Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance-Chapter 818 Prime Disciple Competition: Transformation Part 2

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Chapter 818 Prime Disciple Competition: Transformation Part 2

The pulsations of energy in Mira's body were like the trembling of a finely tuned string instrument. Each vibration seemed to herald an unseen force that was set to change her very essence.

This force was directed towards her soul.

As Mira sensed this, a mixture of excitement and apprehension welled up inside her.

This was the step that would forever solidify her cultivation path. Whether she broke through to the Soul Transformation Realm or something else entirely was dependent on what happened next.

Fortunately, she had already prepared for this day and wasn't going to leave her fate up to luck.

The soul, as anyone in the Nascent Soul Realm and above would know, is complex. More so than the human body, many times over.

It's one of the requirements for life.

In a sense, the Nascent Soul Realm is mostly about discovering the soul one was born with and matching it to one's physical self. Just like how the body matures as one gets older, the soul does as well.

The Nascent Soul is really nothing more than a manifestation of oneself–it's an entity that's used as a proxy to understand oneself better and explore the complexities of the soul.

The process to grow between the two isn't much different, but one needs to reach a certain level of strength to 'feed' their Nascent Soul.

Then, what about Mira's soul? What about her progression through the Nascent Soul Realm? How did that differ from the Soul Transformation Realm?

After everything that's happened, she finally had an answer.

Most people, when they entered the Nascent Soul Realm, didn't see their actual soul change all that much. Rather, they focused on the growth of their Nascent Soul, Qi quality, and strength.

Much to Mira's surprise, she was the same!

…With a few caveats.

The World Core was the main contributor to the changes within her Soul, but in reality, there were hardly any changes. All the rain, Yin Lightning, Yin Fire, Darkness, Ice, and Wind were already present in her Soul before she reached the Nascent Soul Realm. She was just uncovering.

No true changes, other than the Magma, Earth, and Sun, had taken place within her until she reached the peak of the Realm.

Before the World Core, everything was just metaphysical representations of her Dao. Although that was still the case, now they weren't metaphysical and were, instead, real.

Her Soul was just powerful enough to accommodate these 'additions'.

Not only was her soul old, but it had been reincarnated and even touched by the hand of 'god'. The quality of it was more than what most Core Formation, Nascent Soul, and even the average Soul Transformation Realm cultivator could compare to.

Yet, it was that strong at the beginning of her cultivation.

She had also confirmed her Dao incredibly young, setting her on this path that had taken root in her Soul.

Therefore, her Soul had never undergone a true "transformation" like someone at the Soul Transformation Realm would experience.

Then, what was the Soul Transformation Realm?

It was a realm of cultivation where the practitioner's soul underwent a metamorphic change, adapting and evolving to accommodate the cultivator's experiences, wisdom, insights, and Dao.

Unlike the Nascent Soul Realm, which focused on nurturing the soul, the Soul Transformation Realm was about refining and remolding the soul into a stronger, more adaptable, and multifaceted entity.

It was a confirmation of one's path.

For Mira, this transformation was no ordinary change.

As the energy continued its journey into her soul, she felt an immediate shift in her inner world.

The elements of Creation and Destruction, which had only recently integrated themselves into her being, now played a crucial role in this transformation.

Their presence added a new dynamic to her soul's landscape. Just as Yin and Yang coexist in harmony, Creation and Destruction existed in a delicate balance within her.

The outside layer of her soul, which was normally ethereal, intangible, and blurry, began to solidify. The World Core hummed with power as the profound energy surged through it in an attempt to permanently change her soul.

It felt as though her soul had turned into a vast expanse of ice, as cold as the void, as pristine as a virgin glacier.

Within this icy landscape, a majestic throne of pure ice formed on top of the already frozen mountain.

Sitting atop the throne was her Nascent Soul, in Mira's new form, no longer just a spiritual representation but an embodiment of her very essence.

Atop her Nascent Soul's head sat a crown, gleaming with a chilly luminescence, signifying the solidification of her Absolute Ice Dao.

There were eight gems made up of all her elements on it. In the center was one made of ice, and underneath it was another made of the essence of Darkness. From there, the remaining elements are separated equally on either side.

Around the throne, the various elements that previously existed in her soul, like a chaotic storm, moved.

Each element seamlessly flowed into the next, creating and then immediately destroying, only to be reborn again in a different form. This was a battle of Creation and Destruction, and it was in constant motion around her throne.

