MTL - A Naive Short-tempered Girl-v4 Chapter 466 Ridiculed

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Chapter 466: Laughed

### Chapter 627: Laughed

"President Yu? The one next to President Yu ..." Gong Xiaoman tried hard to see the face of the girl standing next to Yu Aotian.

Yaoyao quickly took off his hat: "Xiao Man, brother Long Yong, President Han ..."

"Yao Yao ?!" Gong Xiaoman was dumbfounded.

Long Yun was also stupid: "I rely on! No ?! You ... this is ... too ... unexpected ..."

Yaoyao knew what Brother Long's surprised expression represented. She wanted to deny Brother Long's conjecture, but she didn't know how to deny it.

After all, they were dressed in lovers' suits and came in holding hands, saying that they were not together. Where would they be able to speak clearly in words?

Quickly found two empty seats and sat down.

"Yao Yao, you and the governor?" Gong Xiaoman ran to her side anxiously, and whispered.

Glancing at Yu Aotian next to her, and then looking at Gong Xiaoman, she shook her head silently.

It's just a negative action. Gong Xiaoman already understands everything, because she understands Yao Aotian's domineering character at the same time!

For a moment, it seemed that the box suddenly fell into an awkward atmosphere.

Han Liyu and Long Yu's eyes kept their eyes on Yu Aotian's clothes. The two neither spoke nor acted, just watching him and watching him all the time.

Yu Aotian picked up the teapot, poured a glass of water, took a sip, and said coldly, "What do you two always see me doing?"

Long Ling and Han Liying looked at each other ...

Next second!

‘噗嗤’, the two made a mocking laugh.

"Li Li, I seem to remember that when someone saw a couple wearing a couple outfit shopping ten years ago, they said that they were very naive. Now, in a blink of an eye, ten years later, the person who said that they were naive, even ... wear a couple costume! ? "

Listening to Long Yan's sarcastic tone, Yu Aotian's face flew into an indescribable embarrassment immediately.

Who called this thing he did say before?

"Childish!" Even the cold Liyu, who rarely spit out, couldn't help talking about the rumors.

Yu Aotian was made a little shameless.

"Yao Yao, seriously, you two ... what do you think?" Gong Xiaoman whispered in Yao Yao's ears in distress.

Needless to say, everyone here looks like the aliens who look at Yu Aotian and Yao Yao like aliens.

She pursed her lips, her ashamed eyes slowly turned to Yu Aotian next to her, "You still ... change your clothes back."

"Do you like it?" Yu Aotian put down her tea cup and looked at Yao Yao seriously.

Silently bowed his head.

For this answer, she didn't know how to answer ...

Because ... she likes it!

Perhaps, for some mature people, wearing couples is a very naive and shameful thing. However, for Yao Yao who has always pursued the ordinary, being able to wear a couple outfit with someone he likes is a romantic.

When she was with Feng Chenyi, she had such an idea, but Feng Chenyi's personality has always been low-key and cool, and naturally she would not satisfy her idea.

However, she likes to go, but she is not happy to wear a couple outfit with Yu Aotian.

I also believe that ten years ago, people who spoke of wearing couples' clothes were very naive, and they should be more tired of this naive behavior ten years later. It ’s just that to satisfy her, would there be such a move today, is that so? !!


"Aotian, no kidding. You should change your clothes quickly. In fact, today's dinner was invited by Mr. Ruth's boss."

"The boss of Rui Si invites you to dinner? Then you just texted me and asked me to come over ?!" Yu Aotian said angrily.

Long Yan shrugged helplessly: "I thought, if you are here, come and have a meal together."

He rolled his eyes coldly and grabbed Yaoyao's little hand: "Baby, come, we will eat at the table next to them. Just point it out, anyway ... your dragon brother brother pays!" He got up and moved to Another table in the box.

Yu Aotian shouted to the waiter without mercy, really killing Long Yan a meal.

"Fuck! Aotian guy, pure revenge!" How could Long Yao not see it, Bacheng just laughed at Yu Aotian's couple outfit, he seized the opportunity to start revenge.

"Fortunately ... I just said the words naive." Han Lixuan sighed in a sarcastic manner.

These people, when there was Long Qi in the past, usually Long Qi cleaned up the mess, but now Long Qi is gone, they have changed to Long Yao to clean up the mess.

However, he is not as stupid as Long Qi. "Li Li ..." Patted Han Liyi's shoulder beside him. "Where's Aotian's table for a while, let's ... a."

Han Liyu listened: "You guy!" Long Yan stared fiercely.

At this time ...

"Mr. Han, Vice President Long. You have arrived." A man in his thirties entered the box with a beautiful woman beside him.

The man nodded respectfully to them, then looked at Yu Aotian and Yao Yao who were facing away from him in the box. "These two are ..."

