How the Zergs were Made-Chapter 108 - Jianbing

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Chapter 108: Chapter 108 Jianbing

The cracked meteorite makes the huge meteorite rain more dense. This is Huo Gu's purpose to increase the number and create more targets for the enemy to lock.

If the enemy wants to defend such a large number of meteorites, the current laser firepower is far from enough. More firepower is needed to join the interception sequence.

Huo Gu had expected that the enemy would use all firepower, including solid weapons, and this time was also the time when the enemy's observation radar was the biggest burden.

No matter what kind of observation machine the other party uses, it is difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy in such a chaotic situation, and the accuracy is bound to decline sharply. This is the opportunity that Huo Gu is waiting for. Once this opportunity is grasped, this symphony in space will come to an end.

However, the enemy seemed to understand Huo Gu's idea. Instead of using any weapons, they continued to use laser vaporization to attack their meteorites and shells.

"...Do you have any other backhands?"

The enemy's behavior exceeded expectations. If the current gaffe continues to worsen, it is only a matter of time before destruction is allowed. Huo Gu believes that the other party is not a fool, so he is more inclined to this possibility.

Huo Gu couldn't guess what the enemy's backhand was, but it was not a good choice to sit back and wait for death. The shock brought to Huo Gu that the whole large meteorite turned into powder was still not completely dissipated.

Breaking a stone in an instant and breaking a stone into powder in an instant are completely two concepts.

"If it goes on like this, the enemy is likely to be accumulating more powerful attacks and must break through the enemy's fire network before this..."

Huo Gu muttered to himself what he was searching for on the cosmic battlefield.

Soon, on the bullets that hit the cylinder but could only leave a small pit on the armor plate, Huo Gu saw the turnaround.

A new type of shell silently joined the chaotic environment of the battlefield.

Compared with other battlefield shells, this new type of shell is very small, only 1% the size of the nickel iron shell, and the movement is not high. According to this kinetic energy, the pits that hit the cylindrical armor plate may not be as deep as those bullets.

It is this inconspicuous thing that makes the threat of this kind of shell rated as the same level as the same bullet, and there is a chance to cross the laser fire network.

A new type of shell crossed the laser fire net and hit the armor plate heavily. As predicted by Huo Gu's enemies, the pit was not even as deep as the bullet.

However, they didn't expect that this kind of shell was not just a shell.

The metal shell of the shell is stretched out, the limb joints and the rotating eyes all show that the shell is different from the dead objects on the cosmic battlefield. It is alive.

When the body is completely stretched, the creature with six legs is presented on the surface of the cylinder. The foot is similar to the appearance of a vacuum cleaner, which can make it firmly adsorbed on the metal outer wall of the cylinder.

If you look at it from a microscopic perspective, you can see that there are millions of fine bristles at the bottom, each of which is about 100 microns long, and there are thousands of smaller forks at the top. Through these forks, the intermolecular forces formed by the molecules on the surface of the object provide extremely strong adsorption.

The quality of the creature itself is not large. Except for the metal shell case hanging on the body, the hollow bone structure occupies nearly 90% of the weight of the creature, while the huge body occupies more space as a cushioning airbag.

"Follow the instructions and destroy those laser arrays."

It is not difficult to find the location of the laser array. The laser is accompanied by high temperature, and the infrared microwave of high-temperature objects is always particularly obvious, especially in the environment of space, which is generally close to absolute zero.

Locking the target location, the creature began to run fast. Its speed does not seem to be in a gravitation-free environment. It consumes the gas in a certain airbag, and the creature quickly arrives at the laser array.

This laser array presents a hemispherical structure, but it cannot be said to be a hemispherical structure, because it is a semicircular ball wrapped by a large number of straight lenses.

With the semi-circular structure as the center, there is a circular area with a diameter of 20 meters that has not been hit out of the pit by bullets. When the bullet enters this area, it seems to have eyes and actively turns in other directions.

And on the periphery of this circular area is surrounded by a group of creatures that also land on the surface of the cylinder.

"Why did you stop here?"

Biological access group network question.

"I encountered difficulties."

After a brief response, a new flow of information appeared.

"Preparation for the fourth batch..."

"Let's go!"

With the order issued in the channel, the creature in the innermost circle began to sprint towards the semicircular structure at the center of the circle, twice as fast as when a normal individual was running.

The subsequent changes surprised and puzzled the biological individuals who had just arrived here. The basic individuals who were sprinting the semicircular ball were actually carbonized at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then disappeared, leaving nothing.

"...Why is it like this?"

"I don't know."

They are specially modulated for fighting, and there is no need to store too much knowledge in the brain.

"Next, prepare for the fifth batch."

"Let's go!"

Another circle of individuals repeating what happened just now. but the number is twice as much as before.

The same thing happened again, and these individuals soon carbonized and then disappeared. 𝒃𝒆𝒅𝙣𝒐𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝒄𝒐𝒎

"How much?"

"3.5 tones."

"What are you counting?"

"Calculate the time of the process of carbonization disappearance."

"So how much was the previous batch?"

"1.4 tones."

"Are we enough? How long will it take?"

"That's enough, ready..."

"Let's all go!"

With a horn, all the individuals are charging with all their strength. They have only one target, a laser array.

One after another, some individuals have been carbonized and lost the ability to continue to rush forward, and the individual who had just arrived soon also felt that his body temperature was rising sharply.

Consciousness began to blur, which was the physical reaction caused by the sharp rise in body temperature.

It seems that they are still not well considered when calculating...

In the haze of consciousness, the limbs touch a solid, accompanied by a crisp metal ocsymphony sound. The burning instinct of the organism begins to play a role, which can also be understood as the subconscious.

The metal shell carried by the creature disintegrated and fell off in exchange for a single-molecular blade with a scorpion for a minute.

With the wave of the single molecular blade, the object in front of him was easily cut open like tofu. The movement of flowing clouds and flowing water seemed to have cut something, and the laser array was dumped in the firelight.

This is true for several laser arrays, and the intensity of the laser fire network has been directly reduced by 20%.

"Very good, all charge!"

"Please destroy the enemy as soon as possible!"

Huo Gu's instructions were issued in the field of life, and the creatures hiding in the meteorites began to act.