Mark of the Fool-Chapter 96: Taking a Chance

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Chapter 96: Taking a Chance

The others had departed a couple of hours ago, and Alex had spent time with Selina afterward, just talking and relaxing and playing with clay until her eyes started to close.

As she got sleepier, he helped her get ready for bed and tucked her in. Hed stayed for a little while longer, making sure she wasnt having nightmares.

I think shell be fine, Theresa said from the doorway. She was running a brush through her deep, black hairwhich had grown quite a bit longer during their months in Generasiand leaning against the frame. She looked pretty happy with you after supper.

She was quiet, Alex said worriedly.

Its okay, Ill watch her during the night, she said, then jerked her head toward the apartment door. You going to wash up first?

No, I Alex paused. II think I want to tell Khalik.

Theresas brush paused. About?

He sighed. The Mark.

A startled silence filled the apartment.

That she whistled. Thats a big one.

Yeah, but likehold on, dont want to wake Selina up.

They quietly stepped out of Selina and Theresas room and shut the door.

Alex and Theresa faced each other over the dining room table. The normally brave huntress was fidgeting in the moonlight. It poured through the curtains framing the balcony, and through it, glowed a flickering light set in one of Khaliks windows.

Despite Alex spending time to make sure Selina was alright, the prince was waiting.

Are Theresa paused. Are you sure?

Yeah, I thought about it, Alex said. And

He took a deep breath, squared his shoulders slightly, then went into the explanation for why he wanted to tell Khalikincluding all of his thought processes, fears, and what made him comfortable with the idea.

Theresa listened carefullyher expression resting in her normal death stalker faceand her eyes were watching Alex very, very closely.

And thats why, Alex finally finished. what do you think?

I think she paused. Honestly, I dont know if its a good idea.

Really? Why?

She sighed. ItsI like Khalikand I trust him, I guess. He really comes through for all of us during your combat class: he has honour, but Theresa shook her head. I just get a bit scared when I think about you telling anyone.

You think I shouldnt do it?

No, no, she shook her head. Honestlyyoure the one thats got The Mark, and you know Khalik better than I do. If you want to tell someone, you canand if I had to pick anyone for you to tell, it would be him.

She shook her head. Im justscared, Alex, is all. This isthis is a big step.

Alex touched her shoulder gently. I know, Theresa, I know.

Butyoure right. Boy Who Refused to Cry Wolf, she said. If this is anything like any of the other old stories, then youll keep it a secret until it somehow comes out at the worst possible momentif you trust him, tell him. And with this cabal thing you all haveits not fair if youre all going to protect each other while youre sitting on something like this.


She looked at him and her eyes seemed to shine in the moonlight. Her gleaming black hair blew around her shoulders from a gentle breeze through the balcony. Justcall for me if anything happens, okay?

Nothings going to happen, Alex said.

I knowbut if it doescall for me.

Come in, Khalik said, as he opened the door for Alex. The bearded young man hid a yawn behind his hand. Then he gestured to a seat at his table, which theyd moved back to his apartment earlier. A pitcher and two glasses sat on the table.

Thanks, Alex said, slowly dropping into his seat.

He heard a rustle and his eyes darted toward the window. Najyah was there, the great bird of prey had tucked her head forward against her body. Her breaths were quiet, and if Alex didnt know better, he would have thought that she was merely a life-like ornament.

Nerves gnawed at his belly, and he tried to stop that voice that was screaming at him to just make an excuse and leave.

Here, Khalik said, dropping into the chair opposite him and then pouring a couple of drinks into the glasses. He slid one toward Alex, who glanced inside. Wine?

Indeed, Khalik said. It is what we drank when I shared my secret with you, so it shall be what we drink when you share yours with me.

He paused. Are you sure about this?

Yeah. Alex took a deep breath and squared his shoulders slightly. He paused: now that the movement had been pointed out to him, hed never be able to un-notice it. Im sure.

He took another deep breath and a long sip of wine.

This was it.

Khalik raised an eyebrow. With how tense you look, I almost feel like you are about to tell me that you did something horrible.

Alex looked at him gravely. I did.

Khalik froze. Whatwhat are you about to tell me?

