MTL - A Naive Short-tempered Girl-v4 Chapter 465 Caught in his rhythm

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Chapter 465 Stuck in His Rhythm

### Chapter 624: Get Into His Rhythm

Alas, calm down to handle all this, can't still fall into the rhythm set by Yu Aotian unknowingly as before. Otherwise, it is very easy to fall into a vortex that will not have results in this life.

The heart murmured secretly, and Yaoyao lay weakly on the familiar bed.

On the sheets, the scent of fragrance came from Yu Aotian's body. It was restful and intoxicating, and the scenes that happened in this room seemed to drift in front of her.

With laughter and tears, but ...

At least at this moment, in the past, it was no longer able to evoke the ripples in her heart ...

God, there was a slight light.

Yaoya blinked her eyelashes, and her little hand subconsciously swiped past her.


A smile of wisdom moved across the corner of her mouth before she opened her eyes gradually.

Last night, Yaoyao didn't lock the door before going to sleep, and there was no worry that Yu Aotian would slip into his room in the middle of the night.

For that overbearing man, in fact, any of her 'carefulness' and 'heart-warming' was superfluous, but rather tiring.

It would be better to turn all this into a bet, if he did come in like this. Quite simply, she packed up and left today; if not, she can live here with complete peace of mind.

Opened the bedroom door lightly.

On the sofa in the living room, the man fell asleep quietly. No matter where you look at that handsome face, there can be no flaws, just like a perfect work of art made by God.

Washing is complete.

Yaoyao slipped into the kitchen, just about to open the refrigerator ...

Yu Aotian lying on the sofa stretched out lazily ...

"Did I make it to you?"

"No. Hungry?" He sat up slowly, looking at the kitchen.


"You wait for me. After I finish washing, I will cook for you." Yu Aotian walked slowly towards the bathroom.

When Yao Yao just wanted to say something, he swallowed it back ...

Unable to describe the feeling at the moment.

When she lived here before, she opened her eyes and he had already prepared breakfast.

At that time, she didn't move at all about this man's behavior, and it was already a habit to take care of him.


When I left this house, no one was waiting for myself to make breakfast; or when it was my turn to make breakfast for others, I realized that it was not as easy as I thought to make a breakfast.

"Squeak" After a while, Yu Aotian stepped out of the bathroom.

When he saw the food on the table, he glanced doubtfully at Yao Yao who was sitting at the table: "Learn to cook?"

"Well ... in the last three months of Chen Yi's death ... learned ..." She took up the milk next to her hand and drank it, gurgle, gurgle.

Even if Yaoyao was trying to restrain the sadness in her heart, Yu Aotian still felt the shock of her leaving Feng Chenyi from the luster flowing through her eyes.

"Chen Yi ate this kind of thing before he died? Then ... he was really miserable!" The sad atmosphere was suddenly dispelled by the ironic words of Yu Aotian.

"Cough! Cough, cough!" Yao Yao nearly choked to death with milk in her mouth. "Very hard to eat?" A quick taste ... "No, Chen Yi said it was delicious."

"Oh." Yu Aotian laughed without saying a word, quietly ate all the food in the plate ...

To be honest, what Yaoyao does is not so delicious. But for Feng Chenyi, who passed away, and Yu Aotian at this moment, it is a kind of ... indescribably delicious!

"Don't you have to work today?"

Although it is Saturday, for senior government officials, their vacation is basically equivalent to 'zero'.


Yao Yao glanced at the time: "It's 9 o'clock." Yu Aotian didn't seem to go out?

"I can work from home. Watch TV." Then, he picked up a stack of documents on the coffee table and went into the bedroom.

Yaoyao simply cleaned the dining table, turned on the TV, turned the TV to the lowest sound, and watched quietly.

Today, the news broadcast by any TV station is the explosion last night. Even the international news is the same.

But this is also normal, but Feng Chenrui's courage is really too big!


No, the person sent by Feng Chenrui should be a member of the Kingdom of Aslan? If all this is discovered by the government, wouldn't it be an international problem? !!

For one thing, you lose money; for another thing, the two sides are at war.

Feng Chenrui has thought about how much influence this incident has? !! He is simply! simply! Too selfish!

"Bell ... bell bell ..."

Putting down the remote control in his hand, Yaoyao picked up the phone and glanced at him, smiling on the sofa and picked up the phone: "hello."

"Yaoyao, are you okay ?!" Heiyanlong's extremely urgent voice came from the phone.

She rolled her eyes, endured a smile, and deliberately solemnly said, "Not good, not bad at all."


"No. I just feel like ... the two of us hung up and the embassy was bombed. I don't know if this call is over. Will the place where I live now explode again?"