"Mr. Zhou, those two are ... my relatives. I just came from the countryside and had nowhere to go. I got them both at a glance."

"Oh, it's Vice President Long your relative. It's okay, it's okay, what they eat, it's mine! It's mine." The man said boldly, and took the woman beside him to the seat.

"Well." Looking at Yaoyao at the other table, he smiled a little.

With a face dark, Yu Aotian glanced at her coldly, and whispered, "Baby, you forgot. When Long scolded me, he even scolded you."


right! She didn't really respond for a moment. However, every time I have dinner with my elder brother Long Yu and Yu Aotian, the happiest time is their mutual loss time period. Unfortunately, if there is Long Qi at this time, the picture should be more funny ...

"General Manager Han, Vice President Long, our Ruisi project, in fact, the Wind Group has always been interested in winning. Yesterday, I also met with the Vice President of the Black Group, but now Feng is a layman Sitting, so I hope to cooperate with Bosen even more. "At the dining table, the boss of Rui Si talked with the two while eating.

As everyone knows, the layman in his mouth is sitting at his next table.

Yaoya frowned slightly: "His ... Yesterday, the vice president Hei did not meet with the boss of Ruisi." She always knew that Feng's did cooperate with Ruisi, but they always contacted Rui The chairman of Si has never contacted Mr. Zhou.

"Oh, just take the opportunity to raise the market. Long Ling and Li Xin know something." Yu Aotian patted Yao Yao's hand comfortably, and the two continued to eat.

"Sister, who are you with?" The men talked about business on one side of the round table. On the other side of the round table, the woman Zhou brought with a smile came to Gong Xiaoman's side.

She stunned God and smiled, "I'm here with Mr. Han."

"Oh, so. Are you Mr. Han's girlfriend?"

With his eyes drooping, Gong Xiaoman shook his head awkwardly: "No ... no."

### Chapter 628: Other means

"Oh, I think I know it's impossible. I've met President Han's ex-girlfriend, who looks beautiful and has a temperament. Compared to you ... ha, ha ..." the woman laughed with a lot of provocation. Charm.

Gong Xiaoman shook his fist slightly. She knew that Han Lijun had a girlfriend when she first arrived in China two years ago. She split her hands almost half a year ago. She also saw pictures of the woman. It was really beautiful and very beautiful. Temperament, but do n’t need this woman to say it? "Listen to you, do you know Mr. Han's ex-girlfriend?"

"Of course, we ... are college classmates. Oh, I remember that President Han often took my friends here and there, and we were all very envious. Everyone always thought that President Han could reunite with my friends. But I heard that President Han had a girlfriend not long ago. Hey, hey, hey, but if it's your type, it seems that my friend and Han are always looking forward to each other ... "

understood! Xiaoman Gong understood it!

Bacheng, it is this woman who has guessed her relationship with Han Liying, and Han Liying ’s ex-girlfriend wants to reunite with Han Liying, so this woman was sent over to provoke Li Jian, right? !!

"Oh, you really care about your friends. I don't know, what is the relationship between Zhou and you?"

"Lao Zhou." The woman glanced ambiguous at the opposite side of Zhou, who was talking about business: "He is my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Oh, as far as I know, Mr. Zhou already has a wife, right?"

"Yeah, what about that? With a wife, you can divorce, as long as she isn't the kind of stubborn type. Seriously, sister, President Han is so handsome. Have you ever been interested in President Han? Would n’t you like to stay with President Han in the kind of tangled way? I heard that President Han ’s current girlfriend is with President Han by this trick! ”

This woman's words undoubtedly pierced the key of Gong Xiaoman!

Yes, she does not deny that, for Han Liyu, she only stayed with him by means of stalking, but then what happened? Is it time for this woman to come and talk about the wind? !!

All of a sudden, Gong Xiaoman stood up from his position: "Yeah, what about me ?! Everyone can laugh at me, but you can't. Seriously, like you Such a woman, except to use shameless words to describe it, I don't know what words to use to describe it. When I am a lover, I also run here to show off my strength and want me to be you, I really have no face! "

Her words immediately made the whole box frozen.

The few people sitting there talking about business quickly set their sights on Gong Xiaoman.

Mr. Zhou's face sank, and several lunges rushed forward, and a slap hit the woman's face: "If you can come out and play, you can go out and play!"

These words were heard by those with ears, and he was telling them to whom.

Yao Yao, who was sitting behind Xiao Man, heard the woman's satire on Xiao Man throughout the process. She raised her fist and was about to stand up ...

Yu Aotian pressed her shoulders abruptly: "If you get angry with this kind of person, it is easy to lose your worth. Sometimes ... you can use other means to solve it!"

Looking at his subtle eyes, Yaoyao suddenly reacted to something ...

"Who hit your face on this slap ?!" Gong Xiaoman questioned President Zhou unceremoniously.

