Leveling Up Alone-Chapter 217: A Short Rest (3)

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Chapter 217: A Short Rest (3)


“Yes, Han-Yeol-nim?”

“Haa…?I don’t think I am destined to sleep…”

“Pardon me?”

Albert struggled to comprehend the meaning behind Han-Yeol’s words. Understanding his employer's thoughts was crucial for a butler at all times, and possessing this ability could be deemed the most vital trait a butler could possess.

Albert took pride in his considerable skill in this aspect, having served as a butler for nearly fifty years. Nevertheless, he acknowledged that his employer’s mindset could shift based on circumstances. After all, when dealing with human beings, nothing remained fixed, and he recognized the need to continually adjust.

After pondering for about thirty seconds, Albert finally grasped Han-Yeol's intention.

‘N-No way…?!’


“Yawn!?Can you tell the ambassador to wait for three hours?”

‘As expected…’

“Yes, I understand.”

Albert understood Han-Yeol’s intention a hundred percent now.

‘He’s planning to test the ambassador…’?

Han-Yeol occupied a position that even gave pause to the United States when interacting with him. An illustrative instance of this was their readiness to promptly offer the full sum of thirty trillion won he requested, without any inclination to engage in negotiation.

Indeed, they might have consented to a higher payment if Han-Yeol had escalated the price, given that the creature pets were being auctioned off for five trillion won each. Yet, he opted to adhere to his original proposal. Why?

The rationale behind this decision stemmed from his anticipation of two pivotal factors. The first factor was rooted in the understanding that five trillion won was the sum the Master Rank Hunters were willing to expend. The second factor revolved around his discomfort with reneging on his word, despite the potential to amass nearly double the amount.

Though it could be argued that Han-Yeol forwent additional profits from the Americans, he didn't perceive it in such terms. The critical insight that lower-ranking Hunters could only incubate low-ranking creature pets altered his perspective.

Given that American Hunters were predominantly of the E to C Rank, they effectively paid over half of what the Master Rank Hunters did for these lower-tier creature pets.

Returning to the current predicament, Han-Yeol harbored little apprehension about refusing to meet with the Nepalese Ambassador. Nepal bore the moniker of the 'safest country in the world,' not due to robust public security but more as a derisive epithet. The country housed a solitary hunting ground, valued at half that of a typical hunting ground.

Consequently, Nepal faced minimal risk of rampant creature activity within its borders, earning it the aforementioned title. Ironically, Nepal held the distinction of being both the safest and the most impoverished nation globally, lacking any high-quality hunting grounds for 'farming' mana stones—a resource vital to the global economy.

Paradoxically, the entire country possessed fewer financial resources than Han-Yeol himself, rendering him disinclined to engage with the Nepalese Ambassador solely on account of their ambassadorial status.

This reasoning informed Han-Yeol's decision to subject the ambassador to a preliminary assessment.

‘Ah… He is growing day by day…’?Albert thought with a smile.

Han-Yeol chose to assess the ambassador, prompted by his drowsiness and a desire to catch a nap. However, Albert discerned a gradual transformation in his employer's demeanor, aligning more closely with the comportment expected of his stature.

‘He's gradually recognizing his value and refraining from engaging with just anyone.’

The veteran butler couldn't help but experience a sense of contentment, observing his employer's perceptible elevation in demeanor.


‘I wonder how the ambassador is going to appear at this moment?’?he thought with a mischievous smile. 𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐧𝗼𝘃𝐞𝐥.𝗰𝐨𝗺

Albert neatly cleaned and arranged everything before he headed for the main gate to personally greet the Nepalese Ambassador and relay Han-Yeol’s message.



Han-Yeol awoke after a three-hour nap. As he walked toward the living room, he absentmindedly scratched his head, his instincts indicating the presence of four individuals awaiting him. Assuming them to be mansion staff, he had entirely overlooked the Nepalese Ambassador.

After all, he couldn't fathom taking seriously an ambassador who consented to wait for three hours merely because he desired a nap.

