MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 42

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Mingbei watched Li Muwu play the tape measure and his legs like dancing whips began to tremble again, he shook his calf and hid half of his head behind the door, stammering rebuttal Said: "How can the ruler measure the difference by a few centimeters? Besides, I had to straighten the handlebars before I came back.

Zhen Zhen lay on the windowsill and couldn't bear to look directly at her and covered her face, sure enough, Li Muwu got angry when he heard it: "You have revealed yourself, as soon as you enter the door, I can see that you have a guilty conscience. Let me tell you, you bastard, I know how many dung **** you pull with a pout. I don’t know how many times a day I wipe this bicycle. I can’t wait to use a ruler to measure it eight times a day. It can be seen that you want to hide from me after falling the car, I think you are dreaming."

Zhen Zhen looked at Li Muwu in shock, she never thought that her usually taciturn father would be so capable, even if he had nothing to do with his bicycle, he would even say a few words of deceit The words came out of the stupid son's mouth.

Seeing Li Muwu carefully getting the car on the wall of the warehouse, Li Mingbei couldn't help but stop him: "Dad, it's a pity that you have the time to carry sacks in the grain depot, It's better to be a policeman and catch a spy, and you must be sure to catch one." Li Muwu picked up a stick and sneered: "If you dare to be rude, I think you need to be beaten." Then he rushed in towards Li Mingbei.

Li Mingbei howled, hugged his head and jumped into the house, waiting for Li Muwu to enter the house, Li Mingbei had already jumped out of the window and ran out. Neighbors and neighbors came to watch the fun when they heard the quarrel between the two. It can be said that in the morning, Li Mingbei was riding a bicycle in front of his house, and he was very embarrassed by Li Muwu in the evening.

Zhen Zhen was sitting in front of the windowsill eating melon seeds and watching the father and son circle around the front yard and back yard of the house with relish, Mrs. Li was also watching the fun, but she realized No, she put down the cigarette bag and pot and pulled Zhen Zhen up and down to check quickly: "Your brother really crashed the car? Did he crash you? Did he hit his leg?"

"No!" Zhen Zhen quickly moved her arms and legs to let Mrs. Li check: "My brother just jumped off the rock."

, seeing Li Muwu chasing Mingbei to the window again, the old lady Li shouted angrily: "I beat that boy so hard, he almost fell on a rock and almost fell to Zhen Zhen, I think this **** has not been cleaned up recently. ."

Li Muwu, who just stopped to take two breaths, heard that Bei actually rode his bicycle on a stone and almost fell his daughter. He didn't know whether he was distressed for the bicycle or for his daughter, so he changed it from the yard. A thicker stick continued to chase after Ming Bei.

Mingbei was when she could run and jump, but she couldn't stand to circle around the yard, not to mention Mrs. Li holding a cigarette bag and pot to chase and block, and ran a few laps in a row Ming Mingbei couldn't take it anymore, and was accidentally knocked on the buttocks by Mrs. Li's smoking pot. Mingbei found a kung fu that neither Li Muwu nor Mrs. Li had come over. He walked through the vegetable garden at home and turned over the fence into the yard, and escaped through the gate.

Mr. Li walked to the gate with small feet and shouted at the back of her grandson: "If you have the ability, don't come back, I will ask your mother to make dumplings tonight, mushrooms and pork. ."

Mingbei's figure suddenly stopped, he turned around and looked at his door very tangled: go back, you must be beaten; but if you don't go back, you won't be able to eat dumplings. You must know that the last time my family made dumplings was two months ago, and they were stuffed with pork and cabbage, not to mention how fragrant.

Ming Bei sighed, if only he could escape the beating by hiding outside, he was worried that if he went back late, not only would he not be able to eat dumplings, he would have to be eaten sooner or later. Li Mingbei moved towards the house three steps at a time, fluctuating between being beaten and dumplings.

