How to Survive at the Academy-Chapter 221

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Poisoned Chalice (2)

Not much has been revealed about Selaha Einir Khloe.

In Act 4 of <Failed Swordsman of Sylvania>, the proportion of characters sacrificed to add more tragicness to the tragedy of the Roth Taylor family and increase the sense of immersion is all there is.

Following power, revering authority, and obsessed with the nobility of her lineage, she was difficult to win the hearts of players with empty words. Well, when I think about how it was later eaten by the power of the evil god Mevular, and screaming and disappearing, there were a lot of intentional signs.

If you see scenes of dealing with subordinates being emphasized or showing off a sly smile while pursuing power… It was a device to create some kind of remorse as it was devoured by Mevular and disappeared.

However, Princess Selaha survived.

Because the role to emphasize Mevular’s cruelty was no longer needed.

By remaining without leaving the stage, Princess Selaha was able to remain on this stage as well.

Regardless of who in the world sees it, Princess Selaha is a figure designed as a villain, as if painted in a painting. Her role is to go out ugly and ugly, screaming in grief.

When she had to leave, her existence, as the center of the imperial power, remained too large a variable. … Now I have to go back. At the very least, I must not remain as a person who interferes with my plans.

“You make me move on my own. Know it with great honor.”

Her bluish hair that feels as if frozen like frost flows down her sharp jawline. There is always a sense of chill in the tone that seems to be insensitive and authoritative.

“It is a great honor to meet you again. Princess Selaha.”

“You did a fun job.”

I slowly bowed my head and showed respect for having been able to attend the audience in person.

Tanya, who was staring at her, bowed her head at the same time, but Lucy didn’t seem to care at all.

Lucy Meryl was the one who stood with her head upright in front of the evil spirit. There is no reason to set an example in front of a villain who openly tried to drive Ed Roth-Taylor to his limbs.

When Selah saw Lucy like that, she let out an alluring smile.

“Lucy Meryl. When I visited the imperial family to investigate, I can still see how arrogant he was, but I can’t be so careful here. Is it because of this man’s face? That’s funny.”

What the hell did Lucy do in the imperial family, so she goes there as soon as she meets her face…

I heard that Princess Fenia somehow persuaded her to bring her back to Aken Island, but until then, I had only heard stories of Lucy and Princess Selaha having an exciting nerve battle.

No matter how much Lucy you are, you are aware of the fact that if you openly do harm to the princess of a country, you will become a treason. Because you would have known roughly that nothing can be solved by force alone.

It must have been that he was still standing still, so much so that he threw away all the great balls that cast out the evil god Mebula alone… It looks like he’s been running around happily. Seeing Princess Sellaha’s tired expression on her face gives you a sense of how much trouble she was in pain.

“Lucy Meirill with Tanya Roth Taylor and Fenia in the back…? He’s accomplished quite a bit for a guy his age. I didn’t know it when I saw it in the Roth Taylor mansion.”

On one side is Lucy Meirl, a genius magician, and on the other side, Tanya Rothtailer, who is in charge of both the Roth Taylor family and the Sylvania student council at a young age.

Behind the scenes, the Princess of Charity, Fenia, was also erected, so from the perspective of Princess Selaha, it must have been very suspicious.

There is no reason for a person who is building such an unwavering independent force to exalt Princess Selaha’s name.

Above all else, Princess Sellaha is in a position to openly pretend to be with the Roth Taylor family. He is a person who has established a political position by using his antipathy against the established power of the Roth Taylor family.

So, it is natural to stick the blade of doubt in this request, in which the other party sends a reconciliation first.

“Thanks to you, I have lived a lot on my side. I feel like Abamama is also putting my qualifications as a monarch higher, so I owe a lot.”

Once Selah started talking like that.

“So, you wouldn’t have thought that I would thank you and reward you right away, did you?”

There was not a single shred of favor in the sight of Selaha looking down at him with an overbearing attitude.

