MTL - A Sorcerer in the Detective World-Chapter 10 Revealing the murderer, the disgusting face~

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"Well, come over two people, take the lady back to investigate now..."

Seeing that the police officer seems to have identified the murderer, he is preparing to take the person away. Shu Yunwen suddenly said: "Seeing the police officer, this young son, should not be the murderer. You feel that holding a woman with the strength of a woman Knife, can you successfully cut off a man's head in that tunnel? And, the head of the deceased, should you find it? That kind of incision should not be cut out by a fruit knife."

"Ah?" The police officer turned his head and looked at Shu Yunwen, who was looking at the right color. "Yuan Wensang, you are..."

As for Xiao Yan, I also looked at Shu Yunwen, and the color of hatred in my eyes flashed away: "The strength of Aiko and Aiko seems to be great..."

“Small vicissitudes.” Shu Yunwen interrupted Xiao Yan’s words. “It’s not worthy of believing what your murderer said.”

"What, what?" The police officer was surprised. "Is this lady a murderer? However, the position she is sitting on seems to be the first row, and the victim is in the third row, with Yunwen Sang and you in the middle. Companion..."

Shu Yunwen listened to the police officer’s embarrassment, it was straight-eyed –

This guy is really going to be the one who specifically questioned the correct reasoning!

Shu Yunwen reached out and made a snoring action, then said: "See the police officer, if you want to know the truth, then don't interrupt me, listen to me!"

After a pause, Shu Yunwen turned his head and looked at the number of beautiful people: "Several beauty, can you do me a favor?"

"Of course." Sakamoto’s beauty is also a look of surprise. “Yuan Wensang is doing on-the-spot reasoning? I really didn’t expect Yun Wensang to reason. But, won’t it go wrong? If you want to add to the police. If you are in trouble..."

"No, a few beautiful. Please believe me." Shu Yunwen said with a smile.

When Shu Yunwen said this, he did not ask more questions, and nodded directly to promise.

Next to it, Yuan Tai, Guang Yan, and Step Mei are three children who are also surprised and admired.

Yuan Tai: "It's amazing! Does Yunwen's brother want to reason on the spot?"

Kwanghiko: "Yongwen brother and Kudo new are the same classmates. Is he also a very powerful detective?"

Step by step: "I feel that Yunwen is not very worthy of being trusted. If it is messed up, will it be taught by police officers?"

Guang Yan: "Yuan Tai, is Yunwen brother very good at reasoning?"

Yuan Tai: "I don't know too well. However, I have not seen Yunwen's brother reasoning."

Step Beauty: "Sure enough, it is very unreliable..."

Shu Yunwen rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to these children. He smiled and said to him: "Several beauty, please sit here. Yes, please sit back with your backpack before you sit down."

"Good, good." Sakamoto nodded.

"See the police officer, please sit in the third row, that is, the location of the victim, can you? Also, the police officer, please go to find a rope with one end tied to a circle and the other end tied to the hook. When Shu Yunwen issued an order, Xiao Yan’s face became whiter and whiter.

When all the preparations are done, Shu Yunwen continues to say: "Several Meisang, because you have a bag behind your back, so as long as your body slides down, it should be easy to slip out of the safety bar. Then, in the dark In a tunnel, your feet are stuck on the safety bar, and it is easy to cross the middle position in the air. The circle that is tied into the rope is hung on the neck of the police officer. Finally, the other end is The hook is hung on the rails. If, at this time, the roller coaster is driving fast, the police officer’s head is separated from the body..."

"...If you want to say the evidence, witness the police officer, the police should have found it in the tunnel?" asked Shu Yunwen.

Seeing the police officer turned to look at the forensic officer beside him, the forensic officer immediately said: "The police department, we found some scattered pearls in the cave tunnel, and a rope with a hook hook..."

Shu Yunwen said: "Necklace, should it be the circle on Mr. Kishida's neck? Just after entering the tunnel, tie the rope with the rope, it is the kind of cutting tool that I just said."

Having said that, everyone almost understands what is going on.

Xiaolan looked at Xiaoxiao in surprise. She always thought that this crying woman is a kind and good person.

As for the three groups of Yuan Tai, Guang Yan and Bu Mei, they all looked excitedly at Shu Yunwen and shouted "very good".

The rites turned to look at Xiaoyan, unbelievable: "Small, you, the necklace on your neck? I saw it when I was sitting on the roller coaster..."

"I, my necklace was lost." Xiao Yan instinctively reached over his neck. "I may have accidentally lost it when I was playing the roller coaster. This police officer, is it just because my necklace is lost, you police I will assume that this must be done by me? Or, to do all this is the man who is smugly saying this! His process knows so clearly, it is likely that he did it!"

"...Yes, when I was in the tunnel, you took my necklace and hung up the hook and killed the shorefield..."

When talking about all this, Xiao Yan’s expression gradually smashed.

Next to the "small, small 瞳...", Xiao Yan’s friend, like a stranger, looked back in fear.

Accompanied by two policemen, Aiko shed tears and looked at Xiaoxiao with a strange look.

