MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 17 discharged from hospital

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Said to be resting, but in fact it was not that fast.

In the room of the cruise ship, Bai Ye was sitting on the ship, communicating with Hei.

In the two transactions in the lunatic asylum, Bai Ye got a total of 110 points of wealth, and the forced transaction with the security captain got 10 points of wealth.

As for the transaction with Bain, he obtained 100 points of wealth.

However, it is slightly different from Bain's transaction. This is not a one-shot transaction, but a follow-up effect.

When Bai Ye felt that the deal with Bain was too black, and only got 100 points of wealth, Hei explained.

When Baine joined Bai Ye's research lab, the two sides cooperated to study Titan Pharmacy, and when something was gained, Bai Ye could still get a certain amount of power and wealth from this transaction.

This is tantamount to a long-term cooperation transaction, and the acquisition of rights and financial value is also relatively "long-term".

As for how much you will get in the end, it depends on the situation.

In short, Bai Ye now has 1,662 points of wealth, a progress of 1.1% from the mark of 10,000 points of wealth.

After confirming that there will be follow-up benefits, Bai Ye's stay in Gotham City also reached 24 hours.

The second-level agent can stay in other worlds for 48 hours, of which the 12th and 24th hours can choose to leave, but they cannot leave at the 36th hour.

Now Bai Ye can choose to stay for 24 hours, or he can choose to leave Gotham City directly and return to the main world.

Bai Ye did not choose to stay, although his "career" in Gotham City can be said to have just started, as the owner of the laboratory, Bai Ye should stay and watch.

But don't forget, whether it's a transaction with Penguin or a transaction with Baine, it's not ordinary, but a transaction completed through the rod of power and wealth.

Therefore, Bai Ye was not at all worried about what the two of them would do against him.

Although the content of the transaction is simple, it seems that there are many little Confucius, but the rod of power and wealth serves as a guarantee. If you want to drill a little Confucius, you will only make yourself unlucky, or in other words, even such thoughts will not arise.

Everyone traded as if they were completely legal, kind, honest and trustworthy businessmen.

Rather than stay here and point fingers at Penguin, Baine, and the others, it is better to simply leave things to the two of them.

As the "leaders" of Gotham City, Penguin and Bane will definitely not disappoint White Night.

Leaving half a bottle of spring water in the Lazarus Pool for research materials, and a note saying "I'll go first, I'll come to you when the time comes", Bai Ye decisively chose to return to his main world.

When the 24th hour comes, there will be a small buffer time to decide whether to return or not. About one minute is enough for Bai Ye to leave a note.

"It's like this again, and it disappeared like this last time."

When he realized that Bai Ye had disappeared, it was already the next morning, and the Penguin complained to Baine, "This kid is not as simple as he seems."

"He will become a good magician," said Baine, picking up the Lazarus Pool on the table, and the Penguin was jealous.

However, the Penguin is just jealous, and will definitely not make a foolish move to **** this thing.

Not to mention that Bane's subordinates have already boarded the boat, even if Bane is alone, he can break through the siege no matter how bad it is. By then, the Penguin is estimated to have one more enemy of life and death.

As a penguin who focuses on interests and is more businessman, he will definitely not make such a move that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

When Bai Ye left, Batman also returned to his Wayne Manor from Arkham Asylum.

Bruce, who took off his helmet and mask, didn't look good.

"Master, how is the situation over there?" Alfred asked.

"It's not good." Bruce said, "I didn't expect that the person who escaped from Arkham Asylum would be Bane."

"Bane?" Alfred was a little surprised. "Shouldn't he be in the Black Gate Prison? I remember a few months ago..."

"Yes, I personally sent him to prison."

Bruce made a few operations on the computer, and the screen displayed the screen capture from the monitor of Arkham Asylum.

In the picture, Baine rampaged like a tank and left Arkham Asylum in the most brutal way.

"Who is this person..." Alfred pointed to the boy on Bane's shoulder in the picture.

The quality of the surveillance images in Arkham Asylum was not very good, it was still black and white, and Alfred couldn't recognize Bai Ye for a while.

Of course, Bruce had already recognized it. He enlarged the screen and made some corrections. The face that was not clear was the young man he had investigated but found nothing.

"Oh, this is really..." Alfred said, "It's really unfortunate news, it seems that Gotham City will have another dangerous character."

"He won't, he can't do it." Bruce said in a deep voice.

Bai Ye, who returned to the room, naturally didn't know that he had been targeted by Batman.

Of course, even if he was targeted, Bai Ye wouldn't be surprised.

If you want to hang out in Gotham City, dealing with Batman is an essential and inescapable "process".

