Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize-Chapter 100 Cooperation With Greed And Envy

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After Greed had gently put Sylvana to sleep, the three witches returned to their seats at the table, ready to delve into a discussion of business matters with Daniel. It became apparent that Daniel was still not well-versed in the deeper affairs of the Curtained World. For example, he had no knowledge that Wrath's condition was a result of the deprivation of magic and blood essence, and even the people he had 'Actualized' remained unaware of this fact.

Perhaps this was because those individuals lacked the mage or wizard subclasses, and the knowledge stored within Daniel's mind, derived from his professions as a 'Grand Artificer,' 'Grand Alchemist,' and 'Grand Hunter,' did not encompass this particular information. It was clear that Daniel needed someone knowledgeable and trustworthy from the Hightower to serve as his advisor.

"Daniel, old man Stenmark and I have already discussed our business endeavors related to you. He couldn't come here in person due to some urgent matters within his Clan, but he entrusted me to bring you these..." Greed explained, retrieving a stack of documents from her business suitcase. The documents bore the Stenmark Clan emblem—a Viking helmet resting upon a stone—and contained all the pertinent details.

Daniel picked the document up and read it for a few minutes.

The paper contained the details of cooperation between him, or in this case, the 'Astral Atelier' workshop. In conclusion, it stated that the 'Stenmark Clan' or the 'Stenmark Heavy Industries' would cooperate with the Astral Atelier in providing all the ore-based materials necessary for creating artifacts under the Astral Atelier workshop, with a 25% discount. 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝒏𝙤𝒗𝒆𝒍.𝒄𝙤𝙢

In return, the Stenmark Clan required the Astral Atelier to develop improved mining equipment or machinery that could be used to extract various minerals, both magical and non-magical, from around the world. The newly developed equipment or machinery would be exclusively sold to the Stenmark Clan for a period of at least 5 years.

If the Stenmark Clan couldn't provide the Astral Atelier workshop with the required materials, as stated in the document, they would attempt to find an alternative supplier offering at least a 15% discount to the workshop.

After reading this, Daniel tilted his head in confusion. Didn't Lord Stenmark want him to share the profits from selling the artifacts? Why had the direction changed?

Greed, noticing the look of confusion on Daniel's face, surmised that he must be wondering why old man Stenmark had changed his approach, seeking to monopolize the use of advanced technology instead of sharing the profits from the artifacts.

"Daniel, you must be confused about why Lord Stenmark changed his mind, right?" Greed asked.

"Yeah, I thought he wanted to share the profits like Koyuki did," Daniel replied.

"Well... it's because of this." Greed retrieved her notebook from her suitcase and placed it on the table.

She then opened the clip in the notebook and turned the screen for Daniel to see.

On the screen, the scene unfolded—it depicted his seven Atlantean vanguards in hulking power armor wreaking havoc on the Willow family estate. Despite being captured from a distance, the display of power was unmistakable. Smoke billowed, fires raged, and the destruction of the Willow family's defenders was evident, even from afar.

"You might not be aware, but this video went viral within the circle of the Curtained World higher-ups. I believe nearly all the patriarchs of the major clans are aware of its existence. On that day, some of them were even preparing to raid the Willow family estate like you did. However, you managed to beat them to the punch. Some of them have captured this Video when you are laying waste on the Willow family estate." Greed explained, then continued.

"A lot of Artificers, including the specialists in my company, such as Sloth, saw this video. She mentioned that she would need at least adamantine to create a defensive power like the armor shown in the video. However, from the looks of it, you didn't even use adamantine, yet the protection offered was comparable. Sloth believes this should contribute to the Atlantean Artifact creation technique," Greed said as she looked at Daniel, hoping to glean some clue from his expression.

"So... that's why Lord Stenmark sought me out to help him develop and create a new kind of mining technology. The five-year period mentioned in this document indicates that he wants to have a monopoly on the technology. It's a very intriguing deal," Daniel said, nodding at the promising prospects this deal would bring for both him and the Stenmark Clan in the future.

"What about you, then? I heard that you also wanted to cooperate with me," Daniel inquired.