An impregnable empress, united with pride.

Many would have tried to win favor by bowing their heads in front of her knees and kissing her toes. However, no one could change his cold gaze.

Humans are only a means of success, and the person who lives in her favor is only a person who helps them succeed.

Natural abilities and noble lineage, and how helpful it is. It’s not that they don’t like candy canes and small talk, but I’m sure they’ll end up living their lives off the beaten path.

I thought as I slowly closed my eyes and opened them.

I’ve seen a lot of people like this.

Selah has also been revered throughout his life near the top of the imperial power, so all sorts of humans must have met him.

There must have been some greedy people who, under the pressure of Selaha’s arrogant behavior and authority like this, were greedy and bowed their heads for congo food.

There must have been some righteous people who were against her way of thinking, who thought of humans only as tools, and opened their eyes and burned a sense of justice.

It rewards those who admire it, and makes those who dislike it regret… Selah must have reigned that way.

It’s not as difficult as you might think to grab hold of these people and shake them.

What a human being who has lived by holding down others is afraid… It is ‘unknown’.

A person who is clearly defined on one side is easy to deal with.

But, friend or foe, whether it will be helpful or poisonous to me.

Is it right to reject or to attract? It is the ambiguous that confuses the minds of those who rule.

“I can. I was simply paying homage to Princess Selaha.”

I kept my head down and spoke casually.

I think I’m making the most arrogant expression possible, but I can definitely feel the subtle vigilance on Princess Selaha’s face.

There is always such a strange sense of incongruity in the gaze of a superior looking down at a subordinate.

I am in a position where I have to always decide whether putting this person under me will help or poison me.

If you bring the wrong members under your control, you will become a loach that disturbs the group.

“Why do you have to support me? Was I hostile to you guys?”

“When I make my own judgments, I don’t take those emotional considerations into account. I don’t even think about political positions. There is only one basis for my judgment.”

Humans are deceitful creatures.

It is a creature with an inherent desire to have more of what it cannot obtain.

“Who deserves to be emperor? I just judged that Princess Selaha was the right person for the position.”

“You are good at speaking well. He’s definitely a good person to have by his side when he wants to hear something sweet.”

Princess Sellaha said with a sly smile. The implicit meaning of the word is that ‘anyone can say such an open mouth’.

“But, if you really thought so, you wouldn’t have stood by Fenia in the first place.”

“If you judged me that way, I have nothing more to say. Whether Princess Selaha believes it or not, I just do what I think is right.”

“Well, I didn’t think I was going to say it right away. However, thanks to mentioning my name this time, it is true that my position has risen a bit. Don’t thank me for that. But, that’s all.”

She is a girl whose self-esteem is so high that it hits the sky. It can be said that you have made a really big concession just by expressing your gratitude.

However, that’s all.

“However, if you thought that you would be able to win my favor like this, you would be greatly mistaken. Because I never accept favors for unknown reasons straight away.”

“Is that so. If so, I am sorry.”

Without explaining each and every word in lengthy words, after just talking like that, Princess Selaha looked at me dissatisfied with her arms folded.

It doesn’t show any emotion. At this point, there is nothing good about showing regrets, regrets, or resentment.

That was all.

First of all, formally, I adore Princess Selaha’s merits and honor her.

From the point of view of Princess Selaha, there is no point in questioning me or digging into me more than this.

By just ending the story in that way, each other’s search battle had no choice but to end.

*“You are always in trouble. Master Ziggs.”

“no. Mr. Bell is always having a hard time managing the Ophelis Hall.”

Belle doesn’t like to hear respect from the person she was helping directly.

If possible, he would like to say goodbye to him, but Jiggs was greeting Belle with a very refreshing expression, whether he knew how it felt or not.

After a fierce battle with Princess Selaha, the pursuers arrived when the rest of the Dalian meeting was over.

