MTL - 70s: Raising a Baby-Chapter 147

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   Chapter 147

   Getting closer and closer to the destination, the children slowly stopped fighting, and even the youngest Ayan became quiet.

   Ye Jinzhi's mood became heavier and heavier, and several children unconsciously leaned on their mother.

   "We're here." Ye Jinzhi's voice was a little choked, looking at the tombstone in front of him, his eyes astringent.

   They haven't come back for so long, but the place is still the same as last time, not overgrown with weeds.

   It’s just that the flowers and plants in front have been changed due to the season, and the tombstones are still very clean.

   Ye Jinzhi was a little puzzled. From what it looked like, someone should come to clean it often, but why didn't anyone tell her.

   "Do people come here often?"

  The three men shook their heads, they didn't know either.

   "Maybe Mr. Zhou ordered someone to take care of it." That's the only possibility, she couldn't think of anyone.

   "Mom, will grandpa eat?" Axu was a little puzzled when she saw her mother put the things in front of grandpa and grandma's tomb.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't know how to explain to them.

   "Yes." Ayan's tender voice suddenly sounded with a look of certainty.

   "How do you know, Ayan?"

   Who knew that Ayan made a move that almost didn't scare everyone away.

   saw A Yan stretch out his small hand, pointed to the front and said innocently: "Eat, eat."

   Although this was his father, Ye Jinzhi was still taken aback, hugged Ayan, and he could hear trembling when he listened carefully.

   "Ayan, what did you see?"

   She has heard some people say that children's eyes can see things that adults can't see, but she didn't believe it at all, there is no scientific basis for this.

   But when you actually hear it, it is inevitable to take it seriously.

  Ayan didn't know that his words scared everyone, but he smiled happily and pointed to the front.

   "Grandpa, auntie, eat, eat."

   "Auntie!" Where did the auntie come from, you must have read it wrong.

   "Is Ayan Auntie or Grandma?" Ye Jinzhi didn't believe to confirm again.

   But at the critical moment, Ayan shook his head instead, buried his face on his mother's shoulder, and did not want to say any more.

   When Ye Jinzhi recalled it later, she realized that the "auntie" might be her mother.

  Because she suddenly remembered, Uncle Zhou told her that her mother died not long after giving birth to "Ye Jinzhi", she should be very young at that time.

   If you explain it according to this, it still makes sense.

   "Mom." The three children were frightened by A Yan's words. Originally, A Hao was holding A Xu's hand to pick flowers, but now he is holding Ye Jinzhi's clothes tightly and dare not leave.

   Don't talk about them, even his three big men were frightened by Ayan's words, and they couldn't help looking to the side.

   Ye Jinzhi slowly calmed down when he saw everyone like this.

   "Come on, Ah Zhao took his younger brother to imitate his mother's movements." Ye Jinzhi led the four children to kneel in front of the tomb and kowtowed three times.

   "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, I've only come to see you now, I miss you so much, I've always missed you."

  It's hard to imagine that she found her parents after washing her clothes. Although she didn't see the real person, she has their figures in her memory, which is also very good.

   "Don't be sad, I'm fine. After you left, my uncles and aunties took good care of me. I didn't feel wronged, I just missed you very much."

   Ye Jinzhi looked at the tombstone and meditated in his heart, but tears fell uncontrollably.

   A few children didn't get their mother's order, and they didn't dare to stand up. Seeing their mother's tears, they were so anxious to wipe her tears with their little hands.

   "Don't cry, don't cry, mom doesn't cry, Ah Zhao accompanies mom." Ah Zhao imitated the way Ye Jinzhi comforted them when they cried.

   Seeing how they learned, Ye Jinzhi was both amused and moved.

   "Mom and Dad, have you seen it? I'm doing well, and the baby is very caring. Don't worry about me."


   Ye Jinzhi didn't know how long she had said, but when she stood up, her legs were already numb.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, does your foot hurt?"

   Ye Jinzhi forgot where several children had been kneeling with her, and her calf must have been numb.

   "It doesn't hurt, we are men." Instead, the children comforted her and jumped a few times.

   "Mom, you don't feel uncomfortable at all." After saying that, her little face wrinkled in pain.

   "Mom will pinch you."

   "Ah, Mom, don't, don't, ah, it hurts."

   For a time, it was the sound of a few children crying and howling.

  Only the youngest, Ayan, was still kneeling at the beginning because of his young age, but after a long time he couldn't hold on any longer, and he sat down directly with his buttocks.

   Now it is a pile of dirt with a lot of dry grass clippings on it, making it a dark piece.

