Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved-Chapter 1401: Don’t keep secrets this time.

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Chapter 1401: Don't keep secrets this time.

"You have become a sweet talker. But you know that is not how you should treat your children." Li Xue said before pulling herself away from him and giving him a pout of blame. "How hurt WeiWei would have been if she had heard you disregarding her like that. She loves you so much and now you …"

Before she could complete her words, Feng Shufen interrupted her while furrowing her brows in confusion. "When did I say that WeiWei is included in that?" 𝒇r𝙚𝙚𝓌𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝗲𝘭.c૦𝑚

Li Xue didn't understand and was about to remind him about his previous words but Feng Shufen continued on his own. "WeiWei is different. She is the reason with which we met. She was the helper who helped me trap you in my web of love. So, to me, she is above any priority. She can never be counted in the previous words I said."

He said, and Li Xue was all dumbfounded at his words. While her brows jutted together, her hand went to caress her stomach down as if taking the stand of the child in her womb. "Hey, are you differentiating between our children? How can you do that? He is still inside me and you are already making him feel that he will not be that important to you."

She said, and Feng Shufen seemed all nonchalant to her like he was accepting her words with all confidence.

"What? Won't you defend yourself?"

Feng Shufen shook his head. "WeiWei is precious. There is nothing to defend."

He said and Li Xue's jaws dropped at his words. "Hey, Mr. Beelzebub, are you even accepting it? Do you really not care if the little one will feel sad?"

"Truth shouldn't be that hard to accept. He will know it better if learned at a very young age." He said without showing any hint of guilt and Li Xue didn't know what more to say at this point of time.

"That's enough. We are not talking about this anymore. You better not bring up this topic again. I don't want my baby to feel any less." She said and then turned around to walk away, unable to see the nonchalant expression playing on the man's face. But then pausing, she turned back to add, "Also, you better not make the two feel competition from each other. Both will be our children and I want them to value their relationship. Do you get it?"

She said and Feng Shufen nodded to her obediently. But his obedience only irked the woman. "You …"

"You are thinking too much. Their relationship would grow better. WeiWei is sensible and she would love him dearly." He said, and his words like that gave some assurance to Li Xue. Her discomfort eased a bit. To say, WeiWei was really sensible and she believed that the little one would really care for the next coming in the little one's line.

Thinking of the two together playing brought a small smile on the face of Li Xue unknowingly as nodding, she said, "I believe the same." But then realizing herself trancing off, she coughed and added, "But even so, you should keep a note of your behavior. In no way would I want to see him coming to complain to me that you love him any less. Do you get it?"

Feng Shufen smiled but then nodded. Feeling assured at his nod, Li Xue pursed her lips and then looked around. They were in the middle of somewhere she didn't know. Checking the time on her watch, she scanned around again and said, "I feel it's getting late. We should return now. WeiWei must be waiting at home."

He said and Feng Shufen also nodded, ready to walk her to the passenger side of the car. But right at that moment, his phone rang and he paused in his step. Li Xue paused as well. Her eyes caught the name displaying on the screen and she read, "Gao Fan!"

Feng Shufen looked at her and hummed.

"He must have something important to say. Take your call and then we can go." She said, and Feng Shufen received the call.

While he talked, with every passing second his expression became a shade darker and fingers turned tight around the phone. To a point Li Xue even heard his knuckles binding tightly. Not sure what they were talking about, Li Xue thought to hear.

Although she could make out everything properly, to some point she still got to understand what they were talking about.

Once Feng Shufen kept the phone, she asked, "So who was it?"

Feng Shufen looked at her but didn't say anything. At which, she clarified to ask more comprehensively, "Who was the person who planned it today? I know you already got to know. I want to know it as well. Don't keep me in the dark this time."

She said and the man understood which other time she was referring to in her talks.

"It was lady Zhang."

Li Xue's expression changed. She needed not to know which woman he was referring to. Lady Zhang meant only one woman and that was Zhang Xiaotong's mother.

First it was the daughter who tried to kill her and now, it was the mother. These two women have really been audacious to think that twice.

Li Xue's eyes showed a glint of darkness as looking somewhere distant, she asked, "So, how are you planning to deal with them?"

Feng Shufen stared at her. Finding the shade of facial contours changing, he understood the murderous intent in her. He stepped closer before reaching out to intertwine their fingers together.

"Don't worry, it won't be easy for them. They are going to pay for everything. I have plans." He said and feeling the warmth of assurance in his words, Li Xue looked up at him before locking their gazes together.

Nodding, she hummed. Her complexion got back to normal slowly. "Fine, if that's so, let's go back now." She said and then turned again to walk back to the car. Feng Shufen followed her before opening the door of the car for her and helping her get inside.