[Han-Yeol Hunter-nim!]


Han-Yeol was taken aback by the sight of an unfamiliar individual seated in his living room. The person bore a distinct resemblance to Purva and the other Gurkhas in some manner.

‘Don’t tell me…?’?

[Hello, I am the Nepalese Ambassador, Kaman Lama. I have been waiting to meet you.]

The Nepalese Ambassador greeted Han-Yeol in his native Nepalese language. Han-Yeol tilted his head in confusion and glanced at Purva.

"Ah, he is our ambassador, Kaman Lama, and he has been waiting to meet you," Purva translated.

The ambassador had brought along his own translator. It was quite uncommon for a Korean to speak the Nepalese language, so the translator was evidently a Nepalese individual with a basic grasp of Korean. However, the translator proved unnecessary, as Purva's fluency in Korean surpassed that of the translator.

"Please convey to him that I'm delighted to make his acquaintance."

"Yes, Han-Yeol-nim."

Through the intermediary of Purva, they exchanged a brief salutation before Han-Yeol settled onto the sofa, and Ambassador Lama, along with his translator, took their seats as well. Both individuals appeared rather apprehensive for reasons unclear.

"So, what is the purpose of your unexpected visit at this moment?" Han-Yeol inquired.

[T-That is… We have heard that you hired our Gurkhas on excellent terms, and our government wanted to express gratitude for that.]

‘Tsk… What an absurd reason.’?Han-Yeol clicked his tongue inwardly.

He would have been inclined to pay attention had the ambassador arrived to discuss business. However, any enthusiasm he had for this conversation promptly waned upon learning that the ambassador's sole purpose was to express gratitude.

"Ah, okay…" Han-Yeol responded with a nonchalant shrug.

The ambassador detected Han-Yeol's lack of interest in his government's appreciation, prompting him to brainstorm an alternative topic.

‘Yeah, technically, he's a Master Rank Hunter pending official confirmation... What value does the gratitude of an impoverished nation hold for him?’?he thought.

He was raised in a modest family in Nepal, lacking access to top-notch education. Nonetheless, through sheer intellect and adept decision-making, he managed to ascend to the summit of the bureaucratic ladder.

‘I'll need to entice him! If I can somehow persuade him to invest in our country, it could bring significant benefits!’

Han-Yeol would have employed Telepathy II to delve into the ambassador's thoughts if he were conversing in Korean or Arabic. However, the skill had a significant restriction: it could only decipher thoughts in the language being contemplated. Consequently, even if Han-Yeol were to read the ambassador's mind, it would merely come across as gibberish, rendering him unable to comprehend anything.

‘Tsk… I should learn how to speak more languages or upgrade Telepathy II to Telepathy III, and hope it comes with automatic translation…’?Han-Yeol clicked his tongue once again.

Ultimately, he lost interest in the ambassador's discourse and began to grow distracted.

‘Hmm… Should I buy all of the land in the Cheolwon hunting ground?’?he wondered.

Investing in real estate within hunting grounds might appear exceedingly peculiar, despite its feasibility. The land wasn't suitable for development or rental, and ownership served more as a status symbol than a financial gain.

Predictably, numerous affluent individuals acquired such land to flaunt their substantial wealth. On the other hand, others viewed it as a prospective investment, given the relatively modest cost of the lands for them.

‘It would be wonderful if the hunting ground vanished, and I could possess that exquisite natural haven all to myself…’ He couldn't shake off the memory of the Cheolwon hunting ground's splendor; it marked the first time he had encountered something of such breathtaking beauty.

‘Well, it's not of much concern whether the hunting ground remains, as the monsters wouldn't stand a chance against me even if I ventured in alone.’

With his thoughts aligned, he ultimately reached a conclusion, ‘Let's purchase it!’

But there was something he had to do before that, and that was to get rid of this annoying ambassador talking in front of him.

[Ah, you're welcome to visit our country anytime. While we may only possess one hunting ground, there's something I'd like to share with you about it…]

‘You guys can’t even use that single hunting ground properly…’?Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly.

