Leveling Up Alone-Chapter 218: A Short Rest (4)

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Chapter 218: A Short Rest (4)

Han-Yeol sank into his sofa after the ambassador's departure. The brief three-hour nap he had taken a while ago had effectively dispelled the fatigue from his body, but it failed to alleviate his 'mental fatigue.' Mentally drained from hunting at the Cheolwon hunting ground and promptly diving into work upon his return, he found himself quite tired.

“Hoho, excellent work, Han-Yeol-nim,” Albert commended.

“I would love to rest now, but I still have more tasks to address…” Han-Yeol grumbled.

“Hmm… I see…” Albert's concern grew as he noticed Han-Yeol potentially overexerting himself.

“Tsk… I believe I will need to enlist someone other than Secretary Kim to represent me,” Han-Yeol remarked with a click of his tongue.

“Hoho! Jason would certainly relish that news.”

“Haha… I suddenly feel a sense of guilt toward him…”



Initially, Jason Kim had been concerned that he would be relegated to secretarial tasks, squandering his time. However, those concerns proved groundless, as the responsibilities Han-Yeol had in mind were of substantial magnitude. Jason found himself working tirelessly to ensure the realization of these ambitions, as he stood as the sole individual Han-Yeol could confide in and entrust with such matters at present.

Upon receiving the opportunity to act on Han-Yeol's behalf, Jason's elation was palpable. He viewed this as the significant breakthrough he had been seeking, an avenue to finally showcase his talents and gain recognition. Regrettably, his current workload was so overwhelming that he scarcely had a moment to attend to his personal hygiene, reaching a point where he felt on the brink of exhaustion.

“AAAAAAAH!”?Jason screamed out of frustration.

There seemed to be no end in sight for his tasks.

“I can’t do this anymore!” Jason screamed and decided that he had to do something about his current situation.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!?

Just then, his phone rang. It was the monotonous standard ringtone as he was not interested in pop culture.

The caller?

[Han-Yeol Hunter-nim.]


Upon spotting the name on his phone screen, Jason's blood pressure surged. It belonged to the individual who offloaded tasks onto him without a care and then casually indulged in a hunting excursion. Regrettably, this same man held the position of his employer, leaving Jason with no room for protest. Consequently, he had no choice but to suppress his frustration and respond to the call.

"Yes, Han-Yeol-nim?"

[Hello, Secretary Kim! How’s work going? I hope you’re not slacking off! Haha!]


Han-Yeol's nonchalant tone sent another surge of blood pressure coursing through him, causing the veins on his forehead to visibly protrude.

‘Keep it in… Keep it in…’?Jason thought as he exerted superhuman self-control to suppress his anger.

He held a personal fondness and deep respect for Han-Yeol, the current idol of today's youth. However, having him as an employer could prove to be quite draining.

“Yes, I am doing my best.”

[That’s good. Anyway, I realized that you’re doing too many things these days. Am I right?]

“Yes, you are correct.”

‘You only realized it now?!?!?!?!?!’?Jason was infuriated as his blood pressure shot up even higher.

[So, I was thinking that it’s unfair for you to handle such a heavy workload as a mere secretary...]

“…!” Jason felt a nervous gulp escape him as he awaited Han-Yeol's forthcoming words.

[Why don’t you take charge of the new venture I’m setting up?]

"Are you being serious, Han-Yeol-nim?" Jason's question emerged in a stutter, reflecting his astonishment.

While he had anticipated this possibility, hearing it from Han-Yeol carried an entirely different weight. Running a company had been a lifelong aspiration for Jason, and now, it appeared that dream might finally become reality.

[Yes, I'm entirely serious. In fact, I've long decided that you would head the company I planned to establish. Circumstances just got busier, but your performance exceeded my expectations.]

"Thank you immensely!"

Jason's anger and frustration toward Han-Yeol seemed to dissipate as swiftly as a droplet of water vanishing in contact with magma. In their place bloomed profound respect and admiration.

[I’m going to hand over the reins to you, so you're free to shape things as you see fit. You can build a team, recruit personnel, or continue flying solo, as you currently are. The decision rests with you, and I'll provide funding accordingly.]

"Yes! I'm determined to give my utmost and not let you down, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim!"

