Leveling Up Alone-Chapter 216: A Short Rest (2)

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Chapter 216: A Short Rest (2)

The two beauties approached Han-Yeol.

[We will start bathing you, Han-Yeol-nim.]


Both of them skillfully moved their hands across Han-Yeol’s body while blushing.

‘It’s quite tough…’

‘Is this a Master Rank Hunter’s body…?’

‘It’s different from a normal person’s body…!’

They could not help but stare at his muscles. Being professionals in the art of bathing others, they had bathed countless individuals throughout their careers. The men they had previously bathed were all wealthy but otherwise ordinary people.

They had consistently maintained their professionalism and focus while performing their work. However, this occasion marked their first experience bathing a Hunter, and not just any Hunter, but a Master Rank Hunter.

The transformation a Hunter's body underwent upon achieving Master Rank was substantial, as their mana 'reconfigured' their physique. Of course, this transformation didn't imply an immediate shift from fat to slim; rather, their mana reconfigured their body to better accommodate mana's functional needs rather than for aesthetic purposes.

In Han-Yeol's case, his extensive time at the Hunter Gym had boosted his stats, leading his mana to adapt and reconfigure his body into a well-defined, muscular form. As a result, even though he had ceased going to the gym, Han-Yeol's body remained incredibly fit.

‘Kyah! His body is so beautiful!’?

‘His face is a bit lacking, but his body is really the best!’

‘I’m so happy!’


Han-Yeol clenched his fist after reading their thoughts. ‘Why are you talking about my face?!’

Their clientele primarily consisted of affluent individuals, frequently including male celebrities. In their perspective, when compared to these celebrities, Han-Yeol's facial appearance appeared rather ordinary.


Han-Yeol’s rock-hard muscles started squirming once he got annoyed at their thoughts.


[Oh my!]

The women let out shrieks upon witnessing his muscles squirm, not due to disgust, but rather because they appeared incredibly impressive and captivating.

It was then…

“What are you doing? Focus on your work!” Albert scolded the women in a booming voice. 𝒃𝒆𝙙𝙣𝒐𝒗𝒆𝙡.𝙤𝒓𝙜


The women momentarily flinched before redirecting their attention to their task. With that, Han-Yeol's initial experience of being bathed by another person as an adult reached its conclusion.



“Wow… That felt really good…” Han-Yeol muttered while buried in his sofa.

[Here is your cappuccino, Han-Yeol-nim.]

[Ah, thank you.]

Han-Yeol asked for a cup of sweet cappuccino to invigorate his body, which had become overly relaxed from the bath. The flavor of the cappuccino, brewed from Geisha coffee, proved to be truly exquisite.

All he yearned for was to savor a nap afterward. Regrettably, indulging in such luxury was not an option, given the impending arrival of his guests.


[The Americans have just arrived.]

Albert grabbed the walkie-talkie and replied, “Send them in.”


[Roger that.]

“Phew…?So they’re finally here…” Han-Yeol muttered.

While he was relishing his moment of relaxation, a slight annoyance crept in as they arrived, interrupting his respite. Nonetheless, the stakes for this deal amounted to thirty trillion won.

Ultimately, he rationalized that he could indulge in sleep after concluding this significant deal. He resolved to expedite the process as swiftly as possible.

"Shall we proceed to finalize this deal?"

"Hoho! Then you can take your rest right after."

"Yes, that's my plan."

Han-Yeol might not have been the most meticulous individual, yet his strong sense of responsibility guided him. He was not one to cancel an appointment merely due to fatigue. Moreover, he preferred wrapping up his tasks before enjoying a leisurely and uninterrupted rest, rather than relaxing under time constraints.



Han-Yeol jumped up from the sofa and headed toward the main door to greet his American guests. Albert followed right behind him.


"Hahaha! It's been a while, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim!" Ambassador Rupert exclaimed with a cheerful grin, extending his hand in a manner that suggested a reunion with an old acquaintance.

Han-Yeol reciprocated the gesture with a handshake.

‘He’s quite an outgoing guy… Well, I guess you have to be if you want to be an ambassador of the United States,’?Han-Yeol thought.

Being a diplomat for a powerful nation like the United States was certainly not a role that just anyone could fulfill. This held even truer for the esteemed position of ambassador, arguably the most vital role of all.

In simpler terms, Ambassador Rupert may have projected an affable and carefree demeanor, but he was by no means an easy individual to engage with. Of course, this wasn't to suggest that Han-Yeol felt intimidated by him. While Rupert held the title of United States Ambassador, their current location was within Korea.