The man narrowed his eyes coldly: "I'm teaching my woman no rules, miss, I didn't mean to offend you!" He didn't know who brought Gong Xiaoman, so he didn't dare to teach Xiaoman rashly.

The cold face sitting coldly there suddenly sank. Everyone could hear that this man was scolding Xiaoman for being unruly! The big hand shook his fist.

"Li Li, you didn't send your hand at this time. In the last week, although there was something in the words, it was his own lover who was hit and scolded after all." Long Ling whispered.

Han Liying still couldn't swallow this breath, just when he was about to speak ...

"Bell, bell ... bell" The man's phone rang suddenly. "Hey?!"

"What ?!" There was an incredible expression on Mr. Zhou's face, he hung up the phone quickly, and looked around the whole box suddenly, and finally fixed on Yao Yao who was facing away from him: "Mr. Luo ?!"

Yaoyao put down the chopsticks in his hands and turned his head blankly: "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Luo, is it really you ?!" Mr. Zhou just had to walk quickly.

Maybe Yu Aotian's identity was exposed, and Yao Yao walked in front of him.

"Mr. Luo, my assistant just called and said that you decided to cancel all Feng's cooperation with Ruisi ?!"

"No, you understand it wrong. I just cancelled the cooperation with you. As for your wife's order, I still keep it."

The man frowned incredibly: "Why ?!"

"It's very simple, my wife and I are still at first sight. You came out so boldly with a lover. Out of personal relationships, I really can't stand this kind of thing!"

The biggest shareholder of Ruisi is Mrs. Zhou's wife. It is also because of his wife's talents that he can achieve today. Who knows that this man didn't miss husband and wife and began to raise lovers with money.

"Forget it!" At this moment, the woman who was beaten suddenly said: "Miss Luo, as far as I know, you didn't give Yu ..."

"Hey ..." Yao Yao slammed the woman's words: "I advise you better not to mention that person's name, or he will show up for a while, and you can't take it away carefully!"

You know, Yuao Tian is indeed in this room.

That general manager Zhou seemed to be reacting. He subconsciously glanced back at the man who was calmly eating, and then returned to God in an instant: "You shut up for me! Isn't it enough to run away? Don't contact me! "


"Do you understand ?! Get out of here now!"

The woman was completely lost face, turning her head and crying and running away.

"General Luo, haha, look at my wife ..." The man smiled treacherously.

Yaoyao felt vomiting when he saw the man's mouth and face: "That's something between your husband and wife, I won't say much. But I won't change my decision. Well, President Han, brother, Xiaoman Without disturbing you to talk about business, I'll leave first. "Then she turned and left.

Sitting in the position, Yu Aotian turned back with a smile, pointed Long Ye to the table full of food: "Don't forget to checkout." Also left.

But the man recognized Yu Aotian all of a sudden, and he guessed right, the man who had been sitting calmly was really the chairman of the board! Fortunately ... he just told his woman to shut up, otherwise, I really don't know what would happen.

"General Han, what just happened ..."

Han Liyu stopped the man and stood up coldly: "The rest is left to you, Vice President Long." Gong Xiaoman's hand also left the box.

"So the girl is ..."

"Ah, Mr. Zhou, look at you and come out with a lover, not only offended Feng's Luo, but also offended Mr. Han." Of course, he almost offended Yu Aotian. .

### Chapter 629: Unique and Unique

"Vice President Long, I have taught that woman. You see, the cooperation between us ..."

Long Yan smiled slyly: "Business is business, and I have always been clear about public and private. But you have also seen that President Luo completely blocked you Rui Si. Then it means that only we Bosen will cooperate with you In terms of price ... "

As everyone knows, Long Yan is the most cunning fox in the mall. He responds with a smile to everything, but always kills the enemy.

After Yaoyao's troubles, the total image of Zhou, who originally wanted to raise his status, has been greatly reduced, no doubt ... even if he loses money, he must continue to cooperate with Bosen!

"I'm sorry ..." Gong Xiaoman sat in the co-pilot position in the underground parking lot, and bowed his head in guilt.

"Next time, don't be so impulsive."

"I know, but ... it's the woman first ..." I wanted to explain something, but all the explanations at the moment were very powerless, Xiaoman knew that his impulsive actions made Han Liyu ashamed. "I'll pay attention next time. Uncle, I asked you, if it wasn't for Yao Yao just now, would you also hit me like that man hit her lover?"

"Oh, girl, what do you think?" Han Liyi smiled helplessly and shaved her nose pettiously: "Even if you make a big mistake, how can I be willing to hit you?"

A sentence "How can I bear to hit you" completely melted Gong Xiaoman's heart.

In the eyes of all people, the extremely cold cold li is in front of her, but the gentle side is blooming all the time.

On this side, she was not allowed to be seen by others, nor did she want to be seen by others. "Do you do the same to your ex-girlfriend?"

