MTL - A World Worth Protecting-~ Huangtian Star Ring (first shift)

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For the emperor, the starry sky picture was as important as his life. It was the coordinates of his home and the only clue to his return. After all... even if he really had a complete memory, he was buried after death. In the black wooden coffin, for countless years, I don't know how many universes have drifted.

Therefore, even if he recovers his memory, it is still difficult to accurately find his way home in this countless universe, and the starry sky is too big and the difference is far away.

Therefore, this is something he attaches great importance to.

But as far as Wang Baole is concerned, these... nothing, he doesn't care about the past and past lives, and his choice is fundamentally different from that of the emperor.

Therefore, it is irrational and naive to want to shake Wang Baole's mind with the star map displayed by desire.

But think about the origin of desire. It has nothing to do with reason. Wang Baole can also understand the reason for the other party, but no matter what, this is invalid for him.

So in the next instant, the black wooden nails carried the explosive power to destroy everything, and directly penetrated into the starry sky map, and suddenly spread. destroy……

With the collapse, a large amount of black energy radiated from the inside and gathered in the distance, forming a figure of desire instead of desire!

She stood there, wearing a long black dress, her complexion showed no signs of paleness, and the fluctuations in her body were still strong, as if the previous fight with Wang Baole, for her, she couldn't shake herself.

But her eyes, hidden in the darkness, stared at Wang Baole, staring at the dissipated starry sky map.

But at this moment... Inside Wang Baole's eyebrows, the blue crystals that merged with them gave out a ray of residual fluctuations. This fluctuation was unconscious and had nothing to do with seizing the house, but it was after all the emperor’s transformation. There is a trace of emotion from the emperor.

"Don't give up..." Wang Baole sighed and called with his right hand. In the starry sky map that suddenly collapsed, a fragment was preserved, and he went straight to Wang Baole and was taken by one of them.

At this point, the emotion in the blue crystal finally dissipated.

As it dissipated, the blue crystal merged with him faster.

"You surprised me." Standing high in the sky, Desire stared at Wang Baole, and said in a low voice.

"Obviously it was only a ray of remnant soul, but in the end it actually reached such a height... and my appearance seems to have accomplished you, helping you avoid the fusion of the emperor."

"Even in the end... the emperor chose to perfect you... This has to make me think about it. The will of this universe is sheltering you!" In the words of desire, his eyes became more and more dark.

Wang Baole did not speak, raised his head and looked at desire calmly.

"However, all of this is useless... The starry sky where I am is far from where I can compare with it. The two sides are like Yinghuo and Haoyue..." There is no contempt in the desire eyes, as if it is stating a fact.

"Because... the starry sky where you are in the universe is just a thick ring of Saturn. Even if the cultivation base reaches the extreme and reached the ninth step in your mouth, it is only the peak of the thick soil."

"The thick Saturn ring contains countless Dao domains, and each Dao domain contains countless layers of star domains. In each layer of star domains, there are countless large universes..."

"And I... come from Huangtian Star Ring!"

"The bright sky star ring is so powerful that you can't imagine it."

"Originally, you had a chance to return to Huangtian under my control. Perhaps I can retain a trace of your consciousness and give you a chance to reincarnate in the Huangtian star ring, but are gone." Yu shook his head and shook his head. , The darkness in his eyes became extremely cold, and his right hand was raised and pointed at his brow.

Under this finger, you can see layers of different colored ripples, rippling from the center of the brows of desire, spreading towards the periphery.

The number of these ripples, a total of six layers, seems to represent the power of the law of six desires, and as they disperse, the body of desire also slowly dissipates in the ripples that spread to the whole body, and at the same time...this world seems to be It's a little different.

The ruins of the earth, the mountains and rocks in the distance, including this piece of heaven and earth, seemed to be agile from the dead at this moment, and consciousness, and all these consciousnesses showed deep hostility to Wang Baole.

"This is the realm of my desire. Here, you... are about to sink." The ruins of the earth, the distant heavens and the earth, the surrounding rocks, all heard voices at this moment, and finally the voices gathered together, such as The will of heaven and earth formed a special law.

