Immortal of the Ages-Chapter 408 - Three Immortals Scheming!

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Chapter 408 - Three Immortals Scheming!

Yun Xiao and Lian Xi sauntered off, leaving the crowd with no reason to linger.

The faces of the 10,000 disciples gathered twisted in confusion, unsure whether to applaud Yun Xiao for his startling performances in the Mysterious Sword Manor, Enrollment Hall, and Primordial Pagoda, or to scoff at the fact that he only had five days to live regardless of how brilliant he was.

"Might a man so bright, burn out just as quick?" a disciple wondered with a sigh.

After all, on the grounds of the Primordial Ruins, no one could dodge the gavel of justice swung by the Mystic Zenith Temple, backed by the power of Three Immortals. Its verdicts could crush the high and low alike; escape was futile. So, the crowd mulled over Yun Xiao's laughter in the face of such grave danger...

As the masses dispersed, the Mysterious Sword Manor Master, Dharma Crown Qin, and the talents of the Pathseeker Society stayed back, pondering the enigma that was Yun Xiao.

"Have we dug into this guy's past?" Dharma Crown Qin mused, breaking the silence with a glance at the Manor Master.

"I wanted to do some digging, but she wanted to skip straight to the execution," the Manor Master replied, lips pursed.

"Then, let's do an investigation. Arrogance like that warrants scrutiny," Dharma Crown Qin said coldly, her expression full of grim austerity.

"In the Primordial Ruins, what background could possibly outrank that of the direct descendants of the Three True Immortals?" the Manor Master wondered aloud.

"It's not the height of his background we fear, but the possibility of a cunning trap laid by some crafty old fox," Dharma Crown Qin advised with caution.

"Fair point. Your move then," the Manor Master agreed, a storm of dark, sword-like intent brewing behind his steely gaze.

"Consider it done," Dharma Crown Qin nodded, her expertise in intelligence gathering unparalleled.

"Regardless, in five days, he'll meet his end, right?" the Manor Master asked, eyeing Dharma Crown Qin.

"He might not even last that long," she replied coolly.

"You're talking about the Three Immortals Day?" the Manor Master said, a tempest of sword energy brewing in his eyes.

"Right you are," Dharma Crown Qin said, nodding in solemn agreement.

"And without Lian Xi to back him, Yun Xiao's clever little tricks will only lead him to a sadder fate," said the Manor Master, glancing down at the lifeless form of his daughter.

"Brace yourself; this is no small matter," Dharma Crown Qin advised earnestly.

"Let's go then." With a heavy heart, the Manor Master stooped to lift his daughter's remains. The sight of her eyes, wide with terror and unseeing in death, twisted his face with grief. For a man of his stature to have his daughter cut down by an upstart, and to stand there, unable to avenge her on the spot... his rage was beyond words, compounded by the earlier loss of his son to a cruel twist of fate.

Even the talents of the Pathseeker Society kept their distance, sensing the storm of fury within him.

"Manor Master," Tian Zhixiu was the only one bold enough to approach, his gaze deep and resolute.

"Zhixiu," the Manor Master replied, eyes closed in grief, "it's time to put the pressure on the Academy Faction."

"We'll move in sync with the Three Immortals Day," Tian Zhixiu said, his eyes alight with an unyielding resolve.

"The future," the Manor Master said, opening his eyes, "ultimately belongs to you young ones."

"For the Three True Immortals, I pledge my life!" Tian Zhixiu vowed, gritting his teeth.


In a hidden chamber deep within the Primordial Ruins, a figure in golden robes silently entered. It was none other than Yuan Zhantian, the former head of the Great Yuan Residence. His gaze was icy and his demeanor grave. The recent days had taken a heavy toll on him, dragging his spirits to the depths.

"Brother Yuan," greeted a statuesque woman in flowing silver robes, her icy beauty and graceful poise hiding a formidable strength.

"Dharma Crown Qin," Yuan Zhantian replied, his voice heavy, "I've just met with your brother."

"I know. He was the bearer of the Immortal decree that led to your demotion," she stated plainly.

Yuan Zhantian offered a sheepish smile before inquiring, "My family has retreated into the shadows; what brings me the honor of your visit, Dharma Crown Qin?"

Direct and to the point, the Dharma Crown Qin asked, "I've heard about the incident involving Yuan Xianjun, involving Zhang Qingwei and a young man in white, rumored to be skilled in both sword and sigil?"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Zhantian nodded. "I understand the purpose of your visit. Yes, the young man in white is Yun Xiao, a prodigy from the Nine Hells. He even serves as the Conqueror there. He's the same one who caused a mess in the Mysterious Sword Manor and the Primordial Pagoda. By allying with Lian Xi, he's drawn out Dean Yu, leading to the downfall of my ancestor..."

Dharma Crown Qin, intrigued, replied, "A mere mortal from a lower world causing such an uproar in just a day?"

"Absolutely. All three of my sons encountered him in the Nine Hells, and my youngest was even assassinated by him," Yuan Zhantian's eyes blazed with vengeful fury. "Now, he thinks he's safe in the Primordial Academy, unaware that it too will be our playground!"

