I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated-Chapter 1059

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1059: Decoy Fran

Fran and Urushi began the operation to rescue our acquaintances. Our first move, using teleportation to reach them immediately.

With the girl and wolf suddenly appearing and blowing the nearby soldiers away, the Raydoss army flew into a complete panic. Meanwhile, I invoked a multicast land spell.

『Great Wall!』

The walls surrounded the prisoners on all sides, separating them from the surrounding soldiers. The size of the room inside was large enough to contain Urushi, even in his giant form.

That meant some Raydoss soldiers got left inside, but we took them out as fast as we could. One of them seemed kinda important, so I paralyzed him and took him into custody.

I could hear the screams and shouts of Raydoss soldiers echoing outside the walls. At this rate, it will be some time before they can break through.

Fortunately, the shackles on the adventurers’ hands and feet were not magical tools. They had yet to be given collars of servitude.

After Fran cut off their shackles, they removed the gags on their own.

「Guys! Are you okay?」

「Fran-san? Why are you here……?」

「I came to help.」

The adventures let out a sigh of relief after Fran announced this. Eugene grabbed the shoulder of one adventurer, as Maia hugged Lydia and cheered. Everyone was very relieved.

Judith thanked Fran with tears in the corner of her eyes as she hugged her.

「Thank… you. Thank you so much.」


When Fran patted her on the back, Judith lost her voice and started shivering. I can only imagine how much much pressure she was feeling.

As much as I would like to give her some time, the situation would not wait for us.

『Fran. Our top priority is to get out of here.』

(Oh right.)

Besides, we were missing one very important person.

「Where’s Charlotte?」

「They took her away somewhere by herself…」



We woke up the paralyzed bigwig and questioned him. Since it’s an emergency, the interrogation ended up being quick and rough. That can’t be helped, right?

Our fellow adventurers were a bit put off, but we got what we wanted.

Raydoss apparently had their eyes on Charlotte’s special skills, so they moved her to a building at the center of town. Only the top brass of the army have knowledge of the actual plan, so the guy only knew she was being held there with some other prisoners of war.

Also, the adventurers here were to be transported by ship to Raydoss for enslavement.

『First things first, let’s get them outta here.』

「Nn. Guys, ride Urushi.」

「R-Roger that.」

Fran told everyone to get onto the giant Urushi’s back.

Many of them hesitated, but then the Scarlet Maidens took the initiative to climb up Urushi. That seemed to have alleviated their anxieties. They resolved themselves again before restarting the climb.

The adventurers of Bulbora have known Urushi for a while. They quickly recognized him as the wolf always scarfing down mountains of food, while flaunting his charm next to Fran.

It looked pretty packed on Urushi’s back, but they should be okay. Hope you guys can hold on tight to his fur.

「Urushi, go.」


Urushi started moving slowly so as not to shake off the adventurers on his back. His ascent was also gradual, since flying up at a steep angle would be too dangerous.

That made him an easy target to anyone watching, so Fran and I stayed behind to play the decoy role.

『Let’s go!』

「Nn! Phew…Shah!」

While still inside the wall, Fran cleaved with my blade. She had sliced through our Great Wall, which slowly fell apart in all directions.

「G-Get back, retreat!」


We heard the screams of the soldiers and a dull squishing sound as the walls crashed into the ground. The Raydoss soldiers froze stiff at the sudden occurrence.

But Fran had no mercy to give.


She leaped into the midst of the soldiers in front, cutting them down one after another.


『Eat this! Burst Flame!』

I helped her out, choosing a flashy spell to cause as much confusion in their ranks as possible.

A few launched attacks at Urushi, but after a while, everyone on the ground gradually shifted to focusing on Fran.

My biggest worry was their aerial forces. Urushi might get attacked by flying monsters like the Lesser Rocs from all sides. Urushi himself will be fine, but the adventurers on his back are a different story.

But what if we cause a huge commotion at the port, sending up a bunch of fire pillars? Everyone will be coming our way instead.

『Aw yeah, keep it up!』


Fran rampaged throughout the port. To protect their friends, as well as vent the anger at Raydoss smoldering within her.

First slicing and dicing through all the foot soldiers trying to rush her, sometimes blasting them down with a variety of spells instead.

Just like we expected, the soldiers came at us from all over the town. Regardless of their numbers, they had no way to stop Fran though.


「Shit! What’s with this little girl!」

Our rampage continued.


「Spare m――」