MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 17 Departure and sacrifice.

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At this moment, Su Xiaoman took the initiative to ask for the debt, but she still asked for the debt in public in the presence of many people.

"Su Xiaoman, you really..."

"Lin Zhi, lend me some money."

Su Xiaoman asked for his money back and counted it carefully. It was exactly 22 yuan and 36 cents, and he could buy a few pounds of meat when he went out.

Zhao Qingqing, who was sitting on the stool, smiled and watched her count the money.

Su Xiaoman asked for her money back, and did not plan to stay at the educated youth point. When she was about to leave, Jiang Yantang suddenly stopped her.

"Su Xiaoman, last time you asked me to borrow a book, you said you wanted to read it, but now I lend it to you, do you still want it?"

Su Xiaoman did not expect Jiang Yantang to suddenly say these words to her, Su Xiaoman did borrow books from Jiang Yantang before, but it was the drunkard's intention not to drink, the purpose was to contact Jiang Yan hall.

But now, Su Xiaoman shook his head, "No need."

After getting the money, Su Xiaoman didn't want to cause more trouble, so Su Xiaoman left the educated youth point directly.

"Jiang Yantang, you took the initiative to talk to Su Xiaoman, but she actually refused."

"Isn't it just a book, why did I suddenly want to lend it to her."

"Did she really give up on Jiang Yantang?"

"Will it be hard to play."

"Su Xiaoman is different from before. She is already married. Don't talk nonsense and pay attention to the impact."

Lin Baijun laughed and chatted with other educated youths, talking about Su Xiaoman still amazed, as Jiang Yantang's roommate, he witnessed Su Xiaoman's entanglement with Jiang Yantang, but now Su Xiaoman is against Jiang Yantang The banquet hall turned a blind eye, such a gap between the front and back really made him feel emotional.

"Lin Zhiqing, Jiang Zhiqing, I'll bring you some hot tea." Zhang Lili, carrying the kettle, walked into the educated youth station with a smile.

When I heard that there was tea, a few educated youths cheered, went to get the cups and set the tableware, Yanyan Yan around Zhang Lili with a smile.

"Lin Zhiqing, call out Jiang Zhiqing."

Lin Baijun's eyes swept over Zhang Lili and went to call Jiang Yantang out for tea. When he entered, Jiang Yantang was still stunned at the book, "Jiang Zhiqing, go out for tea."

Jiang Yantang shook his head, "I'm not going."

"Why don't you go." Lin Baijun guessed that this tea was specially given to the person in front of him.

"Jiang Zhiqing, you still really have a good time, there is one less gallant, and now there are many more gallants, but this one is not as beautiful as the previous one, the previous one is already married."

Jiang Yantang glared at him and shouted, "What are you talking about?!"

When Zhang Lili outside saw Jiang Yantang, she smiled even brighter unconsciously.

She didn't notice that the smile on her face had changed, but the people around her knew it, and they all pretended to be confused.

Most of the male educated youths have the attitude of watching a good show, while the female educated youths are a little unclear. Of course, there is also a clenched fist He Liang.

He Liang is the scumbag who abandoned Zhang Lili before her rebirth. In this life, the two of them were forcibly cut off by Zhang Lili while they were still in an ambiguous stage. The scumbag He Liang still doesn't know what happened.

Now seeing Zhang Lili being so attentive to Jiang Yantang, He Liang consciously found out the truth. It was Zhang Lili, a woman who changed her mind and fell in love with Jiang Yantang.

Zhang Lili filled the kettle with a cup of tea, she gently stroked the ends of her hair, she came here to inquire about the news on purpose.

Just heard that Su Xiaoman walked into the educated youth point, Zhang Lili was worried that Su Xiaoman would re-emerge and entangle with Jiang educated youth, so she walked in a step behind the reason of sending tea.

After hearing that Su Xiaoman was here to ask for debts, Zhang Lili relaxed.

Zhang Lili felt that she had to do good things all over again. Jiang Zhiqing was a good person, and she could no longer let a woman like Su Xiaoman entangle Jiang Zhiqing.

"She took the money and left?"

"Go away, didn't say anything."

