Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants-Chapter 484: Members of the Celestial God Group who were wiped out by Su Yao

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Chapter 484 The members of the God Group who were erased by Su Yao

The three gods are in disbelief.

Who are they? They are the managers of the universe, the Celestials!

?The power contained within each human being far exceeds those of the so-called mythical Heavenly Father.

But now, they are actually going to die? !

“The foundation of our existence has been shaken, and we have become something that should not exist...”

The yellow deity group and the other two deity groups tried to use their divine power to stop this scene, but they all ended in failure.

“The nature of this force is so high that we can’t change or stop it!”

?The three gods were astonished and couldn't believe how such an incredible and incredible power could exist in the universe.

Upon seeing this, the four Celestial Gods next to him, including Alithem, the judge of the Celestials, took action to try to stop this scene. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

Lights of different colors appeared from their hands and quickly enveloped the three unusual groups of gods.

However, what they found unbelievable was that they could not prevent the disappearance of the three people.

?The man in white just said one sentence and wiped out a large range of things?

Has this range of reality been deconstructed?

“Mutant, what have you done?”

“Stop it!!”

?How much of an area would have to be wiped out if the man in white used this kind of scope on the earth?

A whole country has to be wiped out, right? !

Even, not only the things in this area, but also the three vast existences among them, are all disappearing?

Stark Tower.

“What did the man in white do?”


They stared in shock at the horrific sight before them.

“What kind of power is this? How come its essence is so high? Why can’t we stop it?!”

Soon, Jarvis's voice sounded, and he also knew the scope of this area.

Finally, the voice of Alithem, the judge of the gods, already contained deep anger.

Seeing this, Alisem, the judge of the God Group, immediately turned his head and stared at the man in white in the distance.

“Jarvis, have you analyzed the size of this area?” Tony Stark asked.

“The Man in White is an Omega mutant?” Tony Stark looked dazed and almost cursed in secret.

Five thousand kilometers in radius!

He thought in disbelief.

His voice spread throughout the surroundings, and even the void around him did not stop the voice from coming out.

At this time, Odin, as well as humans all over the earth, Tony Stark, Nick Fury and others, and even the gods of various pantheons and the dimensional demons, reacted belatedly.

This kind of power is already comparable to that of the Messiah, or even surpasses it? !

The moment he learned the answer, he felt it was unscientific.

At this moment they were stunned and talking a lot.

Looking at Nick Fury in a daze, Agent Hill asked with concern, "Director?"

?Nick Fury quickly woke up and said in a deep voice, "It's okay."

Of course, he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface at this moment, and he started cursing in his heart.

Crazy, crazy!

?Is this still a relatively normal white man?

?The man in white didn't do anything, just said a word, and it caused such a terrible scene?

At first, he thought that the man in white was more normal than the Messiah, and secretly thought that it was a pity that the one facing these seven guys was not the Messiah. Now...

“There is nothing normal about this Omega mutant!”

This man in white is just like the Messiah, they are both freaks!

Even, Nick Fury is very sure that the man in white is also a super omega mutant, not an omega mutant as they originally thought.

?Nick Fury felt like he was going crazy and that humanity was almost finished. Even if there is a Super Omega mutant, another one comes. Is the earth enough for them?

?If either of these two guys hits the earth a few times, the earth will have problems!

?The top management of the United States.

At this moment, their faces looked as ugly as if they had eaten shit.

One monster is not enough, how about another one? !

Just when they couldn't believe it, the gods of various pantheons now knew more clearly what the scene in front of them meant.

There are actually three groups of gods, and they are about to be wiped out?

This horrific scene frightened them.

Each group of gods is a supreme existence!

“Hercules, is this what you call distorting and modifying reality?” Zeus didn’t even know what to say.

At the same time, the dimensional demon gods in various dimensions are in similar moods at the moment.

Any group of gods is comparable to their existence, but now there are three of them, and they are about to perish in their eyes...

?The nightmare in the nightmare dimension was shocked and murmured happily, "Fortunately, these gods will look for trouble, otherwise I would be the one facing the man in white."

"Fortunately, I didn't bring this guy to the nightmare dimension. These gods group died first..."

?Nightmare felt lucky.

?If it wasn't for good luck, he might have been the one who died!

Dormammu and other beings who also had thoughts about the White Man were feeling a little lucky at this moment.

Fortunately I didn’t cause any trouble to the man in white before!

In outer space of the Earth.

Odin, who was standing not far from Su Yao, was already filled with shock.

“My child, your strength…”

Looking at Badr in front of him, he was in disbelief.

The child in front of me actually has such power?

The three gods are all going to die, right?

This child has power beyond the gods? !

Odin was shocked.

Thor on the other side was also surprised and happy at the moment, shocked by his brother's strength.

“My younger brother is indeed no worse than the Messiah!”

“My brother must be a super-Omega-level mutant!”

Thor muttered in surprise.

Earth scene.

Seeing that the three gods were about to dissipate, Alisem, the judge of the gods, couldn't bear it anymore and said coldly, "White man, stop!"

“Every member of the Celestial God is precious, they cannot die here!”

This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

“Kill them and you will completely anger us and attract the attention of our entire Celestial Group!”

“We will fight to the death and make it our mission to eliminate you!”

Attention was focused on Su Yao, but the expression on his face didn't change much at this moment, and he didn't even mean to stop.

?Anyway, he has been offended. Even if the chaos magic is prevented from taking effect, the situation will not get better.

Arizom, the judge of the gods, will definitely not let him go in the end.

Su Yao trusts his intuition.

Looking at the three gods who were about to disappear, Su Yao said calmly, "This threat is useless. You'd better ask them if they have any last words."

After saying this, Alisem, the judge of the Celestial God Group, and the four Celestial God Groups turned their eyes and saw that they were about to disappear.