The lively Zhen Zhen ate the last pine nut in her hand, and then slowly came out to persuade Mrs. Li: "Honey, I really didn't fall, please don't beat my brother. , I'm not smart at all, and then I'm even more stupid.

Once Mrs. Li saw that Zhen Zhen was really all right, she looked at Ming Bei's pitiful expression, and snorted coldly, "I won't beat him, but I don't care if his father beats him or not."

Li Mingbei looked at Zhen Zhen from a distance and persuaded Mrs. Li away, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, seeing that Li Muwu did not come out, he waved to Zhen Zhen vigorously. Zhen Zhen looked back and saw that Li Muwu was breathing heavily against the wall, so she ran to Ming Bei and gave him a thumbs up admiringly: "Brother, you don't give up until you are beaten, a Give our father the best of luck."

"I can't help but say bald mouth." Ming Bei was annoyed, he pulled Zhen Zhen's pigtail and discussed with her: "You and our father Let’s talk about changing the stick, that stick is too thick, I won’t be able to get off the kang for at least three days.”

Zhen Zhen snatched back her braids, her small eyes rounded and her chubby cheeks puffed up: "I don't think you're worried about this, I just persuaded your mother If you don't cut you, you will pull my braid when you turn your head."

Mingbei hurriedly slapped his hand and said with a smirk, "I don't owe my hand!" Gently patted Zhen Zhen's shoulder, Mingbei squatted down and discussed with him: "Sister, discuss it with our father. As long as our father is willing to change to a thinner stick, you can ask my brother to do anything."

Zhen Zhen pondered for a while, looked at Ming Bei and nodded: "That's fine, I'll go talk to our father."

Ming Bei watched Zhen Zhen enter the door of his house, and quickly ran to the door carefully, stretching his neck to peep inside. I don't know what Zhen Zhen and Li Muwu said, but Li Muwu really seemed to lose his breath. He threw the stick that was as thick as an arm in his hand, replaced it with a stick as thick as a cucumber, and shouted at the door: "Get in here."

Ming Bei heard that the sweet-scented osmanthus in the kitchen was already chopping the meat, and hurried in, stopped three or four meters away from Li Muwu. Li Muwu gave him a sideways glance, picked up the stick and slashed his **** twice, then threw the stick and snorted, "Don't want to ride my bike again, I'll hit you once."

Mingbei stared dumbfounded at the back of Li Muwu leaving, and couldn't help but ask: "What if my sister wants to go to the hydrolysis factory to watch a movie again?"

Li Muwu stopped and glanced back at him: "I'll take Zhen Zhen on a bike, you run down below!"

In an instant, Mingbei cried out: "Dad, I'm your own son."

It turns out that Li Muwu has a lot of sons, and he really doesn't have that much love for Mingbei's own son. Since that day, he bought another chain lock and came back to lock the car firmly. , Mingbei tried several times to steal the bicycle and show it off, but all ended in failure.

Zhen Zhen really couldn't get used to Mingbei jumping up and down all day, so she used the conditions that Mingbei promised that day, forcing him to sit at the desk to review his homework, watching him After copying his textbook and answering all the exercises after class, he was given two days off.

After being forced by Zhen Zhen to copy the book for more than ten days in Mingbei, he was finally liberated. He immediately went to Wang Sufen to discuss asking for money to go to the movies.

Wang Sufen looked at him impatiently while meeting face to face: "Mingdong Mingxi Mingnan is not better at studying than you when you go to school, they didn't say watching movies to relax when they were studying at home, you can give You are stunned, are you able to take the 100 exam or what?"

"I don't want to relax." Mingbei plausibly said: "Besides, I don't want to go to the hydrolysis factory more, and I will be more confident when recruiting workers in the future."

Wang Sufen went to night school for a while when she was literate in the early 1950s. At other times, she was either busy at home or worked with Mrs. Li to open up wasteland and didn't know anything about the factory. Hearing that Mingbei used recruitment as an excuse, Wang Sufen hesitated: "Really? Don't bluff me!"