Witnessed the police officer to turn to look at Shu Yunwen: "Yuan Wensang..."

If Xiao Yan insisted on saying this, they did not have enough evidence to prove that all this was done by Xiao Yan. There is not enough evidence to sin, even if it is a public prosecution, the judge will not be convicted. Moreover, because Xiao Bian had a slap in the face, Shu Yunwen said that he had to go to the police station and cooperate with the confession.

"Damn! It is clear that all this is what you do, why, why not admit it?" Yuan asked too loudly.

Guang Yan also said: "It is obvious that Yunwen has already explained the truth, but he still refuses to plead guilty. It is awful!"

"And I still have a fight, how can there be such a bad person!" Step Mei also supported.

Shu Yunwen looked intently to Xiaoxiao.

This woman, at this time, is like a thorough exposure of nature, which makes him sick and angry.

"That hook is what you bring, so there should be yours on it..." Shu Yunwen slowly said.

"Oh? You mean, do you have my fingerprint? Then go check it!" Xiao Xiao said loudly. "If you really have my fingerprint, then you can take me back! So, these are all counted. No evidence! These evidences are simply not enough to prove that I did it! Right? Police officer?"

Witnessed the police officer frowning, turned his head and whispered to Shu Yunwen: "Shu Sang, with her confidence, the hook and the rope, there should be no fingerprints."

Shu Yunwen turned his head and turned his eyes to the police officer. "See the police officer. You are also led by her nose. When do I say that there will be fingerprints on it? Since she brought the hook and the rope, it should be installed. What's inside. As long as there is contact, hooks and ropes, it is very likely to stick something. For example... fluff, scratches, dander... If you want to find out the same, you can explain What happened?"

Xiao Yan heard a word and stayed.

Next, a policewoman went forward: "Hello, this lady, we need to check your belongings..."

"Go, walk away!" Xiao Yan protects his bag.

I saw the police officer waved his hand and let others go to help. Shu Yunwen then reached out and took out the camera and launched a fatal blow: "Actually, Xiao Sang, how can you deny it, it is useless. What happened in the tunnel happened to be photographed by my camera, although inside It's very dark, but my video recorder has a night shooting function. You took a necklace with a hook to the scene of Mr. Kishida's head. The picture was taken clearly. Do you want to watch it?"

“Really, really?” Xiaoyan still didn’t speak, and witnessed the police officer’s excitement first. “Yong Wensang, please hand me the camera in your hand. This is very important evidence.”

As long as the picture of crime is photographed, even if there is a million mouths, Xiao Yan can not be offended!

The woman's face after disguising her disguise not only made Shu Yunwen feel awkward, but even the police did not hate it.

Shu Yunwen took the camera and smiled and said: "There is no problem to the police officer, but... will you operate the police officer? This is the latest model on the market. It is not the same as other machines. If you accidentally put it If the tape is cleaned..."

"..." witnessed the police officer speechless, "I still ask Yun Wensang to bring the image out, let me see it."

"Okay." Shu Yunwen nodded and began to adjust and play the image.

Not far away, Xiao Yan was finally taken away by the police officer's bag, and he was handcuffed and walked in the direction of the police officer.

Seeing the distance getting closer and closer, suddenly, I saw Xiaoxiao broke away from the two policemen who were holding her. The hand grabbed the iron hook inside the forensic personnel’s hand, and the face slammed toward Shu Yunwen. Forcefully from top to bottom, toward Shu Yunwen's face: "Go to hell!"

"Be careful!" Seeing that the police officer had no time to counterattack, the body of the obese body was blocked in front of Shu Yunwen, ready to resist this.

Shu Yunwen's eyes are cold and indifferent, and the curse is moved in his mouth. In the entry-level wizard, although there is no effective counterattack, but the simplest small illusion, avoiding a hook is no problem.

Xiaolan exclaimed and ran from behind, but only ran two steps, only listening to the sound of "砰", a footprint printed on the face of Xiao Yan, then Xiao Yan turned to the side, fell down, two The police immediately fell down and held down the shackles.

Sakamoto numbered his legs and put his feet together. Standing on the side of Shu Yunwen, he smiled sweetly: "Yuan Wensang, are you okay?"

"I? Hehe..." Shu Yunwen pumped his mouth twice. "Of course I'm fine. Something, should it be her?"

Shu Yunwen pointed to the small cockroach with gray face, clear shoe print and **** mouth.

Wait, he seems to think of something. Inside the anime, it seems that there have been people who have counted the number of beautiful people, and it seems to be... the main player of the Karate Society?

Nima, what are you teasing me?

Sakamoto’s beauty has always been very gentle in front of him. Now it seems that under the gentle skin of Sakamoto, there seems to be a violent heart...

Xiaolan laughed and stopped.

The strength of Sakamoto’s beauty has made her feel very stressed. That little sister was kicked so kicked, should... shouldn't it die?

"You are really a group of gits, and even people can't see it!" The police officers began to shout at the waste under their hands. All the police officers who were witnessed by the shadow of the police officers were bitterly faced and bowed their heads.