   "Let's go back." I didn't feel like I stayed long, but it was almost five o'clock. If it wasn't for the dark night now, it would be dark if we stayed any longer.

   "Mom, can I pick some flowers?" Axu looked at the sea of ​​flowers behind her and was reluctant to leave.

  To be honest, Ye Jinzhi was really surprised by the flowers at the back. He was already ready to weed, but he didn't expect to give them such a big surprise.

   "Yes." As soon as Ye Jinzhi agreed, several children held hands and ran over with a burst of cheers.

   Even Ayan trembled slightly behind the three older brothers, and when he saw his elder brother picking flowers, he picked them regardless.

   I don't even look at whether the flowers are blooming or not, I just pick whatever I see, and I wasted a piece of it.

   "Okay, that's enough, let's go back." The three children picked a lot, and Ye Jinzhi grabbed the little hand that was about to move.

   If you stay any longer, the flower will be plucked away. Ayan's hands are full of green juice, and they can't be wiped clean.

  If it wasn't for Ye Jinzhi's quick eyes and hands, Ayan would have rubbed his hands against his body. Although he said that he had a lot of clothes at home, he couldn't stand the change of them several times a day.

   "Jinzhi, come back to see your father?"

   When we got to the bottom of the mountain, the people who went down to the ground also started to leave work and go home one after another.

  Ye Jinzhi and the others went in the wrong direction when they were going down the mountain, and when they reached the main road, they just bumped into everyone.

   Several children were holding flowers in their hands, and they saw many strangers laughing at them, and some even reached out to touch their faces.

   Although Ye Jinzhi has lived here for so long, he is not very familiar with the people in the village, and the only ones he is familiar with are only a few.

   "Yes, come back and see my dad."

   Along the way, Ye Jinzhi and the others did not know how many people looked at them.

   There were even some people who had already arrived home. They heard that the car they saw in the afternoon belonged to Ye Jinzhi, and they all ran over.

  I thought there would be no one when I got home, but who knew that when I got to the door, there would be more people.

   From a distance, he saw a group of people around their car, pointing and pointing.

   "Girl Jin is back."

   "This is your car?"

   "Who is this guy?"

   "Why didn't the young minister come back?"


   Several children had never experienced this scene and were all frightened.

   Don't talk about them, Ye Jinzhi will also be frightened. They used to live here. Although some people were curious, no one dared to go directly to their door to block people.

   "Yes, come back and see my parents." Ye Jinzhi greeted everyone with a smile, and took out the things they bought before and distributed them to everyone.

   I was afraid of this situation before I came, so Ye Jinzhi prepared a lot of food.

   "Young minister is busy with work, I will come back with my child to see."

   Not only Ye Jinzhi was surrounded, but even Heisang and the three big men were not spared.

   A group of elderly aunts were reluctant to leave when they saw a few young men, and were scrambling to introduce them to someone.

   "Why is there another child?"

   With three children when we left, and four children when we came back, some people will inevitably ask.

   Ye Jinzhi had expected this situation when she came back, so she pretended to be stupid and pretended not to hear.

   "Mom." Ayan had never seen such a big battle before, so he was a little scared and buried his head in his mother's shoulder.

  Although Ye Jinzhi was not used to and didn't like this kind of scene, she didn't act very impatient either.

  Because the people in the village helped a lot when Dad was gone, and she was really grateful to them.

   "What are you doing around here, still not hungry after a day's work?"

   "Don't go back to cook soon, are you too busy day by day?"

   Just when Ye Jinzhi was about to lose his hold, someone finally came over to save the siege.

   Ye Jinzhi and the others were relieved when they heard the voice, and Ye Jinzhi was not sure if he would change his face if he stayed any longer.

   "It's all gone, it's all gone, the human doll finally came back, and I can't take a rest."

   "It's gone, it's gone."

  The crowd slowly dispersed, but there were still a few who remained there and refused to leave.

   "Do you think life is too easy?"

   Yuan Shengli knew from his nephew in the morning that Ye Jinzhi was coming back to offer incense to her father, so when he saw a car coming in the afternoon, he guessed who it was.

  As soon as he got home, he heard from his daughter-in-law that a group of people were going to Ye's house and asked him to go take a look.

   "The original second uncle."

   Yuan Shengli and Yuan Jianguo are brothers of the same mother. Since the elder brother found out something wrong, the job of the captain has been handed over to him.

   "Girl Jin, did the young minister come back with you?" Yuan Shengli thought that the young minister came back with him.

