalled the decades of following books in the past and couldn’t help but want to vent his frustration about Yang Yi, the sadistic fiend who abused the protagonist.

It was bad enough that Abruzzi cut off Michael’s toes, but he also set up all kinds of difficulties for Michael’s prison break process: Almost every plan had this or that kind of danger, and the prison break plan was inevitably infiltrated by T-Bag, Abruzzi, and C-Note… More and more vicious and wicked criminals with ulterior motives joined in.

What was even more distressing was that in the midst of this, there was constant infighting. For example, T-Bag and Abruzzi had a mutual hatred. When T-Bag eavesdropped on a conversation between Michael and his brother and came back to tell them that someone would be excluded from the escape list due to insufficient planning, Abruzzi wanted to get rid of T-Bag, the thorn in his eye.

However, Abruzzi has his throat slashed by the struggling T-Bag using a razor blade concealed on his body, and he was urgently taken to the hospital.

Michael also accidentally burned himself and lost some of the prison blueprints. Fortunately, he found “Haywire”, who was locked up in the psychiatric ward, and used his extraordinary memory to restore the blueprints.

Not only inside the prison but also outside, there were shadows looming. Mysterious forces have been plotting to kill Lincoln, but fortunately, Lincoln has escaped death several times, escaping the electric chair death penalty and then escaping being killed by a special agent after being hit by a truck.

But even with the help of his father, Lincoln still couldn’t escape from the prison. In order to cover his father’s departure, he surrendered to the prison guards who came to surround him.

Fortunately, despite the twists and turns, Michael’s plan seemed to be well thought out. Even though the terrible Abruzzi had recovered and returned, as long as nothing else went wrong, they could proceed with the prison break according to the original plan!

However, Mu Yucheng didn’t think things were that simple. Just yesterday, Mu Yucheng saw in the latest two chapters that Yang Yi had once again set a trap for the protagonist!

The weak and incompetent pretty boy, Tweener, in order to save his own life, actually reported to Bellick about Michael and their prison break plan. And the shocked Bellick smashed open the floor of the police office and, as expected, discovered the hole that Michael and others had dug out with great difficulty.

They were discovered by this cunning prison guard, Bellick, who seemed to target the protagonist at every turn? Could Michael and the others still proceed with their plan? Would all their hard work over these days go to waste then?

However, at this moment, the wicked Yang Yi had unexpectedly cut off the chapter!1

Mu Yucheng, who was so anxious, couldn’t sleep soundly. Finally, after enduring until this morning at ten o’clock, he saw the update for the latest chapter.

“What happened?” Mu Yucheng eagerly opened the webpage, subscribed to the latest chapter, and started reading.

Two seconds later, Mu Yucheng excitedly waved his fist and said, “Well done, old man!”

It turned out that when Bellick discovered the hole, Westmoreland also appeared at the office door. He was holding an iron shovel and engaged in a struggle with Bellick. Although the old man’s physical strength was not as strong as Bellick, who was as fat as a pig, the old man ultimately turned the situation around and unexpectedly grabbed the iron kettle and knocked down Bellick, who had taken the shovel.

But in the following scene, Mu Yucheng became anxious again.

Why say “scene”?

Because Yang Yi also included an illustration here. In the picture, old man Westmoreland was tremblingly pulling out a long glass shard from his waist with his hand, and Yang Yi also used the technique of a picture within a picture to give a close-up of this blood-stained glass shard.

During the struggle just now, the old man was pushed into the table by Bellick, shattering the coffee pot, and the broken glass shards pierced into his stomach.

“The old man won’t die, will he?” Mu Yucheng thought nervously after reading this chapter, feeling a bit uneasy.

Despite this, the old man still covered up his wound, pushed the trash can out, returned to the group, and conveyed the message to everyone: “We got to get out of here. Now!”2

Bellick was tied up in the pipeline by the old man, but obviously, his sudden disappearance would inevitably attract the attention of the prison. If they don’t escape today and the prison launches a large-scale search, they will never have a chance again!


The chapter was cut off again!

Mu Yucheng couldn’t help but go to the book review section to complain about Yang Yi and follow the updates. At this moment, there were still many comments in the book review section worrying about the old man’s situation.

“This kind and lovely old man Westmoreland won’t die, will he? I beg Great Yang Yi to show mercy and not let him die…”

“I think Westmoreland is done for! Think about it, they’re in prison, lacking medication and medical resources, and it’s impossible to seek medical help. Did you see the illustration? With such a long glass shard, the wound must be at least a finger deep. He won’t die immediately, but if he doesn’t get medical attention soon, he definitely won’t make it, especially considering his old age!”

“Are you sick? Why do you want the old man to die? I think there is still hope. Isn’t there a medical room on their escape route? If they can make it there and get bandaged up, the old man will definitely get better!”

“Hey, hey, hey, aren’t you worried about this prison break? It’s so rushed, I think it’s a little dangerous!”

Mu Yucheng couldn’t help but feel his heart tremble, and he chimed in below: “Don’t say that, I’m also worried. What if Yang Yi pulls some tricks? And with his character, he won’t let Michael and the others escape easily!”

With the arrow on the string, they had no choice but to shoot.3 Michael and the others’ prison break operation has officially began. What kind of twists and turns would they encounter?

However, the next chapter update would have to wait until four o’clock in the afternoon. Mu Yucheng and the other book friends could only continue to wait sadly.

Yang Yi, the creator of this work, didn’t know how many fans online were gritting their teeth, wanting to send him razor blades. He was currently sitting in the coffee shop, with Fu Jun sitting across from him, discussing the transfer of “Sahara Publishing House.”