MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 5 She is so fierce! Hero saves beauty

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   Chapter 5 She is so fierce! Hero saves beauty

  Song Baozhu wanted to teach her a lesson for a long time, but now that she takes the initiative to find fault, how can she bear it?

   She took a step forward, looked down at the woman who fell on the ground with her hands on her hips, and asked fiercely, "Which eye did you see that I pushed you?"

   Yu Yan who fell: "!!"

   She was quite angry at first, but when she looked at the tall and strong Song Baozhu in front of her, her heart suddenly began to beat.

  How does this woman grow!

  How does he look like a bear!

   A woman grows up like this, I am afraid that she will never want to marry in this life.

  "You..." Yu Yan was a little cowardly. Seeing everyone in the car looked over, she regained her courage and got up and said, "If you hadn't pushed me on purpose, how could I have fallen!"

   After she finished speaking, before Song Baozhu could speak, Song Xihua, who was beside her, had already shouted excitedly: "You woman is sick! When did my sister push you?

   It is you who are shameless and threw yourself into my brother-in-law's arms! I think you are a hooligan, and seeing my brother-in-law looks good, I want to jump into his arms and play a hooligan!

   Fortunately, my brother-in-law hid quickly, otherwise you will take advantage of it! It's really shameless, I didn't succeed in being a hooligan, and I fell down and slandered my sister for pushing you!

  Do you know how strong my sister is? If she really pushes you, you've already rolled back, how can you still stand here? You dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not my sister beat you? "

   At the end, Song Xihua snorted proudly, just like the villain in the movie.

  Song Baozhu: "…"

   suddenly felt a little ashamed.

   But forget it, there are too many people in the car, the silly brother can go back and teach him a lesson, and then clean up this woman first.

   "You just said I pushed you?" Song Baozhu squeezed her fingers like a female bully, "Which family do you belong to? What's your name?"

   Yu Yan was even more frightened when she saw that she was about to hit someone.

  Especially what Song Xihua said just now was not polite at all, as if she had been stripped naked in front of everyone's eyes.

   She blushed, and suddenly complained with tears in her eyes: " bully people!"

  Song Baozhu wanted to scold people instantly, where is the madness! cry!

   She was slandered, she didn't even cry!

  It's a pity that you can't beat people in front of so many people, it's cheaper for her.

   "Master driver!" Song Baozhu shouted directly, "Go to the Public Security Bureau, this woman is slandering and spreading rumors, I want to report her!"

   Her voice was very nice, but when she shouted in anger at the moment, it sounded like thunder, completely different from the usual speaking voice, which scared everyone in the car.

   The driver is a veteran, and he is not small, but he was still frightened by Song Baozhu's sudden shout and slammed on the brakes.

  The car suddenly braked suddenly, and everyone fell forward, only Song Baozhu stood firmly on the spot, like an iron tower.

   Coincidentally, Yu Yan fell again this time.

   The people around her were too busy to take care of themselves, so naturally no one helped her.

   So she knelt on the ground with a "dong" sound, both knees were numb, and she just knelt in front of Song Baozhu.

  Song Baozhu: "???"

   She was stunned for a moment, and then she said with some disgust: "What are you doing kneeling in front of me? Don't you want to slander me and let you kneel again?"

  Yu Yan twisted her face instantly: "!!"

  Who wants to kneel, she accidentally fell, okay?

   But this woman is really too much. When she saw her fall, she didn't even help her, and just watched her kneeling on the ground.

   Really **** her off!

  Yu Yan wanted to get up, but her knee was numb and painful, so she couldn't get up.

   She looked at Song Baozhu subconsciously, and seeing that she had no intention of helping, she turned to look at Shen Xuan, hoping he could help.

   In the end, Shen Xuan didn't even look at her, and said to Song Baozhu, "Let's stay away from this kind of person, be careful that she slanders you again."

  Yu Yan was dumbfounded on the spot, what's wrong with this man? To say she was slanderous!

   Isn't she better than that black bear-like woman?

   Is he blind?

  Yu Yan's mentality collapsed, but she still retorted excitedly: "I didn't! It was clearly her just now..."

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a conductor not far away: "Okay, what's going on! If you have nothing to do, get up quickly, don't waste everyone's time! If you want to make trouble again, the master will send you directly to the bureau to stay. !"

   She watched the whole process, and originally thought that Yu Yan was handsome and kind, but who knew she was such a person!

   First, I wanted to throw myself into the arms of my husband and be a hooligan, but when I failed, I still had the face to slander and push her!

   Really shameless!

  The conductor rolled his eyes in disgust.

   As soon as she spoke, the passengers also spoke up and attacked Yu Yan.

   They don't want the car to go to the Public Security Bureau, what a delay.

   But Song Baozhu looks too fierce, so it's not easy to mess with at first glance.

   So the passengers resolutely complained about Yu Yan, who looked like a bully.

   Yu Yan was attacked by everyone, and her mentality collapsed again: "…"

   She was so wronged that she burst into tears, but unfortunately everyone was in a hurry, and no one felt bad for her at all. The conductor saw that she was still pretending to be there, and said she was going to get off the bus.

  Yu Yan was cowardly at this point, and she hid behind the car aggrievedly, daring not to make trouble again, for fear of being driven out.

   Her home is not near the county seat, and there are few buses from the county to the countryside.

   She didn't want to go down.

  Yu Yan shrank back in the back of the car, the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became, so tears began to flow again.

  The surrounding passengers looked at her secretly, but no one spoke.

   Seeing this, Song Baozhu also died down and stopped making noise.

   In this regard, both the driver and the conductor were quietly relieved.

   The car continued to drive to the commune. After passing a few villages on the way, Yu Yan got out of the car through the back door quietly.

When    got off the car, she couldn't help but glance at the direction of Shen Xuan and Song Baozhu, a little contemptuous and unwilling.

   The earlier you get off the bus, the closer the village is to the county seat.

  Song Baozhu never meant to get out of the car, and he didn't know how remote he lived.

   Such a vulgar woman who still looks like a bear can marry such an excellent man. God is too unfair!

   No, she must have used some nasty means to force that man to marry her.

   That man is so good-looking and well-dressed, he must be an educated youth from the city, and his family background is not bad.

How can someone like    be spoiled by such a black bear-like woman?

   No, she has to find someone to inquire!

   Maybe, he can be rescued from the fire pit.

   When the time comes, he will definitely thank her for saving her life! Maybe...will promise to meet each other...

  The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, her face flushed with shame, and she hurriedly walked towards the village, planning to find someone to inquire.

  In the car, Song Baozhu didn't know that Yu Yan, who had gotten out of the car, was thinking about the hero saving beauty.

  After the passengers got off the bus one after another, finally a seat was vacated. She was sitting on the chair, thinking about space and inheritance trials.

   At this time, in Fenghuang Village, everyone was busy rushing to harvest in the ground.

  Suddenly, a female educated youth who was mowing wheat swayed and fell to the ground.

   (end of this chapter)