"Jiang Zhiqing took the initiative to say a few words to her. I think Jiang Zhiqing is also kind, and asked her if she wanted a book that she wanted to borrow before."

"Su Xiaoman doesn't want it."

"Bah, I didn't really want to borrow books before seeing her."

After listening to the words of the female educated youth, Zhang Lili's smile never stopped. Later, when Jiang Yantang and Lin Baijun came over, Zhang Lili restrained the smile on her face and hesitated to ask Jiang Yantang to borrow it. Book.

Zhang Lili thinks about two years to resume the college entrance examination, she has to find a reason to study.

Jiang Yantang promised to lend her the book.

Zhang Lili, who got the book, was very happy: "Jiang Zhiqing, I have problems in the future, can I come and learn from you?"

Jiang Zhiqing shook his head and pointed at Lin Baijun: "You look for Lin Zhiqing, he is free."

Lin Baijun jumped up when he heard the words, he didn't want to get involved in these people and things, "Zhang Lili, didn't you have a good relationship with He Zhiqing before? You can ask him."

When he mentioned the scumbag He Liang, Zhang Lili's face changed.

Su Xiaoman, who came out from the educated youth, is in a particularly happy mood. There is no way, she is naturally happy when she has money, her footsteps are brisk, walking back on the creaking dead branches.

After walking a few steps, a faint cry came from behind a big tree.

"Man Man..."

Su Xiaoman's body froze, the familiar "slow" already made her scalp numb, she turned her head to look in the direction of the big tree, and sure enough, a hairy head stuck out.

Familiar hairstyle, familiar face, familiar upper and lower face difference, still familiar Xie Mingtu.

I really don't know how he hides behind the tree motionless.

Learning that Su Xiaoman was going to the educated youth center, Xie Mingtu, who was inexplicably uneasy, followed him unconsciously and secretly nested under the big tree near the educated youth center.

After hearing that Su Xiaoman was going to ask for debts, the restless heart immediately calmed down, Xie Mingtu tore off a leaf happily.

And when she heard Jiang Zhiqing call her name, the leaf shattered into pieces.

After hearing Manman's refusal, Xie Gouzi breathed a sigh of relief and took out three more leaves.

"Xie Mingtu, why are you here?"

"Wait for Manman." Xie Mingtu had come out from behind the tree, and he was still carrying a small basket in his hand, which seemed to contain something.

Su Xiaoman subconsciously stretched out his head and looked inside, and found that there was actually a snow-white rabbit inside.

Su Xiaoman's eyes widened: "!!!"

Live rabbits!

Very cute little white rabbit.

Xie Mingtu handed the small back basket in front of Su Xiaoman, Su Xiaoman held the small back basket and looked at each other with the red-eyed white rabbit shivering in the corner.

The fluffy snow-white bunny nest was motionless in the corner, its long ears drooping down obediently, just like a ball of soft cotton.

"For Manman..."

"Give it to me?" Su Xiaoman pointed to himself, "Why give it to me?"

"Man Man taught me to read."

Su Xiaoman's face is a little dark: "..."

It was extremely difficult for her to calm down.

"...Manman?" Seeing that her face was wrong, Xie Mingtu was a little puzzled.

Su Xiaoman held the little back basket in her arms, she stared at the red eyes of the rabbit, and felt that she had to accept Xie Gouzi's "filial piety".

—It’s not easy for her as an elementary school student.

"Xie Mingtu, I want to eat roasted rabbit." Su Xiaoman gently stroked the soft rabbit fur of the little white rabbit. The rabbit in the palm of her hand is very fat, so she wants to eat roasted rabbit.

People in this era are really too greedy for meat.

Even if the rabbit in front of her is really cute, she just wants to eat it.

Su Xiaoman felt like she was shedding crocodile tears, she took the shivering little rabbit out of the small basket and gently stroked its back in her arms.

"The rabbit is really good-"

Before the last word "love" popped out of her mouth, the "cute rabbit" in her arms began to exert force, seized the opportunity to use a trick of the rabbit to kick the eagle, "swish" from Su Xiaoman's Jumping out of the arms.