Hei Yanlong on the other side of the phone listened for this, and was relieved. "Do you dare tell me where you are now? I must have kicked you in the past!"

"Hey, I don't dare."

"Seriously, Yao Yao, where are you now? Is it safe?"

The grinning little face gradually became serious, she wondered: "I'm in ... Ao Tiantian."

"Huh?" Hei Yanlong heard ... "Then ... I won't disturb you!" Hung up the phone ...

"Hey? Hey ?!" Khan ... What does the last sentence of Hei Yanlong ‘then I do n’t disturb you’ mean? !! This guy!

Depressed Yao Yao didn't find it at the moment. Yu Aotian had stood there watching her for a long time at the bedroom door.

She is wearing a man's shirt and is playing with her mobile phone with her legs crossed.

But the low end of the shirt was a little too short, and she naughtyly fiddled with her two legs, the pale pink trousers, to see clearly.

Yu Aotian narrowed her eyes, rolled her throat knot slightly, and walked slowly.

Yaoyao didn't seem to find a man approaching himself.

Until he was sitting on the sofa, she didn't know it all.

The expression hanging on Yu Aotian's face could not tell whether it was helpless, or still a little angry, and patted her back with a big hand ...

"Ah ?!" Yao Yao was completely taken aback by this sudden move, she subconsciously rolled off the sofa.

At the moment of landing ...

"Be careful!" Yu Aotian grabbed her collar quickly with a swift eye, and a trick was made for Haidiaoyue, who took her into her arms.


The button on the shirt she was wearing was completely broken.

Frightened straddling on the man's body, Yaoyao didn't seem to find his shirt completely open. Just looked at Yu Aotian's eyes like that.

And the bursts of fragrance she exuded, burrowing into his nose, with a tease.

### Chapter 625: The situation is almost out of control

At this time, the distance between them was so close, and the posture seemed to have infinite reverie.

Just for a moment ...

As if the flames collided, Yu Aotian's hand stroked her back of the head, and the two lips were pressed down without warning ...

"Well." When he looked back, Yaoyao's mind had fallen into a blank space, and he felt the man's cold hands clearly, but the kiss was so fiery.

After one second, two seconds, and three seconds, Yaoyao finally remembered that he was going to resist.

"Don't!" Opened Yu Aotian's arms with both hands and wrapped himself tightly in clothes. Just staring at him like that ...

What happened?

Everything is so bewildered. For this kind of ambiguity, it seems that it came too suddenly.

On the sofa, Yu Aotian seemed to have never happened, and stood up: "You wait for me."

But as soon as he stepped out of the door ...

There was a helpless expression on that handsome face instantly: "Oh. It seems ... the 'position' is harder to control than imagined!"

For a 28-year-old man who is much more mature than his peers, his ability to control himself is admired by others like Long Yan.

Whether it is the concealment of emotions; the suppression of family relationships; the resistance to temptation. He can be described as superior. As long as Yu Aotian is doing something, it must be what he thinks about in advance, and there will never be a situation of ‘ca n’t help but’.

But in the just move, Yu Aotian confessed that it was completely out of love ...

In a quiet room, Yaoyao curled up into a ball and sat quietly on the sofa. Her blushing face was blank. Until Yu Aotian left the room, she never reacted to what had just happened? !!



It was like dreaming, came so suddenly, and went without a trace. I really wonder if all that was just her hallucination, because Yu Aotian ’s response was so bland, as if nothing had happened.

‘Click’ The door opens.

Yao Yao looked nervously at the entrance ...

"Come, I just found the clothes borrowed by Xue Tong and put them on. Let's go out."

Several ladies' clothes were placed beside her, and those empty eyes were still staring at Yu Aotian's face. It seemed that he wanted to get a response from him, even for the explanation of the kiss just now.


"Need me to help you dress it?" Although the sly man had seen through the meaning in her eyes, he avoided the thing just now.

"No ..." Picking up a few clothes, he quickly ran to the bedroom.

Fingertips, running across your lips ...

Maybe, the kiss just now is really just an illusion, a man's illusion of a woman; a woman's illusion of a man.

Get dressed and go back to the living room.

"Come on." Yu Aotian walked towards the door with a smile.


"Your clothes were borrowed from Xuetong, and of course you went to buy clothes." Without giving her any chance to refuse, Yu Aotian took her hand and walked out of the apartment.

Outside, the sun is shining and the temperature is a bit high. It seemed as if the weather had just blinked, and the transition from winter to summer was direct. Yaoyao had never seen anything like spring.

Because of this year, she spent the winter tail and the whole spring with Feng Chenyi in that paradise.

Perhaps the spring in there is the real spring.