This law seems to exist exclusively for Wang Baole, and its to sink Wang Baole.

Soon, Wang Baole's eyes were a little blurred, as if the world had gradually become blurred at this moment, as if it turned into a whirlpool, swallowing everything in him.

A cold light flashed in Wang Baole's eyes. He felt the invisible **** on his body, and he also noticed his own way. It seemed that he was disturbed by some kind of power at this moment. Influence.

"It's kind of interesting." Wang Baole whispered, with a strange glow in his eyes. He raised his right hand in front of him as if he was fiddled with it and waved it lightly.

If there is an invisible long river that appears in front of him, with his waving, this long river also begins to flow backwards, causing the original river to flow backwards and reappear in front of Wang Baole.

Exactly... Liuyue!

Since at this point in time, you let me sink, then I will change to another point in time and destroy you!

After a long period of time, it exploded and the power of the flowing moon turned, in this vague world, the years began to reverse, until... the whole world was completely dim!

The cultivation level reached Wang Baole's current level, and the emperor’s blue crystals merged with him momentarily, which made Wang Baole's method of flowing the moon to an extreme.

At this moment, his first time reversal, what he returned... was the time when the Emperor launched a rebellion before the endless years!

The dim world was instantly bright, and a loud roar of unwillingness spread all over the world immediately!

Looking at it, this world is no longer the previous level of desire, but has turned into a huge vortex. At the center of this vortex is a huge figure like a **** who is there cross-legged.

Around this figure, at this moment, hundreds of powerful auras, shockingly fluctuating powers, like sharp blades, went straight to the figure in the center of the whirlpool to kill!

The next moment, the huge figure sitting there cross-legged, his eyes suddenly opened, and the inside was pitch black. Instead of looking at the people killed around, he raised his head and looked into the distance...

From where he was looking, Wang Baole's figure appeared in the starry sky, staring at him.

Chapter 1445

"It's not an emperor anymore." Wang Baole frowned. The method of flowing the moon he unfolded was still affected by the world of desire. Although Liuyue reversed the years and returned to the ancient times, it was specious.

For example, in this scene, the rebellion under the emperor's rebellion did happen in the long river of history, but...the emperor at that time was not completely influenced by desire, so he could arrange the follow-up Three Realms.

But now... the emperor in front of him, the darkness in his eyes and the smile at the corner of his mouth made Wang Baole clearly recognize that the other party... is what he wants.

Without waiting for Wang Baole's thoughts to become more, he turned into the desire of the emperor. After showing a smile at the corner of his mouth, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Wang Baole. Yu Daokong.

And the more than one hundred warriors in this whirlpool are obviously in danger.

Seeing this scene, Wang Baole's eyes flashed with cold light. He was very clear that at this moment, after his own flowing moon was affected, his situation was very passive. The emperor who wanted to be transformed into an emperor at this time was more powerful than himself. Seen in the palace before.

Therefore, once more than one hundred battles are also affected, there is no hope of defeating the desire in front of him at this point in time.

So in the next moment, when the black mist spread to the surroundings, Wang Baole's body suddenly turned into more than a hundred parts, and went straight to all the warriors in the whirlpool. After the instant merged, the eyes of the more than 100 warriors suddenly burst. Out of the fine mans.

One by one seems more agile, although it is scattered, but faintly like a whole, intertwined with each other, directly into the black mist, and for a while, the roaring sound reverberates in the sky.

This is a special battle. One is the emperor who wants to be transformed, and possesses the power of the emperor of this period, and the other is that Wang Baole's spirit is integrated into the body of the more than one hundred warriors, and they are blessed by them.

The fight between the two sides can be said to be extremely fierce at the moment of contact.

As the black mist continued to roll, the emperor who wanted to be transformed also slowly stood up. With one step, he stepped into the battlefield. He raised his right hand and pressed it at random. Suddenly, a rebellious crocodile head warrior shook his body. , Directly collapsed, the body and spirit are all destroyed.