The speed of the rabbit is extremely fast, Su Xiaoman almost saw a white shadow pass by in front of him, and the "flesh" in his hand flew away.

Su Xiaoman: "…"

My roast rabbit! !

Su Xiaoman was about to exclaim when he saw Xie Mingtu jumping to the side, and when he stopped again, his right hand held the two rabbit ears accurately.

—The flying rabbit is back.

"Manman..." Xie Mingtu called her with the rabbit.

Su Xiaoman's heart beat up and down, and asked Xie Mingtu to quickly put the rabbit into the back basket, so that the roasted rabbit that was in hand would not run away again.

Don't shed crocodile tears or something, hurry up and find a place to eat roast rabbit.

I heard Su Xiaoman say that he wants to eat roasted rabbits, Xie Gouzi seems to be very experienced, he took Su Xiaoman to a remote corner, and soon the fire was lit, and his knife fell. Cleaned up the rabbits.

Su Xiaoman put his hand on his chin to watch him do things, Xie Gouzi's way of dealing with rabbits is a familiar one, and he doesn't know how many rabbits he secretly eats on weekdays.

The action of catching the rabbit just now was also very fast, as if he had more agility than ordinary people, and he caught the rabbit with a swish.

When she looked at her with a rabbit, she looked like a Samoyed with a rabbit in her mouth.

Su Xiaoman couldn't help laughing, thinking that the other party really looked like a big dog.

Xie Mingtu, a rabbit-eating expert, took over all the work. Although there was no other seasoning, just a little salt was added, this roasted rabbit was still delicious in Su Xiaoman's opinion.

Is the meat still bad?

pop up.

Xie Mingtu gave her the most meaty thigh meat, Su Xiaoman whistled the roasted rabbit in his hand, a little regretful, "It would be good if it was marinated in soy sauce cooking wine and then sprinkled with chopped green onion."

Xie Mingtu blinked and took her words to heart.

A fat rabbit said that it was not big or small, but at least Su Xiaoman couldn't eat it after eating two thigh meat, and the rest of the rabbit meat was rounded up by Xie Mingtu.

Su Xiaoman was satisfied, and the two of them ate a roasted rabbit together.

As the so-called shorthanded and soft mouthed, Su Xiaoman now only thinks this guy is very pleasing to the eye when he sees Xie Mingtu.

—Thank you Gouzi!

I hope the other party will continue to invite her in the future.

The two destroyed the place where the rabbit was roasted and walked back to Xie's house side by side.

Feeling that she was still a little useless, Su Xiaoman turned out some of Xie Mingtu's clothes after returning, and repaired the broken places for him.

Xie Mingtu was holding on to the patched clothes and was reluctant to wear them.

He found a pattern behind the patched hole, Xie Mingtu asked her curiously, "What is this?"

Su Xiaoman did not answer, but asked him: "Does it look good?"

Xie Mingtu smiled softly and gave a definite answer, "It looks good."

Su Xiaoman sewed the outline of a big dog on his back. She didn't tell him what it was, and looked at Xie Mingtu's face with joy.

There is a joy of prank success.

When will this stupid dog shave...

In the early morning, the sky was not yet bright, and the group of eight people who set out was already standing at the entrance of the village, all of them carrying a large bag and a lot of things. At least ten days and a half months.

They want to take the ox cart from the village to the county seat as soon as possible.

Liu Zhaoqiang, the production team leader, came to see them early, and he told them a lot of things, and also said a lot of encouraging words.

The autumn weeds were mixed with a layer of frost, and there were two ox carts parked on the muddy road. There were eight people in total. In addition to the driver, plus their luggage, each car seated four people.

Liu Zhaoqiang assigned staff to get on the bus by the way, "Three educated youths in one car, hit this one first."

Several educated youth nodded.

The oldest of the eight, Uncle Chen interjected: "I want to sit with the people in our village!"

Uncle Chen is more annoyed by those educated youths who are particular about them. He thinks that they speak eloquently. It's boring, so I don't want to sit alone with the educated youth.

He is of the older generation, and no one else can blame him for saying such things.

Liu Zhaoqiang said to him with a smile: "Okay, Uncle Chen, come here."

