MTL - A Tale of Two Phoenixes-Chapter 216 May one day

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I was like a thunderstorm and thunder. The word "good" spread in the air, and the two had already fought.

The end of the blade of He Jue is partially hollowed out. When he swipes quickly, it will rub against the air and will make a sound like a crane. Although such a big movement is not a good thing for an assassin, but He Jue ’s favorite life It kills people brightly and rarely assassinates. Therefore, this hoarse sound has little effect on him. On the contrary, it may disturb the mind of the enemy. Tolerating the part of the sword body that is intentionally wrapped is to show that it is unwilling to take advantage of the mistake. .

For the first time, Chu Chuyu saw Rong Zhi's formal encounters with others, revealing a high level of swordplay, and could not help seeing God. Although he could not see every action of the two, he probably knew the situation.

The flower mistakenly walked around the tolerant body, the sword light was dense like a heavy rain, but the tolerance was that his feet stood almost in place, but seemed very casual, left and right to block the wrong sword trick, his action It was messy, but it was made by him, but it seemed to be natural, as if every move was the way it should be. It is not like to tolerate the wrong sword, but to allow casual swing, but the direction of the sword, It's exactly where the wrong thing happened.

He absolutely blocked Yu Wenxiong, determined that he would not come up again, and went back to see the battlefield that aroused the fierce sword wind. In addition to tolerance, the people in the field used his martial arts knowledge to the highest level, and watched Rongzhi's long sword stand side by side. Can't help but feel a little drunk.

He knew the wrong swordplay routine a few years ago. What made him fascinated was the swordsmanship that allowed to show. The swordsmanship didn't seem to be fast, but it had an indescribable meaning that made Hexun absolutely Such a master can't help but get a little surprised.

He used to be fierce and fast. He has come to the end of this road. In recent times, he always felt that his swordsmanship had not progressed in the slightest. Now looking at Rongzhi Shijian, he can be seen as another way.

However, among the crowd, the most frightening thing is to count the wrong flowers. Being in the battlefield, he feels the terrible tolerance of tolerance more clearly than the people outside the war, and there is a faint feeling of being restrained by the elbow. The tolerance of speed and strength is not strong, and the terrible thing is that each of his swords is just right and hits his weakest place.

He has been with Rongzhi for many years, and he didn't think about guarding. The other party had already touched his swordplay thoroughly, but Rongzhi's swordplay was quite different from what they had in the past. It also made him believe that the Rongzhi can be concealed. Conceal mischief.

The flower moves too fast, Chu Yu can't even see his figure, but she can still see the tolerance in the stormy attack, the smile is casual, but it doesn't seem to be fighting life and death, but It is the spring day strolling the green suburbs.

But Chu Yu has learned not to calmly judge her current form, and she pulls Liusang, who can see her eyes blinking, and asks, "Who will win?"

"Ah?" Liu Sang calmed down and thought: "Brother Rong, I don't think Brother Hua has enough energy, but Brother Rong is different."

Sure enough, after a short while, the long sword was tolerated, and the almost woven net-like sword light around the body was swung open. After spending the wrong shape and retreating, he retreated only four or five feet away. He knelt down on the snow, and he shot four blood arrows on his shoulders and legs. After throwing them into the air, he scattered them on the snow.

Xue Xuebaihong, the contrast is extremely beautiful, but also extremely tragic.

Flowers mistakenly gasped, his chest was undulating, and the sweat on his face was blown by the cold wind, which made him fall like an ice cave. He raised his eyes and looked at the tolerance, and sang with hate: "If you are not as good as you are, you must kill if you kill , Presumably it's irrelevant to kill a piece of chess that is no longer useful to me. "

But Rongzhi returned the sword to Hejue with his backhand, then turned his head and looked at the flower wrong with a smile, and said softly, "I will fight with you, but it is to satisfy your wish, what will I kill you for?"

He didn't have any anger in his words, and he was still so bland. He looked at those soft and peaceful eyes wrongly, and suddenly sadness came from him. His eyes turned red, and he grinned angrily: "Let me, I curse you. On the day, you will taste the heart and heart breaking and heartbreaking! Heaven will never let you be so happy, one day it will! "

Sunda paused, his tone softened slightly, but his expression was extremely resentful: "I hope that one day, you will turn around because you won't get anything. After you get it, you will lose it day and night."

