MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 3

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When she re-awake, it was already the morning of the second day. In the light of the morning sun, she just saw that the man was kneeling at the pool and feeding the fish. He seemed to like the fish in the pool and the sleeves were soaked. The water is also completely ignorant, and the side face is somewhat sacred in the backlight.

sacred? A mortal?

The memory that was tossed by him was overwhelming, and the glazed glazed his eyes and stunned the eyes and replaced them with alert eyes.

Xu is that her eyes are too focused on scorching people, and she turns her head and glances at her, faintly said: "My name is Xingyun."

It is like deliberately emphasizing it. After a glimpse of the glass, I saw the cloud patted the robes and stood up. While hammering the numb feet, I yelled, "Oh, it’s time to take medicine."

Then I limped into the house, and the gesture was even a little funny.

Shen Li felt that it was definitely something that had happened to her before her eyes. Where did this kind of person come from the sacred dust, he obviously... ordinary.

I was too lazy to continue to spend my time on a mortal, and I moved my head and tried to stand up. She thought that according to yesterday’s injury, she could not stand up now. However, this test was novel and found that she passed the Assault, physical strength has recovered faster than usual!

Shen did not think about it. When she breathed into the body, she disappointed and sighed. As a result, the mana could not recover so fast... but it was also good, and the people of the devil could not find her breath for the time being.

But according to the Thunder's Thunder, finding her is only a matter of time, when she has not recovered her mana...

"Giggle, come."

Shen Li was thinking, and suddenly heard the call behind her. She turned her head in anger, but saw the man in Tsing Yi Bai Shang sitting on the bluestone step and handing her a white-faced girl: "Meal."

In the heart of the glass, she snorted and turned her head, but she remembered that her sin yesterday seemed to be "not willing to eat." She was a stiff body, pondering for a long while, and finally a bite of teeth, stalking the neck and reluctantly walked to the man in a proud pace.

Smell the faint medicinal fragrance that floated out of his body, and he only carefully looked at the cloud, and saw that his lip color was faintly black, and there was a slight black shadow at the moment, which was the short-lived phase.

Very good! Shen Li thought, although this mortal saw her many ugly appearances, but fortunately, her life was short. After she died, she retired and forgot all. She was still a bright Bi Cang Wang and would not have any stains.

When she thought about it, her heart was wide, she stretched her neck and licked her head. The soft food made the glass glare, this... This girl is delicious at all!

Didn't wait for the man to react, the glazed Zhang Dazui smashed the **** and put it on the clean bluestone board.

The Mozu are no more than the gods in the sky who don't need to eat or drink, and they don't want to die. They also need food like humans, but they still only eat love, and they don't touch it at all. It is not easy to let her eat steamed buns.

The dandruff was also eaten clean, and the glazed glass looked up and looked at the clouds. But seeing the person beside him with his hand, the light is soft, and she looks at her like a smile. In fact, this is a very normal look of a pet, but the glass is inadvertently stunned by this ordinary look. With a heartbeat, she twisted her head slightly uncomfortably.

The demon of the Mozu is afraid of her, and the generals will respect her. Other men will start to squat three steps away from her. Who dares to look at her like this. It’s only a moment, and after all, Shen Li is a prince who is used to the wind and rain. She quickly pulled out the small buds that came out of her heart, gave inhuman destruction, and then took the line with bare chicken wings. Cloud knees, and pokeed the place where I just ate the hoe.

"Well? One more?" The cloud smiled. "No, I only did so much today."

Then he got up and went back to the house, glaring at him, and hurriedly followed him into the house. Really arrogant, I really want to use a **** to send her! Say what you have to get two!

She followed the foot of the cloud, but she is now physically weak. She climbs the door and pans. She only looks at the clouds and walks through the front yard, pushing the door away, leaving only a touch of faintness. "Giggle, take a good look at home, I will come back when I sell it."

Mixing! I dare to call her as a watchdog! No... Wait, she stared blankly at the door and went to the man figure. He just said selling... What?

Shen Lizhen looked at the room on the ground. This person lived a life that was not rich but not poor. He was a seven-foot man, good-hearted, and could not do anything. He wanted to... ah, yes, It is not allowed to prefer this.

The glaze suddenly became clear, but I couldn’t help but look at the sky outside. This kind of business is really good during the day... It’s not enough to like people. She also raised a few days of injuries here, let him go.

Shen Li put his head on the backyard threshold and rested. The sunlight in the courtyard slowly tilted into the angle of the afternoon. The ears of the vines were always shaken by the wind, so the comfortable days have been long gone. For a moment, I was a little addicted. The complicated things in my mind almost disappeared. Just as she was asleep, a subtle sound came.

The people who have been through the battlefield are so sensitive, the glazed glaze immediately blinks, and the eyes are cold and looking at the place where the sound is heard. I saw a clothed girl who came out from the wall of the courtyard, left and right, and clumsily climbed the wall. But riding on the wall, she didn't know how to get down, and finally she was so anxious that she fell down heavily.

Sturdy and sturdy, I thought about it, I was so stupid and still doing thieves. If I didn’t steal anything, I could kill myself first.

