MTL - Abe the Wizard-Chapter 1418 change

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Chapter 1418: Change

"Elder Abel, you have done this in a hurry. You should tell me in advance!" After the wizards left, Elder Eugene complained.

"Elder Eugene, what happened suddenly, I don't want to affect the dragon!" Abel explained.

"Elder Abel, you are an elder of the Dragon clan. Your decision is the decision of the Dragon clan. No matter what decision you make, the Dragon clan will support you. Remember that you are behind the Dragon clan!" Said Elder Eugene Shen Sheng .

"I see!" Abel listened to the concerns and responded.

"None of the powerful god-level wizards in the Wizarding Guild have returned. You must not despise the enemy. Of course, our dragon clan is not so simple, but the time has not yet come, and the powerful god-level dragon clan has not returned!" Elder Eugene said with a smile .

"Now the Dwarves are also members of the Dragons, Elder Eugene. Would you like to see them together?" Abel invited Elder Eugene.

"Haha, the dwarves are the best logistical support in the world. With the help of the dwarves, the dragons can master more seas!" Elder Eugene heard his words bright, and he laughed. Said.

Why the Dragons have not been able to expand the area of ​​control. On the one hand, there are indeed too many god-level sea beasts in the deep sea, but on the other hand, the reason is that even if they master a sea area, they need to build defensive fortresses.

The ocean is too large, and many seas can still be occupied, but it is easy to occupy, but not easy to protect.

Dragons do not have so many dragons to guard the sea, and the pseudo-dragon's combat power is okay to deal with ordinary sea beasts, but it is still worse to deal with powerful sea beasts.

This requires building defensive fortresses in the corresponding sea areas, and a teleportation array exists in the defensive fortress.

Once there is a powerful sea beast that the pseudo dragon cannot defeat, it can completely resist for a while and wait for support.

It is not easy for dragons to build defensive fortresses on ocean islands.

Without a defensive fortress, ordinary sea beast harassment alone is enough to make the dragons guarding the sea unbearable.

Abel said that the dwarves were members of the dragons, which meant that the dwarves could work for the dragons, and it was not just Abel's subordinates.

Abel's decision is also for the sake of the dwarves. Although he is very powerful, when it comes to the bottom line, the dragons are much stronger.

In particular, after he became an elder of the Dragon clan, he knew that the Dragon clan's strength was far beyond the surface.

Just like the Long Island small world, what kind of strength can we build such a small world out.

The dragon **** who built the Dragon Island small world is said to be still alive, but the whereabouts are unknown.

With the backing of the Dragon clan, the dwarven clan will also be easier for the Wizarding Guild.

Abel and Elder Eugene descended from the air to the Dwarven Palace, where the Faraday legendary wizard, the dwarf Job, and the dwarven rule wizards were waiting.

"Everyone, the crisis of the dwarves has passed, and the dwarves have also left the Wizards Guild, and have joined the Dragons ever since!" Abel announced loudly, watching the dwarves in front of him.

The dwarves' eyes flashed with joy. If Job, the dwarf, had loyalty to Abel on behalf of the dwarven people, there would be different opinions in the hearts of some dwarves.

But after seeing so many demigods and legendary wizards from the Wizarding Guild, and 5,000 wizards surrounding Ironforge, all that remained was gratitude for Abel, who helped out for the dwarves.

As for the belief in the ‘God of the Hill’, that ’s their own decision. The dwarves ’respect and worship of the‘ God of the Hill ’has been going on for thousands of years.

For the dwarves, because the dwarves believed in the dwarves' own gods, they would burn all the believers. This behavior completely disappointed the dwarves who had no idea about the guilds.

This is why during the construction of the Kingdom of the God of the Hill, most of the dwarves of the dwarven people began to believe in the God of the Hill.

"Elder Abel, for everything you have done for the dwarves, the dwarves can only use their responsibilities to serve you to express their gratitude!" Said the legendary Faraday wizard.

"It's not just me. Elder Dragon Eugene also came to help the god-level wizard who blocked the Wizards Guild for the first time. You should thank Elder Eugene!" Abel said with a smile, then said.

