MTL - 90s, The Cannon Fodder Wife of the Paranoid Boss is Reborn-Chapter 15 It's safe in the boss' arms

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Chapter 15 It’s safe in the boss’s arms

"You see you are still so young, only nineteen years old, right? I heard that your student status is still high school and you have not graduated from high school. You can take the college entrance examination this year. If you want to take the college entrance examination after giving birth, I can still help you take care of the child. You don't have to worry about it. "My heart is so busy running between home and school."

These words really touched Bai Lu’s heart.

Bai Lu will naturally take the college entrance examination, but she will have to wait until the false pregnancy is revealed and everything is settled.

Now, she doesn’t want to have any side issues come up before the big boss has settled the matter, disrupting the plan.

 We have to find a solution once and for all.

 “Someone is coming to your house.”

Before Bai Lu could think of a way to do it, a childish little voice came from far and near, accompanied by the sound of footsteps.

Xiao Wei stood in front of Wang Cuihua with a small schoolbag on his back and said expressionlessly: "Aren't you going home to entertain me?"

“Are you talking about a visitor coming to my house?” Wang Cuihua pointed at herself, obviously surprised.

 Her relatives are all in the countryside, and Abiao is also an orphan, without a father or mother. Who will come to find her?

Xiao Wei didn't care whether she believed it or not. After replying with the word "your home", he turned around and went back to his room to do his homework.

Wang Cuihua went home dubiously.

Bai Lu went back to the kitchen to cook, washed the rice and put it into the pot, lit the fire, stuffed some firewood into the stove hole, and started to chop chicken pieces and cut mushrooms.

When the pork was minced, Xiao Wei came in and sat down in front of the stove to light the fire without saying a word.

Bai Lu felt that he was just a boring gourd, and he would only have emotions in front of Xiao Cheng.

 But the little guy just helped her in time and must be rewarded with a big chicken drumstick.

The other one was left to Xiao Cheng, a man of great contribution to hard work.

When Xiao Cheng came back from work, the house was filled with the smell of food. The girl was walking to the main room with soup. When she saw him, she smiled and greeted him, with a smile on her face and eyes. It was full of human smoke. There were people waiting at home, and food was left for him. Think about it, what is the joy of returning home? This is it.

A warm ripple appeared in Xiao Cheng's deep eyes, he took the cigarette out of his mouth, threw it to the ground and crushed it.

 After washing my hands, I went to the dining table. There was already rice in the bowl, with a big chicken drumstick on top.

 He picked up his chopsticks and put them into the bowl of white dew.

Seeing this, Xiao Wei also put the untouched chicken legs in his bowl into Bailu's bowl.

Bai Lu looked at the two big chicken drumsticks in the bowl: "..."

“Actually, I still think wings are more delicious.” She tried to sell the chicken legs back.

 Unexpectedly, he hasn’t taken action yet.

 There are two more chicken wings in the bowl. The middle wings of the chicken are directly covered on the chicken legs and piled into the top of a hill.

Bai Lu: “…”

 Should she say she likes watercress?

 Or eggplant with minced meat?

In that case, would Xiao Cheng think that she wanted to raise his child to be malnourished?

 Finally, Bai Lu finished eating the two big chicken drumsticks with tears in her eyes, and decided not to keep any chicken drumsticks anymore.

 It must be chopped into pieces and everyone must eat it together.

after lunch

 Xiao Wei went to the backyard to see the old hen, and Bai Lu also went. "It doesn't seem to have laid any eggs today."

 I checked it again in the morning, but it was not there. When I came back from shopping for groceries, I checked it again, but still not there.

The chicken coop is empty, but the old hen crows every morning.

Xiao Wei found a chicken coop. There were no traces of eggs inside or outside the chicken coop.

 “Did he get eaten?” He frowned.

Bai Lu was puzzled: "What was eaten by him?"

As soon as I finished speaking, a cool touch suddenly ran across my feet, and it seemed that... it stopped.

Because her shoes got wet while washing vegetables, Bai Lu changed into slippers, leaving part of her instep exposed. The cold touch reminded her of something, her scalp numbed and her breathing stopped.

 The constricted pupils slowly move downward.

 In an instant, my soul was scared to death!

Bai Lu suddenly swung her foot, turned around and ran, not forgetting to grab Xiao Wei beside her. The next second, she directly hit a steel-hard wall of flesh.

 “Snake…there is a snake!”

She ran so hard that Bai Lu almost fainted, but fortunately Xiao Cheng held her waist in time.

Xiao Wei was lucky. He didn't face Xiao Cheng head-on and stopped in time when Bai Lu collided with him.

 The little hand was also knocked away.

Bai Lu is not afraid of anything, only cold molluscs like snakes that hide in the dark.

How scared are you? She was so afraid that Xiao Cheng didn't move away, so she hid in his chest.

Hands were still on his shoes.

Xiao Cheng could feel the nervous heartbeat of the girl in his arms. The little body that shrank into his arms was stiff and trembling slightly, which made his chest feel warm. He patted her back with his big hand, his movements unfamiliar and slightly clumsy.

 “Xiao Wei took him away.”

 “What?” A muffled voice came from his arms.

As soon as Bai Lu raised her face, she immediately hid back: "Xiao Wei is only seven years old, how can he catch a snake? You must be lying to me. Go and catch it. Go quickly."

 Xiao Cheng touched his nose and his voice fell softly: "How can I catch you like this?"

Bai Lu's brain was still short-circuited and he didn't realize anything was wrong, so he said bluntly: "Catch it with your hands!"

  Xiao Cheng: “…”

 His hand is still patting her back, grabbing her out of thin air?

Xiao Wei pinched the snake's neck and was thinking, should he hand the snake over to his elder brother?

Bai Lu has been asking her eldest brother to catch the snake. If the eldest brother catches the snake with his hands, will she not be afraid anymore?

 It’s a pity that this most perfect solution was nipped in the bud by Xiao Cheng’s look.

Noticing that the person in his arms was slightly unsteady and sliding down, Xiao Cheng bent down and picked her up.

Bai Lu's legs were indeed weak. She was picked up by the boss and she felt extremely safe. She finally dared to raise her face and spoke cautiously: "Have you caught the snake?"

Her words made Xiao Cheng wonder if he didn't have long hands, "No."

When Bai Lu heard this, she immediately hid her face that she had just raised, grabbing Xiao Cheng's arm and urging him: "Then why don't you catch the snake? Go catch the snake!"

  Xiao Cheng: “…”

"Here, I caught it." Xiao Wei pinched the snake's neck and swung the nearly one-meter-long snake around.

Trying to get into Bai Lu's sight, proving that he really caught the snake and was not joking.

Bai Lu seemed to be aware of it. She raised her head and slowly turned back. A horrifying scene suddenly came into view.

  My jaw almost dropped in shock.

The long dark brown snake that had just slid across her instep was now being held in the hands of a seven-year-old boy, pinching his neck. The snake's tail was twisting around, rolling up and down again, trying to escape. .

 But I can't escape no matter what...

Before he could take another look, his eyes suddenly changed and he was carried away from the place.

Bai Lu didn’t know what to do with the snake afterwards, because Xiao Cheng took her back to the bed and went out.

 When she calmed down and went out again, Xiao Cheng and Xiao Wei were no longer at home.

 She was the only one left in the empty house.

After eating a big tangerine, Bai Lu went to the well and filled three large buckets of water. She carefully and carefully scrubbed the insteps of her feet until they turned red and peeled off.

 Then dry your feet, put on a pair of thick cotton shoes that are fully wrapped, carry a small vegetable basket, and go out to buy groceries.

 (End of this chapter)