MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 16 Make trouble and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

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Su Xiaoman listened to him and nodded, she knew that Liu Zhaoqiang was already moved, this is a good thing, I hope it can be done.

If not, you can think of other ways.

The most important thing at present is to improve Su Xiaoman's image and reputation among the members, and to do more good things in the production team. The power of the team is huge.

"Xiaoman, stay and eat."

"Auntie, I won't stay, I want to go back."

Aunt Wang Qiaoxiu wanted to keep Su Xiaoman at home for dinner, but Su Xiaoman declined, and left the uncle's house after joking.

Before leaving, Wang Qiaoxiu took Su Xiaoman's hand and praised the dress she made, "It's still the skill of you little girls, our family Xiaoman is a skillful girl, this dress is no better than the clothes in the garment factory. If you take it to a department store and sell it, it will definitely sell for a good price.”

Su Xiaoman left her uncle's house, Wang Qiaoxiu's smile did not fade away, and she said to her husband, "What is Xiaoman talking about this time?"

"She doesn't want to go to a clothing factory in the city, Xiaoman can do it, but she's afraid she can't bear the hardship."

Liu Zhaoqiang shook his head, smoking a cigarette and simply telling Wang Qiaoxiu what Su Xiaoman said before.

As expected, the next second, Wang Qiaoxiu exclaimed in surprise: "Really? Is this what we Xiaoman said?"

Liu Zhaoqiang nodded silently.

Wang Qiaoxiu saw his expression, her heart sank, and she didn't speak again. During this period of time, she had seen her husband's frustration in the production team.

Being a production team leader, without great merits and mistakes, you can still live on, and you will not be scolded by others as "blind tossing".

Qiaoxiu, Secretary Liang came to persuade me today, I want to give up."

Wang Qiaoxiu sighed when she heard the words, a big stone hanging in her heart was settled at this moment, even if she used to dislike her husband every day, and tossed things around her body, now things are really like She wanted it, but she didn't feel good, as if there was another stone blocking her chest.

She opened the oil paper bag that Su Xiaoman had brought before, and opened it, there were four rich-colored flowering steamed buns, the sweet sugar aroma and the attractive jujube aroma immediately dispelled the smoky dry smoke taste.

Liu Zhaoqiang rubbed his nose, the glutton in his stomach seemed to be aroused, "What is this?"

"The steamed buns sent by Xiaoman were made by her own hands. This child is good at craftsmanship."

Liu Zhaoqiang took one in his hand, tore it apart and gave it to Wang Qiaoxiu. He lowered his head and tasted it. more saliva.

Wang Qiaoxiu also tasted some sugar steamed buns, and left the rest there for the children at home to eat.

"It's so sweet, Xiaoman is really a kid, put a lot of sugar."

"Noodles are good noodles, eat less and save more for the children. It is not easy to eat these on weekdays."

In the countryside, except for New Years and festivals, where can you get good food on weekdays.

Wang Qiaoxiu couldn't help but sigh: "When will we be able to eat these every day, that will be a happy day."

"There is rice and steamed buns..."

Liu Zhaoqiang clenched his fists hard, the knuckles of his fingers protruded, his eyes condensed, and his voice exploded: "It's done! In the future, every household in our village can eat this kind of steamed buns, can't eat them? Exhausted white flour buns."

Wang Qiaoxiu was taken aback by his sudden loud voice, and when she regained her senses, a smile appeared on her lips, and she said with disgust, "I don't want to eat steamed buns, I want to eat white rice. "

"Rice, steamed bread, there will be."

After Liu Zhaoqiang made a decision, he came to the brigade to find Secretary Liang, and when they went to the county for a meeting, they applied for their production team to set up a study group and go to an excellent commune to learn good production management experience.

This study group was approved by the county. In addition, he also applied for a poverty alleviation fund from the county, and made money with the production team. He bought two tractors and had a little extra money .

The county team learned that he was determined to lead the development of the production team, and just wanted to set a typical example in this regard. The county hopes that their Qiaoxin Village production team can do well.

This study group has a total of seven places, and Liu Zhaoqiang made a difficult decision when deciding on the candidate.

