MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 17 Gentleman on the beam (1)

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The night is shrouded, everything is quiet, and the dark night wind is high, it is a good time to sneak a chicken and touch a dog.

Leng Buding, deep in the palace lane, came the sound of two people mumbling. Both spoke with low voices and were very cautious.

One person said, "Sister Yan, have you changed your clothes? It's so dark here, I'm a little scared, let's go."

Ming Chang feasted: "Are you afraid of the dark? Afraid of the dark can not be the first hero of the day."

Zhao Xiaolan quickly changed his mouth: "I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid of you!"

Ming Changyan walked out slowly as he tied the belt: "You look good on this dress."

Zhao Xiaolan smiled well and said excitedly: "I bought the same night clothes of Ming Shaoxia from Linglong Pavilion. I do n’t want anyone to wear them, because sister Yan also likes Ming Shaoxia. ! "

Ming Changyan had a slight pain in his head. He said that the Zhao Xiaolan man was very pleased, but his brain was a tendon. Ming Shaoxia, who closed his mouth, made him cry and laugh.

Zhao Xiaolan wore a wooden knife around his waist, shaking left and right as he walked, and Ming Changyan walked along the palace promenade with him. In the straight corridor, he wandered like a stroll in the courtyard, but Zhao Xiaolan hid from the left to the right with a sense of substitution, hiding behind a flowerpot for a while, walking forward on the ground, jumping up and down without stopping. Whenever the wind blows, he immediately draws his sword like an enemy.

Ming Shaoxia really couldn't stand it and grabbed him: "What do you hide!"

Zhao Xiaolan lived like a rabbit and was shocked: "The Way for the King" said! You can't walk at night in such a candid way, you must avoid your opponent!

Before and after the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, "The ghost place you picked is no one around a hundred meters away, and there are no desolate birds, no matter where you come from."

Zhao Xiaolan blushed and said, "I am just worried."

Ming Changyan patted his back: "Stand upright and walk well."

Zhao Xiaolan was wronged by him, "Oh ..."

For about half an hour, Mo went away from the brightly lit Daming Hall, and the ninety-nine palace gradually appeared in the eyes of the two.

This palace is located in the most deserted part of the imperial city. It is barren on all sides, the palace is soaring, soaring into the clouds, and flying in the air. Zhao Xiaolan was facing the palace, poems flourished, and he stood back and forth, and the man model groaned like a dog: "The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked up by your hands. Don't dare to speak loudly, and it will scare the heavens."

Ming Changyan drew his arm: "Good Xiaolan, don't miss it. The ninety-nine palace is so high, where do we go in?"

Zhao Xiaolan beckoned: "I came here when I was young, you followed me!"

Ming Chang feasted: "Then you go slowly, I can't see the way."

It was dark all around, Ming Changyan had sour eyes, and his head was swollen. After he came to the palace, he tossed fiercely, with many diseases like cattle, as now: at night, his vision plummeted.

Zhao Xiaolan rushed out a pearl of the night from his arms. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was taken aback. The other party said, "This can be illuminated."

Ming long feast: "Such a big bead, Brother Lan, you are really rich."

Zhao Xiaolan was embarrassed and said, "It's not that I have the money, it's the sister from my family."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty had heard of Zhao Xiaolan's history before. The aunt was the queen and the sister-in-law of the family. However, this man was born so prominently, it is rare to have a precious heart, which Ming Shaoxia appreciated very much.

Zhao Xiaolan and him were dressed in black and walked through the courtyard. Ming Chang feasted: "Why is there no guard to guard?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "The 99th Palace has not been guarded by the guards. Only Brother Huaiyu lived there. However, when he was a kid, I came to play with him, and he was always blocked by the guards. There were three layers inside and three layers outside."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was surprised: "As a kid? He was in the Royal Palace since he was a kid?"

Zhao Xiaolan: "When I saw him, he lived in this palace. He didn't usually come down, and he stayed alone. Aunt Queen often asked me and Ab to come and spend time with Brother Huaiyu. Ab felt It's so boring here, I won't come here twice. I took Duanduo to the Academy to find Mr. Liu. But I think the Academy is not fun either. "

Ming Chang feasted a moment, blurted out, "Isn't this just imprisonment?"

