I Don’t Want to Be Loved (Web Novel)-Chapter 120: My Late Mother

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Chapter 120: My Late Mother

“I’m actually quite unaware of the situation abroad, thus I needed to bring myself to ask you that question, My Queen. If perhaps you found my comment distasteful and off-putting, forgive me.”

Seraphina created an excuse of ignorance as means to escape in the case that she had been in the wrong should Rihannan correct her, and should Rihannan take offense to her words, Seraphina would merely say she had no intention of offending the queen while making a desperate plea as she cried crocodile tears to further enhance her innocence.

Rihannan studied Seraphina Rissel carefully and her people. They were daughters of nobles at a ripe age for marriage. Their emotional eyes contained rage and jealousy targeted towards her, not like the noblewomen surrounding her. 

But why were they angered and jealous?

The answer soon fell. 

It was anger and jealousy that they’d lost their chance of becoming queen.

Igor was a talented young man popular in terms of marriage candidacy among the unmarried women, so much so that rumors of his name spread beyond Arundell. The daughters of the noblemen in Arundell would never accept that Rihannan had all but taken their only chance.

Rihannan smiled inwardly. 

At least this had not changed. When Igor’s political power had been taken away by his mother in the times past, many women vied for his love and affection, and among them was Leticia.

Rihannan looked up and stared into Seraphina’s eyes.

A large gap in the social hierarchy would be made when there was no queen or princess present. During that time, it meant that the highest noblewoman in noble society would be Seraphina Rissel, therefore, many treated her as queen-to-be. 

Even then, Seraphina strung the noblewomen along and created all sorts of made-up rumors in society.

Rihannan wondered if she had high dreams and hopes of becoming Igor’s lover and queen.

Igor married young for he’d been pressured by his mother back then, but in this life, he lived the life of a bachelor his whole life. It was enough for many to concoct hopes of becoming his lover. 

Maybe Seraphina had yet to marry merely because of this small hope of possibility.

Rihannan smiled lightly. 

If this was the reason, then the problem was nothing she could not handle, and she already that type of person Seraphina Rissel was.

“I’ve given the request to His Majesty to take me with him if he returns to Arundell actually,” Rihannan replied.

“You made a request to His Majesty the King first, My Queen?”

“Yes,” Rihannan nodded with somber and grief-stricken eyes, “I wanted to see my late mother as soon as possible. I hadn’t found the chance to visit her once while I lived abroad in Crichton…”

As she recited her melancholic reasoning, the noblewomen immediately showed a face of sympathy and compassion.

“…Ah… I see… Your Majesty, it must have been… very painful for you… you have my condolences…”

“As I had lost my mother at a young age and was sent off to Chrichton right away, the thought of seeing her again…”

The story of a child losing their mother at a young age always brought out the sympathy from kindhearted souls and especially the noblewomen in their late and mature years. 

They made attempts to soothe Rihannan’s sadness.

Rihannan made a small smile.

“Thank you. I appreciate your consolations. Thankfully, His Majesty knew of this and set aside a plan to visit my domain on the way to Edirne. I was thankful to His Majesty that I was able to give my greetings to my late mother as he stood by my side quietly.”

“How caring of our king!”

“That’s right. His Majesty’s consideration for your feelings is truly endearing.”