"Educational youth, there must be a few educated educated youths, and there are people in our village, the older generation is going, he has prestige, and the people who have seen and experienced other people come back and tell the villagers, everyone believes more he."

"The young people in the village should also have..."

Liu Zhaoqiang really made trouble for this candidate.

Wang Qiaoxiu smiled at him, "You were worried before the matter was settled, but now that it is settled, why are you still worried? Isn't this a good thing?"

"Hey!" Liu Zhaoqiang slapped his thigh, "I didn't make trouble for the candidate."

"Choose the excellent one, Xiaoman wants to learn silkworm breeding, so let her go."

"The best among the educated youths must be Jiang Zhiqing, that Lin Zhiqing..." Liu Zhaoqiang's expression became a bit indescribable, "If you let Xiaoman go out with that Jiang Zhiqing to study, you still don't know the way Something happened."

Thinking of this, Liu Zhaoqiang has angina, this child Xiaoman... Did she change her mind, or did she have this idea from the beginning?

If that's the case, that's too thoughtful.

Liu Zhaoqiang had a great headache.

"They are going out to study, so they can't fool around."

Wang Qiaoxiu listened to her husband's words, finally understood Liu Zhaoqiang's dilemma, and gave him an idea: "Let Xie Mingtu go with Xiaoman."

"Mingtu is an honest, sensible, and down-to-earth boy. He is also a young man in our village. It is convenient to take care of Xiaoman on the road. If he is there, nothing will happen."

"You are right!" Liu Zhaoqiang clapped his palm heavily, "You have a good idea!"

In this way, the candidate is determined.

There are seven places to study in the Sanli Brigade of Baishi Commune in Lin Province, specifically Jiang Yantang, He Liang, Su Xiaoman, Zhang Lili, Xie Mingtu, Chen Jiying, Tang Jianqiang.

Among the seven places, only Jiang Yantang and He Liang are educated youths in the team, and the other five are members of the commune. Except for the stubborn old man Chen Jiying, Su Xiaoman and others are all production teams young man.

Liu Zhaoqiang is also looking forward to these young men to learn how to use tractors and other tools, and when they come back, they can get started directly with the machines.

"Study team? Going to study outside?"

"Chen Jiying, this old bone, is going too?"

"What can be good outside? Do you want to follow?"

"I don't want to go, we don't want to be poor!"

The establishment of a study group to study in the province was written as a notice and pasted on the bulletin board. Liu San, who recognized a few words, read the notice and explained it to the members. Most people listened and discussed A few words passed.

These people, who are rarely far from their homeland, are not interested in studying outside.

"The selection is all about young people in their twenties, yes, let the young ones go out!"

"Jiang Zhiqing and He Zhiqing are excellent..."

The educated youths who were eating were also talking about it.

Different from the villagers, the young educated youth are all looking forward to going out to see the world and studying in other provinces. For them, it is not the hardships and fatigue of the journey, but an extremely attractive good things for people.

Wang Lan, a female educated youth, put down her job, thinking about her aunt in Linxing, and wished she would appear in the places to study, she wanted to see her aunt, and even more wanted to ask her uncle to make a relationship to get her out .

An educated youth questioned: "How is the quota for this study determined?"

"It seems to be young people..."

At this time, a person exclaimed: "There is Su Xiaoman on the quota?!"

"Su Xiaoman and Jiang Zhiqing are going to study together!"

His words made the entire educated youth spot explode, and many people suddenly had a vent. Wang Lan slapped the table hard and shouted unfair.

"It's not fair!"

"Su Xiaoman can go...why can Su Xiaoman go! We educated youths have academic qualifications and can read, so why should we give them more places? To what?"

"Why do we only have two educated youths?"

"Not fair!"

"It's Su Xiaoman! It must be Su Xiaoman!" Wang Lan made a fuss in the educated youth point, "The production leader is Su Xiaoman's uncle, so he favored her and let her study."

"Bah! She must be trying to pester Jiang Zhiqing!"

"Shameless thing, I'm not convinced, I'm going to sue!"

"There is trouble! The educated youth is making trouble!"

