Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance-Chapter 817 Prime Disciple Competition: Transformation Part 1

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As the energy rushed through her body like a raging river, Mira shut her eyes and focused on her next move.

There were so many things Mira wanted to do that, had she not made a plan beforehand, she would've forgotten half of them. In fact, she still wasn't quite sure which order she should proceed.

Feeling the energy head toward her two hearts and Core, she thought, 'I'll just start there.'

As the name of the Secret Realm, Primal Ascendance Convergence, suggests, the point of this place is to "converge" and "ascend". That also seemed to be the natural progression her body was inclined to take as well since the profound energy had created a symbiotic, triangular connection between the three.

Mira's body was a maelstrom of exuberant energy, connecting her Primal Heart, Human Heart, and Core in a pulsating matrix of gleaming streams.

The intense energy born from the spires' legacy suffused every inch of her being, invigorating her. It demanded convergence.

Her Primal Heart beat with the raw, unbridled Primal Energy. Her Human Heart was brimming with Yin Essence, which seemed to cradle the more volatile energies from the other Heart, preventing it from damaging her.

Her Core offered a harmonious counterpoint, a stable and anchoring rhythm that held the potential to bind it all together.

With a thought, Mira sought to weave these disparate energies together, guiding them toward a new unity.

Each thread of energy had to be meticulously entwined, ensuring that the raw power of the Primal Heart didn't overshadow the subtle but equally as intense essence of her Human Heart.

Meanwhile, the Qi from her Core acted as a mediator, a steady influence that prevented the energies from clashing and veering toward instability.

A sensation of warmth began to radiate from the confluence of energies, illuminating her body with a gentle light. This process was delicate, demanding a precision that stretched Mira's control to its limits.

As the energies coalesced, a new form began to take shape, a structure both vibrant and serene, where the wild torrents of Primal Energy, the nurturing pulsing of the Yin Essence, and the steadfast nature of her Qi were no longer distinguishable from one another.

They became a singular entity, a pulsating orb of intertwined forces. No more was her core where her dantian originally was. No more did she have one heart, much less two.

The three had combined into one, settling in the center of her chest near the sternum. This new core acted as her Heart as it contained her Blood Essence within, pumping it to the rest of her body, but also her Core, since it stored all her Qi.

This new spot is where she will do all her Qi refinement.

Mira could sense the newfound stability and power that this amalgamated heart brought her.

Her body and soul now thrummed with a more profound, unified energy. Her capabilities were magnified and yet, paradoxically, more finely controlled than ever before.

The unified heart pulsed, emitting a wave of energy that surged through her meridians, suffusing every fiber of her being with its potent power. The merged energy harmonized with her very essence, rewriting her fundamental understanding of herself and transcending its limitations.

As Mira began to sense the changes within her, she felt a stirring in her physique. The Extreme Overlord Yin Physique was now undergoing a metamorphosis.

Every cell in her body began to vibrate at a frequency that was unimaginable to even her senses.

The energies that previously empowered her physique were now redefining and expanding it. The transformation was not just physical; it was also an evolution of her very essence, reaching into the fundamental aspects of her being.

Its structure, while retaining the Yin characteristics, became more adaptive and versatile. There was a fluidity in its energy flow, an amalgamation of strength and flexibility that was previously inconceivable.

However, the Yin Aspect only became stronger and more potent.

As she breathed, her lungs expanded more efficiently than before, drawing in energy from the surroundings.

Her bones, previously already dense and durable due to her Magma Dragon Body, now felt as if they were forged from the finest celestial materials. They carried an innate resilience that made her feel as if she could stand tall against the mightiest of storms.

Now, it would be more accurate to call it the Yin Magma Dragon Body instead.

Her meridians expanded and strengthened. Not only could they transport the unified energy more efficiently, but they also allowed for a greater volume, enhancing her overall energy reservoir.

The most significant change, however, was in her blood. Every droplet was imbued with an intense concentration of Qi, making her blood not just a life-sustaining fluid but a potent weapon in its own right.

