MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 43

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"You still need a household registration book to write a name. What do you think you learned in school?" Mrs. Li came in and took off the key from her trousers and opened the box. The note was handed to Ming Bei: "This is the name that your brother wrote to Zhen Zhen at the beginning, just write it like this, I have to keep my account book, and later you lost it to me."

Zhen Zhen looked at the handsome Li Mingzhen on the note and couldn't help but praise: "As expected of the big brother, look at how well written this word is." Looking at Mingbei, Zhen Zhen couldn't bear it He sighed: "If the elder brother, the second brother and the third brother are not at home, I really don't want you to teach me to write. I'm afraid that you will lead me to a ditch even with your dog-crawling characters."

Try writing, I told you that writing may not be good at the beginning, just practice more. I just didn't want to waste my book, so I didn't practice more, otherwise my calligraphy would definitely be better than my brother's. Mainly because I'm too good at living."

Zhen Zhen looked at Ming Bei with a dark expression on her face, she didn't know where to complain about him, Mrs. Li sat on the kang and couldn't help it, she knocked on the cigarette bag pot, and sneered: " You can pull it down. Typing your words is like flying. If you copy the text twice more, you can't sit on the stool. Those books and books never know how to put them in your schoolbag. As far as using the notebook is the most expensive, half of the pages at the back will be lost, so I'm embarrassed to say that I can't bear the notebook."

You see Zhen Zhen laughing at me, you have to maintain my image as a big brother."

"You have no image in front of your sister. You look like a brother." Mrs. Li put down the cigarette bag and took out a clean sheet from the cabinet. Calendar paper, bring Zhen Zhen's new textbook, sit on the kang and wrap her book cover.

Zhen Zhen hurriedly instructed: "Mom, the white part I want is outside, the painting is hidden inside, and the bells and whistles are not good-looking."

"You are a weird little girl. People are afraid that the book cover is not fancy enough. You don't think it looks good." put it outside.

Zhen Zhen was sitting at the table, writing her name one by one. She hadn't touched a pen for six years, and her hands were too small, so it was hard for her to write. She wrote her name on the board, and Zhen Zhen tilted her head to look at it and was not satisfied: "It's too ugly."

Ming Bei looked at Zhen Zhen's handwriting and then looked at his own, with a look of disbelief: "Why do you look so good when you write, have you practiced secretly?"

"Yes!" Zhen Zhen smiled: "When you taught me to read, I picked up your broken notebook and wrote it."

Once Mrs. Li heard her grandson's screams, she quickly got off the kang to take a look. Although the three words "Li Mingzhen" on the paper looked a bit big, they were flat and vertical. Mrs. Li stroked Zhen Zhen's hair with a smile: "Our eldest treasure is very clever, just look at how good the handwriting is, and at first glance, it is the material for college."

Looking at what Li Mingbei wrote, Mrs. Li gave him a white look: "If you can get into high school, I'll be content."

Ming Bei was just a little discouraged, and remembered the appearance of Yu late autumn, and the impetuous mind just settled down: "I have designated to be admitted to high school, and I still want to work in the hydrolysis factory in the future. "

"Okay, no, I finally have the ambition." Mrs. Li nodded, and casually hit Ming Bei again: "But I think your calligraphy still needs to be practiced well, if you take an exam When the teacher can't read your papers, no matter how good you do it, it's useless."

Zhen Zhen gave Mrs. Li a thumbs up: "Grandma, don't look at you haven't been to school, but you know the way to go to school very well, my third brother last time I said the same thing when I came back."

"That's it." Old lady Li sat back on the kang proudly and continued to wrap her book cover: "I watched your brothers as a senior, and I know about their school exams. It's clear."

Mingbei sighed in frustration: "Then I will copy one more text every day."

"Don't just copy it, just write it clearly, stroke by stroke." Mrs. Li taught him a sentence, and stabbed him in the heart: "By the way, your words I think it's not as good as Zhen Zhen. When you look back, you can teach your sister the words of Chinese and arithmetic. When she learns to write on the book cover, you can see that your book is so dirty. If the cover of Zhen Zhen's book is smeared, she will not be happy."

Thinking of Zhen Zhen's young age and the habit of keeping everything clean, Ming Bei was also afraid that he would be hit with a cigarette bag if he wrote badly, so he hurriedly agreed and took out Zhen Zhen's new calligraphy book , teach her what needs to be written on the book cover one by one.

Although they are all very familiar Chinese characters, Zhen Zhen is still very serious in writing. Tong, although it's not like a dog crawling, but it's far from good-looking. Therefore, Zhen Zhen is very envious of people who are good at handwriting, and she even signed up for a calligraphy class in college to nurture her. It's a pity that it was uncertain at the time. I was busy chasing dramas or reading novels on mobile games every day. Although I went to class every week, I didn't practice much when I came back, so I didn't make much progress.