After a simple treatment, Xiao Yan looked at Shu Yunwen with a hateful expression: " just told me that I killed the Kanda, you will help me cover the past!"

After witnessing the police officer stunned, he turned his head and looked at Shu Yunwen seriously: "Yuan Wensang, is she all true?"

Helping prisoners cover up crimes is something that cannot be forgiven in the eyes of the police.

Shu Yunwen’s heart turned white and smiled and said: “Seeing the police officer, how is this possible? After I watched the video, I decided that she was the murderer. Before I chatted with her, I just wanted to test her modus operandi. How could I possibly Will it help such a person to cover up her crimes? She is a murderer! Uncovering the truth and catching the murderer is what I will do."

Sakamoto number beauty stood next to Shu Yunwen and said: "When you see the police officer, how can Yun Wensang do such a thing?"

Xiaolan also said: "Seeing the police officer, Shu Sang will not do such a thing. Did Shu Sang not help the police to break a murder case yesterday? If Shu Sang is such a person, he will not help the police yesterday. It is."

I saw the police officer stunned, and then I was embarrassed to smile and scratched my head: "Yuan Wensang, I just wondered you, I am so sorry..."

Moreover, this woman, who is a child, is also very abominable in the eyes of the police officers. It is not worthy of trust.

"Nothing, witness the police officer." Shu Yunwen smiled slightly and looked at Xiaoxiao indifferently.

The shore field that has been absorbed by Shu Yunwen may be a jerk, but now this small look is definitely not a good thing. Perhaps it is even worse.

"But, he really promised to cover up the crime for me..." Xiaoxi still said, but no one believed him.

The three groups of Yuan Tai, Guang Yan and Bu Mei began to smash again.

"She has been caught, but still want to frame Yunwen brother." Yuan is very dissatisfied.

"Is it because Yunwen brother helped the police to catch her? She is really a bad guy, worse than the monster in the masked superman!" Stephan made a fist with both hands.

"Yeah, she is really a very bad person." Guang Yan held his chin in his right hand, a look of reasoning. "However, according to Yunwen’s brother, he relied on video to know that the murderer was the one. The bad big sister, then began to investigate the modus operandi. So, he actually did not rely on reasoning to find the murderer!"

"Yes!" Yuan nodded. "So, Yunwen’s brother is not very powerful!"

"Ah! Loss I just thought that Yunwen is a detective who is not inferior to the high school student detective Kudo Shinichi..." Stepmei Sauce is very disappointing. "Is it still an ordinary uncle?"

Shu Yunwen listened to the broken thoughts of these little devils, and the word "well" began to appear on his head.

Xiaolan "hehe" smiled: "In fact, Shusang is also very powerful..."

A group of people are talking, but they listen to someone outside the crowd shouting: "Please let me go! Let me let! Let me in! Thank you..."

Then, a very stinky person squeezed in from the crowd: "I heard that there is a case happening here? Well, I can help! No matter what the case, it is hard to beat me Kudo Shinichi!"

That's right, this guy who squeezes in is Kudo Shinichi.

Xiaolan saw the "washing machine" and was very happy to welcome him: "New one, you are here? Where have you just ran?"

"Ah? It’s Xiaolan! Wait a minute!" Kudo Shinichi waved his hand and then looked at the police officer. "Sergeant, I heard that there was a murder case here, right? What can I help?" Place?"

"Haha! It’s a Kudo classmate! You came here specially. It’s really troublesome. However, today’s case has been solved and the murderer has already seized it.” The case has been resolved and the police officer is in a good mood. The land and Kudo Shinichi greeted each other.

“Has, has it been solved?” Kudo Shinichi was a little surprised and somewhat disappointed.

I saw the police officer suddenly feel uncomfortable, squinting: "Oh? Kudo classmates seem to be disappointed!"

"How, how come?" Kudo Shinichi quickly stood up.

Xiaolan also came over and apologized: "Seeing the police officer, he has absolutely no meaning in the new one. The new one, the solution to the case is Shusang!"

Shu Yunwen and Sakamoto have also come over: "Hello, Kudo."

"Hello, Shu classmate, Sakamoto school sister." Kudo Shinichi greeted, my heart was very upset.

Sure enough, the solution to the case is this Shu Yunwen?

Humph! A guy who loves the limelight!

Well, in fact, Kudo Shinichi’s real psychological activity is that he feels that his limelight has been robbed.

Of course, this kind of thing, as a great high school student detective Kudo Shinichi, he will never admit it!

Um... never admit it!

PS: Write the same person, of course, you have to change the story~

Otherwise, it is better to recommend everyone to see the anime of "Detective Conan", you said right?

PS2: This change is still ok. In fact, inside the animation, I personally think that this woman is not a good thing. Killing people kills people, but also falls in love with children, not necessarily good people...

PS3: The next chapter of the washing machine is going to be smaller, think about it and still be excited~

PS4: There are so many words, my sincerity is full~

PS5: Under the collection, I recommend it, at least let you look at the data and look good~

PS6: There is no PS below, I sent four!