The sight was mesmerizing. Mira watched as Water transformed into Ice, which then melded with Earth and Yin Fire to give birth to Magma. Yin Fire and Wind combined and clashed, resulting in Yin Lightning. Darkness and Light intertwined, neither overpowering the other but instead forming a harmonious bond.

At the center of it all was her Nascent Soul, the orchestrator of this beautiful cycle. It was as if her soul had absorbed all her experiences, wisdom, and knowledge and was now displaying them in this intricate control of elements.

This process, while visually enchanting, was also an intense one. Mira felt the weight and magnitude of the transformation her soul was undergoing.

There was pain, yes, but it was accompanied by a sense of liberation, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. The pain she felt from the FLDIL was 100 times worse than whatever she was feeling now.

As time seemed to stretch, Mira felt an indescribable connection with her surroundings. Every element that danced around her throne was a part of her, and she was a part of them. They were all under her control.

Under the rule of her Absolute Ice Dao.

The separation between her soul and the elements had blurred, and she felt a newfound unity with her inner world.

But before her ascendance finished, there were a few more changes that came along with these changes.

With the changes taking root within her soul, Mira could feel a newfound surge of energy circulating within her. The Harmonic Trinity Cultivation Technique and the Hell Scythe Essence Cultivation Technique, which had once been distinct and separate, now began to intertwine in a way she had not foreseen.

Her Harmonic Trinity Cultivation Technique, based on the balance and harmony of her different cultivation paths, now resonated perfectly with the balance she had achieved between Creation and Destruction.

The Hell Scythe Essence Cultivation Technique underwent an even more significant transformation. With her soul's transformation, her connection to her scythe became deeper and more profound. The essence of the scythe began to merge with the icy core of her being.

Feeling this, Mira channeled her energy towards her weapon.

The Scythe, sensing the profound changes within its master, responded by undergoing a metamorphosis of its own.

The previously black blade began to transform into a dark, frosty material, which radiated an icy-blue luminescence. The handle, once rigid and straight, became more fluid, almost like it was made of pure ice. Yet, despite its fragile appearance, it was tougher and more resilient than ever.

The Scythe's blade became sharper, and now, when swung, it left behind a trail of frost that seemed to freeze the very air it touched.

Her cultivation technique, which had been a method of channeling and refining energy, had transformed into something beyond its original form.

It now stood as the Absolute Yin Scythe Cultivation Technique, combining her Absolute Ice Dao, the harmonic synchronization of her elements, including her mind, body, soul, and Qi, and the formidable essence of the Hell Scythe.

This new technique allowed Mira to cultivate pure ice energy, devoid of any impurities, and harness its true potential. This was the crux of her Absolute Ice Dao, emphasizing the purity and absolute control over the icy element.

And because of the Harmonic Trinity Cultivation Technique, along with her affinities and newfound concepts, she could give birth to the other elements. In a way, now, every other element was tied to her Ice Affinity.

'It's almost like I only have one affinity.' Mira thought, and she wasn't sure if that was true or not. She'd have to explore that afterward.

With the dramatic transformations and realizations washing over her, Mira could feel herself teetering on the brink of a monumental breakthrough.

The myriad of elements swirling around her throne began to condense, coalescing into a singular force that pulsed with pure, unbridled energy.

Suddenly, her Nascent Soul, still seated upon the icy throne, began to shimmer and resonate with the frequency of the converging elements.

Slowly, it began to expand and glow with an ethereal radiance, illuminating her inner world. The once chaotic and restless elements now shook harmoniously around the expanding Nascent Soul, each finding its rightful place in her grand existence.

Mira could feel a sensation like layers of veils being lifted from her soul. Each veil that was cast aside brought with it a profound understanding of her own existence, of her past lives, and of the innumerable paths she had trodden upon.

The pain, the joy, the struggles, and the triumphs - all of them culminated in this single moment of enlightenment.

Then, just as the crescendo of energy seemed to peak, everything went silent.

The storm of elements ceased their dance, and her Nascent Soul stopped its expansion. 𝑏𝘦𝑑𝘯𝑜𝑣𝘦𝑙.𝘤𝘰𝘮

Suddenly, with a brilliant flash, black runes shot out of the FLDIL and fused with her Soul. An explosion of energy went off, and the quality of her existence was raised a level, signifying her entrance into the Soul Transformation Realm.

Her Nascent Soul went back to her seat on the throne, and the elements continued their chaotic battle of creation and destruction, but this time, any pure energy that was created as a result of their clash was suffused throughout the rest of her soul.