Im a monster. A shapeshifter that-

He paused; Khalik was holding up his hand with an unamused expression.

No, the prince said.

What? Alex said. I was telling you the tru-

You were not. Khalik shook his head. You were about to try the same trick on me that I played on you, which I was waiting for.

Alex cursed internally.

That was one chance for revenge spoiled.

It was alright, though: he was patient and there would be other opportunities.

Alright, seriously this time. Alex drew himself up, his voice quieting. Have you ever heard of The Heroes of Thameland?

Khalik frowned. Only in passing. I think I heard you speak of them to your friend from potions class, Carey. And I have heard it mentioned in passing by some professors and a few students, but that is all.

Okay Alex took a deep breath and dropped his voice to a whisper. WellIm one of them.

A long silence followed, then Khalik burst out laughing. You are persistent! You got me this time!

Shhhh! Alex glanced at the door and balcony. Not so loud!

The princes laughter continued to roll through the apartment until he noticed Alexs face. Both his mirth and his smile vanished. By my godsyou are serious, arent you?

Yeahso there are these Heroes, right? Five of them, all marked. He spread his hands. Theres The Chosen: their leader. The Champion: their warrior. The Sage: their spell caster. And The Saint: their healer and miracle worker.

He sighed. And lastly, theres The Fool: theirservant. And thats me.

Khalik blinked at him for a moment, then took a long sip from his cup. IfI think, I remember Carey saying something about this Fool- He paused, glancing at Alex. -being missing. And thats becausehe, or you are here.

Thats right.

Andhow are you here? Khalik asked.

Alex sighed. That, my friendis kind of a long story.

As it turned out, it was a long story.

Having never told it before, he didnt realize quite how long. He started with a background on The Ravener and The Heroes. He continued into the history of The Heroes and mentioned the patron saint of Alric: The Traveller.

He then talked about the day hed gotten The Markthe plans hed had, the journey hed wanted to make, and the life hed wanted for himselfand how The Mark had changed all that.

Wait. Khalik held up a hand at that point in the story. So it hinders combat, divinity and magic?

Spellcraft, Alex corrected. While making you learn just about anything else a lot faster.

And you have been taking Baelins combat course and other courses revolving around spellcraft while dealing with this?

It uhyeah, it hasnt been easy.

And what was that part about priests being able to sense you?

Apparently its from really close, I wouldnt have gotten out of Alric otherwise.

But how did you escape your realm?

Wellremember The Traveller?


Thats where her cave comes in.

Alex continued through their trials in The Cave of the Traveller, about their struggle against the hive-queen. He was brief with his discussion of the dungeon core and humans being able to use it. Khalik didnt have the background context for why that was such a big deal, so he simply nodded with that part of the story, though his eyebrows did rise.

Finally, Alex finished with how hed been struggling and finding loopholes in The Marks interference, which hed been using to successfully get through his classes.

And thats basically it, Alex finally said. He glanced at the balcony, noticing that the moon had shifted its position a fair bit. Thats my big secret. Im just hoping to look into this stuff with the dungeon core and pass my courses. Maybe I can get the information to someone that I can trust. Someone with power. And yeah He thought it over for a moment. Thats it.

Alex closely watched Khaliks face.

The southern prince was silent for a long time, Alex knew it must have been only for a dozen seconds or so, but to him, it felt like hours. Prince Khalik stared into his wine for a long time, his brow furrowed and his fine features highlighted by the moonlight.

In that moment, he looked olderlike a wise king pondering some great question instead of simply his peer and friend.

That Khalik paused. First, I should say that I thank you for telling me this. I deeply thank you. I can see now why it was so difficult for you to share. wow.

Alex swallowed. Whatwhat do you think?

What do I think? Khalik blinked. What is there for me to say?

I mean, the whole thing, Alex said.

Well, I have to say that the title suits you: you are a fool. A mad, brave fool, Khalik said in disbelief. A bakers assistant sneaking through a cave of silent scorpions-


-yes, silence-spiders. Sneaking through their cave, blowing up a swarm and the magic statues that guarded your patron saints sanctum, blowing a giant monster to kingdom come, and then jumping into an unknown portal that delivered you hundreds of leagues away. It is madness. Sheer and utter madness.

