I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]-Chapter 1038: 16.84 First Red Star - Other Worlds Circumstances

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Chapter 1038: 16.84 First Red Star - Other World's Circumstances

In the original world of Vampires, Werewolves, and humans...

Fenrir Skoll and Cassius Ambrosia are still attending classes and working on a daily basis.

The only difference was that the Elite Class's core leaders were all on vacation, and Instructor Keylan Light was not present. Instructor Randall Ruid and Instructor Luther D'Arcy were also unavailable for some reason, so the Elite Class had a new pair of Instructors. They are Zhi Yue and Zhi Yang, respectively.

These are the two systems that have taken on humanoid forms in order to train the rest of the Elite Class while the formal instructors are unavailable. Instructor Skoll was supposed to be on duty to teach these children while the three regular Instructors were unavailable; however, this man is uninterested in teaching and has ordered the two systems to take his place.

After learning the origin of the souls through the vessels of Randall Ruid and Luther D'Arcy, Headmaster Cassius Ambrosia was already aware of the existence of the two systems. He was aware that they could assume a form that was neither human nor beast. A tiny moon and a tiny sun. He only saw them once, when they were replenishing the kitchen ingredients. When he went to get a cup of water, the sun and moon were hovering around his open fridge.

Since Fenrir Skoll replaced the ingredients and even the house's water source, he who couldn't stomach mortal food was unable to eat or drink with the ingredients prepared by Fenrir in the mansion's kitchen. He wasn't surprised to see a floating tiny moon and sun, and he even teleported in that split second to catch them and run back to the bedroom to ask Fenrir Skoll what they were. The latter had only then formally introduced the two creations he had made for himself.

Cassius Ambrosia found it difficult to believe that these two things were high-tech beings.

They weren't robots or mere AI because these systems had a humanoid form and their abilities were comparable to those of mortals. Cassius took a while to accept these two, and now their Big Boss has sent them away to babysit mortal children. They still taught them combat techniques and gave them hands-on fighting experience. As created Gods, this task is simple, so the two Systems took their time and entertained the world's mortals.

On the other hand, they were not told where the Lord Gods had sent the two wardens. In this world, they couldn't even find them. Nonetheless, these two devoted systems carried out their orders and returned as soon as the classes were over. However, the Lord God was not present for some reason, and only Lord Hei's Soul Fragment, Cassius Ambrosia, was waiting for them in the mansion.

"Master, where is Lord Skoll?" asked Zhi Yang to his lord. Like how Zhi Yue serves the Lord God, he serves Lord Hei as well. Thus he called him Master most of that time instead of the lord.

Cassius Ambrosia who was reading a book heard his question and replied, "He said he wanted to check about something. He left the Academy so check on Kenan Light."

"Eh? Why would he do that alone? He can't interfere further in this world anymore. After killing that being, the Divine Laws started to restrain him in this world." Zhi Yue said innocently while munching on the desserts placed on the table in the living room. Cassius Ambrosia allowed him to eat anything he wished.

Cassius Ambrosia was piqued by Zhi Yue's words. His werewolf wouldn't even respond unless he asked him. Furthermore, the countless dreams he had recently appear to be memories rather than dreams. However, his personality in those dreams is quite different. The 'him' in the dream would smile mischievously as if everything is entertaining despite the coldness of the depths of his argent irises.

Obviously, he was only smiling on the outside while feeling nothing on the inside. His true emotions would only emerge when he was confronted with Fenrir Skoll at the time. He would also be overjoyed to see his children and family. He was also slightly concerned about his friends. He is clearly a man with feelings. How come the 'him' can't feel much right now while looking to others except Fenrir Skoll?

Cassius Ambrosia spoke in this world this much is rare itself. As he usually opens his mouth when he talks to his werewolf. "Divine Laws? What are those? Is it different from the laws designated by this world's heavens?"

"It's different, Master. Heavenly Laws are the will of laws in each world while the Divine Laws are laws of the universe. It can affect any world and it only targets Gods and Goddesses that have gone out of bounds. But please don't worry, for powerful Gods like Lord God Ye the punishment he would receive would only mean restraining his power to avoid him destroying worlds as he pleases." Explained Zhi Yang.

Zhi Yue said, "Moreover, the Master's soul is also already complete. It wouldn't affect his soul as much as he is one of the Peak beings in existence."

"Then... How about me?" Cassius Ambrosia asked.

When this question was posed, both systems shut down because they didn't know how to properly explain things. They simply couldn't say, 'You are a soul fragment, so you are currently weak in comparison to most gods.' Silence descended in the room, alerting Cassius Ambrosia to the fact that these two were contemplating how to explain things to him. Obviously, they are not permitted to speak about the entire truth, and he was also afraid of his other half punishing them.

Cassius Ambrosia said, "Take your time to decide. This Lord has a lot of time."

They decided to change the topic. "Lord Cassius, I heard you want to leave this world with the Lord God. Do you know why you are unable to die in this world?" Zhi Yue asked discreetly.