He was quite well-acquainted with Nepal, having extensively researched it after being impressed by the work ethics of the mercenaries he employed. Regrettably, the country's prospects appeared grim, devoid of any glimmer of hope.

Nepal was already economically challenged before the emergence of the dimensional gates. Ironically, despite the advent of these gates, the country failed to reap any benefits, seemingly under a sort of curse.

In a curious turn of events, Fiji, a diminutive island nation, boasted a solitary hunting ground. This starkly underscored the absurdity of Nepal having only one hunting ground despite its expansive territory.

In a twist of fate, the lone hunting ground in Nepal was positioned on the border shared with India, resulting in an ongoing dispute with the neighboring country.

The future of Nepal indeed loomed somber.

[But the recent surge in wages has no connection to Nepal whatsoever! I'm confident that no one would be willing to work for as meager wages as our countrymen would.]

‘Oh, that’s quite interesting,’?Han-Yeol thought.

With plans to expand his business in the near future, he found himself in need of a substantial workforce. He was already considering the prospect of hiring more Nepali individuals, a preference stemming from their impressive work ethic coupled with their willingness to accept lower wages without complaints or grievances.

[Furthermore, should you choose to invest in our country, we will grant you full tax exemption. We would desire to provide more comprehensive benefits given your esteemed stature, but, as you may be aware... our nation's financial resources are somewhat limited.]

"Hmm... is that so?" Han-Yeol's curiosity began to stir.

To be frank, the Nepalese Government's proposition might not pique the interest of most other Master Rank Hunters. After all, what viable ventures could one undertake in a financially challenged country?

Moreover, the offer of tax exemption was already a commonplace privilege extended to all Master Rank Hunters, rendering it somewhat unremarkable.

[Furthermore, we assure you that all your requests will be expedited if you choose to establish a business in Nepal! Our government will work diligently to facilitate the acquisition of any necessary licenses and permits for your enterprise.]

Nepal found itself in a dire struggle to halt the economic downward spiral it was ensnared in. A significant portion of its skilled populace had migrated to other nations, leaving the country reliant on meager revenue from its tourism sector.

The nation had unfortunately earned a reputation as a hub for illicit drug distribution, a source of revenue tainted by its untraceable nature and ineligibility for taxation, given its illicit status.

Ironically, this illicit drug trade had brought more harm than good to the country. As the global community intensified efforts to combat illegal drugs, Nepal came under severe scrutiny for failing to curb drug trafficking within its borders. These criticisms compounded the country's predicament, causing it to face increasing isolation due to its economic strife.

Desperate for a breakthrough, Nepal had approached numerous Master Rank Hunters in hopes of attracting investments. Yet, not a single one had shown interest, primarily because the government had failed to provide compelling incentives for investment.

The Nepalese Government now clung to the hope that the bond between Han-Yeol and his Gurkha mercenaries could sway him to invest in the country. They were acutely aware, however, that this was a mere flight of fancy, given the slim chances of success.

Regardless, their desperation was such that merely having Han-Yeol establish a small factory was all they dared wish for.

“Hmm… I understand,” Han-Yeol said.


Ambassador Lama was hoping for a positive response from Han-Yeol, but it was still too early for him to give any definitive answer.

“I will think about it for now,” Han-Yeol said.

[Ah… Y-Yes! Thank you very much!]

The ambassador was slightly disappointed by the response, but he figured that there was still hope.

‘He didn’t reject it, so that means we still have a chance!’?

“Anyway, I am still quite tired. Shall we end this meeting here?”

[Ah… I understand…]

“I will reach out to you once I have made a decision.”

[I will be waiting for your answer then.] The ambassador got up and gave a slight bow to Han-Yeol before leaving the mansion.

Purva wished to personally escort them out, being that they were his fellow countrymen.

‘Hmm…’?Han-Yeol thought about what the ambassador said.

“Ah, whatever. I’m tired.”

But he decided to ignore it for now.