"Jiang Zhiqing, you have three people here, and there is still one person left, and another person will be appropriate..." Liu Zhaoqiang held a cigarette and looked at the other four people, Su Xiaoman, Zhang Lili , Xie Mingtu, Tang Jianqiang.

Liu Zhaoqiang's eyes stayed on Tang Jianqiang and Zhang Lili, he planned to choose one of the two.

"The two men, choose a woman to accompany me." Zhao Qingqing, an educated youth who was already sitting on the ox cart, said.

Liu Zhaoqiang: "Okay!"

He has already decided in his heart to let Zhang Lili go.

Who knew that Zhao Qingqing continued: "Let Su Xiaoman come over!"

She waved at Su Xiaoman and shouted: "Su Xiaoman, let's talk about it, what book you are reading recently, I admire what you said that day, I want to learn from you."

The others were a little stunned when they heard what she said, and Su Xiaoman was also very surprised. In the past, Su Xiaoman and Zhao Qingqing had little communication.

"Let Zhang Lili sit over, how is Su Xiaoman suitable?" He Liang glanced at Jiang Yantang sitting opposite, and asked Zhang Lili to sit over.

He Liang thinks that he has a good life, even if he is not as good as Jiang Yantang, but he looks very cultural with silk-rimmed eyes, he reads poetry very emotionally, and he was very fond of girls before he went to the countryside like.

I didn't like Zhang Lili's identity as a country girl before, but she also had two or three points of sincerity towards her. Now Zhang Lili seems to be in love with Jiang Yantang. .

He wants to ask Zhang Lili for details.

He Liang still wanted to save Zhang Lili, because he knew that Jiang Yantang could not be attracted to Zhang Lili.

Thinking of this, He Liang smiled at Jiang Yantang, "Are you sure? Jiang Zhiqing, let Lily come over."

He Liang knew that Jiang Yantang did not like Su Xiaoman approaching, and would definitely agree to let Zhang Lili come over.

Zhang Lili on the side was tight, she hated He Liang and absolutely didn't want to sit with him, but Jiang Yantang sat next to He Liang...

Zhang Lili breathed a sigh of relief and was mentally prepared for the past. When she heard He Liang's question, she knew that Jiang Zhiqing would definitely choose her between Su Xiaoman and her, Zhang Lili.

She would endure the disgust and reluctantly sit over, anyway, she will never pay any more attention to He Liang.

Zhao Qingqing didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, and then asked Jiang Yantang: "Jiang Zhiqing, what do you think, let Zhang Lili or Su Xiaoman sit over, that is, all the way to the county..."

They are all waiting for Jiang Yantang's answer.

"Let Su Xiaoman come over." Jiang Yantang stared at the watch on his wrist without raising his eyelids, and said a person's name.

Su Xiaoman? ! !

Jiang Yantang would choose Su Xiaoman, He Liang and Zhang Lili were stunned, Zhao Qingqing's eyes showed a surprised look.

Liu Zhaoqiang exhaled a puff of cigarettes in his mouth, it was a mess, how could Xiaoman pass.

He turned to look at his niece.

Su Xiaoman pulled Xie Gouzi's sleeve and said righteously, "I want to sit with my husband."

That's right!

“Zhang Lili, have you been—”

Liu Zhaoqiang shook his head, thinking about what this is all about, get in the car early and send these young people away.

It's not just a seat, it's verbose and requires too much.

But at this moment, Tang Jianqiang, a young man in the village, took his bag and ran to the educated youth's bullock cart to sit down, "I'll come over."

Tang Jianqiang, an impatient young man, couldn't stand their choice, so he decided to "save himself for charity".

Tang Jianqiang, an ordinary country youth with an honest man's duty as a bird's nest, really wanted to sit with Xie Mingtu.

As soon as he saw Xie Mingtu's hairstyle this morning, he fell in love with it. He felt that Xie Mingtu's hairstyle was better than that of other young people in the village, and better than that of educated youths. He was like an old master in the city. Fashionable hairstyles that can only be trimmed.

There is no reason for young people to pursue fashionable hairstyles, so Tang Jianqiang, a 20-year-old boy, wanted to sit next to Xie Mingtu and observe his hairstyle carefully.