"It's up to the brigade."

"The brigade secretary is here to handle this!!"

The list was finalized. Liu Zhaoqiang, who thought he had accomplished one thing, did not expect that because of the number of places, there would be another accident that made him devastated. Secretary Liang came to talk to him in person.

"Then Wang Zhiqing said, Su Xiaoman is your niece?"

"Xiaoman she is my niece." Liu Zhaoqiang has a big head, Su Xiaoman is his niece, and is also the initiator who encouraged him to do so.

Secretary Liang frowned and criticized: "You can't use cronyism, you see, if it doesn't start now, the masses are making a fuss about unfairness."

"You have to consider this quota again. You should let outstanding comrades study in the past."

Liu Zhaoqiang smiled bitterly and explained: "Secretary, there is a reason for this. I will tell you from the beginning to the end, which is a little different from what Wang Zhiqing said..."

"The main thing is not to explain to me, but to figure out how to make it clear to everyone."

"There have been many complaints."

Secretary Liang waved his hand and didn't really want to hear the other party's explanation. Now that things have started to make trouble and have had a bad impact on the masses, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

Here, Secretary Liang asked Liu Zhaoqiang to talk, and there was a group of people watching the excitement outside. Secretary Liang and Liu Zhaoqiang pushed open the door and went out. On the far left of the crowd, she held her arms and looked unconvinced, while a few educated youths beside her were persuading her.

"Wang Lan, forget it, don't make trouble."

"What a big thing, you want to make trouble in the team."

"Change the quota, let Su Xiaoman admit his mistake in public!!"

Secretary Liang's gaze stayed on Wang Zhiqing's body for three seconds, and now he saw a young girl emerge from the crowd. Ling's eyes are a bit prettier than the people on the posters.

"Secretary, I'm Su Xiaoman."

Secretary Liang was stunned for a moment, "Are you Su Xiaoman?"

Secretary Liang had met Su Xiaoman before, but the girl in front of him was much more beautiful than the Su Xiaoman in his impression, not like a country girl, with her temperament, more like the educated youth from the city The girl who grew up in the city.

Su Xiaoman nodded, but before he could speak, someone yin and yang said strangely: "She is Su Xiaoman."

The person who said this happened to be Wang Lan, who was holding his chest and looking dissatisfied.

Wang Lan has long disliked Su Xiaoman. She is jealous of Su Xiaoman's beauty, and even resents Su Xiaoman's entanglement with Jiang Zhiqing.

Yes, Wang Lan likes Jiang Yantang. Before Su Xiaoman entangled Jiang Yantang, Wang Lan hated it so much that she was afraid that Jiang Yantang would be hooked by Su Xiaoman, a fox, until Su Xiaoman married Xie Mingtu After that, Wang Lan was about to be overjoyed, and then he was a little relieved.

Even if she can't win this spot, she mustn't let Su Xiaoman go, and she can't give Su Xiaoman another chance to entangle Jiang Zhiqing.

"After getting married, I have to find a way to entangle Jiang Zhiqing."

"Insolent, shameless."

Wang Lan angrily scolded Su Xiaoman for several times, but found that Su Xiaoman looked at her fixedly and was not provoked by her words.

Su Xiaoman glanced at a group of people with teasing faces, waiting to watch the excitement, and calmly said: "Have you seen me talking to Jiang Zhiqing these days?"

"Why do you say that I am entangled with Jiang Zhiqing?"

Su Xiaoman's eyes stopped on Secretary Liang, "Secretary Liang, I am married now, and my husband Xie Mingtu is also a member of our Qinghe Brigade."

"I know that I have done some misunderstood things before, but now... For a better life in the future, I want to actively participate in the construction of the production team. Everyone in the village knows that I am not A good hand in farming, he is weak, can't carry it on his shoulders, can't pick it up with his hands—"

"But there is a specialization in the art industry, and women can hold up half the sky! We women comrades responded to the call of the chairman and carried forward our own advantages. I am good at women's red, so I took the initiative to find the production captain and asked to go to the province to study Grafting mulberry trees is a scientific method of raising silkworms."