   Ye Jinzhi shook his head, "He is busy with work."

   "Hello grandpa." Ye Jinzhi said while pulling a few children.

   Several children just saw this grandfather with their own eyes, and everyone ran away. At this moment, they couldn't admire him, and Xingxing looked at him.

   "Grandpa is good." Several children called very simply.

   "Okay, okay." The older ones liked it when he saw the children, and he also had two children who were about the same age as Ah Zhao.

   "Would you like to go to Grandpa's house for dinner?"

   Several children were silent, they listened to their mother.

   "Uncle Yuan, we live in the guest house in the town, and we are leaving tomorrow." Ye Jinzhi refused, and now everyone's conditions are not very good.

   Although he is the captain of the corps, he has a large family and is not rich in food. In addition, Uncle Yuan has just found out something wrong, so there are many places to spend money.

   "What, why are you leaving so soon?" Yuan Shengli frowned.

   Ye Jinzhi pointed at Ah Zhao, "The child is going to school, the school seems to be open now, we can't delay any longer."

   Yuan Shengli stopped talking when they heard that they were going to school. Although they didn't know a few characters, they also knew the importance of reading for a child.

   "Brother Hongqi, is he leaving tomorrow?" Ye Jinzhi suddenly remembered.

   Yuan Shengli was not surprised that she would know and nodded, "Go tomorrow, there are a lot of things missing there."

   "Then let Brother Hongqi wait for me at the guest house tomorrow, we happen to have a company."

   "Okay, I'll tell him when I go back." Yuan Shengli couldn't see Ye Jinzhi's purpose, and he couldn't see the three young men following her.

   sent him away, Ye Jinzhi and the others also started to pack up and prepare to go to the guest house.

   "Mama grapes, grapes."

   Ah Hao watched her mother pack her things and thought she had forgotten the grapes, so she remembered to yell at the side.

   Ye Jinzhi nodded helplessly, "I didn't forget, Mom remembered it."

   took them back to pick grapes, unexpectedly many, even filled a full basket.

   "Eat slowly and don't get it on your clothes."

   Several children started eating grapes in the car, especially Axu. When he came, he got motion sickness.

  The evil Ye Jinzhi was worried that he would vomit, so he prepared a special bag in case he would vomit in the car.

   "No, we still have dinner."

   Ye Jinzhi saw that they had finished eating a bunch of them, so they wouldn't let them eat any more, and if they ate any more, they wouldn't be able to eat dinner.

   When there was no child before, Ye Jinzhi saw the assistant beside her, because the child didn't know how much complaining, she didn't feel much at that time, just listened to it.

   Now it's her turn. She really thinks it's too easy. Being a mother not only has to pay attention to the changes in temperature, but also pay attention to the food and drink of the children, worrying that they will have stomach problems.

   "Hold, hug, mom hug."

   When he arrived at the guest house, Ye Jinzhi just got off the bus when he heard Ayan crying and refused to get out of the car.

   "Okay, mom hugs, mom hugs." Ye Jinzhi had no choice but to put down the things in his hands and turn around to hug him.

   "Hahaha, hurry up, hurry up."

"I'm coming."

   The three children started to play as soon as they got out of the car, and they did not feel tired after climbing the mountain at all.

   "Miss, let me come."

  Xiaowu saw Ye Jinzhi showing exhaustion and wanted to take Ayan in her arms.

   Just as Ye Jinzhi was about to nod her head, she felt the soles of her feet were sore and sore, and she was really tired.

   was about to hand Ayan over, who knew that Ayan would not obey.

   hugged Ye Jinzhi's neck tightly and started crying: "Mom, I want mom."

   "It's okay, I'll come." Ye Jinzhi waved at Xiao Wu.

   "Okay, mom is here, mom hugs, don't make trouble."

   hugged him all the way upstairs, obviously Ayan was fine when he was in the country, how come he was like this when he got here.

   "Mom, what's wrong with Ayan?" The three children had already reached the door when they heard the cry of their younger brother, and turned back.

   "It's okay, my brother is too tired and wants to sleep." A Yan was lying in Ye Jinzhi's arms, only showing a pair of eyes, listless.

   "Azhao help Mommy to open the door, please?" Holding Ayan Ye Jinzhi, he couldn't make a move.

  Azhao naturally had no problem. He took the key from his mother's hand and opened the door proudly.

   "Awesome, thank you Ah Zhao."

  Children like to be praised by adults, and Ah Zhao is no exception. Hearing his mother compliment him, his little face smiled happily.

   (end of this chapter)

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