"Mmmmmm, really!" Mingbei stretched out his hand and said, "Give me fifty cents, I'll take Zhen Zhen to watch a movie and go shopping."

Wang Sufen slapped him down with a slap, wiped the water from her hands and went into the house to ask Zhen Zhen, "Bao Er, your brother wants to go to the movies again, do you want to go?"

Zhen Zhen asked the staff when she left the movie theater last time, and knew that "Mine Wars" was played in the past two months. Although "Mine Wars" is pretty good, but she doesn't like to play the same movie repeatedly, so when Wang Sufen asked, Zhen Zhen immediately shook her head.

Seeing Zhen Zhen's reluctance, Ming Bei hurriedly winked at her: "Didn't you promise Yu Wanqiu to find her to play with? How can you say nothing?"

Zhen Zhen looked at Ming Bei's eager expression and couldn't help but be happy, she bit the persimmon and looked at Ming Bei: "Sister Late Autumn is also polite, I am a six-year-old kid who is more polite than me. They are ten years younger, so what fun is it to be together?"

One sentence blocked Mingbei back, Mingbei was speechless and didn't think of anything else to say, he looked at Zhen Zhen who was smiling very sly, he really didn't understand why his own sister had so many hearts Son, not cute at all.

"Zhen Zhen doesn't want to go, so just stop at home, did your father beat you lightly last time?" Wang Sufen glanced at Li Mingbei and shouted: "Look at your book. Go, you can go when your sister wants to go!"

Mingbei saw how easy it was to talk to Wang Sufen, but was confused by Zhen Zhen's words, immediately hugged Wang Sufen's arm, turned around and discussed with Zhen Zhen: "Would you like to give me money? You take it."

"Say earlier!" Zhen Zhen threw the persimmon stalk in her hand into the basin, smiled and stretched out her hand: "Mom, I want to watch a movie."

"Why are you so crazy, you girl?" Wang Sufen opened the box with a smile, took out a small handkerchief, took out a dollar and half a catty of food stamps and handed it to Zhen Zhen: "Your father won't let your brother ride his 28 bars. You two can walk. After watching the movie, you can eat some food from the factory. By the way, let your brother walk around the factory so that he knows how to make progress. ."

Seeing Zhen Zhen happily accepting the money and food stamps, Wang Sufen felt a little uneasy, so she had to ask two more words: "You have to save some money, keep the rest of the money, I don’t have that much spare money at home for you to go to the movies every once in a while. If you’re really greedy, buy two cakes, eat one and bring another for the meat bun, and your milk and I don’t eat that stuff.” Staring at Qian's younger son, Wang Sufen added: "Don't buy it for your brother, he eats it and wastes it."

"I know." Zhen Zhen got off the kang without wearing her own plastic sandals, but took out the small cloth shoes made of sweet-scented osmanthus and put them on, and then went out the door under the continuous urging of Ming Bei. .

Mingbei wanted to go to the hydrolysis factory when he was studying at home these days. Yu Wanqiu is much prettier than the girls at Mingbei School. She is the kind of girl who knows that she has not suffered much at first glance. The skin on her face is very white, her hands are quite tender, a traditional goose egg face, and a pair of With extra attractive big eyes, looking at Ming Bei's heart is itchy.

Mingbei couldn't help but think of the scene of sitting next to him watching a movie in late autumn that day, and her big watery eyes. But he always thinks about the beautiful little girl, and Mingbei feels a little embarrassed. When a boy as big as him is dying to save face, he is so excited that he doesn't dare to tell his family, but it is really uncomfortable to hold it in his heart.

Fortunately, Zhen Zhen stood on his side in time under Ming Bei's repeated gestures, the two brothers and sisters took the kettle and loaded some food and walked to the hydrolysis plant. The hydrolysis plant is very far away from Lao Li's house. It would take about an hour to walk on foot. Fortunately, both brothers and sisters are not afraid of walking. They usually walk up the mountain for two or three hours without feeling tired, let alone this flat road. .