Reborn once again and start primary school again. Although the content of the textbook is very simple, Zhen Zhen is still full of expectations for school, and she only knows the happiness of school after graduation. To practice a beautiful handwriting first.

In the expectation of Zhen Zhen, when the school started, Mrs. Li called the whole family up early in the morning. Wang Sufen went to the kitchen to make hand-rolled egg noodles for Zhen Zhen, while Mrs. Li took an old wooden comb and combed Zhen Zhen's hair that she washed last night. Zhen Zhen has been growing pine nuts and hazelnuts since she was a child. She eats both coarse grains and fine grains, so her hair is black and smooth, beautiful like black satin. Mrs. Li tied Zhen Zhen with two twist braids and tied two more at the ends of the braids. Newly bought red headband.

Standing up and taking two steps back, Mrs. Li looked at Zhen Zhen's outfit with satisfaction: she was wearing a bright yellow floral shirt, and a red shirt was covering it. A small cardigan sweater, and a pair of light blue khaki pants underneath, how good it looks.

"My granddaughter is Chang Jun, and the clothes your uncle sent back are also good-looking. We can't buy such good ones." Mrs. Li nodded with a smile, opened the box and took out one The apple was stuffed into Zhen Zhen's schoolbag: "After class, wash and eat."

Zhen Zhen happily touched the red apple, there are many kinds of wild fruits in Beicha, but this big apple is indeed rare: "Milk, where did this apple come from?"

Take a spoon and scrape it for him to eat."

Zhen Zhen blushed and was a little embarrassed: "I eat fruits from the mountains, such a good apple should be eaten more for meat buns, and you should also try one of milk, this is old sweet."

Don't be late for school."

After breakfast, Li Muwu solemnly took down his big bicycle from the wall of the barn, and patted the seat proudly: "Daughter, come up, father will take you to school. "

Zhen Zhen looked at the Iron and Steel Elementary School several hundred meters away from her home with a black face: "It's so close that I can walk there, no need to take a bicycle."

"How can I do it? It's different now that I go to school." Li Muwu couldn't help but hold Zhen Zhen on the back seat, and excitedly pushed Zhen Zhen towards the school. Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen were afraid that Zhen Zhen would not adapt to school, so they looked at each other and followed behind to see Zhen Zhen.

In this day and age, each family attaches different importance to children's schooling. . Some people think that the school is the place to look after the children, and there is a lot of noise at home, so there are teachers who take care of them when they send them to school, which saves a lot of worry. Therefore, on the day of school, some children came with their own backpacks, and some were given by their parents, but a family of three like Zhen Zhen, who also came with a bicycle, was the first.

Li Muwu carefully parked the bicycle beside the gate, and hugged Zhen Zhen from the seat, the people who lived nearby already knew that the old Li family had bought a permanent manganese steel bicycle. They all greeted each other and said, "Yo, you have pushed out your bicycle to send your daughter to school." There are also people who live far away. When they see very rare manganese steel bicycles, they all come to the front and reach out to touch two of them.

Li Muwu was both proud and reluctant, and he was a little anxious when he saw these people, you and I touched them all the time: "It's alright, don't touch it, if you touch me, the paint will come off. How can I fix it." As soon as they heard that the paint is easy to fall off, everyone took a step back. This thing is very expensive, and if it is really damaged, it will not be able to pay.

Li Muwu looked at so many people surrounding his car, and was worried about putting the car here, thinking about riding home first, then running back, Mrs. Li ignored him, He led Zhen Zhen directly into the school gate.

Steel Primary School is said to be a school, but it is actually a row of houses, with a total of four houses, one is the teacher's office, and the other three are grades one to six. The playground is not big, except for a flagpole, there are no other facilities next to it, but the students still run happily around the flagpole.

Most of the students who come to school here are children from the south side of the train track. There are not many school-age children, and the school does not have so many rooms, so there are blackboards on both sides of a classroom. Grades 1 and 2 are in the same classroom. Teachers usually teach first-grade children first, assign homework after class, and then go to the other side to teach to second-grade children. At this time, teachers do not distinguish between subjects, what language, arithmetic, ideology and morality All of them are taught by one person, and one teacher leads two grades, so there are only three teachers and principals in Steel Primary School.

There are the most old-fashioned long tables and long chairs in the classroom. The second-grade children are all having fun on the playground and no one comes in. There are seven or eight first-grade children in the classroom. Zhen Zhen looked left and right, chose the middle position in the third row, just put down her schoolbag, Mrs. Li whispered to her: "Sit here, when the stove is on in the winter, put it on the aisle, it's far away. The cold is too close, and this location is just right."

