Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize-Chapter 101 The Port Prosperity

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Envy quickly regained her composure after hearing Daniel's question. She raised her hand and activated the same binding contract as Greed.

"I solemnly swear upon my power as the Witch of Envy that I will never betray your trust, as long as you, in turn, do not betray mine. I assure you, I am in full control of myself," Envy vowed, her words slightly different from Greed's.

The light from Envy's hand faded, indicating that the contract had taken effect, binding her power to her vow. Should she break it, all her power would be nullified.

Curiosity piqued, Daniel asked, "What do you mean by being in full control? I find it peculiar that you included that phrase in your vow. Does it imply that those in the Grand Councilor position are still at risk of being controlled by someone, like through mind-altering magic?"

Envy smiled, understanding Daniel's confusion. She realized that it had been less than two months since Daniel entered the Curtained World, and there were still many aspects he had yet to learn.

"Mr. Magitek, as you are new to the Curtained World, you may not know that each of us Witches of the Seven Deadly Sins has our own flaw. One of those flaws is that we are susceptible to the influence of our respective sin origin. For example, your girlfriend, Wrath, tends to lose control and become consumed by anger. Greed, on the other hand, becomes overwhelmed by an insatiable greed when she encounters something interesting or desires to possess it. She will stop at nothing to obtain what she wants," Envy explained.

Daniel nodded, starting to grasp the concept. He continued to listen attentively as Envy shed light on this aspect of their nature.

"And what about you? Do you succumb to uncontrollable envy?" Daniel inquired.

Envy nodded in affirmation before elaborating, "Indeed, I am prone to succumbing to uncontrollable envy. However, you can easily discern when one of the Witches is on the verge of losing control by observing their eyes. Wrath's eyes shine red when her anger intensifies, while Greed's eyes turn golden. As for me, my eyes become purple."

Surprised by this revelation, Greed interjected, "Purple? Aunt Envy, I have never witnessed you entering an uncontrollable state before."

Envy smiled at Greed's comment, appreciating her concern. "My dear, as the most powerful Witch, I have achieved many things throughout my long life. The longer I live, the less I feel envy towards others. While I am still one of the Seven Deadly Sins Witches, my susceptibility to envy has diminished over time. However, I am not entirely immune. If I perceive others possessing something I desire, a flicker of envy may still arise within me."

Greed nodded, understanding Envy's explanation. "That makes sense. Considering your immense power and achievements, there is little for you to envy in others. No one can compare to you in all aspects, so there is no need for you to feel envious."

Envy smiled in agreement, acknowledging Greed's observation. However, unknown to anyone, Greed herself was alarmed. She had come dangerously close to succumbing to uncontrollable envy when she witnessed the heartwarming scene of Wrath, Daniel, and Sylvana walking together like a genuine family. Luckily, her momentary lapse went unnoticed by the others.

"[My lord... please be careful. She's not lying, but she felt envious of you and Lady Wrath when you first arrived here with Lady Sylvana]," Michaela sent a telepathic message to her lord.

Upon hearing Michaela's message, Daniel decided to inquire further. He turned to Envy and asked, "I understand how Wrath and Greed behave when they enter an uncontrollable state, but what about you? How do you behave in such circumstances?"

Envy fell silent, a tinge of sorrow evident in her eyes. It seemed as though she was reminiscing about a past heartbreak.

"I appreciate your concern, Mr. Magitek, but I would prefer to keep that information private for now. Consider it a personal matter. However, I assure you that among the Seven Deadly Sins Witches, I am the most skilled at controlling my impulses," Envy reassured Daniel.

Daniel didn't immediately place complete trust in Envy's words, but since she had made her vow and activated the binding contract, he deemed it sufficient for the time being. He also had faith in Wrath's judgment; if she sensed any untrustworthiness in Envy, she would inform him.

After making the decision, Daniel led the group of Witches to his secret base at the port. He contacted the men from the Veneziale estate and requested transportation for himself and the Witches to the secret base.

They embarked on a journey through Sector Alpha City, navigating through the chaotic traffic that still bore an air of sorrow following the recent bomb incident. The city was draped in mourning, with many individuals dressed in black to pay their respects to the victims of what the government deemed a terrorist attack.