Secretary Liang couldn't help but nodded, being able to say these words, he treated Su Xiaoman a little differently.

"Huh!" A sneer sounded from the educated youth next to him.

"Even if we want to study, we should give priority to our educated youths. Our educated youths have a high cultural level, a wide range of knowledge, and learn to graft. We should let more young educated youths go there, Su Xiaoman, where are you? Compared to other female educated youth?"

This is not what Wang Lan said, but another male educated youth surnamed Sun in the crowd. When he said this, other female educated youth nodded and said yes, even among the villagers, Many people think his words are very reasonable.

How can Su Xiaoman compare to female educated youth.

"I am a member of our Qinghe Brigade. Although my education level is not high, I have been actively studying at home. I was ridiculed for my low education level before, but I believe that through hard study, even if It's not too late to read at the age of eighteen." Su Xiaoman took out a calligraphy book, opened it, and displayed it in front of everyone. The rows on it were full of beautiful block letters, as if they were printed.

"This is what I wrote when I fell into the water and got sick."

The calligraphy book contains quotes from great people and some news reports.

Secretary Liang praised: "Your writing is good."

The villagers on the side also nodded their heads. Although they were not very literate, the lines on Su Xiaoman's book were indeed beautifully written. The beauty of calligraphy is not scribbled at all, it is very recognizable, and it is also very graceful and beautiful.

Many villagers even felt that these words were much better-looking than the words they had seen educated youth write before.

"Su Xiaoman's writing is so beautiful!"

"I think it's better written than the educated youth."

"The educated youth wrote something that I can't recognize, but she wrote it much more clearly."

Secretary Liang turned over her calligraphy book, and could see that the owner of the calligraphy book was making progress, he couldn't help but nodded in admiration, "You have made great progress in calligraphy, you are a hard worker. Yes, a good example!"

Su Xiaoman smiled, "Secretary Liang, I am actively studying and trying to get closer to the organization. I believe that the native villagers of the Qinghe Brigade can still become a learned and literate person."

These words resonated with some villagers, and a few whispered: "If we have the conditions of urbanites, children's reading will not be bad."

Su Xiaoman suddenly took out three newly picked leaves, walked to Wang Lan, and asked, "Do you know what these leaves are?"

There are three kinds of green leaves on her hand, all of which are similar in appearance, and the green lines are clearly visible in the light of the day.

These are common leaves in the village.

Wang Lan looked at the three leaves in front of her, stunned, she was a little flustered: "Aren't these leaves the same?"

The person who can recognize immediately interjected: "How is that the same, obviously-"

"Don't talk about it, let's see how Wang Zhiqing answers."

Wang Lan pursed her lips. In her opinion, these are green leaves that can be seen everywhere, and she can't name them. Like mulberry leaves."

Wang Lan seemed to suddenly grab a life-saving straw, "...mulberry leaves."

Yes, these leaves are like mulberry leaves!

Secretary Liang also thought about it now, looked at Wang Lan, and asked curiously, "Can you identify the mulberry leaves?"

I just said that I want to learn to graft mulberry trees, but I can't not know mulberry leaves.

Wang Lan closed her eyes, there was a vague appearance of mulberry leaves in her mind, she thought a little indignantly, she can always choose the right one, pointing to the middle one, " This is a mulberry leaf!"

Su Xiaoman shook her head, Wang Lan seemed to have been poured a basin of cold water, she made a shocking excuse: "These leaves all look similar, how can ordinary people recognize these leaves one by one? "

Su Xiaoman beckoned to the crowd, a ten-year-old boy pointed at himself suspiciously, and came over.

"Do you recognize these leaves?"

The boy nodded, "This is anise maple, this is hemp leaf..."

He named the leaves in the vernacular here.

These leaves look like mulberry leaves, but they are not mulberry leaves.

Su Xiaoman said: "Secretary Liang, the people of our village grew up in the mountains. Compared with the educated youth from the city, although we do not study much, we also have our advantages. The regularity of plant growth, it recognizes the leaves on the mountain.”