Han Liyu shook his head: "Only to you." His eyes were extremely serious, as if any lie was not doped.

It's like swearing that you are the only one like me and represents uniqueness. "Why only do this to me?" The small hand caught his neck.

"Because ... you're different from my girlfriend in the past."

"Huh? What's different?"

"Age, character, there are many, many ..." Han Liying's past girlfriends can be said to be similar to Yu Aotian's past girlfriends in appearance and personality.

When they are together, the purpose is simple.

Don't ask me to worry, I will keep you; but if you tell me to worry, we will break up immediately!

But Gong Xiaoman is different. She is always calling Han Lixun to worry about almost all the time. In the face of this, he is more or less used to it, and he adopts a petting attitude to accept all her shortcomings.

"Then I can understand that, do you love me the most?" Gong Xiaoman asked directly.

Han Li chuckled and said nothing, and kissed her gently.


It was a bit of loss that crossed Xiaoman's eyes, because whenever she mentioned love with Han Liyu, he always chose to avoid it!

On the subway. The crowds seemed to be catching up with the rush hour of going home at night, and standing in the subway couldn't move.

"In order to get angry for your classmates, you have blocked Rui Si. Have you considered it clearly?" In the middle of the car, Yu Aotian pulled the armrest with one hand and lowered his head, asking Yao Yao in front of him.

"1, Mr. Zhou's character is really bad, and hitting women in front of so many people is not desirable."

"2, Rui's biggest executive is actually his wife, and my relationship with his wife is still good. Once this matter happened, it was equivalent to me catching the total braid of Mr. Zhou. He didn't dare to tell me . "

"3, I cancelled all cooperation with him. Isn't it possible for you Bosen to knock him off?"

"Oh." Yu Aotian smiled and said nothing.

Yaoyao shook her head helplessly. This is good. In the disguise, she helped Bosen, but it was nothing. This thing is not cheap for outsiders. Look at Long Long's face, right?

‘The next stop is Huaming Road. Please get off the passengers and ask them to move closer to the middle of the car. ‘The radio on the subway sounded.

A large crowd crowded from outside the subway.

"Yeah." Yaoya frowned in distress, trying to hook the handrail on the subway, but even with her small height, pulling up was very laborious.

"Hug me!" Yu Aotian grabbed her back with one hand.

Yaoyao struggled slightly twice, and bowed his head as if he hadn't heard it.

The crowd was still crowded. She was short and everyone wouldn't notice this little guy. She was sandwiched in the middle like a meat pie, and it was extremely painful.

The subway started.

Everyone fell backward inertially, Yaoyao didn't hold the handrail firmly, and subconsciously pinched Yu Aotian's waist.

‘Thump, thump’

In response to this ambiguous move, her little heart beat fast, and quickly let go of his arm around his waist.


Squeezed! Stop squeezing, will you? !!

They stood face to face, tightly close together, and the constant crowd of people made them constantly friction.

The weather itself is hot and wears little. She could clearly feel the temperature emanating from Yu Aotian; similarly, he could clearly feel it.

It is embarrassing or helpless to say.

Yaoyao's face turned from blushing to ears.

From the perspective of Royal Sky, she is so cute and so attractive. Chin, put it gently on the top of her head, sniffing the bursts of fragrance emitted by her show, a rush of impulse gradually filled his eyes ...

"Next stop, North-South Street."

I thought that this station might go down a lot of people, who knows that not only did the number of people in the carriage not decrease, but it was constantly increasing.

The people behind her continued to push Yao Yao, her stomach constantly rubbing Yu Aotian.

The little red face had become even more rosy, because she clearly felt that he ... seemed ...

In the same way, Yaoyao became hotter and hotter, and his breathing slowly increased.

For a moment, the crowd in the carriage seemed to dim, leaving only them two.

Body temperature is constantly rising. An inexplicable longing is also gradually emerging in the hearts of these two people. Such a longing with guilt is so difficult to restrain.

Finally, the subway reached their destination. Yu Aotian quickly held her little hand and rushed to the direction of home.

The scenes just now, and the temperature left on each other, seem to have not subsided, and even a little bit uninterested.

The moment she opened the door, Yu Aotian hugged her waist with one hand and kissed it ...

The kiss was so hot and exciting.

Yao Yao has long been kissed and sunk.

They hugged from the porch all the way to the bedroom.

From her original resistance to gradual obedience, it was a psychological change and an instinctive reaction.

Because she had already fallen into the 'rhythm' controlled by Yu Aotian.

Persistence for nearly four months is a torment for a woman who has tasted cheerfulness.

She couldn't deny, nor could she deny that she had already reacted to the moment she was on the subway.

"Baby, tonight ... tell me to stay with you, okay?" With a charming voice, and the man's **** breathing sound constantly stimulated her sensitive nerves.

This book first appeared in the King of Books