Zhao Xiaolan walked forward cautiously: "It's not a captivity. Chang Guoxiang and I can go in and see him. On the first day of the fifteenth day, Brother Huaiyu can come out to play. But he is cold and can't play with us. Together. "

Zhao Xiaolan's thinking was simple, and obviously he could not perform the difficult behavior of thinking while walking, so he stopped and paused: "Chang Guoxiang returned to the palace when his brother Huaiyu was eight years old, and he has been a Guoxiangjiao since then. He studied, and after that, Brother Huaiyu became a small country minister. "

Ming Chang feasted, "What do you stop and do, hurry forward."

Zhao Xiaolan hurried forward a few steps, and Ming Changyan reminded him again: "Hey wait, don't be too loud, you take the night pearl well, forget it, this light is too bright, you can bring it."

Zhao Xiaolan handed him the night pearl, and Ming Changyan tore a piece of material off his body, covering his light. When the two ran upstairs intensively, when Ming Changyan climbed his legs and lost consciousness, Zhao Xiaolan said softly, "Here it is, Brother Huaiyu's bedroom."

Ming Changyan thought: This little ancestor is really immortal, living so high, he could spend less than half an hour on the last floor!

Zhao Xiaolan lowered his voice and asked, "Where did Brother Huaiyu put his waistband?"

Ming Changyan thought for a moment and replied, "It should be a back room. Don't move while you stand here, I'll see."

He pushed the door lightly and slammed into the face, the subtle fragrance often smelled in the long feast.

The display inside the house is very simple. A moment later, on the spotless desk, a pair of knuckled hands suddenly appeared. These hands fumbled on the table for a while, and no waistband was found, so they walked along the desk and touched the case.

Zhao Xiaolan bent down, and even walked and crawled to the side of Ming Changyan, and spoke in breath: "Sister Yan, have you found it?"

There was no light around, Zhao Xiaolan was worried that the light of the night pearl exposed the position of the two, and he just added a black cloth, which was airtight. Therefore, the Ming Chang feast can only be found by hand.

"No, you look for it separately from me. Give me the night pearl. I can't see anything without it."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Sister Yan, are you blind?"

Ming Changyan touched his hands with black to find his face. When Zhao Xiaolan didn't respond, he bounced **** his forehead.

Zhao Xiaolan screamed out in pain, and the long feast of the Ming Dynasty lowered his voice, and said solemnly, "No calling!"

Zhao Xiaolan had to cover her mouth, nodded with tears in her eyes, the Ming feast picked up the overnight pearl, and went to the west cat in the bedroom.

Suddenly, he was put on his waist. Ming Shaoxia was looking for the waistband intently, and whispered back, "Isn't it to let you look south, what are you going to do for me?"

The other party didn't answer, and the long feast of the Ming dynasty turned around in a mess, booing: "Rabbit, kind of hides things."

He rolled quickly, the night pearl in his arms was not plugged, and he rolled forward and made an amazing sound. Ming Changyan's heart fluttered, and he hurriedly stumbled to catch the night pearl. How did you know that this leg tripped over the bookshelf on the side, and the book above was shaken so that it crackled on him, and then, that shelf didn't support it for a long time, and it collapsed.

Ming Chang Yan shouted in his heart: I will die too!

In a panic, he hugged the people behind him and rolled to the side. After three laps, he stopped: Ming Shaoxia's fetters.

Anyway, he came up from the Yanbo River. There were no hundred or eighty problems on his body. He just stomped his feet but ‘the icing on the cake’. He breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly turned back and asked, "Where have you hurt?"

The feast of the Ming dynasty was blind at the moment, eyes widened, but in the eyes it was dark and invisible.

He said to himself: "The movement is so big, he must be awake, and he shouldn't stay here for long."

The Ming Changyan cherished the night pearl of great value. Before leaving, he wanted to grab another one in an attempt to find it. I do n’t know, at this moment, ‘Zhao Xiaolan’ suddenly reached out and took off his shoes.

Ming Chang Yan feasted: "His—what do you take off my shoes, oh, don't touch, is it broken, it hurts."

‘Zhao Xiaolan’ did n’t make any noise, and his cold hand pressed against his ankle, and he pressed it lightly. Ming Changyan's legs were straight, her feet were beautiful, her insteps were full, her skin was pale, and her tendons were faint. Therefore, the redness and swelling at the ankle looked very scary.