"Such a study group should have a place for educated youth, and more should be a place for young people in our village. Our Qinghe people have been here for generations, and it is up to us to build our production team. The strength of our own hands, we will always be rooted here."

Her words were settled, and after the scene was quiet for a moment, another female voice in the crowd immediately answered, "Xiaoman, she is right!"

The person who spoke at this time was Jiang Yuling, a friend of the Su family's sister-in-law Yang Yingzi.

"Why can't Su Xiaoman go to school? Why can't she compare to those female educated youths?"

"Xiaoman, she is very good at making clothes, let's take a look, this is the clothes she made for her cousin before, Yingzi, take it out and show it to everyone... Let's take a look Are these stitches thin?"

"And this embroiderer, come and see!"

Because of what the educated youth told Su Xiaoman, Yang Yingzi remembered to bring over the clothes that Su Xiaoman helped to make, just to show it to other people.

"Whoops, this dress is beautiful."

"This is really Xiaoman's craftsmanship? The embroidery is so beautiful."

"I prove it! This is really Xiaoman's craft. The last time I went to her house with Shufeng, I saw their sister-in-law discussing making clothes..."

"Su Xiaoman's craftsmanship is really good, she is beautiful and virtuous."

"I heard from the Xie family that she is also a good cook."

"I heard old man Xie praise her for cooking well."

"Not bad, not bad." Secretary Liang nodded several times, "Su Xiaoman, you are a young man from Qinghe Brigade. You are good at female workers. If you want to learn science to raise silkworms, you must be the first."

Secretary Liang’s words were finalized.

Wang Lan's face turned pale.

"Su Xiaoman went, then...the other person? Then Xie Lao Wu, why did he go?"

"Xie Laowu is also a child born and raised in our village. He is tall and powerful. Young people should go to learn."

"Secretary Liang." Liu Zhaoqiang said: "I chose these people with consideration. I will tell you carefully."

Wang Lan went to make a scene, although the final quota has not changed, but Secretary Liang took into account the wishes of the educated youth, went to the county to get a place, and then added a study to the educated youth Location.

There are two male educated youths in the quota, so add another female educated youth, Liu Zhaoqiang let all the educated youths choose their own.

In the end, Wang Lan was not selected, but fell on the head of another female educated youth, Zhao Qingqing.

The relationship between Zhao Qingqing and Wang Lan is not good. Now it's good. She mocks someone outright and secretly for "stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice".

"The benefit, how can it not fall on some people."

Wang Lan was so angry that she didn't even eat.

Jiang Yantang and his roommate Lin Baijun finished eating and simply washed the dishes with water. Lin Baijun wiped it on his clothes and sighed, "Jiang Yantang, have you noticed that Su Xiaoman is not the same as before? It's so the same."

"She can say those words."

Jiang Yantang, who was holding the book, was stunned for a moment, and the beautiful girl who seemed to be glowing appeared in his mind unconsciously.

Her hair and red lips are very familiar, but still fresh in her memory.

Su Xiaoman went back to the Su family first, the Su family all looked at her and laughed, the matter was resolved, and their family was very happy.

"We Xiaoman are different from before."

"Your uncle just came to praise you, saying that you have a new look."

"Good thing, good thing, your sister finally doesn't want to think about that Jiang Zhiqing."

Su Xiaoman found some old books at Su's house. In order to please Jiang Yantang, she actively moved closer to the intellectuals and bought a lot of old books to come back to study, including some old middle school textbooks.

She plans to take it to Xie's house.

The bullied little poor huddled by the classroom window to eavesdrop on the class, thinking of the scene described by Aunt Zhou, Su Xiaoman couldn't help but feel a burst of sadness.

She packed up the old book, held it in her arms, and brought it back to Xie's house.

Extraordinarily bright, like a star in the sky.

"Manman, you are different." Xie Mingtu still remembered how she stood across from the crowd, with peach cheeks and pink face, long black hair braided on her shoulders, and the breeze blowing through her hair Tip, very beautiful.

—She also said she was her husband.

Su Xiaoman nodded and admitted: "Yeah, I have changed, I have now become Su Xiaoman who has to study hard and be positive."