In the beginning, Ziggs was watching the Dalian, and Beldo is an unrivaled expert in chasing Lucy.

When the two showed up to catch Tanya and Lucy, respectively, they looked at each other and it feels like they formed a strange sense of identity.

I don’t know why the people around me form a sense of unity for useless and vague reasons.

“You’re here to find Miss Tanya.”

Foll𝑜w current novℯls on ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm.

“Mr. Bell has come to find Lucy.”

Bell and Ziggs looked at each other for a moment with pitiful eyes, then greeted me to get things done.

I nodded and handed over the lost items (Tanya, Lucy) I had been keeping.

“What happened?”

Bell, who suddenly felt a strange sense of incongruity after grabbing and dragging Lucy, asked first.

Normally, Lucy is dragged away with a blank expression without resisting resistance, but it doesn’t seem like she’s in a very good mood today.

“For a while, I had a little chat with Princess Selaha. I sat next to you.”

“… You probably haven’t heard a good story.”

“Well, since Jungkook is Jungkook, it was quite a day.”

“… I don’t really like that girl. no.”

Lucy licked her lips, but I didn’t show much concern. When it comes to the relationship between Princess Sellaha and me in the first place, no matter who it is, I have to be vigilant.

That’s what it’s like to stand on the other side of the political camp. At that point, it is more difficult not to accumulate bad feelings.

“By the way, after the battle, it was passed on to Princess Selaha. It was surprising.”

“You just have to think like that.”

“… I don’t know how you’ll hear me when I say this, but I’m not sure if such a conciliatory measure will work for Princess Sellaha.”

Jiggs was hesitant to tell the story.

“It’s hard to say something bad, but isn’t Princess Selaha really proud? If you erase the debt, rather than remembering it and trying to repay it, it seems that the other person knows that he is in a position to look out for himself and will try to use it.”

If you talk carelessly, you are blaspheming against the imperial family.

Still, Ziggs expressed a rather drastic opinion about whether the people here were trustworthy or not.

“It seems that such an approach will give the impression that the other person is worthy. Are you okay?”

“I’m also a bit skeptical, but Princess Penia has raised her voice so strongly that this direction is right.”

I answered Ziggs with difficulty, removing Tanya from the corner of the bench saying I didn’t want to go.

“At least you seem to know more about Princess Selaha than I do, so I decided to trust her first. You must have an idea.”

“okay. If your judgment is like that, then what… Come on, Chairman. let’s go. It is full of accumulated festivals.”

“that… Jigs senior. Do you remember how many agenda items you have left to deal with today?”

“Annis-senpai must be well aware of it… In fact, it doesn’t really matter how much work remains to be done within today.”

“Why, why?”

“Anyway, I can’t finish it within today.”

Tanya was stunned and caught in Ziggs’ hand. A strange sense of immorality came up as if I was giving my younger brother, who has the same blood, to the devil, but I can’t help it… . this is right… .

“Anyway, I have to go. There are still a lot of festivals left, so let’s both do our best.”

The atmosphere of the festival is still hot.

I was in a position where I couldn’t properly enjoy the festival whether I had to prepare for Dalian, manage the camp, or do personal magic training… Still, it doesn’t seem bad to get drunk at the end of the festival.

Perhaps Princess Selaha will also stay in Sylvania a little longer. In the meantime, I will collect more information about myself and try to properly analyze the reason for my sudden action.

― ‘It’s okay if you don’t want to do anything anymore. If you stay still… Sellaha unnie will sew it on herself.’

It was rare for Princess Fenia to speak so firmly. Shall I try to believe that a little more?

Still, I’m not sure what this means.

I saw Belle, who came to catch Lucy, and Ziggs, who came to catch Tanya, off.

I sat alone in the hallway of the waiting room, which was quiet again, and rested for a while. There was some time before going to the emperor, so it was a good time to take a break.

Suddenly, it was a moment when I was about to sit back in the waiting room and rest. Bell, who was about to leave with Lucy, suddenly turned around and entered my waiting room.