As they approached the calm and serene port, the Witch group enjoyed themselves within the passenger room of the limo, indulging in various drinks and alcohol. Greed remained unresponsive to the sight of the port in the distance, while Envy narrowed her eyes and created a small circle with her fingers, attempting to peer through it.

"This... It's a powerful illusion. I can see through the first layer, but the second layer still obscures my vision. Is that your base?" Envy remarked with a sense of awe, seeking confirmation from Daniel.

Daniel nodded and replied, "Yes, Miss Envy. However, what you see is only a part of it." As he spoke, the limo crossed the boundary of the port, revealing the true scenery to Greed and Envy.

The view before them revealed a sprawling commercial harbor, which served as the primary hub for the Veneziale gang's smuggling and regular transactions. The bustling scene was teeming with a diverse array of individuals, including members of various criminal organizations such as triads, the Russian mafia, and even the Italian mafia, who traversed in and out of the port.

Daniel had decided to bestow the commercial port and its surrounding area as a gift and reward to the Veneziale gang for their loyal service. It was evident that the gang was reaping substantial profits from this venture.

The scene unfolded before them, revealing the bustling prosperity of the Veneziale gang within the commercial harbor. However, this was no ordinary criminal enterprise. Under Daniel's watchful eye, he had ensured that the gang steered clear of illicit activities such as drug trafficking or human slavery, both of which he vehemently detested. Instead, the gang focused their efforts on smuggling goods and weapons, catering to a specific clientele.

Within the confines of the harbor, something extraordinary was taking place—an auction of high-quality artifacts, specifically curated to aid individuals in their battles against mages and supernatural entities such as ghosts and vampires. This exclusive auction hall had become a hidden gem within the underworld, a haven accessible only to those closely affiliated with the Veneziale gang. The underworld's denizens, along with select members of the Syndicate Union, flocked to this oasis in search of extraordinary artifacts that were impossible to find within their regular black market dealings.

Here, the Veneziale gang held the key to obtaining coveted items that could turn the tide in their fight against formidable adversaries. The allure of these rare artifacts made the auction hall a coveted destination, attracting individuals from all walks of the underworld. It was a testament to the gang's influence and the reputation of their enigmatic mage protector.

Within the bustling port, the gang operated with an air of invincibility, safeguarded by their connection to the powerful mage and their dominance over this unique marketplace. It was a flourishing empire built on trust, secrecy, and the insatiable thirst for power within the shadowy realms of the supernatural. 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝐨𝘃𝐞𝐥.𝗼𝗿𝐠

The car smoothly navigated through the bustling trading center established by the Veneziale gang, a testament to their prosperity and influence within the port. As they delved deeper into the harbor, they arrived at a prominent structure—a massive dry dock that loomed before them.

Stepping out of the car, Daniel, Michaela, and the Witch group were greeted by the presence of two influential figures: Ardito Veneziale, the leader of the gang, and Ivan Volkov, the Russian mafia boss who had once been Ardito's rival but had now become their partner in an effort to maximize their profits.

Volkov, known for his fiery temperament, wasted no time in voicing his discontent to Ardito. "C'mon, comrade! Everyone loves Russian guns! Why can't I sell my goods here?!"

Ardito's patience wore thin, and he wasted no time in responding to Volkov's protest. "Volkov, let me make this crystal clear. The issue here isn't the Russian guns; it's the abysmal quality of your goods. We conducted random checks on your merchandise, and what did we find? Five out of ten were nothing but duds and malfunctioning pieces of junk. Some even had barrels that exploded in my men's faces! It was only thanks to Mr. Magitek's magic potion that we managed to save their lives. The injuries were so severe that waiting for an ambulance was out of the question. And do you have any idea how much those potions cost? The price alone could have covered the entire shipment of your shoddy goods ten times over!"

Ardito's frustration seeped into his words, dripping with the sting of monetary losses. The Veneziale gang's success hinged on their reputation for delivering reliable and top-notch products. Volkov's subpar offerings posed a grave threat to their standing, jeopardizing the trust they had painstakingly built within the criminal underworld.