Immortal of the Ages-Chapter 409 - Blood Devil Ruins

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Chapter 409 - Blood Devil Ruins

"What's the mission?" Lian Xi asked.

Chi Yang chuckled. "Nothing top secret. Just over at the Blood Devil Ruins, the thick resentment there has brewed up some blood resentment demons, sneaking into the neighboring realms, causing trouble. Needs sorting out, pronto."

"Aren't the Blood Devil Ruins under the Pathseeker Society's watch?" Lian Xi frowned slightly.

Chi Yang's smile faded as he glanced around, then whispered, "Plainly put, those blood resentment demons are dangerous and not worth much loot. They'd rather not bother."

"The Three Immortals Day is upon us, like their New Year. They won't step foot out of the Primordial Ruins these days," Yun Jin, the youth in blue, added.

Hearing this, Lian Xi nodded, stepping back. "Well then, I won't keep you from saving lives."

Chi Yang nodded, then turned to Yun Xiao, "We'll drink to your safe return."

"Safe travels," Yun Xiao saluted.

"Count on it!" Chi Yang grinned, "We cultivators aim to save souls, a true Immortal's duty! With like-minded fellows on this journey, who's to say we won't find kinship in the heavens?"

"Enough with the heavy stuff. You're setting off death flags!" someone interrupted.

"Really, we've heard it so much we could recite it."

"Every time he gets sentimental, I panic, convinced I'm done for. Better not reminisce over my daughter's portrait on the way... Wait, I don't even have a daughter! Damn, I don't even have a wife!"

"Who says you don't have a wife? You have ten, five on each side, taking turns."

Unable to stand their banter any longer, Lian Xi snapped, "Get moving already!"

With that, they set off, spirits light.

After some distance, Chi Yang looked back, his gaze lingering on two figures holding hands, a trace of distraction in his eyes.

"Stop looking," Yun Jin patted him on the shoulder. "Isn't her happiness what you wanted?"

Chi Yang shook his head, a fierce determination in his eyes. "I'm just scared her happiness will be fleeting, ending in more pain."

"Wait and see," Yun Jin said.


Just stepping into the Merit Arena, Yun Xiao piped up with a question that hung in the air, "Lian Xi, what are the Blood Devil Ruins?"

Lian Xi, with a bit of a puzzled look, explained, "Well, it's kinda like a vast ocean made up entirely of devil blood. It's quite vast, nearly half the size of the Primordial Ruins."

"Devil blood?" Yun Xiao mulled over that, his curiosity piqued. "And where did all that blood come from?"

Lian Xi stopped in her tracks, turning to face him, her voice suddenly trailing off into silence.

"What's the matter?" Yun Xiao asked, a hint of concern lacing his words.

Lian Xi bit her lip, a shadow of gloom passing over her face. "You might not know the history of this world," she finally said.

"Then enlighten me," Yun Xiao encouraged.

Taking a deep breath, Lian Xi began, "Long ago, there were two divine arks in the heavens. One belonged to humans, the other to the devils. For endless eons, they clashed, a turmoil that spread across countless worlds. The remnants of the devils in many lower worlds today are a testament to their once formidable might, even overshadowing the humans at one point."

"And then?" Yun Xiao urged her on.

"A few centuries back, humans rose in power, defeating the blood devils, sinking their ark, nearly wiping them out. The Blood Devil Ruins? That's where their ark lies submerged, their blood forming an eternal ocean."

"That strong, huh?" Yun Xiao was taken aback, expecting a tale of human oppression, not one of vanquishing devils.

"Indeed, a rare monument in human history," Lian Xi said, her tone tinged with sorrow.

Yun Xiao sensed something amiss. "A monument, yet you sound so forlorn?"

"A few centuries ago," he pondered, "who led the humans to this victory?"

Lian Xi looked down, her voice barely above a whisper, "The Martial Emperor Clan."

"Oh..." Yun Xiao's mind raced, piecing together the aftermath. "I bet, while this victory eradicated an age-old foe, the Primordial Ruins must've paid a steep price. Scandals about the Martial Emperor Clan started surfacing amidst conspiracy theories. People even blamed the war's toll on them. Taking advantage of their weakened state post-victory, they were driven into the abyss... And just then, the Three True Immortals appeared, didn't they?"