With a respectful bow, he added, "I trust the Mystic Zenith Temple to deliver swift justice and grant him a most grievous end. Our lineage excels in the art of nurturing Gu, each a calamity in its own right. Let him taste each one."

"Judgment will come easy. Worry not," Dharma Crown Qin assured, her demeanor frosty.

"Perhaps you suspect there's more to this lad, planning a trip to the Nine Hells to unearth more, maybe capture a friend or two as leverage against any strong protection?" Yuan Zhantian asked softly.

"You've hit the nail on the head," Dharma Crown Qin replied, her gaze chilling yet beguiling.

Yuan Zhantian chuckled, then shook his head, "I considered that, but the Three True Immortals have forbidden any from entering the Nine Hells just half a day ago."

"Really?" Dharma Crown Qin was momentarily taken aback. "Seems the Three True Immortals have grand plans for the Nine Hells."

"The actions of the Three True Immortals are beyond our mortal comprehension," Yuan Zhantian said reverently.

"Then, I'll take my leave, with thanks," Dharma Crown Qin said.

"To prevent any disturbances during the trial, it might be wise to keep a close eye on him," Yuan Zhantian suggested.

With a cold laugh, Dharma Crown Qin boasted, "Such younglings are mere playthings to me; I've toyed with more people than women he's ever known."

Yuan Zhantian was impressed, "Fitting for you, the Dharma Crown."


After the Level 7 Ding disciple incident, Yun Xiao became the center of attention in the Primordial Academy, overshadowing even Lian Xi. Wherever they went together, they attracted all sorts of looks.

"The students here are quite admirable," Yun Xiao mused to himself.

Despite many thinking his days were numbered until the trial, should they meet, they'd boldly greet Lian Xi and make acquaintance with Yun Xiao.

They were all politeness and decorum, with not a hint of mockery, making even casual conversations seem surprisingly harmonious.

Of course, what they truly thought in their hearts remained their own secret.

"We've arrived at the Merit Arena," Lian Xi said.

The pair, oozing with tender affection, had been soaking in the sights of the Primordial Academy and had now reached their next stop. The vastness of the academy's lands was truly a sight to behold, a nation within a nation if the Primordial Ruins were considered a country.

The Merit Arena was a place where daoist spells, swordsmanship, and many other secret techniques were passed down. It was the most popular spot in the academy, even more popular than the Primordial Pagoda itself.

Yun Xiao looked up to see an arena shaped like a bird's nest, circular, with a hollow center that seemed just the right size to fit the Primordial Pagoda if turned upside down.

This was a place Yun Xiao had been looking forward to visiting. As one ascended the path of immortality, the mysteries and secret arts became even more complex and profound, containing insights into the immortal path that could greatly aid him.

As this enviable pair of white figures approached the entrance of the Merit Arena, a group of people emerged to greet them.

"Junior Sister?" The speaker was a young man in a crimson sword robe, towering over Yun Xiao by a head, with a presence as substantial as his stature suggested.

His physique might suggest a brutish nature, yet his face was sharply chiseled, dignified, with a pair of crimson eyes that shimmered with fiery light, cutting quite the handsome figure.

Apart from his striking appearance, what caught Yun Xiao's attention was the flame-patterned Qilin embroidered on his robe and the aura of someone who was flirting with the brink of life and death, suggesting he was in the Five Decays Realm.

"Senior Brother Chi?" Lian Xi halted in her tracks.

This youth, named Chi Yang, along with his entourage of talented juniors, quickly closed the distance to stand before Yun Xiao and Lian Xi.

All eyes naturally drifted towards Yun Xiao, curious about the man who had won Lian Xi's favor.

"Is this the brother-in-law'?" Chi Yang remarked with a slight smile, "Truly a face that could launch a thousand ships, a talent that stands out, like an Immortal stepped out from a painting."

"Has Senior Brother Chi taken a fancy?" A youth in blue chuckled beside him.

Yun Xiao recognized him as the one who had offered advice at the Primordial Pagoda.

"Cut it out!" Chi Yang shoved the youth in blue playfully.

Laughter erupted among them.

Lian Xi then introduced Chi Yang to Yun Xiao, "This is Senior Brother Chi, also a disciple of my master."

Yun Xiao greeted him respectfully. A disciple of Dean Yu was no small matter, after all.

"This is Senior Brother Yun Jin. You two share a surname. He's a disciple of Uncle River," Lian Xi introduced the youth in blue.

Yun Xiao and Yun Jin exchanged nods and smiles.

Then she introduced a few others, all members of the Academy Faction, either from ancient families of the academy or ascended from the lower worlds.

"Senior Brother Chi hails from the Burning Sun Realm. He's a legend back home, leading humanity to victory against the dominant devil race of his realm," Lian Xi whispered.

"Those days are behind me," Chi Yang said with a modest smile. "Arriving at the Primordial Ruins, I realized there's always someone better, and mountains beyond mountains. Not to mention the seniors here, but even my junior sister here puts me to shame."

"You're too modest, Senior Brother," Lian Xi replied with a twinkle in her eye, then inquired, "I see you all ready to go, on a mission perhaps?"

"Yes!" Chi Yang nodded, "Uncle Feng has tasked us with a demon-slaying mission, promising ample 'merit' rewards."

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