If there is a chance, Bai Ye would like to make a deal with Batman. He is very interested in Batman's cool Batmobile. He doesn't know how much he can buy that big toy.

After taking a shower, Bai Ye lay down on the soft bed, figuring out that he should also leave the sanatorium.

In the past, I didn't leave because there was no more suitable place - although the people here speak really nicely, and all of them are talented.

But now Bai Ye is his own boss, and he has become the owner of the trading pavilion of the first super-space civilization in the universe. With a place to go, there is no need to stay in the sanatorium.

Eight days passed in a flash.

The single apartment on the second floor of the trading pavilion has already been renovated, and the store downstairs has to look like a convenience store. It couldn't be easier, it was done three days ago.

As long as the Bai Ye people arrive, the business can actually be opened. Of course, it doesn't matter even if it opens later, or even if it doesn't open all the time.

In the past eight days, Bai Ye did not go to Gotham City again. He just spent time in the sanatorium and sorted out some things. Tomorrow, he will officially be discharged from the hospital and go to his "the first time-space civilization trading pavilion in the universe".

It will replace the nursing home and become Bai Ye's new home.

Then, Bai Ye can spend 48 hours in Gotham City without any scruples.

If it is in a nursing home, if you stay in the room for 48 hours, and no one shows up, it will definitely cause things like smashing the door.

The next day, the sky was bright.

Bai Ye's room can be described as very lively. In addition to Song Yin, many medical staff and patients came to see him off. Everyone congratulated Bai Ye on his successful discharge from the hospital, and hoped that he would work hard outside and not lose face to their nursing home.

Hmm—the last blessing is the words of those patients who are estimated to be unable to get out in this lifetime.

After the excitement, the crowd dispersed, and Song Yin stayed behind. Bai Ye was discharged from the hospital, yes, but Song Yin, as Bai Ye's attending doctor, did not dissolve the doctor-patient relationship with Bai Ye.

Every week, Bai Ye would find Song Yin, or Song Yin would ask Bai Ye for a follow-up consultation.

With the recovery of Bai Ye's "condition", the time and frequency of doctor visits were gradually reduced until the end.

Song Yin signed a three-year contract with Bai Jincheng. During the three years, Song Yin will be responsible for Bai Ye's mental condition to prevent his illness from recurring.

Bai Jincheng was too busy, so he could only express his concern for Bai Ye in this way.

"Are you going to take this with you?" Song Yin said, pointing to the bag on Bai Ye's back.

"Yeah." Bai Ye nodded. Of course, he couldn't bring many things, just a few changes of clothes.

In the trading pavilion, everything is ready for Bai Ye, and nothing is missing.

"What about this jigsaw puzzle?" Song Yin pointed to the jigsaw puzzle on the transparent coffee table and said. He was playing the complicated jigsaw puzzle when she saw Bai Ye's first face.

With the back facing up, it is different from the way most people play.

Now that the puzzle has been completed, Bai Ye has no intention of taking it away with him.

"No need, I have completely mastered this puzzle, it has no value anymore." Bai Ye said, walking out of the room first, very cool, the master never looked back at the explosion.

Song Yin looked at Bai Ye, who was acting like the wind, and shook her head helplessly. She followed a few steps before stopping.

He walked to the transparent coffee table, knelt down halfway, and folded his body into an astonishing posture. From under the coffee table, he looked at the front of the complex puzzle.

Autism does not mean that they are fools. Although most children with autism have low IQs, there are some exceptions.

Some people will show great talent in certain areas, which is very accessible.

Is it possible that Bai Ye is such a genius with hidden talents?

The lights in the room were on, and the curtains were drawn, so Song Yin could clearly see the front of the puzzle, and suddenly burst into laughter.

Where and what is completely mastered.

In this rather complicated puzzle, except for a few corners that are correct, the other pieces are haphazardly put together, and from the back, it looks very serious.

When you look at the front, it's revealing. It's completely messed up and put together randomly. .

Song Yin stood up again, turned off the light in the room, and walked towards Bai Ye, who was waiting for her at the elevator entrance.

She didn't notice, and couldn't possibly notice, when the light became dim, the incomparably chaotic pictures on the puzzles vaguely formed a strange distorted smiling face.

Bai Ye turned a landscape picture into a "portrait" smiley face under certain lighting conditions!

"I'll take you there later. I'll accompany you to the evening. You can try to live alone. If it doesn't work, call me." Song Yin stood beside Bai Ye and looked at him. The teenagers are already taller than her.

It seemed that she hadn't noticed it before, but Song Yin sighed a little when she saw Bai Ye, who was more than half a head taller than her.

"Is it not included in the night?" Bai Ye asked, "I've read the book—"

"It's your size! What kind of books do you usually read!" Song Yin sighed in an instant.