The winter in Beicha is more than minus 30 degrees Celsius. The red pine in the stove burns all day long, and the hot Zhen Zhen can't even wear a sweater. But the school is not like the home. Although the fire is constantly on during the day, no one in the classroom looks at the stove at night. They are all held down with coal, and they will be opened when they wake up in the morning. Although the fire does not go out overnight, the hot air accumulated during the day is basically nothing left at night, so many children go to school with frozen hands and feet. Mingnan and Mingbei both went to primary schools here, so Mrs. Li knew everything about the school.

Zhen Zhen took out the rag prepared by Mrs. Li from her schoolbag, washed it at the tap outside, and came back to wipe her table and stool clean.

"Nanny, Mom, I'm going to class in a while, you hurry up and go back." Zhen Zhen put her schoolbag in the table hole, ready to send out Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen.

Mr. Li looked around and saw that many children had come in one after another, so she nodded reluctantly: "Okay, I'll go talk to your teacher and let him Look at you, you are so young, what if you are bullied."

Old Mrs. Li went out with Wang Sufen, and Zhen Zhen was helpless when she saw that the two went straight to the office, although she was one year younger than other children, but in terms of hands-on ability, No one in this classroom can compare to her, so Zhen Zhen is not worried about being bullied at all.

Zhen Zhen is white and lovely, and the clothes on her body are also beautiful. The first grade head teacher Wang Xiaoqing saw her as soon as she entered the door. Teacher Wang got up and knocked on the table, trying to amplify her voice: "Student Be quiet."

The second-grade children at the back also turned their heads curiously and looked at these young and tender raw melon eggs.

Mr. Wang introduced himself first, and then wrote his name on the blackboard. When the roll call came, even though Mr. Wang taught him three or four times, there were still a variety of answers. When Zhen Zhen was here, a clear and loud "Arrived!" instantly made Teacher Wang heave a sigh of relief. He looked up again, he was clean and beautiful, with long white skin, big eyes, and a little chubby baby fat on his cheeks. very cute.

Mr. Wang couldn't help but put a smile on her face. She was waiting for a class to finish her name. She found that among these children, Zhen Zhen had the fastest reaction. Let her take the "important task" of homework.

Since Zhen Zhen went to school, Mrs. Li instantly felt that the house was empty. Although her grandson was chubby and cute, but she couldn't see Meimei's granddaughter and felt lost. So Mrs. Li added another activity every day. She estimated that when the school was about to end, she would go to the school with her feet to take a look, but this time was often miscalculated. She had already returned to the classroom, much to the chagrin of Mrs. Li.

When I went home, I opened the box and counted the money sent by my son and the industrial tickets saved at home. Mrs. Li gritted her teeth and took it to the street to buy an alarm clock. Mingbei taught her how to look. With this thing, Mrs. Li was finally able to arrive at school on time, and happily gave her granddaughter a pot of honey water, and by the way, stared to see if there was any stinky boy bullying her precious granddaughter.

Zhen Zhen felt that her life was very fulfilling after she came to school. When the teacher finished the first grade class and went to teach the second grade, Zhen Zhen also looked back and listened, especially the Chinese class. The text is very interesting and makes Zhen Zhen feel very new. After school, Zhen Zhen first wrote the homework assigned by the teacher, and then carefully copied the text several times. With that hard work, Ming Bei, who finally knew how to make progress, also competed with him, and finally returned to over 90 points in the final exam.

In the blink of an eye, it is winter. In the past, Zhen Zhen's cat Dong seldom went out in winter, but now she can't be as lazy as before when she wants to go to school.

Zhen Zhen was wearing a thick padded jacket with a leather jacket on the outside, and she wore homemade sheepskin boots on her feet. A thick layer of rabbit fur is added for extra warmth.

The low temperature of Beicha can’t be resisted by a cotton jacket alone, so every family here has a leather jacket. If you have more food, you can change it.

Wearing a thick leather hat and leather gloves, Zhen Zhen carried her schoolbag and went out the door. Let her go to school. Not to mention, the thick snow that fell to her knees, Zhen Zhen was really afraid that Mrs. Li would fall out.

It’s just that walking deep and shallow is really hard, Zhen Zhen glanced around with her consciousness, and seeing that there was no one nearby, she moved forward cautiously, ten meters or ten meters, without a minute Just got to school.

Chop off the snow on her feet, Zhen Zhen wiped the table and chairs as usual before sitting down in her place, today is the final exam, after the morning exam is over, the children of Steel Elementary School will Welcome to the four-month winter vacation.

The principal stood at the door and rang the bell. Teacher Wang rolled it in with her arms, and handed out the language and arithmetic papers in one go. When Teacher Wang just finished handing out the second grade exam papers and sat down to take a drink, Zhen Zhen over there had already stood up.