But just before his death, Wang Baoyue's consciousness in his body also quickly dissipated, and he appeared in another soldier's body silently.

There is no end, it seems that for the emperor, these rebellious warriors are vulnerable to one blow. At this moment, they opened their mouths and sucked, and immediately the three warriors in front of him were in horror and horror. The body withered uncontrollably, and their spirits and spirits were directly swallowed by the emperor's desire.

"It's fast." After chewing, the desired emperor chuckled. This time the three soldiers who were swallowed by him still did not have Wang Baole's spirit, and were evacuated by Wang Baole at a critical moment.

But the fight still continues. Although more and more warlords have broken through the fog, appeared around the emperor, and unfolded their magical powers, but these magical powers fell on the emperor, just like a clay cow entering the sea, without causing any waves. .

This scene shocked Wang Baole's scattered consciousness.

Especially in the next moment, as the emperor’s laughter echoed, his right hand lifted up and grabbed abruptly. The starry sky around him was suddenly distorted, and after a strong wave, the entire Yuanyu Daokong turned into a big hand, towards all the warriors. , Squeeze suddenly!

"The Way of Nether Death!" At the moment of crisis, all of Wang Baole's consciousness suddenly unfolded the sixth way of the eight-pole way.

The way of death appeared after the huge palm was squeezed, and in the roar, most of the combatants in that palm were bloody, but in the next moment they turned into dead souls, reappeared, and slayed again.

But even so, Wang Baole was still clearly aware that it was difficult for him to win at this point in time, so his eyes flickered. When the emperor’s ridicule became stronger, Wang Baole was scattered in the body of the cultivators. The consciousness exploded at the same time.

In the next instant, all the combatants here, whether alive or transformed into dead souls, quickly pinched their hands, pointed forward, and a low growl came from their mouths.


Since this point of time is not good, then change to another point of time, almost under the control of Wang Baole's entire consciousness, the moment when the warlords erupted, the river of time came crashing down, and everything in this world was rapidly blurred until it turned into a It's dark...

The next moment, when everything resumes, it is still Yuanyu Daokong, still the whirlpool, and within the whirlpool, there is still the figure of the emperor, but... more than a hundred warriors around, surrounded by each other, there is no rebellion. thing.

And the center of the emperor's eyebrows, there is no black wooden nail either! !

Only above them, at the end of the starry sky, at this moment, the thunder mountain is shining, roaring to the sky, an astonishing wave is brewing crazily in it, and it seems that it can burst out at any time!

In this brewing, the emperor, who was sitting cross-legged in the center of Yuanyu Daokong, opened his eyes, and his eyes were still pitch black. Obviously, under the influence of desire, the emperor still wanted to turn at this time of the moon.

It's just... this time, instead of looking forward, he raised his head and looked towards the end of the starry sky. His expression was no longer the mockery he had before, but became a lot more solemn.

"I actually chose this point in time..."

At this point in time, it was exactly... when the emperor attracted the wood robbery and crossed the robbery!

At the end of the starry sky, in the madness that was constantly brewing at this moment, Wang Baole's breath continued to permeate within it.

This time, what he turned into... is his own body, which is the black wooden nail... and even... the wood robbery!

In the next instant, the end of the starry sky seemed to have a storm spreading, and the rumbling sound was like the will of the universe drinking, as the endless lightning spread out, a huge black wood spread out from the end of the starry sky.

As soon as he appeared, there was an indescribable coercion that directly enveloped the starry sky, locking in the emperor transformed by Yuanyu Daokong's desires. In the ugly face of the opposing side, Wang Baole's divine thoughts moved, and suddenly... the black wood boomed. Falling down, go straight to... want to go!

The speed was so fast that the black wood quickly shrank into the starry sky in the next instant, and finally turned into a black wooden nail. In the roar of the emperor who desires, under the eruption of the infinite black fog, this black wood Nail carried Wang Baole's divine mind, with his will, pierced through the mist and all obstacles, and directly fell on the emperor's eyebrows turned by desire.


Nail it down! !