A slight frown appeared on Cassius Ambrosia's face and said, "You know that I can't die in this world?" 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝑜𝘷𝑒𝑙.𝘰𝑟𝑔

"Yes. After all, this world exists because of you. Master the source of power and existence of this world is because of you. This world was created by your powers for you to live into. Even the Heavenly Laws full of the will of humans of this world wanted to help you to fulfill your wish, but he had no authority to do so. As you have an Authority above him. That's why even though the Heavenly Laws and his messenger are currently not in this world, this world continues to exist before you are here." Zhi Yang said.

Cassius Ambrosia was a bit bewildered but thinking about his partner's powerful existence then as his other half his existence must one heavenly defying as well. Then he recalled that day when the world was destroyed he clearly felt nothing during the destruction.

"When A'Xia almost destroyed the world I didn't fell anything." Cassius Ambrosia said.

Zhi Yang said, "Master, you are unable to feel pain. It had always been this way." Except when the Lord God harms you.

"This world exists for me and I can't leave it as it couldn't live on its own. How to remove my connection to this world then? If the connection is gone would that mean I can freely leave with A'Xia if that happens?"

Tons of questions appeared in his mind, Cassius Ambrosia had no choice but to ask every single thing to these two who might be capable of giving answers to his queries.

Zhi Yue said, "My Lord there is only one way to remove your influence in the world. That is to make someone take your place. The most compatible one to take your role is the man behind Keylan Light who is also the Heavenly Laws of this world. He must be the one to save this world from the predicament called Kenan Light. As long as the two lords don't get involved in the war too much this world would lean to its new owner."

"But to do this, Master, you have to live in this world for a longer time. Hiding and not getting involved with the world itself. This is why Lord Skoll is asking us to train the children and make them stronger. Because he never had any intention of helping them fight their war. Master... you also need to let go." Zhi Yang said.

"I don't mind hiding and not getting involved but... I don't want to do it alone. I'm so bored. So very bored~" murmured Cassius Ambrosia as a glint of insanity flashed within those silver eyes making the two systems tremble instinctively. But this negative emotion disappeared in a split second making Zhi Yue and Zhi Yang question themselves if they had seen something or nothing at all.

Out of nowhere, Fenrir Skoll appeared and hugged Cassius Ambrosia from behind. He must have overheard their conversation in the latter sentences and said, "I will be with you until the end. If I'm with you, you wouldn't have to get bored right?"

Joy flashes through Cassius Ambrosia's silver eyes this time. Unlike the previous instance, his happiness at this time lasts a long time. He wouldn't be bored as long as Fenrir Skoll is nearby. After all, a bored God of Destruction would also seek Ruin. That's what Fenrir Skoll hoped to avoid. After all, destroying this world while his wife's soul is still connected to it would be detrimental to his soul.

Cassius Ambrosia, with the corners of his lips slightly upturned, lost interest in the book in his hand and smiled at Fenrir Skoll.

"You're back. Welcome home, A'Xia." Cassius Ambrosia said.

Fenrir Skoll grins happily and kisses his wife's forehead and responds, "I'm back, Baby."

Zhi Yue and Zhi Yang fell on one knee and bowed before Fenrir Skoll.

"Welcome back, Milord!"

Fenrir Skoll sat beside his wife, one of his arms on the couch behind Cassius Ambrosia in a possessive stance. As he examines the two systems, his smile fades. This is a cold man who only loves and cares about one person in this world. Regarding the rest, regardless of who they are, his demeanor would remain apathetic.

"The training is done. How are those brats?" The Werewolf Ancestor asked.

Zhi Yang answered, "They were trained to be able to at least kill a Demon Soldier-ranked devil. They can only kill as Demon Lords as a group."

"But since all the heirs are gone, they were having a hard time choosing their leader. With the heirs around to lead they still feel awkward working with the other races." Zhi Yang said.

Fenrir Skoll was a bit pissed at how annoying these brats are. If they don't get stronger how can they defeat Kenan Light who already possessed the strength of a Demon God? The demon commander, Lemuel Elon, had also gotten stronger and is now a Demon King in power alone.

"Start the War Stimulation Training. As long as they get used to being on the brink of danger, they will know that rank, race, and standing aren't important on the battlefield."

"Milord, do we let them die and revive immediately or..." Zhi Yue was asking if he can immediately revive the students who will die during the Stimulation Training or wait for them to suffer more pain and let them feel what real death on the battlefield is before reviving them.

"Let them suffer as much as possible. But make sure they don't destroy themselves." Fenrir Skoll said.

Cassius Ambrosia suggested, "Just cast a spell to support their mind so that no matter how many times they die or how painful it is to die that way, they won't end up breaking."

Such a ruthless and unsympathetic comment made the three other men look at Cassius Ambrosia in silence. After all, it's been a while since they heard these kinds of words from him. Such coldness and devil may care attitude had always been Lord Hei's personality. They were caught off guard that they would hear it from Cassius Ambrosia who is only Lord Hei's Soul Fragment.