Su Xiaoman, who caught Tang Jianqiang's "reluctant" expression as a souvenir, can't say enough.

She looked at Xie Mingtu, wondering if he and Tang Jianqiang had a good brother relationship.

Xie Mingtu looked inexplicable.

After assigning the seats of the bullock cart, Liu Zhaoqiang breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't tell them any more, and watched the two bullock carts leave the village entrance.

In the front is the bullock cart with three educated youths plus Tang Jianqiang who never forgets Xie Mingtu, behind it are Uncle Chen and Zhang Lili, plus Su Xiaoman and Xie Mingtu.

Uncle Chen occupied the greatest vantage point, holding a fan and swaggering happily, Su Xiaoman and Xie Mingtu sat next to each other, and Zhang Lili sat in the corner with her bag, far away from the three Far.

Zhang Lili was in a very bad mood at this time, thinking about how Jiang Yantang would choose Su Xiaoman instead of her...

Zhang Lili was brooding about this matter, but she herself did not realize why she cared so much about this matter.

Jiang Yantang, who was sitting beside him, casually looked back at Su Xiaoman.

Xie Mingtu, who watched and listened to all directions, blocked the position behind Su Xiaoman without making any traces, preventing the other party's sight from succeeding.

"Manman, do you want to rest? Come this way."

The bullock cart was bumpy and uncomfortable. Xie Mingtu indicated that he could rest on his body.

Su Xiaoman shook his head and refused.

Seeing her rejection, Xie Mingtu was disappointed, but he kept his distance honestly.

Su Xiaoman regretted it a little at the moment. She thought that her refusal had hurt Xie Mingtu. After all, the other party was kind, but she seemed to dislike him.

They are obviously revolutionary comrades-in-arms who have read books together and roasted rabbits together, so there is nothing to dislike each other.

Su Xiaoman put the bag of clothes between the two of them, leaned up and closed her eyes and rested, and fell asleep after raising her.

Xie Mingtu lowered his head, no one could see the corners of his mouth that kept rising.

Xie Jia.

An old auntie Zhang, who has a good relationship with Sun Mei, came to Xie's house as a guest.

"Your family, Mr. Xie, is very promising now. What kind of study group was selected into, and he will be majestic when he comes back. It is said that he can learn to drive when he goes out. The kind with four wheels... You can give He chose a good wife."

Mr. Zhang had a bit of sourness in her tone. She secretly laughed at Sun Mei's shallow eyelids behind her back and only wanted to save money, but she didn't expect Su Xiaoman to be a restless daughter-in-law.

The old lady Zhang was still waiting to see the jokes of the Xie family, but she didn't expect that Su Xiaoman didn't know what was wrong, and she actually wanted to live a steady life with Xie Mingtu.

Su Xiaoman has three brothers who treat her well, an uncle is the production team leader, and her mother is the women's director...

Thinking that the Xie family took advantage of the cheap and married such a daughter-in-law, and now Xie Laowu is doing good things, Mrs. Zhang's vinegar jar has been knocked over several times, and she is sour in front of Sun Mei .

Sun Mei smelled the sour smell on Mrs. Zhang's body, and she felt proud, but she wanted to be happy, but she couldn't.

Only their own people know about their own affairs, Su Xiaoman, the daughter-in-law, can be described in two words - "bad".

As for Xie Mingtu's good news, Sun Mei is not so happy.

"What can I learn when I go out to study? I think that Liu's job is to let the big guy work in vain. Isn't it good to keep things as usual?"

Sun Mei held a negative attitude towards this matter, and sneered one after another.

"My second child has good things, I'm happier."

"Speaking of your second child..." Mrs. Zhang squinted her eyes. She has been paying attention to Su Xiaoman recently, and even with the relevant people, she observed it carefully for a while, "It's a coincidence, I think you The second child looks a bit like Jiang Zhiqing."

Of course, Jiang Zhiqing is much better-looking than the second Xie, whom Sun Mei prefers.

That's why Mrs. Zhang deliberately mentioned this matter. She felt uncomfortable and wanted the other party to respond.