As the transformation continued, Mira felt a deep sense of enlightenment. It wasn't just about gaining more power; it was an elevation of her entire being.

As the wave of transformation surged through Mira's body, it didn't stop at just her physique. Deep within her, at the very core of her DNA, her bloodline began to react. The Sub-Zero 9-Tailed Fox Progenitor Blood Essence, a proud and ancient lineage that she carried, started to resonate with the changes her body was undergoing.

A series of cold, chilling sensations danced down her spine, originating from her tailbone and rushing outward.

Within moments, a brilliant display of energy burst forth. Nine tails, which previously shimmered with various colors, emerged and started oscillating with vibrant hues, each reflecting one of her eight elemental affinities.

The first tail glowed a deep azure, representing Water.

The second took on a robust earthen hue, symbolizing Earth.

The third blazed with a crimson glow but with a colder, darker undertone, standing for Yin Fire.

The fourth whipped around with a gentle green, the embodiment of Wind.

The fifth tail resumed the icy blue she was familiar with, denoting Ice. 𝐛𝗲𝗱𝐧𝗼𝐯𝗲𝗹.𝐧𝐞𝘁

The sixth radiated a dark purple shade with occasional sparks, signifying Yin Lightning.

The seventh tail bore a deep shade of gray, representing Darkness.

The eighth tail gleamed with a radiant gold for her Light Affinity.

Then, the ninth tail emerged, pure and pristine, with its brilliant white hue. However, this one didn't represent an element. Instead, it was actually related to the previous concept she learned: Creation.

Unfortunately, its abilities seemed locked or sealed as nothing about it entered her mind.

Lastly, and most surprisingly, one more tail formed. This one was pitch black, like the abyss, similar to her previous one. Except, opposite of the ninth, this one radiated a concept of Destruction as black runes merged with each strand of hair.

Whether the runes were abilities based on Destruction or the concept was based on the runes, she couldn't tell. Nevertheless, the ability it had didn't seem to change.

With the ten tails now fully manifest and representing her elemental prowess, a series of innate abilities began to awaken within her: Illusions, Charm, and Heavy Tails similar to her previous golden tail.

Mira felt an overwhelming rush of power. She was no longer just the bearer of the Sub-Zero 9-Tailed Fox Progenitor Blood Essence.

She had transcended that lineage, becoming the pinnacle of its evolution. With ten tails, each echoing the elements she had mastered, she was now an Ascended Elemental Yin Fox Progenitor.

However, she didn't have time to relish in this power as the next door in the Gates of Purgatory opened. For a moment, her Qi went haywire. She immediately lost control over all her powers as energy whipped around her body.

Her internals were destroyed, her bones crushed, and her muscles snapped before the cascade of profound energy intervened and fixed everything up.

'Hell of Dissonance.' Those words echoed in her mind, informing her of the next trial.

Fortunately, this didn't last long as the profound energy forcefully fixed everything up, healing her injuries and reordering her Qi. Within minutes, she had successfully passed this Hell.

'Well, that was… anticlimactic.' Mira thought, but it didn't bother her at all. The Gates of Purgatory was such a pain in the ass, despite it giving her immense power.

Suddenly, as the Hell of Dissonance was completed, a sense of harmony conjoined her mind, body, soul, and Qi. The Harmonic Trinity Cultivation Technique began to integrate itself with her, becoming a part of her instead of something she needed to actively use.

'Damn! That's convenient!' Mira inwardly smiled. While it wasn't a huge change, it did improve her quality of life as she had one less thing to worry about.

The Harmonic Trinity Cultivation Technique now seamlessly wove itself into her very being.

It became as instinctive as breathing, an integral component of her existence. Every breath, every beat of her newly amalgamated heart, and every flow of Qi was guided by this profound technique, elevating her cultivation base to the limit of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Mira could feel her perception widening. The world around her seemed more vivid, every detail sharp and clear. The energy of the world flowed like an open book before her.

She had always been perceptive, but this newfound clarity was on a completely different level.

And that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Like a broken dam, the floodgates to Mira's Soul opened up, and a new transformation was about to take place.