After walking for an hour, I finally arrived at the office building of the hydrolysis plant. Seeing the familiar building, Ming Bei's footsteps slowed down obviously. As he walked, he looked around, as if he was looking for something.

"Brother, what are you looking for?" Zhen Zhen took out the kettle and took a sip of honey water, and laughed at Ming Bei: "Are you looking for Sister Wanqiu?"

"What nonsense? I'm not familiar with her again." Ming Bei's face was obviously a little red, and he seemed to feel that what he said just now was not enough, and stammered and added: " What am I doing with a big man looking for a little girl, cut!"

"Hypocrisy." Zhen Zhen curled her lips, swept the entire hydrolysis plant with her consciousness, and quickly found the trace of Yu Wanqiu. Taking a photo of the silly boy who was still looking around, Zhen Zhen pointed to the third floor next to him: "Brother, where is that, let's go and have a look."

Mingbei glanced casually, then looked elsewhere: "That is the building for the family members of the hydrolysis plant workers."

"I haven't seen the building yet, let's take a look." As she spoke, Zhen Zhen dragged him to the family building. This family building has four three-storey buildings, like There are ten warehouses in each of the seven or eight rows of warehouses in the middle, and every household upstairs has one, where they can put some odds and ends.

Zhen Zhen grabbed Ming Bei's hand and walked around from the back of the building, only to see a group of seven or eight-year-old children in front of the building running happily, sitting at the door of a warehouse in late autumn, reading a book, raising their heads from time to time Take a look at a little boy who is running.

Ming Bei had something hidden in his heart, although he was dragged over by Zhen Zhen, he kept looking back, a little boy who might as well collided with the little boy who was running with his head down, knocked the boy into a somersault .

Yu Wanqiu looked up after reading a page of the book, just to see his brother fell to the ground and squatted on his butt, and hurriedly ran over: "Wansheng, are you alright."

Mingbei just picked Yu Wansheng up when he heard a familiar voice, raised his head and saw Yu Wanqiu appearing in front of him, he was suddenly happy and a little nervous, scratched his head and didn't know what to say: " Well, why are you here?"

"I should have asked you this, right." Yu Wanqiu looked at him helplessly: "Why don't you ever look at the road, last time you hit a rock with your bike, this You bumped into my brother this time while walking, what are you thinking about?" Mingbei scratched the back of his head with a blushing face, and after a long time he said, "No...don't think about it..."

Zhen Zhen hurriedly smoothed things out, took Yu Wanqiu's hand and smiled sweetly: "My brother and I came to play in the factory, this is the first time I see buildings that are strange, it doesn't let me Brother, bring me here to take a look, who would want to meet Sister Wanqiu?"

"My family lives here." Yu Wanqiu pointed to the unit in the middle and said, "The house in the middle of the third floor, you should come a long way from the south of the train track, why don't you come to my house for some water. "

"No need, no need, I brought water." Zhen Zhen quickly declined.

Yu Wanqiu took Zhen Zhen's kettle and shook it and said, "It's all over, so be polite to me, come to my house and sit down."

Zhen Zhen glanced at Ming Bei, and when he saw that he kept his head down and didn't speak, he knew what he was thinking: "That's going to trouble Sister Wanqiu."

"If you call me sister, don't be an outsider." Yu Wanqiu smiled heartily, and said hello to Yu Wansheng: "You are playing downstairs, I will lead them up to drink some water. "

Zhen Zhen saw a building for the first time since the 1960s. She looked around curiously and saw that there were three families on each floor. Yu Wanqiu’s family lived on the third floor. The door faces the kitchen, and there is a chicken coop inside, with a few chickens sticking out their heads to eat. There are two rooms, one east and one west. The east room is slightly larger, with a dining table and a large writing desk in the corner with a lot of books on it.