Mr. Wang thought that the ink on the paper sent to Zhen Zhen was spent, and quickly asked: "What's wrong? Can't you see where it is?"

"I want to hand in the paper after writing!" Zhen Zhen sent the paper to the podium and smiled sweetly at Teacher Wang: "Mr. Wang, can I go first?"

"Uh..." Mr. Wang didn't respond. It's only been ten minutes since he found the paper, so this is the end of the answer? She looked at the two papers quickly. The surfaces of the papers were neat, the handwriting was neat, and the two-digit arithmetic questions were correct. Teacher Wang couldn't help showing a smile on her face, and she became more pleasant to Zhen Zhen: As expected of her favorite student, her brain is enough.

"Okay, then you can go back, slow down on the road." Teacher Wang ordered, sat on the podium, took out the red pen, and marked each one hundred percent on Zhen Zhen's paper. .

Zhen Zhen put on her schoolbag, put on her hat, and when she left the school and went to a place where no one was around, her thoughts moved and she disappeared in place in an instant.

After acquiring this teleportation skill, Zhen Zhen has not acquired other new skills as she grows older in recent years, but the original skills have been continuously upgraded, and now the map in Zhen Zhen's mind The range is getting wider and wider, and the distance that Zhen Zhen can teleport is getting farther and farther.

Almost instantly, Zhen Zhen appeared in a deserted alley in Jiacheng, more than a thousand kilometers away, she lowered her hat and tightly covered her mouth with a scarf and nose, and then came out of the alley. I touched the few golden **** in my pocket, Zhen Zhen planned to use it to exchange some money and tickets, and saw that the Cultural Revolution was about to start in May of the new year. Replace some more, just in case.

Covering Jiacheng with consciousness, Zhen Zhen soon saw a few people buying and selling in an alley not far away, and a few people carrying food and chickens were also going Then go, it is estimated that that place is Jiacheng's default place to barter.

Nowadays, the state does not allow people to re-sell things, but it is still allowed to barter when the supply of various materials is not very sufficient. As long as people don't report it, it's usually fine.

Zhen Zhen came to the alley and walked around, walked over to a person who seemed to have a lot of money in his chest, and asked softly, "Do you want gold?"

The man saw the child on his waist in astonishment, and the voice seemed to be a little girl, and he couldn't help being a little annoyed: "Whose children dare to run here to play, hurry home."

"I really have it!" Zhen Zhen stretched out her hand to stop him, lowered her voice and said, "It's okay to have food or gold bars, I have it at home, adults are sick and can't go out, that's why I came out to change some money to buy medicine."

What's the use, I want to buy some refined grains, but the children at home are sick and don't like coarse grains."

Zhen Zhen frowned slightly: "I also have fine grains, rice and flour, but the same, because the adults in the family are sick, the rice and wheat no one is grinding, I can only give you There is no shelling, but the price is definitely cheaper than the white noodles sold in the grain store."

That person also seemed to have some knowledge, and she didn't feel any embarrassment at all, but she looked at Zhen Zhen suspiciously: "Are you sure you can sell me such cheap food? Don't fool me!"

Zhen Zhen smiled and said: "I pay with one hand and deliver it with the other hand. Anyway, if you can't see the food, you don't pay for it, so what's the fear of losing money."

The person thought about the same reason, and negotiated the price with Zhen Zhen, which was one third cheaper than the grain store and didn't even need a grain stamp.

"Then it's settled, how many pounds do you have? I'll buy more."

Zhen Zhen smiled: "How many pounds do you want?"

"Fifty pounds?" The man asked tentatively.

"Okay!" Zhen Zhen agreed.

Looking at Zhen Zhen's cheerful look, that person thought that Zhen Zhen's family belonged to a farm, otherwise, there would be so many unhusked rice and white noodles that could not be found anywhere else. He quickly calculated his family's belongings, and quickly added: "Rice and flour each cost 50 catties. I don't have enough money. I will give you an industrial ticket for the shortfall."

Zhen Zhen was thinking about getting some bills to buy some daily necessities, when she heard this, she immediately responded: "You can give the tickets first, any ticket will do."

"You're a good child." The man glanced at her with a half-smile, and nodded cheerfully: "Then when will we exchange."

Zhen Zhen paused for a while, enveloped the neighborhood with her consciousness, and quickly found a place where no one was inhabited, she said softly: "I can't deliver too much food, you go home and drive the food cart , we met outside the woods to the west in half an hour.

"Okay, that's it." The man nodded, just as he was about to leave, he stopped and looked at Zhen Zhen: "Aren't you afraid that I will **** your food away from a child of your size? "

Zhen Zhen's eyes flashed a chill: "I don't have the ability, I won't come out, right?"

The man felt a chill all over his body and he didn't dare to tease the child again, so he hurriedly went home to prepare the cart.

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