MTL - 90s, The Cannon Fodder Wife of the Paranoid Boss is Reborn-Chapter 14 Hello sister-in-law

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Chapter 14 Hello sister-in-law

Xiao Cheng seemed to be aware of the burning gaze cast from the air, and glanced sideways, his gaze passing through the bustling crowd and fixating on that slender and exquisite figure.

Bai Lu couldn't hide her shock and excitement, and gave him a thumbs up - awesome!

The corners of Xiao Cheng's mouth raised slightly, and Aojiao retracted his gaze and continued the operation.

Bai Lu looked at it for a while and then went out to buy groceries.

I don’t know whether to build a house and take care of the food, or whether it would be better to buy the vegetables and prepare them first.

 The boss has worked hard and achieved great results, but he can’t go hungry.

After Xiao Cheng bulldozed the mud-brick house, he shoveled the useless bricks onto the six-wheeled vehicle that had been contacted and had them hauled away. The remaining wooden beams in the roof were left for the owner to use as firewood. This was also discussed in the morning. Unanimous decision.

Wen Xiuyun and Zhou Zhonghua are new households. They moved from remote mountainous areas and don’t know much about the customs here.

They will do whatever Xiao Cheng says.

Hand over all matters such as promoting house reconstruction, hiring trucks to transport bricks, and purchasing reinforced concrete and red bricks.

I had a great chat with Bai Lu yesterday, and I could feel the sincerity of the other party. Wen Xiuyun can trust this young couple.

After Xiao Cheng laid the foundation line, Luo Shiliu and Xiao Dazhuang began to dig the foundation.

There are two other senior workers and one junior worker in the team, both of whom are familiar with them.

They are not bad at what they do. They follow Xiao Cheng and they know more or less what Xiao Cheng knows.

 In addition to driving an excavator.

 They really don’t have the talent to learn and apply.

When Bai Lu came back from shopping for groceries, a group of younger brothers all cheered and shouted in unison: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Bai Lu paused, her face seemed to be on fire, and she quickly turned red. She replied awkwardly but politely: "Okay, hello."

Xiao Cheng looked at the girl's hurriedly escaping back, pursed her thin lips slightly, and threw a shovel of mud at Luo Shiliu.

 “What are you yelling about?”

Luo Shiliu was the one who took the lead and made the loudest noise. He was hiding and laughing with a ruthless look on his face: "Oh - I'm going to be buried. I was wrong, brother. I won't scare my sister-in-law by taking the lead next time. I should take this opportunity." Give it to you."

Before he finished speaking, another shovelful of mud came.

Wang Hao and others are laughing.

Only Xiao Dazhuang said with a serious face: "Sixteen, you are wrong. Brother Cheng should not call sister-in-law if he takes the lead. Sister-in-law and brother Cheng are husband and wife, and they are not of the same generation. How can they call sister-in-law."

Luo Shiliu almost burst out laughing: "You're right! If you don't call me sister-in-law, ask Brother Cheng what you should call me."

 Honest people are easily deceived.

Xiao Dazhuang looked at Xiao Cheng with an expression eager for knowledge, and then received a cold look.

  and two cool words: "work."

Luo Shiliu suppressed his laughter and patted Xiao Dazhuang's shoulders twice to express comfort: "Don't worry, you will know when you get a wife in the future. Brother Cheng doesn't say it because my sister-in-law is shy."

 Xiao Dazhuang didn’t even have a partner, let alone a wife, so he nodded as if he understood.

“Oh, that’s it, no wonder my sister-in-law blushed just now.” He told the truth.

 The result was a shovelful of mud.

Luo Shiliu ran away a long time ago, squatting on the ground and laughing so hard that his shovel flew away.

Xiao Cheng said coldly: "We can't finish digging the foundation today, so you can work overtime at night with a lamp."

“Brother, don’t, don’t, don’t! I was wrong, I won’t dare to do it next time, and I won’t do it again in the future!”

 “I’m going to work now, roll up my sleeves and work hard!”

Bai Lu bought a prepared chicken, mushrooms, three eggplants, a piece of fat and thin pork, and a handful of watercress for a total of twenty-one and eight cents.

While I was choosing watercress in the vegetable sink in the courtyard, Wang Cuihua came next door: "Bai Lu, can I come in?"

 The courtyard door is not closed.

  When Bai Lu heard the sound and looked around, she had already come in.

She was very familiar with him and came over to help wash the vegetables. Bai Lu said no, but she pretended not to hear her.

"You are pregnant. How can you always squat down to do things? You must be very tired. Go get a stool and sit down. I will wash the dishes. It will be done soon."

Bai Lu: “…”

 You can roughly guess what she is here for.

Wang Cuihua saw that Bai Lu didn't move, so she very diligently moved a small bench for her to sit on.

"Liu Guangguan has finally moved away. Thanks to Xiao Cheng, a wealthy family has moved next door and is going to build a small red brick building. I didn't expect Xiao Cheng to actually know how to excavate. It's really amazing." She opened it by herself. Chatterbox.

 With a face full of admiration, he also worked hard when washing vegetables, washing them cleanly, and the white dew was not easy to drive away.

Wang Cuihua rambled for a long time, talking to Bai Lu about how she met Abiao, how they got to know each other, how they fell in love, got married, and finally became a widow.

How grateful Xiao Cheng was for helping her, she almost said that she wished he could give her his life.

Bai Lu just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing that she didn't have the expected reaction, Wang Cuihua could only change the topic: "Liu Guangguan's old house is in tatters and the kitchen can't be used at all. I think Xiao Cheng has also bulldozed it today, so he probably wants to go home for dinner."

 “Have you bought enough groceries?” she asked.

   Bai Lu said: "I bought it."

Wang Cuihua thought she was talking about watercress, and shook her head in disapproval: "How can these green vegetables be enough? Didn't you buy meat? Xiao Cheng and others are very tired from work, so they need to eat meat."

"Bought them all." Of course Bai Lu knew she had to eat meat, otherwise she wouldn't have the strength to work.

"Then you must be very tired cooking alone, why don't you let me help you?" Wang Cuihua didn't ask what she had bought, and took the initiative to ask Miao to help.

She was indeed a little scared when she saw Xiao Cheng's side last night. Abiao had told her before, but describing it in words was never as shocking as seeing it with her own eyes.

But then I thought about it, this is how they do this business, and they don’t hit their own people anyway.

 What is she afraid of? There is nothing to be afraid of.

 Xiao Cheng is so good-looking and treats her so well. He is a person worthy of being entrusted to her for the rest of her life.

"No, thank you. There aren't many dishes. I can cook them myself." Bai Lu declined.

Wang Cuihua has heard about Bai Lu from other neighbors. She is a timid and fearful girl with no independent opinions. As long as she is told a few times, she will definitely agree.

“Look, why are you so polite to me? Xiao Cheng helps me, and I help you. Isn’t that what we should do?”

"Besides, I can't eat much as a woman. I usually only eat two bowls of rice and I'm full."

Although Bai Lu thinks free nannies are good, they are only good, and they don’t come with a nanny.

 She doesn’t like backyard dramas.

So I want to nip the problem in the cradle, "Thank you for your kindness, but Xiao Cheng said that he likes to eat the food I cook, and he can't eat the food cooked by others."

Wang Cuihua didn't expect Bai Lu to be so direct, and a lot of words on her lips were choked back in her throat.

He smiled awkwardly, and then said without giving up: "I can also help you with other things, such as washing clothes and so on. It's inconvenient for you to be pregnant. I will move here to take care of you until you give birth to the baby, and after the confinement period, more good."

 (End of this chapter)