Ming Changyan touched it in the dark and touched a boxy box. The pattern on the box is complicated, so if you go with it, a hidden button will jump into your palm. Ming Chang feasted a moment in his heart, and his hands touched it twice more. It was not enough. He simply hugged the whole box in his arms.

He doesn't have good eyes, but he has a true chapter. When it comes to precious things, the poor Shaoxing Ming Shaoxia, who is accustomed to poverty, can touch him in no time. This sandalwood box, both in pattern and texture, is top notch. What is this good box for?

His heart beating uncontrollably. The words of Fuling suddenly stunned in his mind: the exotic grasses of the Fan State tribute are always the first choice of the small country minister.

Who is the little country minister? Huaiyu. Where did he pick it? Ninety-nine Palace! Moreover, if the fairy grass is such a precious thing, if it is not packed in a more precious box, how can it deserve the best of the fairy grass! What does a baby's box look like? It's all that the material is more expensive, the pattern is more complicated, and the dark buckle is more heavy. It is heavy in the hand-not just the hand.

Ming Changyan's throat rolled and he couldn't even care about the pain in his feet. With a click, the sandalwood box opened, and a small hay lay quietly on the silk bun. The Ming banquet only reached out and touched it, then snapped the box, and concluded that in all likelihood: nine out of nine is the fairy grass!

At this moment, the Ming feast got the fairy grass, and for the time being left behind his waistband and clothes, he said, "Xiao Lan, let's go quickly and come back tomorrow evening-"

The voice didn't end, and a voice from Zhao Xiaolan suddenly came to the west: "Sister Yan, you have made such a big movement over there. Fortunately, I just found out that Brother Huaiyu was not in bed, or we must have been woken up by us."

Listening to the Long Banquet of Ming Dynasty, I was shocked!

Zhao Xiaolan is over there, that-who is the one holding his ankle!

Zhao Xiaolan shouted, "Sister Yan? Are you listening to me? I'm here!"

Ming Changyan immediately used both hands and feet, holding the box in his arms and crawling backwards. The result was unfortunate. Only then did the bookshelf fall down, pressing the two of them together, and Ming Changyan's hair was pressed by his hands. When he moved, his hair was pulled, Ming Shaoxia was crying bitterly: "His—pain!"

Zhao Xiaolan took another night pearl from her arms, and within a short time, the room was mostly illuminated.

In front of him, Ming Changyan shouted that he was in pain, and fell down subconsciously, hitting the man's head just below him. The two came to a lively confrontation, a short scream in the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, and rolled their heads aside.

"It hurts!"

Zhao Xiaolan was frightened and shouted in guilty conscience: "Brother Huaiyu ..."

Huai Yu wore a white pajamas with a gloomy look and a poor complexion. His forehead became red, thanks to Ming Shaoxia.

At the same time as the Ming banquet yelled, the wind fluttered in my heart, shouting sadness! Becoming a gentleman in Liang ’s house, he was arrested, how to end it! He glanced at Huaiyu secretly, seeing his face in a coffin, the temperature around him had dropped a lot, apparently he had been awakened, and it was normal!

He thought of the young lady in Huaiyu's temperament in the past few years, which was bad and difficult to coax-Ming Shaoxia was more sad than crying, and he cried for a headache. In addition to the pain outside, the heart was sorrowful.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Sister Yan ..."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty rolled on the spot, and worked hard and miserably to win sympathy: "Oh! I have a headache and a leg hurt ... Is my leg broken!"

Huaiyu sat in silence for a long time, and finally took a breath, as if with great strength to control himself, asked: "How much pain."

Ming Chang feasted a moment, revealed a pair of eyes, and sold well: "I'll just take some medicine in the palace, the little country minister doesn't have to send each other, I can go by myself. Xiaolan!"

He stood up and jumped out on one foot with a cane. After a few steps, I found that the shoes and socks were still behind, and came back to wear shoes and socks. As a result, the pain of the drill core spread from the right foot to the surrounding area as soon as it touched the red area.

Zhao Xiaolan did not dare to look at Huai Yu's face, and volunteered, "Sister Yan, I'll carry you!"

At this point, Huaiyu, who was on the wall, said, "A child, a disability, do you plan to climb back?"

After listening to the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, he was startled and said: Who the **** is disabled? 2k novel reading network