Greed feigned a cough before explaining the benefits she could offer him. "Since I am the CEO of the wealthiest corporation group in the world, with roots in nearly all businesses, let me offer you this. If you cooperate with me, there's nothing in the business world that I, the Witch of Greed, can't do. I could even provide you with a headquarters for Astral Atelier, free of charge, on the most prosperous streets of San Francisco, Paris, or London! And..." Greed was about to continue her sales pitch when Daniel raised his hand, signaling her to stop.

"Miss Greed, what I need right now are two things: trustworthiness and legitimate legal status to conduct business in both the Mundane World and the Curtained World. If you can provide me with these two things, I'll be more than happy to discuss business with you on more favorable terms. Can you assist me with these two requirements?" Daniel asked.

"Trustworthiness? Are you suggesting that I'm not trustworthy? I must tell you, Mr. Daniel, this is the worst kind of insult one could throw at me. Even though you are Wrath's boyfriend, I won't accept this kind of..." Daniel raised his hand once again, cutting off Greed's frustrated rant.

"That's not what I meant, Miss Greed... ugh, how can I explain..." Daniel groaned and then looked towards Michaela, who nodded at him, indicating that both witches seemed trustworthy enough.

"Michaela, please show them your true form," Daniel commanded.

"Yes, my lord," Michaela acquiesced, her voice filled with reverence. With a graceful motion, she extended her arms, and a radiant light began to emanate from her body. The luminous glow intensified, enveloping her form in a brilliant aura.

Greed and Envy watched in awe and disbelief as the light transformed into magnificent wings. Three pairs of wings, resplendent in their celestial beauty, unfurled from Michaela's back, casting a majestic silhouette against the room. Each feather shimmered with an ethereal luminescence, emitting a gentle, otherworldly glow.

As the wings reached their full span, the transformation continued. Michaela's attire shifted, morphing into shimmering silver armor, adorned with intricate engravings and ornate patterns. A sword materialized in one hand, its blade gleaming with a celestial radiance, while a shield formed in the other, reflecting the light with a polished brilliance.

Greed and Envy stood stunned, their jaws dropping in awe at the awe-inspiring sight before them. The sheer grandeur and divine presence exuded by Michaela as an archangel left them speechless, their minds struggling to comprehend the magnitude of her power and celestial beauty.

Daniel, observing the bewildered expressions on their faces, couldn't help but be amused by their reaction. The sheer shock displayed by both Greed and Envy surpassed even Wrath's, with Envy appearing particularly stunned and momentarily lost for words.

"This... This is Michaela! The right hand of God and the leader of the archangel Michaela!" Greed exclaimed, her voice trembling with disbelief. Envy, on the other hand, seemed completely taken aback, her stunned silence rendering her unresponsive to the world around her.

"Holy cow! I never thought I'd witness aunt Envy so dumbfounded in my life! She's completely speechless!" Wrath interjected, a chuckle escaping her lips.

"Miss Greed, what you've just witnessed is merely the tip of the iceberg. The level of trust I require from you extends far beyond this revelation. You see, what lies ahead, once you accept my conditions, will be even more astonishing than Michaela's true identity. I simply cannot afford to be constantly on guard against potential acts of sabotage or spying. My energy is already stretched thin, considering I need to open my workshop soon," Daniel explained, his voice carrying a hint of seriousness.

Greed and Envy, slowly recovering from their initial shock, exchanged glances, realizing the gravity of Daniel's words. The weight of trust he sought from them was not to be taken lightly, as it encompassed the unveiling of extraordinary secrets and the potential risks associated with their shared endeavors.

The room fell into a momentary silence, the air thick with anticipation and the realization that their future collaboration held far greater implications than they had initially imagined.

"Very well, Daniel. I solemnly swear upon my power as the Witch of Greed that I will never betray your trust, as long as you, in turn, do not betray mine," Greed declared, raising her hand to solidify her oath. With her proclamation, she activated a binding contract, sealing her words with the full force of her power as the Witch of Greed. She understood the gravity of breaking this promise, as it would result in the loss of her entire power, a consequence considered to be exceptionally severe.

"And what about you, Miss Envy?" Daniel inquired, turning his attention towards Envy, anticipating her answer.