"Thank Elder Eugene for his help!" The Faraday Sorcerer bowed and thanked the dwarves.

Elder Eugene smiled and reciprocated. He looked at the dwarf now and liked it.

Although it is said that the dwarf is a subordinate of Abel, since Abel has agreed, the dragon can call on the power of the dwarves in the future. Even the current many dragon buildings have many deficiencies. These require the power of the dwarves.

"Faraday, I am not involved in the internal affairs of the dwarves. The internal affairs of the dwarves are still handled by the dwarves themselves!" Abel continued to the legendary Faraday wizard.

"Yes, Elder Abel!" The legendary Faraday sorcerer bowed.

But the dwarf Job, who was behind the legendary Faraday sorceress, was relieved. He was the heir of the Dwarf King. Although he had loyal to Abel, he was also worried that Abel ’s excessive involvement in the affairs of the dwarves would cause Chaos inside the dwarves.

Dwarven people have undergone this great change and need a stable environment.

A shocking news spread throughout the Central Continent, and this news did not affect only the Central Continent, all subcontinents were affected by it.

Dwarven races that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years have been members of the Wizarding Guild for thousands of years, although they have experienced ups and downs.

But now both the Dwarves and the Wizarding Guild have announced that the Dwarves have left the Wizarding Guild and are no longer members of the Wizarding Guild.

After the dwarves had left the Wizards Guild, they were declared a vassal race to the Elder Dragon Abel and protected by the Dragon.

Everyone who heard the news didn't believe their ears, how could the powerful wizarding guild let the dwarves escape.

Although Elder Dragon Abe was famous before, this time he passed his name to every corner of the world.

The dwarves of each subcontinent confirmed to the central continent, because the dwarves of the central continent represent the dwarves of the entire world, and the dwarven super teleportation circle is repeatedly opened one day.

But the most affected by this incident is the Wizarding Guild.

Because what happened before was only spread in Ironforge of the Dwarves, but now the Dwarves have informed each dwarf of the details of the matter.

When the dwarves learned that the Wizarding Guild was going to exterminate the dwarves, the dwarves who worked in the Wizarding Guilds voluntarily left their jobs, and they were unable to work for the dwarven enemies.

Many of the Wizarding Association's projects under construction had to be stopped. Without the construction engineers, these projects wanted to be completed and could not be completed without exceeding the construction period for a long time.

Even the quality of engineering cannot be compared with dwarf engineers. This is the strongest of dwarven people. No race can be compared with it.

The Wizarding Guild did not prevent the dwarves from leaving, even if they could easily do so.

The Wizarding Guild needed to consider Abel's attitude. Since he had already acknowledged failure, he didn't need to do anything about these little things.

Of course, the most important thing is that the divine paladins of the kingdom of God are still harassing Roaring Castle and the Doomsday defense wall, leaving the divine wizards to have no time to conflict with Abel.

However, as time passed slowly, only after about ten days, the influence of the dwarven people's departure had occurred throughout the Wizarding Guild.

Although the restoration of Howler Fortress has received the greatest guarantee from the Wizarding Guild, and a group of the highest level of construction engineers have been given priority to repair it, it is still stretched and often cannot be repaired in time.

This is especially true of the Doomsday Defense Wall, which has a large number of dwarven craftsmanship that is not something ordinary construction engineers can intervene in.

This has caused many of today's doomsday defensive walls to be irrecoverable after use and cannot be repaired after damage.

These are just the main effects, and more are everywhere on the central continent.

The dwarves began to think that they had lost the job of the Wizarding Guild. They would sit idle and do nothing, but they thought it wrong.

The Dragons used a lot of precious marine materials to trade with the dwarves. Under the protection of the Dragons, the engineers of the Dwarves entered the ocean, and began to repair and transform the defense buildings of the Dragons on the islands.

The dwarves also felt the respect of the dragons. All transactions were paid with good rewards. At the same time, they were protected by the dragons and the danger was very low.

Of course, there were some things that could not be concealed. For example, Abel rescued the four gods from the Wizarding Guild, and was known by many because of the outbreak of the dwarven tribe.