Though they conversed via phone, Jason executed a ninety-degree bow as if Han-Yeol stood before him. This display of respect was expected, given that Han-Yeol wasn't a manager or CEO; he was the proprietor himself.

[This is all thanks to your diligent efforts, Secretary Kim. Ah, I suppose I should address you appropriately moving forward. President Kim?]

“I will do my best!”

This marked the moment when Jason Kim transitioned from being Secretary Kim to assuming the mantle of President Kim. The new title left Jason, or rather President Kim, exhilarated and elated.

[Oh right, President Kim.]

“Yes, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim!”

[Regarding the Cheolwon hunting ground…]


[I intend to acquire it. Can you make the purchase in my name? Make this your top priority.]

“Yes, I understand!”

While complying, Jason couldn't help but wonder why Han-Yeol was suddenly interested in purchasing the Cheolwon hunting ground. Nevertheless, he resolved to follow the directive, still riding high from his recent promotion to company president. 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺

[Very well then, work diligently~]

“Yes, certainly! Have a wonderful day!”

Despite the additional workload, the newly minted President Kim remained unfazed. In fact, he welcomed the increased responsibilities with genuine enthusiasm.

Initially, it had seemed as though Han-Yeol was merely unloading undesirable tasks so he could engage in hunting. However, Jason came to recognize that Han-Yeol entrusted him with these responsibilities due to his valued skills and unwavering trust. The knowledge that someone believed in him served as a potent motivator.

"Absolutely! Let's redouble our efforts moving forward!"

With newfound energy and determination, President Jason appeared poised to work harder than ever before in his life.


Han-Yeol's next destination after delegating his tasks to President Kim was Yoo-Bi's workshop.


He placed his thumb on the scanner, causing the barricade to open.


As he entered, the Gurkhas stationed to protect Yoo-Bi's factory saluted him.

Han-Yeol rolled down his car window and surveyed the unassuming appearance of the factory. To an outsider, it might appear like an ordinary facility, yet the true significance lay beneath its surface.

“The security measures seem to be quite stringent,” Han-Yeol remarked.

“Yes, indeed. You had instructed me to fortify security here, considering this as the future cornerstone of our group. Consequently, I've ensured that I've gathered the finest from my Gurkha comrades to safeguard this place,” Purva responded.

This focus on security was a factor that had drawn the attention of the Government of Nepal toward Han-Yeol, even though he had not yet attained the rank of Master Hunter. He was actively hiring Gurkhas in substantial numbers, employing them under his personal banner. The count of these skilled mercenaries he had enlisted had already surpassed five hundred.

'While this extensive security might appear excessive, it would still be inadequate should a determined Hunter attempt to breach this facility…'?Han-Yeol thought while looking around.

He held Yoo-Bi's abilities in exceptionally high regard. She stood as the world's inaugural individual to manifest the power of machine manipulation, a capability poised to spearhead a revolutionary era of industrial modernization. Her prowess could be aptly described as overpowered, considering her seemingly boundless potential.

In a similar vein, if Han-Yeol's dominance lay in combat, Yoo-Bi undeniably reigned supreme in her distinctive domain.

‘I need to start gathering Hunters to better protect Yoo-Bi,’?he thought while looking around.

He had already acquired the neighboring lands and issued instructions for the recruitment of Hunters to serve as guards. However, the responsibility for this had been entrusted to President Kim, and it was evident that the progress had been hindered due to Jason's overwhelming workload.

‘Hmm… I can leave the construction to Mujahid and… Sigh…’?Han-Yeol realized that he still had a mountain load of work to do from now on.


The elevator descending to the underground facility boasted robust security measures, making it implausible for anyone, including Han-Yeol, to carry electronic devices inside. Yoo-Bi, of course, was an exception, given her pseudo-ownership of the premises.


Han-Yeol reached the basement level, and the doors to Yoo-Bi's laboratory slid open.


Yoo-Bi welcomed Han-Yeol with a radiant smile. Dressed in a white gown that complemented her remarkably, her smile consistently had a positive effect on Han-Yeol whenever he encountered it.

“Hey, Yoo-Bi~”


Both of them greeted each other by bumping fists.

“Hehe~ I thought you had just finished hunting this morning? And here you are already?”

“I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity for anything.”