"Woo ..." The irritability disappeared as soon as he entered the air-conditioned subway station.

Side by side with Yu Aotian waiting for the arrival of the subway, other people waiting for the subway, from time to time will look at him, and whispered pointers constantly.

Oh, it ’s really strange. Before Yu Aotian was a senior official, he did n’t see him take the subway once. Now he is one of the politicians. Even if he rides the subway so boldly, is n’t he afraid of causing riots? !!

Bacheng, he wanted to ...

"With you by my side, unless Feng Chenrui really eats leopard gall, he wouldn't dare choose to shoot at this time." A subway parked in front of them, and Yaoyao whispered and went up. .

Yu Aotian looked at her back, and smiled helplessly, quickly chasing up.

I don't know since when this little thing knows him more and more.

Every move of her, she no longer asked silly ‘why did you do that? ‘Why do you want that’ but give the answer directly.

Indeed, he has never taken the subway, and the reason why he chose this means of transportation today is to attract the attention of Feng Chenrui, so as to attract him to appear and win him in one fell swoop!

Although it is really safe to call Yaoyao to live at home, it is intangible to Yuaotian ... test and torture ...

Well, sometimes he was really curious. Now that the little things can understand him so well, why can't they see through his mind?

Is she always pretending to be stupid and running away? Or does she really not understand it?

"Oh, Chairman Yu! Really you? I just saw you on the surveillance video and thought I was dazzled." In the high-end department store, Yu Aotian and Yao Yao had just taken two steps and the mall was on duty. The manager suddenly greeted Yuao Tian with enthusiasm.

He smiled gracefully: "Is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Just curiosity, why did you patronize us? And also ..." The manager's eyes glanced at Yaoyao: "Mrs. Feng?"

"I talked to Luo Xiao ..." This part of the story.

Yaoyao immediately took the conversation: "Feng's Group and Bosen Group intend to jointly create a commercial and financial street, so I came to visit with Chairman Yu."

"Ah? That's the case. I'm sorry, but I disturbed you. I thought the chairman was here for a political inspection. I didn't expect it would be a commercial inspection." The manager quickly apologized and left.

"Baby, do you know how irresponsible what you just said?" Yuao Tian shook his head helplessly, and inserted it into his pocket with one hand.

"Should be all right?"

"It's okay? If this matter spreads out, you said, should I and Feng create a commercial street? If you start it, you will lose money; if you don't start it, people will only feel that we are both uncomfortable and unhappy!

Today, different from the past, Yaoyao has become a leading businessman in China. For such irresponsible speech, she just talked about it before. Now, it is purely affecting Feng's image.

It's like when Feng Chenyi saw Yao Yao with a man in a shopping mall, he bought the whole mall in one go. In fact, Feng Chenyi didn't have to do this. But his identity is there, and it's impossible to just talk about it.

"That's better than ... you tell him ... we two go out shopping ..." Yaoyao's voice became smaller and smaller, almost so small that only he could hear it.

The sixth sense told her that the unfinished words of Yu Aotian should be ... ‘I went out shopping with Miss Luo. ’

### Chapter 626: Nothing Goes Back

You know, the influence of the political figure in a storm with a married widow is much worse than her nonsense.

Can not go back……

Nothing can go back.

He is no longer the businessman who was just rich and has status; she is no longer the little girl who is unknown and unknown.

Every move they make together will be criticized and guessed by everyone. Seriously, it will affect Yu Aotian's political career.

"Come with me!" Yu Aotian immediately saw through her mind and took her quickly into a sports brand clothing store. At will, I took off two pieces of clothing: "Go and change." It was handed over to Yaoyao.

She took a look and thought it was pretty good, so she ran to the changing room and changed up.

After coming out, Yu Aotian has disappeared.

"Miss, may I ask, did you just see the sir who came with me?" Yaoyao walked in front of a shopping guide lady and asked curiously.

The shopping guide smiled and pointed to the fitting room: "Your boyfriend went to the fitting room to try on clothes."

Even though Yao Yao wanted to tell the shopping guide, Yu Aotian was not her boyfriend, but it seemed a bit too preposterous, so she smiled and thanked the shopping guide and stood slowly at the door of the fitting room.

After a long while, the door to the fitting room opened.

Yu Aotian was wearing a white sports shirt and a pair of blue sports trousers on his lower body. He came out with a wicked smile: "Not bad?"

Not bad? What a fart!

Although, this dress drowned Yu Aotian's maturity and stability, and reduced his age by several years. But the problem ... the problem ...

The two of them are now wearing a ... couple outfit, okay? !!

In front of a big mirror.