“Oh, Master Ed. I forgot to tell you something.”

“What to say?”

“Yes. actually… .”


It was at that point when the waiting room door opened wide.

*”no… !”

Yenica’s complexion began to turn blue.

There were a lot of people around who wanted to see the faces of the emperor and princess up close.

The audience seats at the Dalian Hall were a real mess, and the academic staff and student members tried to control the number of people, but it was not easy.

Praises Emperor Chloel, the continent’s greatest holy guru, and the voices of people shouting for hurray are almost echoing in their ears.

Getting lost in such a complex place is a waste of time. I saw Ed Roth Taylor’s face and saw the emperor from a distance, so I thought I’d take my parents with me.

However, while Jenica opened her eyes for a moment, Orte and Selaha disappeared from the spot.

There is no reason for the two to act alone. Did he not notice that he and Yenika were separated for a while?

The two people who first entered Aken Island could not properly understand the internal structure of Sylvania. I thought I wouldn’t be able to get around knowing something, but suddenly a feeling of insecurity seeped into Yenika’s heart.

An energetic father and mother from the countryside can’t stand still watching Ed Roth-Taylor face to face right now!

They ran all the way to Aken Island with gifts from afar, but there is a gracious master right in front of them, but they are not two people who will not take any action!

I’ve been lurking around with momentum until now, but if I don’t get it out of here quickly, a catastrophe may happen! fɾeewebnoveℓ.co๓

As those thoughts began to fill her head, Yenika began to roll her feet. However, no matter how much I looked around the seat, I couldn’t see the two of them.

Eventually, when she noticed that the envelope containing the gift box she had brought from her hometown had disappeared as well, Yenika realized that her anxious prediction had become a reality.

“Hey, Master Ed! It is such an honor to meet you in person! This is the body that becomes Yenika’s father. I heard that our Yenika has benefited a lot because of your hard work. I couldn’t stay still because I was stuck in the pulan, so I brought my own presents! We’re not as light-hearted as we are, so how can we stay at home with such a great grace!”

“honey! I’m very picky! No ass! What should I do if I say such vulgar remarks in front of the master duke! Ed, please forgive me. He only milks cows all day, so he doesn’t know much about nobles. Of course, I don’t know that either… Even if our lowly ones commit disrespect, please go ahead and say that it is because we do not know… !”

The couple, who introduced themselves as Orte Palerover and Seyla Palerover, looked like a village worker and a wife.

The two have no idea how they got here through the border forces. In order to get to the participant waiting room, you have to cross the internal corridor that is not permitted except for officials to enter.

“How did you get here?”

“Hey, Master Ed. You’re in, too long! Words are too long! Just keep it short! That man Orte, the man who knows when and where to go!”

“No, that’s right. Master Ed! Just, what are you guys? if not… What are you guys here? That’s all right!”

“Come on, wait… Saila… Anyway, that’s… ”

“Honey, in times like these, we have to be more humble. Mr Ed. Just think that a thousand things come and go, and please accept these gifts here. We were thinking about how to repay the favor we received, and we caught the best cattle from our ranch.”

Saila took the beautifully wrapped presents from the basket and arranged them neatly on the waiting room table.

“The meat from our Palerover Ranch is of such high quality that even the most senior can find it separately. It won’t disappoint! It tastes really good no matter what you do, so you just have to instruct the users to cook it the way you are most confident!”

“Oh my gosh, young lady. Because this is really really good meat… I wish I could give you a dish that suits him… Because good ingredients are the happiest when you meet a good chef… ”

There is no such thing as a user, and it is most likely that I will just cook it myself.

I didn’t dare say those words, but I think I mistook Bell Maia, who was just standing idly with Lucy next to me, for my personal employee.

He must have seen Belle’s face in the Ophelis Hall, but he wasn’t particularly interested.