Zhen Zhen walked over to take a look, only to see the textbook on the top of her looking familiar: "Miss Wanqiu, are you also in the second year of junior high? I looked at the textbook and it looked the same as my brother's."

"Well, I will be in the third year of junior high when school starts." Yu Wanqiu took out a kettle from the kitchen and poured a jar of water for Ming Bei and Wan Qiu, and then helped Zhen Zhen to fill the kettle. .

"Then you graduated from junior high school and entered high school?" Zhen Zhen asked again.

"Of course." Late Qiu replied with a smile: "My dad asked me to take the second middle school of our hydrolysis factory, saying that it would be better to go to the technical school of the hydrolysis factory after graduation, or directly to the factory. It's easy outside."

Zhen Zhen glanced at Ming Bei, and said meaningfully, "Sister Late Autumn thinks more long-term, unlike my brother who plans to go to the forest management office to pull wood after graduating from junior high school."

"No!" Ming Bei hurriedly interrupted Zhen Zhen, he quickly glanced at Wan Qiu and stammered: "I also want to go to high school." After a pause, Ming Bei again Added a sentence: "It is also tested in the Second High School of the Hydrolysis Plant."

Yu Wanqiu smiled at him: "Then come on!"

With the goal of hard work, Ming Beida has become a different person after returning from the hydrolysis plant. He does not need to be urged by Zhen Zhen every day, he knows that he is sitting at the table in front of the window to study. When Mingnan came back from the holiday, Mingbei also took the initiative to let him go through the textbooks for the first and second grades of the first grade for himself. Mrs. Li looked at her grandson who had changed into a person, and thought he was possessed by a yellow skin.

Seeing that in September, Li Muwu made a trip to the Iron and Steel Elementary School in front of his house, and finally signed up for Zhen Zhen, paid the tuition and book fees and came back with a set of textbooks.

The family attaches great importance to Zhen Zhen's schooling from childhood to childhood, and Mrs. Li went to the street to buy Zhen Zhen a schoolbag in the style of a PLA backpack, as well as a notebook, pencil eraser, etc. Stationery is much more complete than when they went to school in Mingnan and Mingbei.

The story, there are also some quotations from Chairman Mao.

Flip through the textbook, Zhen Zhen called Ming Bei over and asked him to teach him how to write his name, the first two characters Ming Bei was written very well, but when it came to the word "Zhen", Ming Bei wrote I haven't written one of them correctly after more than half of the paper. Zhen Zhen silently looked at the words above her, either missing arms or missing legs, she couldn't help but knocked on the table: "I'm your sister anyway, why can't you even write my name?"

Mingbei scratched his face in distress: "This is too difficult, I think eldest brother must have had a good heart to give you this name, I bet you are assigned to fifth grade. I don't know how to write. Or you can change the word, I think it's good if it's true or not, it's quite simple, I'll write it for you to see. "

Zhen Zhen looked at her with a sneer: "My Zhen Zhen means prosperous vegetation, and the meaning is very good, I will not change it."

"Why is it so hard, why don't I change my name." Li Mingbei scratched his head and scratched his head for a long time and finally let him come up with a good name: "I want you to call it Haystack, Li Cao Heap also means a lot of grass."

"Why don't you say my name is Li Shulin, that means there are many trees." Zhen Zhen was laughed at by Mingbei, if it wasn't for the purpose of hiding people's eyes and ears, why did she bother to find Mingbei this idiot Teaching herself to write, looking at Ming Bei's righteous appearance, Zhen Zhen couldn't help but want to hit him: "Take it down, I won't let you teach, you haven't even passed the high school entrance exam at all. Alright, you have specified that you won't let them, and I will go to the hydrolysis factory tomorrow and ask Sister Wanqiu to go."

"Don't! Don't! Don't" He patted the table: "I'm sure I can teach you how to write your name." He shouted outside at a high voice: "Ma, open the box and give me our household registration book, I don't believe I can learn to write Zhen Zhen's name!"

Zhen Zhen: “…”