Men's white t-shirt and blue sports trousers; women's white t-shirt and blue sports shorts. One of the two men's white t-shirts was printed with the shape of a half-heart, and the whole heart was put together.

Yaoyao stared blankly at this big mirror, and a wave of ripples rippled in his calm heart.

Next second ...

Yu Ao Tian Leng Bu Ding lifted her up, and put together the peach heart printed in front of them, "Oh, baby, look, you can still get together, really interesting."

All of a sudden, Yaoya's face turned red for half a day.

She didn't believe it, would Yu Aotian not know in advance that it was a couple outfit? !! What to pretend! "I, I don't like this dress, I want to change!"

"What to change? Don't change it!" Yu Aotian returned to her former domineering style, dragged her to the front desk to check out, and took two identical hats together, wearing one On his own head, one was worn on Yaoyao's head.

They walked back and forth in this crowded mall.

Well, since changing clothes, let alone, nobody really recognizes them.

After all, the image of Yu Aotian appearing on TV is a majestic and mature appearance wearing a suit every day. Who would have thought that today, a man dressed in sportswear and completely like a college student who just graduated would be a leader?


It's really eye-catching when they wore couples in such places.

Yaoyao seemed to be in a hurry, leaping forward.

Yu Aotian who followed her frowned: "Hey!"

Stopping ... "Huh?" He turned his head.

Just then, Yu Aotian suddenly pulled up her little hand ... "It's okay, let's go."

Glancing at him, he took his hand.

"what happened, Babe?"

Amazing eyes were cast on Yu Aotian's evil smile, didn't he find it strange to hold hands like this? !! "No ..." As she started, she secretly tried to shake off Yu Aotian's hand.

But he was reluctant to let go, and he changed the gesture of holding hands to a ten-finger clasp.

Just like the other couples in this mall, their fingers are tightly clasped and they are dressed in lovers' outfits.


They are not lovers and cannot be lovers, are they?

Su Dan's small face gradually forced a look of embarrassment. She knew that with Yu Aotian's character, if he didn't want to let go, how she was struggling was futile, she simply defaulted it all.

However, the waves of ripples in the heart and the embarrassment left and right constantly tortured her senses ...

"Wow, that man is so tall!"

"Yes. You see, you see, his girlfriend is so small, is this the most adorable height difference in the legend?"

Beside, from time to time, the girls whispered, and Yaoyao just smiled helplessly.

This is the first time she has heard someone evaluate her as Yu Aotian's girlfriend, remembering that the most she heard before was ...

‘Look, that girl should be the man ’s lover, right? ’

‘Well, it must be, shameless. Now girls are really willing to do anything for money! ’

Oh, should you be happy?

At the very least, you don't have to look at it with disgusting eyes. How good is this scene if it happened before?

The twinkling eyes glanced again at their hands with their fingers clasped together, and her eyes were forced into a layer of water mist unknowingly ...


Yu Aotian took her to watch the movie just released. It's already afternoon from the cinema.

"It doesn't look good at all." As soon as she left the movie theater, Yaoyao yawned. Just now, she almost fell asleep in the movie theater.

"Who told you not to listen to me and watch another film?"

"Maybe another one is worse!"

This little thing is a natural instinct. No matter what happens, she always has a way to find herself under the steps. "Hungry?"

If Yu Aotian didn't mention it, she really couldn't feel it. This mention ... "Hmm ..." He nodded slightly.

He smiled weirdly and held Yaoyao's hand tightly again: "Let's go, let's eat rice!"

"Ah? 蹭饭?" Before waiting, Yu Aotian took her to the elevator directly to the department store restaurant ...

They went straight to a Chinese restaurant.

"Wait! Yu Aotian, what do you mean? Where shall we go for dinner?" Standing at the door of a box, Yao Yao grabbed him unhappy.

"Come in with me and you will know. You will be ... very happy." Said, Yu Aotian pushed the door of the box with a wicked smile.

In the box, Long Yan, Han Liying, and Gong Xiaoman sat at a round table and were chatting, and there were still several men standing in the room.

When Yu Aotian arrived, Long Yan and others immediately stopped the conversation and looked at the pair of men and women in lovers suits and peaked caps at the door.

"Hey, boy, you've gone to the wrong room, and you haven't hurried out yet."

Yu Aotian frowned slightly, and suddenly took off his hat.

The next look was Yu Aotian, who instantly became extremely panic: "Yu ... Yu ... Mr. Yu ... I didn't recognize you, hug ... sorry."

"Aotian ?!" Long Yan and others were also stupid. To be honest, I ca n’t blame that younger brother did not recognize Yu Aotian, and their first reaction was to think that a couple had gone to the wrong room.

This book first appeared in the King of Books