Khalik shook his head. And I thought my journey had peril, and it did, but I was surrounded by my finest guards, I had Najyah and I have had training in combat with spell and blade. You? You had a magical mark that made you more vulnerable than most and you still tried it. And then-

He gestured to the south. You come to the chancellors class to learn more about combat. More danger.

Hey, wouldnt have figured out as many loopholes as I have without that class, Alex said. Plus, I got to meet you, and Baelin and Thundar and Isoldeand Shiani and GrimlochAngelara lot of people.

Even this whole thing. All of this. The prince gestured to their surroundings. Coming to a university for wizardry while hindered against spellcraft as you are, but trying anyway. I think most would run, or try to, but perhaps merely hide in a village. Or they would go to a town somewhere on the continent and use their skills to enrich themselves.

I think thats what some of my predecessors did. Historys spotty, though.

And I am surprised you did not do so yourself. To be branded a servant, and hindered from defending oneself against danger. But you chose a hard path instead of going off to enrich yourself.

I just really want to be a wizard, Alex said.

I can see that, Khalik said. WellI have a question.

What is it?

can I see this Mark?

Alex paused. Yeah.

The two young men closed the curtains, and Alex took off his shirt, showing the prince the golden glowing jesters face. The prince squinted at it. It has an evil lookthough I suppose it could be uglier.

You Alex blinked.

Whats wrong? Khalik looked up.

I dunno, justI didnt expect you to react like this, he said.

Khalik shrugged. I have met powerful folk. I have met men and women that my kingdoms generals call hero. I have met those that claimed to hear our gods. And here I have seen wizards and monsters. I am a prince of Tekezash: I will take my friends secret and cherish it, but I will not gawk at you, worship you and judge you.

The prince rose to his full height, andfor a brief instanthe almost seemed taller than Alex. You are branded by your god and you chose another fate. You still seek to help your people, and you protect your family. You put your trust in me, as I have in you: you remain Alex Roth, my first friend at Generasi and my closest here. We are in a cabal together, and we shall protect each other and aid each other.

He paused; his voice filled with royal dignity. You may call upon me while we are in the cabaljust as, someday, I may call upon you. And that is all there is to that. That is what I think, Alex.

For a moment, Alex thought he might cry from relief. All of the bad scenarios disappeared from his mind. He had shared his secret and, in the end, he had kept his friend.

No, if anything, he felt closer to this young man than before.

T-thanks man, Alex said.

Think nothing of it, Khalik said, gripping Alexs unmarked shoulder. Now, who else knows?

Just my sister, Theresa and her parents. Literally no one else.

Gooddo you think you will tell Thundar and Isolde?

Yeah, Alex nodded. When I get to know them a little better. If I can trust them, I will.

And anyone else? A professor?

Alex paused. Baelin, I think.

Mmmm. Khalik thought it over for a while, and then paused to yawn. It was very, very late. That is a good choice. The chancellor is powerful and has no love for gods, if he is on your side, then you will be safe.

Yeah, Alex said. Yeah

Khalik yawned again. And besides, if you tell one of the professors, then someone can understand you if you struggleah, so that is why you struggle with force missile?

Yeah, Alex said, putting his shirt back on. The Marks got its benefits, but its frustrating. Let me tell you.

I can imagine, Khalik said. I might have tried to cut if off by now.

Alex shrugged. It crossed my mind in those first few days, but someone else probably thought of that too in previous generations. All I have to do now is just keep going. Things are going well, and Im making the best of it. I think Jules might give me more freedom soon, maybe next semester. Its been alright so far.

WellI hope it stays that way, Khalik said. And againthanks for trusting me.

The two young men bid each other good night after gripping each others hands in farewell. As Alex started down the hall, his step was light and the world felt a little more friendly.

He was glad he had done it.

His mind returned to what Khalik said about professors not knowing that The Mark might make him struggle. That was a good point.

Hopefully, that wouldnt come to bite him any time soon.

Why are you not trying in my class, Mr. Roth? Professor Ram demanded.

Alex gulped as his imposing professor of force magic watched him pointedly, his face hardened by anger.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