South Korea had evolved beyond relying on the United States for military cooperation, particularly due to the less volatile situation with North Korea in comparison to previous times. In fact, one could argue that the relationship between South Korea and the United States had undergone a recent deterioration.

With tensions reduced between the two Korean states, the public's focus had shifted to a new target: neighboring Japan. A multitude of contentious issues had fueled the animosity between the two countries. However, the most prominent recent issue was the territorial dispute involving Dokdo Island.

Unfortunately, the United States had maintained a neutral stance on this matter. Nevertheless, there was a growing perception of secret favoritism toward Japan, causing public dissatisfaction.

Consequently, sentiments of anger toward the United States were mounting, especially now that the North Korean issue was less pressing. This shift had made it increasingly challenging for the United States to exert its influence over South Korea.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Mr. Rupert. I'm pleased to observe that all of you are in good health," Han-Yeol responded.

"Hmm? Healthy?"

"It's nothing of great significance. While I might be the one nurturing the monster egg, it will ultimately be the Hunters who infuse their mana into it. Clearly, the quality of mana is of utmost importance, which in turn necessitates their optimal condition. Would you agree?"

“Ah! Hahaha! I see… I understand now, but you do not have to worry about anything. These guys are quite healthy and they took excellent care of their condition before coming here.”

Then, Ambassador Rupert looked back at the American Hunters and asked, “Right?”

“Yes, sir!”

The American Hunters may have been dressed casually at the moment, yet their innate soldierly bearing was unmistakable; each of them stood upright and responded in perfect unison. After all, the discipline within the American military remained among the finest worldwide.

"Now, shall we proceed?"

"Hoho! Please lead the way."

The Americans trailed after Han-Yeol into the mansion, and the ensuing proceedings unfolded seamlessly. The Hunters were already acquainted with the hatching procedure, having witnessed it at the auction. However, this didn't translate to a sense of ease; unpredictability lingered in the air, as no one could predict sudden occurrences.

Han-Yeol commenced the hatching of the monster eggs for the American Hunters, who systematically infused their mana into each egg, one by one.


“Kiek! Kiek!”

It took two hours for the last monster pet to hatch from its egg.

‘Phew… That was a close call… I didn’t know that things could get dangerous when a low-ranked Hunter tries to hatch it…’?Han-Yeol let out a sigh of relief.

All the victorious bidders in the auction held the esteemed rank of Master Hunter, ensuring that the proceedings unfolded with remarkable ease. However, the scenario was quite distinct for Ambassador Rupert and his contingent of ten American Hunters.

In contrast to the Master Rank Hunters, most of them held considerably lower ranks. In fact, it wouldn't even be appropriate to make a direct comparison, considering that the American Hunters spanned from E Rank to a maximum of C Rank. It was the E Rank Hunters who nearly caused an accident during their attempts to hatch the monster eggs.

Thankfully, Han-Yeol remained vigilant, averting a potential disaster. Nevertheless, the fact remained that it had been a perilously close call.

"Hmm… I've learned something valuable from this experience. It appears that having a high-ranking Hunter oversee the hatching process when it involves lower-ranking Hunters is crucial," Han-Yeol remarked.

"You're quite right," Ambassador Rupert concurred.

Han-Yeol had certainly gained valuable insights from the Americans during this encounter.

‘I should pay extra attention when hatching Yoo-Bi’s monster egg…’?he thought.

From this particular event, he gleaned two pivotal insights.

Firstly, as previously mentioned, having a high-ranking Hunter oversee the hatching process when a lower-ranking Hunter was involved proved essential. Secondly, the resultant quality of a monster hatched by a lower-ranking Hunter was inevitably compromised.

The creature that emerged from the egg of the E Rank Hunter turned out to be a Kobold. A Kobold was a bipedal monster frequently encountered in video games, often serving as a low-level adversary. Players would ruthlessly dispatch them to progress in their leveling journey, making them decidedly unremarkable.

Consequently, Han-Yeol surmised that the exceptional quality of the monster pets acquired by the Master Rank Hunters in the auction was far from coincidental.

Then, a sudden question popped into his head, ‘That's peculiar... I distinctly recall being just an S Rank Hunter when I hatched Mavros. Yet, how did I succeed in hatching a dragon while the other Master Rank Hunters struggled?’

It was indeed a valid question.

