MTL - A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot-Chapter 271 Difficulties in replicating cloisonné

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  Chapter 271 Difficulties in Re-engraving Cloisonne

   Seeing Li Yi's direct admission, Cai Yi and Geng Wanhua couldn't sit still, so they couldn't help but adjust their sitting postures.

  Guan Yue was very calm. Hearing this, he just nodded with a smile, and then continued to ask: "Then, how sure are you that you can replicate the success?"

  Guan Xue on the side suddenly lowered her eyes.

  She found that when she asked this question, Guan Yue's hand holding the chair suddenly clenched a little bit.

  She was a little confused, Dad is very concerned about this issue?

   "Ten percent."

   Li Yi said something with a smile.

  Guan Yue's expression didn't change when he heard the words, but a hint of excitement flashed in his cloudy eyes.

  When Cai Yi and Geng Wanhua across the table heard Li Yi's words, they laughed out loud.

   "Mr. Li."

  Cai Yi looked at Li Yi, and said seriously: "Believe me, our museum has definitely put the most effort into re-engraving the cloisonné craftsmanship. This matter is definitely not as simple as you imagined."

  Geng Wanhua on the side also nodded, and said to Li Yi: "I understand, no one is willing to sell such a precious set of bowls.

  The issue of money can be discussed, but if you have the idea that you would rather destroy it than give it to others, then it is a bit inappropriate. "

  Looking at their serious expressions, Li Yi put away his smile, and asked sternly, "I think the two experts may be a bit preconceived. Why do you just think that I can't reproduce it successfully?"

  Geng Wanhua glanced at Guan Yue, seeing that Guan Yue hadn't spoken, he explained to Li Yi: "Don't worry, is the cloisonne production process you learned about the version recorded in "Ji Xia Jiu Wen Kao"?

  In fact, several ancient books have recorded the crafting process of cloisonne, but there is no way to reproduce this level of crafts with just a few words of records.

  We all know that the special feature of cloisonne lies in its shape, pattern, color and light.

  An exquisite cloisonné vessel must first have a good shape, which depends on the craftsmanship of the tire.

  Secondly, it must have a beautiful decorative pattern, which depends on the filigree technique.

   Again, it must have a gorgeous color, which depends on the preparation of the blue material.

  Finally, it must have a brilliant luster, which is accomplished by sanding and gilding.

   On the whole, it is the ultimate craft integrating art, craft, carving, inlay, smelting, metallurgy and other professional technologies. It is the pinnacle technology of traditional handicrafts and a bright pearl in Chinese culture! "

   Speaking of this, Geng Wanhua was a little excited, and his breathing became a little short.

   "Unfortunately, because of the war, this extreme craftsmanship has been lost."

  He sighed regretfully, and said with embarrassment: "We have tried many times to reproduce cloisonné, but all of them failed, and a lot of Mr. Guan's funds were wasted. I am really ashamed."

   As he spoke, he looked up at Guan Yue.

  But Guan Yue smiled and waved his hands to show relief.

   Seeing this, Geng Wanhua was in a better mood, and then continued: "You should know that the basis of making cloisonné is to make embryos, filigree and silk.

   This step is barely considered to be somewhat effective, at least we can make the embryo, and we can also stick the copper wire on the carcass.

  But the real difficulty in making cloisonné lies in spotting and burning indigo. We have tried many times before and after this level, but there is no way to break through, and we have lost a lot of cloisonne utensils. "

   When he said this, his emotions became a little excited again, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

   Seeing this, Cai Yi sighed and added: "If you want to burn cloisonne into a good-looking color, the correct ratio of blue materials is the key.

  But in all the ancient books that can be queried, there is no record of what the blue material of cloisonné is made of.

  We tried to strip some blue material from the existing cloisonné utensils for analysis, but we only analyzed the proportion of some basic elements.

  If you want to use natural elements to mix the blue material with the same color, you need to conduct more and more detailed analysis tests, and you need to peel off more colors and more areas of the blue material.

  We have calculated that if we want to use the exhaustive method to push out all the colors of blue material, I am afraid that all the existing cloisonné utensils will be destroyed, and there is no way to strip the blue material..."

   Speaking of this, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

  Geng Wanhua calmed down a bit, then stared at Li Yi and said solemnly: "Mr. Li Yi, I know that you value this set of bowls very much, and so do we.

  For this lost craft, these surviving utensils are the only evidence of its existence.

  Because of our arrogance and recklessness, many cloisonne utensils have been damaged. This is the stain of our life and the thorn in our hearts.

  So, we really can't bear to see such a set of precious cloisonné bowls being destroyed again, I hope you can understand. "

  Hearing what they said, Li Yi's expression became much more serious.

  If you don’t listen, you don’t know, it turns out that they have really put in so much effort to reproduce the cloisonne craftsmanship.

  Although these efforts are a bit of a waste of effort, at least the starting point is good.

  However, although these words sound very touching, isn't their purpose still to let him take out the Wanshou Wujiang Bowl?

  Seeing that Li Yi was silent, Guan Yue who was at the side suddenly spoke: "Xiao Li, can you listen to me tell a story?"

  Hearing him speak, Li Yi raised his head and responded to him: "Say it."

  Guan Yue stroked the armrest of the seat, looked at the mid-air in front of him, and fell into memories.

  “When I was young, I loved to make troubles and was full of passion. I went to serve as a soldier and wanted to defend my family and the country.

  But after I actually went to the battlefield, I realized that it’s good to be alive.

  Later, I changed jobs and returned to my hometown. Because of my sufficient education, I worked as a university teacher for several years and taught history at school.

  But the liberal arts are not popular. Although there is a name as a university teacher, the salary is only that.

  It happened that there was a high and low tide at that time, and many people went to Shencheng to do business and exchanged stock subscription certificates.

  I wanted to go, but I didn’t have any money, so I brought a cloisonne jar with a dragon pattern from the Xuande period passed down from my family. I knew that foreigners would buy this.

  When I arrived in Shencheng, I found a way to get in touch with a few people from Yingguo, and sold them the big lid jar. I sold it for 200,000 yuan, and I got the first start-up capital. "

  Listening to his story, Li Yi said with a smile: "Your experience is quite magical. The two hundred thousand that year was not a small amount!"


Guan Yue twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "With the two hundred thousand, I made more than four million, a twenty-fold increase, and then directly invested in Shencheng, opened a small electronics factory, and worked for a few years. He made a fortune and made a lot of money.”

   Speaking of this, he paused, sighed, and then said in a complicated tone: "That big covered jar is a family heirloom handed down from my grandfather's generation, and my grandfather kept it during the war.

   But he didn't know that I, an unworthy descendant, actually sold all the family heirlooms in order to earn some money.

  After I earn money, I want to buy back that big jar.

  I have already thought about it, as long as the other party is willing to sell, even if the price is increased by a hundred times, I am willing to buy it.

   But I didn't expect that when I found the big covered jar again, it would already be stored in the Great Eagle Museum. "




  (end of this chapter)