MTL - 9 Heavenly Thunder Manual-Chapter 24 accept the challenge

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I don't know how long, Lei Yu woke up from her puppet, and looked at the two familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of her with a resentful look, "Are you all right?"

"Can I talk to you?" Lei Yuntian's words were almost squeezed from the teeth.

I thought for a moment, Lei Yu still let them into the room.

"What do you want to talk to me about? Let's see what happens." Lei Yu seemed to meet a stranger. There was no mood swing in his tone. This was completely different from Lei Yu, who had stuck to his father all day, ten years ago.

"Xiao Yu, I know you have been hating me for so many years, haven't you?" Lei Yuntian didn't know, he didn't know what Lei Yu was thinking at this time.

"No! You and I are strangers. I had nothing to do with two years ago. Why should I hate you?" Lei Yu's eyes were full of anger, and there were certain things that could not be forgotten, especially those things that were unforgettable.

The elder on one side shook his head and sighed. He didn't know what to say. Time was still again, and the air was filled with death-like silence.

For a long time, Lei Yuntian squeezed his fist vigorously and said, "I know it's my fault for so many years. The baptism ceremony that day caused deviations because of our negligence. As your father, I hope you can forgive me." As a leader of Tenglong Kingdom, he can say such things in front of a young man in his 20s. It can be seen that his emphasis on Lei Yu has reached the extreme.

偏差 "Deviation? Deviation can drive me out of the house? Deviation can make me spit by the eyes and eyes of people all day long?" Lei Yu's chest moved up and down, her emotions were extremely excited.

"Xiao Yu, come back with us, you are the hope of the family in the future!"

"Impossible!" Lei Yu suddenly stood up from the sofa and shouted, "I have nothing to do with Lei's family!"

"But after all you are still named Lei!"

"There are so many surnames in the world, are they all from your family?"

"Lei Yu!" The elder's eyes were full of anger. "Pay attention to your words! How dare you talk to the owner like this?"

Lei Yu turned his head and looked at the elders coldly, "Are you still not allowed to talk to me when you come to my house? This is not your Lei family, and I didn't hate Lei's family too deeply because of you. Your grandson Lei Yun has a great responsibility because of your grandson.

"Thundercloud? What happened to him?"

"Go ask him yourself, I don't want to explain." Leaving a little breath, Lei Yu continued, "I know you have seen my mark, I have read the ancient family files, I have tried to prove myself more than once I ’m not a coward. I want to prove to my father that I ’m strong, but I ’ve been indifferent to you again and again, and even pushed me out of the house. Since I ’ve been out of Lei ’s door, I never thought to step in again. , Please come back, I will also go back to the Dragon training. "Lei Yu made a gesture of please after saying this.

Lei Yuntian and the elder looked at each other, and the helpless expression in his eyes became more obvious. He shook his head and turned to leave, but things are far from simple. As the rare talents of the Lei family for thousands of years, they are absolutely Won't give up.

Lei Yuntian and the elders were sent away. Lei Yu leaned back against the door. For a long time, he couldn't calm down. The shame of the day was what the family brought to him. Instead, he helped himself from the youngest to the biggest playmate. , And the people in the family, even their father, didn't even have a word of question, how can this not let Lei Yu feel cold?

I carried a backpack on my back, and as always, Lei Yu ran towards the Dragon Group. This way, Lei Yu had a lot of thoughts.

"Xiao Yu, today is your year in the dragon group, you have to be careful, maybe someone will challenge you." Nuo Hu put his hand on Lei Yu's shoulder and laughed.

"It's better, someone can learn a lot when challenged, I can't ask for it." Lei Yu replied with a smile.

The two came to one of the most special villas of the Dragon Group, where all the elites of the Dragon Group were gathered. It can be said that they are the elite of the elite, and everyone has extraordinary strength.

In this year, Lei Yu has been growing constantly, and every growth is inseparable from his sweat and hard work. So much blood and sweat have been exchanged for today's Lei Yu.

During this year, many people knew that Lei Yu belonged to a kind of restrained power, but some who were very arrogant but also very dissatisfied, wanted to challenge it, but because Lei Yu entered the Dragon Group in less than one time Years, has been waiting, and this day has finally arrived, there are several elites eager to move, looking at Lei Yu's eyes have also changed slightly.

The dragon group has an invisible hidden rule. Members of the dragon team can challenge anyone, but it is limited to the ten or so members of the dragon team. If they are rejected by the challenger, they will be regarded as a dragon breed. Of course, the object of challenge can also choose the dragon group to lead Noilong and Noifeng and Fan Hongchang, but none of these three people dare to challenge so far. If you really want to ask who dare to challenge, only Lei Yu has such strength , But now no one knows exactly where Lei Yu's strength has reached.

的 Lei Yu, who has reached the stage of convergence, can better hide her strength. This is the most important in any situation. Hiding strength can only be unexpected at critical moments.

Sure enough, after the two entered the training hall on the second floor, a big man with a height of 1.85 meters came forward. This big man Lei Yu recognized that his name was Hu Li. He had worked extremely **** weekdays and had reached the third-tier martial artist The level of muscle, the muscles on the whole body indicate that it contains amazing power.

"Hu Li, is there something wrong?" Lei Yu looked up and asked, seeing someone standing in front of him.

"Lei Yu, today is the year you have entered the Dragon Group. I have waited for this day for a long time, and I will challenge you today!" Hu Li's thick voice spread throughout the hall, all eyes Cast to this side.

Although Xun Leiyu foresaw that someone would challenge himself, he did not expect it would be so fast. He also understood that he could not refuse. If he refused, he would be regarded as a cricket. Lei Yu did not want to carry such a reputation in the Dragon team. UU Kanshu

"I accept your challenge!" Lei Yu smiled.

"Okay, good! I'll arrange your test." At this time, Nuo Yilong came in from the door.

"Leader!" Everyone lined up, standing neatly in the middle of the hall, shouting in unison.

"Tonight, I will arrange your test here, but you should also be clear about the rules of the Dragon Group. You are the backbone of the country and the elite of the Dragon Group. I do n’t want anyone to be irreparably harmed. So, today ’s No accidents can occur until the trial ends, understand? "Nuo Yilong asked.

Tong Leiyu and Hu Li said in unison: "Understand!"

Nuo Yilong has always been very interested in Lei Yu, not only because Nuohu introduced him into the dragon group, but also two more important points. The first is the lightning mark on his arm. Second, Lei Yu has already surpassed How can these people hone their endurance and mentality?

After training for the next day, Lei Yu did not choose the items that would lose physical strength, nor did he choose weight-bearing training. He had to retain his physical strength in order to meet the evening test.

For a person who has only the strength of a third-tier martial artist, Lei Yu has enough grasp to win, but whoever is facing the opponent must be rigorous and must not love her rivals. Often, the difference between the front lines may be lost forever. It is still understood that at any time, unexpected accidents will occur.

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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