Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants-Chapter 480: Abstract materialization of light!

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Chapter 480 The abstract visualization of light!

“If this is true…”

Su Yao murmured secretly, his heartbeat speeding up.

If it is really what he thinks, then Badr's ability is no small matter!

It’s no worse than sunshine and chaos magic, or even worse!

You must know that the five major gods of the universe, except for Galactus, Eternity, Death, Annihilation, and Infinity, are the gods of the universe and even have the title of Creator God.

The main reason is that they represent the rules and phenomena of the universe.

Even, they jointly make up this universe!

“If I become the embodiment of light because of my ability to be the incarnation of light, doesn’t that mean that I also have the potential to become a creation god?!”

“At the very least, it is on the same level as them in nature!”

Furthermore, light can be said to be a very important thing in the universe, and it is not too weak to be the embodiment of light.

Su Yao even suspected that Badr's light was not just light on the surface, but also had temperature!

In Norse mythology, Ragnarok begins with the death of Baldr!

At the same time, terrible wars and moral decay broke out in every corner of the world.

But, if this is true…

At the same time, he was also a little confused, not knowing how to improve the ability of the incarnation of light.

For this reason, with His demise, people will become morally corrupt and selfish.

“I did not perceive the ability of the incarnation of light…”

With his death, the world fell into darkness, and even the sun lost its heat. Strong cold winds blew from all directions, and the world fell into the Finbul winter.

【Light Incarnation Experience +1】

Of course, these are just guesses.

This situation is not normal!

Is the level too low?

Suddenly, while he was deep in thought, he heard a prompt.

Su Yao guessed, feeling a little bad.

If these descriptions are true, then the ability of the incarnation of light is probably stronger than he imagined!

Su Yao's heart beat a little faster, and he couldn't help but focus on the ability of the incarnation of light.

Su Yao frowned.

Fathers, sons, and brothers kill each other, and people's respect for parents and love for children are ruthlessly disappearing!

Instead, everyone is in danger and selfish, and violence and chaos breed and spread!

From this description, Su Yao had some doubts. Badr not only represents light, but also temperature, and even conceptually, the light in people's hearts!

【Ability: Incarnation of Light (0/100) Level 1】

Spring, summer, and autumn are all gone, and the remaining days are cold and dark.

?The myth describes it this way…

At first glance, it seemed normal and there was nothing wrong with it, but Su Yao quickly noticed something was wrong.

“Or do you have to upgrade to level five and truly unlock this Omega ability to notice changes?”

“There seems to be no change in me?”

"This is?"

Su Yao's eyes showed surprise, and he pondered, "It seems that I haven't done anything, I just thought about something?"

what's the situation?

The Incarnation of Light is automatically promoted?

Su Yao was a little surprised.

After calming down, he felt it carefully.

Soon, he noticed something was wrong. As the sunlight shone on him, he felt a vague connection with the sunlight.

These perceptions are so weak that if he hadn't carefully sensed them, he wouldn't have been able to sense them. Su Yao reacted quickly and almost understood the way to improve the incarnation of light.

“Want to bask in the sun?” he thought thoughtfully.

To confirm this, Su Yao took out the space gem, used the space gem to leave the space, and appeared in a remote alley.

Standing in a dark corner with almost no light, he immediately felt that the connection with the light became weaker. At the same time, the sound of the incarnation of light did not sound for a long time.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no sound at all, but the time is extremely long, and it is not as fast as standing in the sun and being directly exposed to the sun.

“Sure enough, it has something to do with exposure to light!”

The sourc𝗲 of this content is freēwēbηovel.c૦m.

After confirming this, in the confused eyes of people all over the world who were paying attention to the satellite images, the figure of the man in white flashed and returned to the earth's space again.

?【Light energy +1】

【Light Incarnation Experience +1】

A series of prompts sounded.

Just like that, Su Yao was floating in space, basking in the sun and collecting energy points to increase the unlocking progress of Badr. He was ready to see what changes would happen after 100%, while waiting for the improvement of the ability of the Incarnation of Light.

Let’s see if there will be any new changes after the fifth level of Incarnation of Light!

Time passed quickly, and four hours passed quickly.

【Light Incarnation Experience +1】

?As this prompt sounded, the Omega ability of the Incarnation of Light immediately increased by one level.

【Ability: Incarnation of Light (0/500) Level 2】

Su Yao immediately closed his eyes and sensed it.

He only felt that the connection with the light became deeper.

As for other changes, he didn't feel it.

“It seems that the ability of the incarnation of light will really appear after the fifth level.”

Su Yao couldn't help but frowned.

How long will this take?

While feeling distressed, Su Yao couldn't help but look forward to it.

??If you wait until the Incarnation of Light reaches level 5 and are truly liberated, maybe the crisis from eternity can be solved!

“I hope it will be soon...”

Feeling the vague sense of crisis, Su Yao couldn't help but sigh.

The next second, he closed his eyes again, waiting for the incarnation of light to continue to upgrade.

Just when Su Yao closed his eyes and improved himself, a group of uninvited guests suddenly arrived in the Earth's solar system.

When they appeared near the earth, not only Su Yao suddenly woke up and focused his eyes on the past, but also the satellites of various countries that were always paying attention to the space also saw the group of uninvited guests.

Even the dimensional demon gods of various dimensions and even the powerful gods of various pantheons were suddenly shocked and noticed the anomalies happening near the earth.

They focused their attention and instantly saw the appearance of the group of guys.

Then, each of their eyes showed shock.

“It’s the Celestial Team!”

“And there’s more than one!”

As they watched, the leader of the Celestial God Group, Judge Alithem, who was huge and flaming red, appeared here with six other shorter Celestial God Groups of different colors.

There are pink ones, yellow ones, and purple ones among them, and the colors look different.

However, no matter what color they are, the only thing that remains unchanged is their extremely powerful strength!

?As a member of the cosmic **** group, any one of them is incredibly powerful and can even destroy a planet!