The reason lies in the dwarven race, which is caused by the dwarf's belief in the 'God of the Hill'.

But anyone who knows the "God of the Hills" knows that the "God of the Hills" was defeated thousands of years ago by the Wizarding Guild, and its equipment is still exhibited in the headquarters of the Wizarding Guild.

How the "God of the Hills" returned, soon some news that the Wizarding Guild did not want to spread, also spread with this incident.

What happened on the day of the Wizarding Guild ’s headquarters saw too many people, and the Wizarding Guild could n’t kill all of them. The news was not insured when the people were listening.

Then the Winterhoof Empire ’s belief in the “God of Mist” also began to spread, and then some people spread the hunter ’s belief in the “Goddess of Hunting”. Although there was no news about the “God of Snow” among the four gods rescued by Abel, but Everyone is speculating that the God of Ice and Snow should return.

A month later, Abel was staying in the kingdom of the God of the Hill.

Ironforge is now more prosperous in the past, because Abel promised not to participate in dwarven affairs, so the dwarven people can basically be regarded as completely autonomous.

Without the restrictions of the Wizarding Guild, the dwarves can trade with any organization, and a large number of various orders have learned that the Wizarding Guild has not pursued the dwarves and left the Wizarding Guilds to reach the dwarves.

You know, in this world, the dwarves have always been the best experts in forging, construction, and metallurgy. It is precisely because the dwarves have monopolized these industries, so even if the dwarves have left the Wizarding Guild, as long as the Wizarding Guild has not said anything, All aspects still gave orders to the dwarves.

The dwarves suddenly found that their lives are getting better. Not only are more orders, the care of the dragon clan, the strong support, the dwarven wizards can also redeem the clan for the clan by contributing points. A cultivation potion.

Of course, these cultivation potions are not all made by Abel, even if he is exhausted, he cannot guarantee the cultivation needs of a race.

He just sent a request to the Elven Pharmacist Guild, and the huge pharmacists of the Elven Pharmacist Guild could all take the corresponding cultivation quests for the dwarves.

Points for these missions were part of Abel's stay in the Pharmacist Guild. When he left the Elves as Master Bennett, he left astronomical credits in the Pharmacist Guild.

Over the years, he has supplied various elixir such as “shampoo” and “conditioner” to female elves, which have been transformed into points in the pharmacists' union.

Some high-level cultivation potions were also shot by Abel himself. The dwarven race is now his affiliated race and naturally has corresponding benefits.

Therefore, the dwarven sorcerers found that their cultivation potions can be exchanged in more quantities than before in the Wizarding Guild, especially the cultivation potions above the regular wizard, which can provide a sufficient amount.

This was previously unimaginable. The wizarding guild restricted the development of the dwarven people through various means, and the limitation of potions was one of the very important means.

This is why it is almost impossible to produce legendary wizards among the dwarves. Without the corresponding resources, it is really difficult to improve on the opportunity alone.

The dwarves do not have the expertise in refining medicine, so that they can build weapons and build houses without problems, but refining pharmaceutical agents is not.

Now the dwarven wizards are full of hope. With sufficient resources for cultivation, the dwarven people will inevitably become stronger.

Abel entered the soul of the 'God of the Hills' through the soul chain, perceiving the dense channel of faith. The 'God of the Hills' has extremely powerful computing power in the kingdom of God, and these countless channels of faith Abel got an accurate number from the God of the Hill.

With 85 million believers, this number includes all dwarves in the central continent, plus beliefs from the subcontinent.

If the power of faith in the subcontinent can be received over such a long distance, then a large group of believers is needed.

Of course, among the 85 million believers, because the time of belief is too short, the number of particularly devout believers is not large, and most believers are in the shallow believer stage.

But with such a large number of believers, the power of faith given to the 'God of the Hills' is huge, and in the kingdom of the 'God of the Hills', there are countless influxes of faith.

As long as the dwarven believers are fully consolidated, the power of these beliefs will increase many times.

The dwarves are in fact completely under Abel's control, both nominally and spiritually.

(End of this chapter)