"How'd you guess?" Lian Xi gawked at him, baffled.

Yun Xiao offered a world-weary smile, "Ignorance, numbness, and a heap of suspicion, that's human nature for you. The more you understand it, the further away you drift from humanity."

"Nonsense!" Lian Xi suddenly flared up, glaring at him, "Humans, humans are the spirit of all beings! Most are inherently good, caught in tough spots. Sometimes demons blur their vision, leading them astray, unable to recognize their saviors. But it's never on purpose..."

"Easy there," Yun Xiao said, gently squeezing her shoulders, "Don't fret. Most times, I'm on the same page as you. Sure, I get disheartened now and then, but it doesn't change who I am at heart."

"Right..." Lian Xi nodded, though doubt still clouded her eyes.

"Let's drop it," Yun Xiao suggested with a smile, "If you're free, how about a trip to the Blood Devil Ruins with me?"

"Why head there? It's a living hell," Lian Xi whispered.

"If I don't venture into hell, who will?" Yun Xiao quipped with a grin.

Lian Xi bit her lip, then relented, "Alright!"

With her nod, it was settled.

Yun Xiao wasn't exactly itching to see the Blood Devil Ruins in all its glory. His true desire was to accompany the War Princess.


As they chatted, they ventured deeper into the Merit Arena.

The place was vast, adorned elegantly, with guardians at every turn.

"The swordsmanship and daoist spells of the Merit Arena can't be taken outside or shared. Each one is cataloged," Lian Xi explained as they walked.

Yun Xiao passed several chambers, most occupied.

"One chamber, one technique? You enter to learn?" Yun Xiao inquired.

"Exactly. This area is for the Level 7 Ding disciples to ponder and exchange. Pick one," Lian Xi urged.

After checking a few chambers, Yun Xiao pointed to a wooden plaque at one door, "What's this 60 Merits about?"

"Oh..." Lian Xi froze, then apologetically turned to Yun Xiao with a cute expression, "I totally slipped up on this. I'm such a klutz!"

"Hold the charm offensive. Explain," Yun Xiao said, sternly.

"The Primordial Academy is the epitome of fairness, where all daoist spells, swordsmanship, and other techniques require Merits to learn," Lian Xi said with a pout.

"And how does one earn these Merits?" Yun Xiao inquired.

"Well, there's a slew of ways. Level 7 Ding disciples get 100 Merits monthly. Then there's slaying demons, joining the Pathseeker Society, and such," Lian Xi explained.

"So, I've got 100 now?" asked Yun Xiao.

"Not yet. Your 100 will take a month to come through," Lian Xi said, biting her lip.

"A month? By then, my grandson could be fetching soy sauce!" Yun Xiao quipped.

"Keep your shirt on! You're just advancing quickly in cultivation, it's got nothing to do with your wife's birthing speed..." Blue Star facepalmed.

Lian Xi felt quite wronged, having forgotten this crucial detail.

Yun Xiao couldn't really chide her, seeing her so aggrieved, so he just grumbled, "This Primordial Academy sure knows how to dampen spirits. Back in my Sword Ruins days, I got what I wanted on the spot."

"It can't be helped. It's not just my master's say here; too many eyes are watching. Even I have to grind out tasks bit by bit for resources," Lian Xi said helplessly.

Fair was fair, but it sure was a hassle. But Yun Xiao got it; the real issue was the overreach of the Three True Immortals, their long arms meddling in the academy's affairs, keeping a tight grip on the resources.

"Isn't there some exception to the rule?" Yun Xiao wasn't disheartened; he asked patiently.

"An exception?" Lian Xi pondered, "Well, there is one place, but..."

"But what?"

"Behind the Merit Arena, there's an Old Palace housing various incomplete texts—outdated, damaged, or lost techniques, some just summaries... These don't cost any Merits, but they're mostly useless," Lian Xi explained, shaking her head.

Yun Xiao's eyes sparkled as he listened.

"Let's go," he said, taking Lian Xi's hand.

"Where to?" she asked.

"To the Old Palace!"

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