Xie Mingtu smiled at her with gentle eyes.

Xie Gouzi's eyes were extraordinarily beautiful when she smiled, Su Xiaoman's heartbeat subconsciously slowed a beat, but after a second, she just wanted to cover her eyes.

The contrast between the upper and lower faces of this product is too great, but I am not aware of it at all.

Su Xiaoman glanced at the other party with a bit of resentment, thinking when will this guy be willing to repair himself.

Forget it, this is fine, so as not to affect the study.

Su Xiaoman picked up a book, and as soon as she opened it, there were many topics, which made her a little dazzled. In this era, Su Xiaoman did not graduate from junior high school, so she should be a primary school student.

…Yes, elementary school students.

She glanced at Xie Mingtu again, thinking that this Hanhan was probably also a "primary school student".

Su Xiaoman waved the book in his hand and said to Xie Mingtu: "Xie Mingtu, do you want to learn with me? I can't do some topics, do you want to try?"

Xie Mingtu nodded and followed.

The two "primary students" got together to study middle school math problems.

Su Xiaoman feels that she has an advantage, she wants to dominate, after all, she is not a real primary school student, and the other one has already graduated from college!

So Su Xiaoman, a "primary student", has a teacher-like attitude, and plans to check the level of "Xie primary school student" first.

Su Xiaoman gave Xie Mingtu an entrance exam question with a few slaps.

"You do the question first."

Su Xiaoman wants to see if the other party's level can meet the standard of a graduating elementary school student, although she doesn't know what the standard of graduating elementary school students is in this era.

Xie Mingtu got the title and stared at Su Xiaoman's words above, a little...a bit ugly.

In order to write faster, Su Xiaoman's words were a bit scribbled, and at the same time, in order to take care of the feelings of Xie primary school students, she deliberately wrote a little bit worse.

"Why don't you write it? Can't you?" Seeing the other party staring at the title without moving, Su Xiaoman suddenly felt a little awkward.

The first question is just simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Maybe this Xie Mingtu will not count.

The first question is seven thousand eight hundred fifty-seven times five hundred and sixty-eight.

These numbers are all handwritten by Su Xiaoman, and most people can calculate them.

Su Xiaoman: "…"


Xie Mingtu picked up the pen and began to answer the question.

Su Xiaoman watched the guy answer the questions at will, and he filled out the answers to these calculation questions almost every second.

Su Xiaoman felt that he was answering the question randomly, but observing the answer seemed to be correct.

Su Xiaoman herself does not know what the correct answer is, she has to calculate the specific answer step by step.

Su Xiaoman memorized a question and answer, turned her back to Xie Mingtu, picked up the pen and began to count...

She found that the answers written by Xie Mingtu were correct.

This guy's mental arithmetic is so strong!

Su Xiaoman's eyes flickered a few times, and a strange guess suddenly appeared in her heart. She glanced at Xie Mingtu in a strange and defensive way, wondering if this guy has been pretending to be a pig to eat tiger?

—for example, deliberately tossing one's own image to be inconspicuous.

For example, she is very talented in learning.

"Manman, what's wrong?" Xie Mingtu raised his head from the question and found that Su Xiaoman, who had been staring at his research, was slightly red, but was blocked by the unshaven beard and black ashes on his cheeks.

Su Xiaoman looked directly into his eyes, Xie Mingtu's eyes were honest and pure, like a simple dog, the black dog's eyes seemed to not lie at all.

Su Xiaoman: "…"

She began to suspect that the so-called "playing a pig and eating a tiger" was an illusion.

The second dog is still the second dog.

"Manman, I'm done." His tone was a little excited, like a Samoyed who brought the Frisbee back and waited to be praised by the master.

Su Xiaoman nodded and put away the topic, "I will help you correct the right or wrong, Xie Mingtu, please recite another text, these few pages, you can recite to me later. "

Su Xiaoman feels that she needs to be quiet, by the way... She, the person who asked the question, may need more time to figure out the correct answer.

The trance is booming…

Although I don't know if Xie Mingtu is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but the other party listened to her very much and asked him to finish the math questions and memorize the Chinese text, so he did it honestly.