Or is it that people who use the Ophelis Hall are perceived as if they are also my employees?

I wasn’t even a member of the Ophelis in the first place…

“Oh, I see.”

I doubted my ears.

It’s not uncommon for Bell Maia to stutter.

Suddenly, I looked at Bell with a squint, and the other side was also staring at me, with a face that looked like something was wrong.

It seems like you have something to tell me, but it looks like you haven’t been able to tell it yet.

of course… It was easy to guess.

I’m sorry, Bell… … .

Me too… . I have that kind of insight… .

“Our Yenika is really indebted to us… ! Master Ed! I didn’t cause any trouble or anything… ?!”

In short, it’s in front of my parents, so please let Yenika float up, isn’t this the story… !

“Certainly, Yenika is a great friend. They are similar to the two of them, so they are good-natured, hard-working in everything, and they are my best friends.”

“friend… ! friend… Did you hear me?! The famous central nobleman sees Yenica… ‘Friend’… !”

“I… Are you dreaming… .?”

There is a lot of fuss in the reaction, so just being with you makes you feel exhausted. Still, I thought I had to fix it first.

To say the least, Yenika owes a lot. Anything you can do to float it so you can shrug your shoulders in front of your parents.

“As well as spirit art, the basics of elemental science are well established, so I received a lot of help when training in many ways. Also, he was so good at housekeeping, such as cleaning and cooking, that he seemed to have been well educated from the time he was staying at home. It’s really rare to see a girl so healthy these days… Thank you for your education.”

“So, I’m sorry. Master Ed! Our Yenika… haha… Heh heh heh… . Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!’

The corners of his mouth jump up to the point of being honest, and just by looking at him, it’s clear what kind of character Ortera is.

Rather, dealing with these people who show their sincerity like transparent glass makes me feel warm.

It is much more direct and cool than a conversation between high-ranking nobles who hide their feelings and only discuss each other’s intentions.

“We were a little worried! In fact, the hallway of the waiting room sneaked in, pretending to be an official. After giving the name of the Fail Rover, he managed to get it through. Indeed, I was moved to understand at once how much trust Yenica is in her position.”

“It would be better not to wander around recklessly.”

“If you say so, then yes! Master Ed! Anyway, I hope you are in good health. In addition… If it doesn’t bother me, there is hope that I want to go to Ed’s residence and cook for myself.”

I quietly listened to Orte with my arms crossed.

“Of course, there are some great users, but we want to cook the first dish ourselves. Our hometown meat is cooked best by us. As for the taste, I am very confident. So, is it okay if we show our craftsmanship just once?!”

“Right. My husband lacks delicacy, but with me, even top chefs can taste the same. You will be amazed!”

Saila rolled up her arms and spoke vigorously. It’s rare to see him look so confident. At this point, I can’t help but be curious.

“Well, that’s about it… But my home may be very different from what you imagine.”

“no! no!”

It was Bellmaia, who was holding Lucy, who suddenly jumped in there. It was a completely unexpected situation.

“… bell?”

“Say, Mr. Yongin… ?”

“Well… ”

Perhaps the words came out reflexively, Bell, who had been quietly receiving my curious gaze, spoke with a sweat dripping down.

“That, so. Cooking is a kind of pride for our top maids.”

“Is that so? Surely, when you are about to become Master Ed, you will be accompanied by a first-class maid who boasts the highest level… ”

“Yes that’s right. So, Master Ed… Our owner only speaks of the finest dishes prepared by first-class chefs with pride. It is blasphemy to me, who is in charge of the meal, to recklessly bring another cook into Ed’s mansion.”

Bell suddenly started making strange noises. Even the master or anything else, he was doing strange lies.

Bell has no pride as a chef or anything like that. I just take it as part of my livelihood.

He’s good at cooking, but he doesn’t do anything to take pride in himself.

However, Bell had a desperate look on his face.

Those two will never be able to come to my residence… It was a face with a strangely determined will.