The current hatching provided answers to many of his questions, yet the enigma of how he had succeeded in hatching Mavros remained unsolved.

‘Well, I’m not sure how it happened, but it’s indeed quite strange,’?he thought, but decided to shrug it off in the end since it was not a bad thing for him.

He wasn't particularly inclined to delve into this mystery, as he wasn't someone obsessively driven by research. Ultimately, the enigma would remain just that until circumstances decided to unravel it on their own.

"Alright, we'll be departing shortly," Ambassador Rupert announced.

"Yes, sir!"

While Ambassador Rupert had numerous matters he wished to discuss with Han-Yeol, the time had come for him to return. He needed to promptly dispatch the ten monster pets back to the United States.

"We're about to head back, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim. By the way, the payment for the monster pets should have been transferred to your account by now, and we've taken care of all the associated taxes," Ambassador Rupert informed.


Ring! Ring!?

Han-Yeol checked his phone and discovered the payment for the monster pets in his account. However, the amount wasn't the anticipated thirty trillion won.

‘Hmm… I really need to take the test and become a Master Rank Hunter…’?he thought after seeing that tax had been deducted from the thirty trillion won.

Hunters enjoyed the privilege of tax reductions, yet complete exemption from taxes was reserved for those who attained the esteemed status of Master Rank Hunter. Despite any shortcomings, South Korea wasn't foolish enough to mistreat even the most accomplished Master Rank Hunters.

Once a Hunter reached Master Rank, they gained the exclusive privilege of being entirely tax-exempt. If Han-Yeol had officially held the title of Master Rank Hunter, not a single cent from the thirty trillion won would have been deducted.

While it stung to witness a portion of his earnings vanish in this manner, Han-Yeol endeavored to feign indifference.

"Ah, I've just confirmed it. It's been a pleasure doing business with you," he remarked.

"Hahaha! Although I'm well-versed in American history, you, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim, can undoubtedly boast of being the single largest transaction the United States Government has ever undertaken in its history! That's truly something to take pride in! Hahaha!" Ambassador Rupert responded.

“Ah… Okay…” Han-Yeol muttered in response.

At the same time, he thought, ‘It’s nothing to be proud of and not something I want to be proud of…’

Ambassador Rupert's words didn't evoke any sense of pride in him. The agreement he had reached with the United States Government was purely a business transaction; he was solely interested in the monetary compensation they had offered, without any desire for boasting rights.

"Then, we'll be taking our leave now," Ambassador Rupert announced.

"Ah, I apologize for not personally seeing you off. I'm rather fatigued today," Han-Yeol responded.

"Hahaha! No need for apologies! Until we meet again," Ambassador Rupert replied, offering a slight bow.

Earlier in the day, he had heard that Han-Yeol had endured nearly a whole week without rest due to a recent hunt. He surmised that Han-Yeol was likely quite exhausted.

It was important to note that this information had come to him purely by chance, and he hadn't commissioned anyone to follow Han-Yeol. Ordinary Hunters could never elude the heightened senses of a Master Rank Hunter, and no Hunter possessed cloaking or camouflage abilities that could outwit someone of Master Rank.

Following the successful acquisition of their desired items, Ambassador Rupert and the ten American Hunters promptly made their way to the airport.

Crack…! Crack…!?

“Ugh…?It’s finally over!” Han-Yeol exclaimed out of pure joy.

He stretched his body, causing the sound of his cracking bones to echo in the air.

"Congratulations, Han-Yeol-nim. You can finally get some rest," Albert remarked.

"Yeah, I believe I'll be sleeping for ten hours today, Albert. Please don't wake me up, no matter what occurs," Han-Yeol responded.

"Absolutely. Feel free to sleep as long as you need."


With a yawn, Han-Yeol made his way to his bedroom, yet it appeared that sleep was once again evading him.


[Albert-nim. The Ambassador of Nepal is requesting a meeting with Han-Yeol-nim, and he is outside the mansion gates right now.]


“Hmm? What brings them here?” Han-Yeol tilted his head in confusion and asked.

Albert picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, “What are you talking about? Why would the Ambassador of Nepal request a meeting with Han-Yeol-nim?”


[I am not sure, Albert-nim. However, the ambassador is claiming he has something to tell Han-Yeol-nim in person and is requesting entrance. What should we do?]

Albert turned his gaze toward Han-Yeol, aware that mishandling this matter could potentially escalate into a diplomatic predicament. As the leader, this was a decision Han-Yeol had to personally make.