However, after a while, he said he was finished.

Su Xiaoman really wanted to slap the other person's forehead at this moment, and wanted to ask him angrily: How long has it been, can I recite it once or twice?

Su Xiaoman: "…"

I'm afraid this guy can really recite it.

In fact, the 18-year-old Xie Gouzi's memory is better than his mental arithmetic ability, and he can almost never forget it. He memorized the text word for word.

Su Xiaoman scratched her hair, she no longer knew what kind of expression she should use to face Xie Gouzi in front of her. Her mood was very complicated.

This guy is still waiting for her evaluation sincerely.

Su Xiaoman thought in a trance: I really want to smoke him...

A genius takes credit in front of mediocre mortals.

The one who made the question is a clown.

Whether the other party is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, Su Xiaoman feels that he has been "dazzled" by this guy.

She looks like a cannon fodder supporting actress who takes the script and wants to be stunned by the protagonist.

In fact, she is indeed the cannon fodder in the original book, but Xie Gouzi in front of her is not the protagonist, but the biggest villain in the book.

Yes, genius characters in general novels are either the protagonist or the villain.

As long as Xie Mingtu is given a chance to learn and overtake in a proper curve, he deserves to be the man who can eventually become the villain.

The basic hardware of the villain is good.

"Man Man..."

Su Xiaoman couldn't help but retorted in her heart, "Slow down, slow down, can't you call it fast?"

She took a deep breath and felt that she couldn't be jealous of the basic hardware of the villain, she had to be normal and treat it with a normal heart.

At the same time, she also made up her mind that no matter whether Xie Mingtu is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, she intends to treat him as a "pig".

—She didn’t want to be a cannon fodder female supporting role who was slapped in the face.

As long as she doesn't show a strong "shock," she wins.

Treat all villains with a normal heart, and not be humiliated.

"Xie Mingtu, let's learn together, but I may not endorse as fast as you, you have to wait for me."

I have to admit that studying with geniuses is very frustrating. Su Xiaoman can no longer feel jealous.

She still couldn't help but praise Xie Mingtu several times, "You learn things so fast."

"Man Man is fast too."

Xie Gouzi's business talk did not comfort Su Xiaoman at all. Su Xiaoman felt that she was a clown who sympathized with the other party listening to the class outside the window before.

—The clown is me!

What to say to study together, Su Xiaoman plans to break up with him now and part ways.

She, a college student, is not as good as him, a "primary school student".

"Xie Mingtu, you learn by yourself, I'm tired, I want to sleep for a while." Su Xiaoman put down the textbook, lay down on the bed and covered the quilt, she feels very tired now, maybe she is escaping, I don't want to face Xie Mingtu for the time being.

Xie Mingtu nodded, still sitting in the corner reading a book.

It was just in the afternoon, and the light from outside came in through the cracks in the wall, and several beams of light hit the ground directly.

Xie Mingtu reached out and held a beam of light.

He looked back at the back of the man on the bed, showing a pure smile.

—she is the light that shines in.

The people who went out to study were decided. Before leaving, Su Xiaoman went to the educated youth center. She was going to find some people to ask for debts.

Su Xiaoman thought that she would definitely use money after going out, and maybe buy a lot of things. In short, getting the money back is the first priority.

Although she didn't want to deal with those educated youths.

People from the educated youth spots were very surprised when they saw Su Xiaoman coming. Su Xiaoman came at the right time, just finished eating, everyone is still here, and there is no shortage of one.

Because it is only during the meal time, when the crowd is most concentrated.

"She...Didn't she say it has nothing to do with Jiang Zhiqing?"

"Su Xiaoman, what are you doing with our educated youth?"

"Could it be that you came to see Jiang Zhiqing again?"

Su Xiaoman's momentum is not weak: "I'm here to ask for money. I borrowed more than 20 yuan before to go out. All the educated youths who owe me the money should return the money to me."

Both Lin Zhiqing and Sun Zhiqing borrowed her money. Previously, because of Jiang Zhiqing, Su Xiaoman never came to ask for it, and the debtors did not consciously take the initiative to pay them back.