“Hehe!” Yoo-Bi playfully stuck out her tongue and struck a cute pose.

Her transformation following her awakening was remarkable. Her complexion was flawless, her physique had become leaner and more athletic, and her financial circumstances had significantly improved. This positive shift allowed her more time for self-care than before.

‘It’s going to be problematic if you become even more attractive,’?Han-Yeol jokingly thought.

“So, what’s the new thing you invented?”

"Ah! Are you prepared?!" Yoo-Bi exclaimed before unveiling an object concealed beneath a cloth.

Her laboratory had undergone a complete transformation from its previous state as a vacant storage space. Now, it brimmed with an array of cutting-edge equipment, a testament to Han-Yeol's substantial funding and unwavering support. This transformation showcased the remarkable influence of wealth, of which Han-Yeol had a generous share.

With a flourish, Yoo-Bi positioned the object on a table, presenting it for Han-Yeol’s inspection.


“Ta-dah!” Yoo-Bi pulled the cloth and proudly showed the object.

“Erm… What’s this…?” Han-Yeol asked while seemingly confused.

To Han-Yeol's eyes, the object resembled a weapon plucked directly from a science fiction film. While he was convinced of its weapon-like nature, he struggled to locate any discernible handle or trigger for its operation. Consequently, he surmised that it likely stood as a prototype, one that remained unfinished at this stage.

'While I had been curious about the project that led her to postpone the mana battery's development, I never anticipated... What is this...?' he wondered.

This marked Yoo-Bi's inaugural invention. While she had previously augmented numerous preexisting objects by integrating her ability, this 'object' represented her maiden endeavor in crafting something entirely from the ground up.

Although its appearance might lean toward being incomplete and slightly unconventional, Han-Yeol chose to adopt a supportive and empathetic stance.

“Tsk tsk… This is not as simple of an invention as you think it is, oppa,” Yoo-Bi confidently said.

“Then? What is it?” Han-Yeol asked.

“Hoho!” Yoo-Bi chuckled, moving to a corner of her laboratory to sift through her belongings.

After a brief search, she retrieved a curious contraption and set it down on the table. Next, she tapped the chair opposite the table and beckoned, “Take a seat here, oppa.”


Though uncertain about the unfolding situation, Han-Yeol complied, abiding by Yoo-Bi's guidance.


Once Han-Yeol sat down, Yoo-Bi picked up the contraption and placed it over his shoulders.

Clack! Clack!?

Then, she clasped it on his shoulders.


Afterward, she proceeded to secure her new invention on his shoulders.

Slightly caught off guard, Han-Yeol found himself in a state of bewilderment. With no means to visually assess the situation due to the absence of mirrors in the laboratory, he remained in the dark regarding the proceedings.

‘Don’t tell me…?’?he made an assumption only after piecing the puzzle together. ‘A shoulder cannon…?’?

“Ta-dah!” Yoo-Bi proudly puffed her chest and showed off her invention. “It still needs some work, but this is a shoulder cannon I personally developed from scratch!”

“W-Wow…!” Han-Yeol was amazed.

Naturally, he was considerably more astounded by the fact that she had indeed mentioned a 'shoulder cannon,' just as he had anticipated.

“Well, there's still a substantial amount of refinement needed, and my ability does have its limitations, so I haven't been able to create a flawless model just yet. Hehe~" she admitted while scratching the back of her head, a hint of embarrassment causing her to stick out her tongue.

Yoo-Bi's demeanor in that moment was undeniably endearing.


“T-That’s not the problem, Yoo-Bi…”


She tilted her head in confusion and had question marks all over her face, but even that looked quite cute.

Badump! Badump!?

Observing this unique charm radiating from Yoo-Bi, distinct from Tayarana's, set Han-Yeol's heart racing.

While Tayarana might undoubtedly be considered the most stunning woman on the planet, Yoo-Bi possessed a distinctive allure that rendered her equally captivating and appealing.

‘No! I shouldn’t!’?Han-Yeol tried his best to calm his beating heart.

“I mean, developing a shoulder cannon is genuinely impressive! While the rest of the world is fixated on adapting conventional weapons for Hunters, you've taken a groundbreaking step by creating an entirely new type of weapon! That's absolutely remarkable!”