This person ... this heartless person ...

Who can hurt him?

He stared at the tolerance, as if to imprint his appearance at this moment in his heart, word by word: "I wish that one day, you would give a heartfelt heart, but you would be abandoned as love, and parted by love. "I can't help but get mad, and my body and soul is full of scars."

This person ... he has no tears ...

Who will destroy his smile, and who will destroy his calmness?

I hope that he will be in pain, that he will cry and weep, that he will ...

Yan Hua closed her eyes by mistake and opened them again, barely shaking and stood up, tearing off her shirt to stop the wound from bleeding. Rongzhi's ingenious skill did not hurt his muscles, his muscles were cut along the texture, and it was easy to bandage and stop bleeding. He wounded his wounds, looked at Rongzhi again, and his face was already determined: "If I live, the rest of my life will come to seek revenge from you. If I die, I will be a ghost all day and night. Night tangles curses you ... if you don't kill me, you will regret it later. "

Wu Rongzhi smiled and said, "Please, please." He didn't take the threat of flowers wrong seriously.

After he took the sword calmly, Rong Zhi took off the entangled clothing and waved the sword sharply. The sword made a screaming crane sound. He was accustomed to this sound when he made the sword, but I do n’t know why he did n’t. Feeling of joy, he came here, the purpose has been achieved, the tolerance and the mistakes of separation, and incidentally revenge the mistakes of flowers, should have been very happy, but he suddenly felt a sense of anger.

It's no use retaining it, he puts his sword back in his sheath and turns away.

Hua Mi took a deep breath and turned around to look around. At this moment, he seemed to be cast from hatred. His eyes exuded a chill and chill. Only when he saw Liusang and Chuyu, he was slightly warmer. The former was puzzled. The little child of the incident, as for the latter, is the poor man who is tolerated and deceived like him in the wrong understanding.

"Princess." Hua looked at Chu Yu wrongly, and said earnestly: "Tolerate this person's ruthlessness. Even if he spends so much effort on him, he can't get the truth from his heart. He used to be tolerated and deceived. There is something disrespectful, and I don't want the princess to forgive me. I just hope that the princess will not deceive me for so long like me. "

Having said that, he walked away with a single-handed sword and staggered toward the distance. The red back gradually diminished in the snow, and finally shrank into a small red dot, like a drop of solidified blood, hidden in the deserted snow. .

Ran Moxiang approached Rongzi a little uneasily, and asked, "My son, just let him go like this, okay?" There is an implicit murder in the semantics.

This is not for his personal grudges with Huacuo, but for fear that Huacuo hurts tolerance. Only then did he take the wrong oath of resentment like a curse to worry him. Although he said that in recent years, many of the tolerated strategies and strategies were entrusted to him, but sometimes it will take the wrong to run errands. It can be regarded as a lot of inside information. It used to be wrong to trust and tolerate, but now he has become the enemy. If he has the intention, he can destroy many arrangements of tolerance.

Rong Zhi smiled slightly: "I know you are worried, but since I said not to kill him, I also hope that you don't pretend to start in secret. If he wants to come, he will come to me, will I be afraid he will not succeed? I just fought with him. I used the sword skills that I had thought about in the past four years. When he calmed down, he would benefit from it. Within five years, he would be successful. It is also my return to help him for four years. Love ... um? What are you doing, princess? "

After returning the sword to He Ju, his eyes turned to Chu Yu again, and he kept watching her movements. Even Mo Xiang came over to talk, and he half-heartedly looked at her, then saw her walk to the carriage, Picking up Yuan Yuan's sabre, which was placed by the car, couldn't help but be slightly surprised and asked out loud.

Xun Chuyu picked up Yuan Yuan's sword, looked it over and over for a while, and then carefully held it in his hand, then walked slowly to Rong Zhi.

Not only was Rong Zhi tolerant, everyone in the room was stunned: shouldn't she imagine playing Rong Zhi in the same way as Rong Zhi?

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