The girl licked her **** and stood up. She went straight to the house. The glaze quietly retreated to the darkness, but she saw the cloth girl and found the broom and rag. The silent and neat cleaning of the house came, and the house was almost finished. She began to wipe the table again, but rubbed her tears and began to squat down, and finally screamed at the table and cried.

It took a lot of effort to sneak up on her, and she could hear the words "I can't see it again" in her mouth. This is about a girl who likes to go to the cloud. The heart of the glass was pondering, but I saw that the girl was crying enough. She wiped the tears on the table with a rag and turned to leave.

At the right time, too focused on her glass, she hadn't had time to find a place to hide. The two men took a face-to-face and looked at it for a long time. Shen Liu thought that now he should be hit back to the original shape and should not cause unnecessary misunderstanding. I thought that the girl went straight to her, and said, "I am really a singer, how can the chicken that has been pulled out still run out, so I can hurry and stew." She shed tears. "It is also for you." Say goodbye to the meal."

Be your uncle! Who wants you to do nothing! Chen Li was shocked, she has no mana now, so I have to take it in the pot! She turned and ran outside. The girl is not willing to show her weakness and chase: "Oh, it’s dirty to wash!"

At this time, Shenli really wants to spray herself with a dung. She is willing to get dirty and die!

The glass is not physically strong. Fortunately, the girl’s movements are also quite stupid. She occupies some fighting skills and has avoided several life-threatening hands. However, the two claws always run out of the legs, and the girl behind her eyes chased the fire. It’s going to be real.

The glazed fluttering wings are flying, but the hairless wings have nothing to do except to make her run harder!

The glaze is the heart of the dog hole, but the yard is **** solid, the wall roots are not holes, and there are no seams!

She never felt so embarrassed, sad and desperate, she swears! Blood oath! If she is stewed as a chicken today, she will become a devil, killing the ninety-nine heavens, and licking the face of the emperor's blood! If it is not the marriage, she will fall to this end!

The words in the brain have not been finished yet, and the wings are hurting. The cloth girl vigorously smashes the glass, and her hands clasp her wings, letting the two legs of the glass struggle without loosening.

"Hey, you pheasant, see if I don't pack you." The girl caught the glass and went to the kitchen.

The glaze almost broke the bones. When it was smashed onto the chopping board, the glare recalled that when she smashed the silver gun at the enemy on the battlefield, it turned out that the weak is such a feeling...

"Hey, what is this doing?"

The dull voice of men is unsuitable at this moment.

Inadvertently turned the glass, between the life and death line, the man in Tsing Yi Bai Shang leaned against the door, the light behind it seemed to have a compassionate glow on him, the kitchen knife fell in front of the glass, embedded in the dish In the board, she also cut off her sight.

The cloth girl was only fierce in her face, her hands were back, and she was red-faced: "Xun Yunge... I, hey, I just want to see you. This chicken has been pulled out and died without stewing." It is not good at the time."

There is no strength in the squeezing of the squeezing squeezing. It is really like lying on the cutting board.

"This can't be stewed." As the voice fell, the glaze was carried into a warm arms, and the faint medicinal aroma was soaked in the nose. She suddenly felt that it smelled so good.

"Ah...hey, sorry, I don't know. I just want to leave something for you before leaving..." The girl's fingers were twisted together at the back, and her eyes were slightly red. "I will go south to do business tomorrow." It may or may not come back again. I will never see Xingyun in the future..."

"Hey, I haven't seen you very much on weekdays." The sound of the clouds was dull, the girl's tears gathered, and the cheeks were red as well as the eyelids: "No! I can see you every day! I can see it every day. Quietly..." She trembled, and she couldn't bear to blame her for even the glazed, but it was a idiot.

"Oh, that's really bad. I haven't seen you once, not once."

The open-mouthed mouth of the glass is speechless. This is what a man should say at this moment. He also specifically emphasizes how much you hate with her.

The girl turned pale and looked at the cloud as usual. "Are you coming to practice the ceremony? Oh, I have nothing to send you, if you don't give up..."

"No," the girl said, "No, no." She held her heart and looked dim and went away.

Xingyun waved his hand: "Slow down." Then he turned around without any reluctance. When he threw the glass, he began to drum up the pots and pans, and he slid his sleeves and said, "Make it."

The glaze was on the ground, and the girl looked back at the door and still looked back and looked back. Finally, she wiped her nose and buried her head.

The glass sighed, the girl was stupid, the temper was too persistent, but the heart was single-minded. How did he like to have such a man who did not understand the flesh business?

The sound of the drumsticks and bowls was quiet: "Well? What business?"

This is not to sell back, but what business to do.

In the heart of the glass, I just finished answering this, and I was shocked. She turned her head and looked at it. The cloud was staring at her, and she was surprised. He...he was talking to her?

"Oh." The cloud screamed and shook his head and smiled. "One didn't pay attention, it was seen by you." He crouched down and looked straight into the eyes of the glass. "What happened to me?"

Shen Li still has a mind to take care of him, only to be honest, he is really talking to her! Shen Li was so shocked that he smoked three strokes. Can this guy read her heart from the beginning, or does he know from the beginning that she is not a chicken? Then he is actually playing her right...

"Yes." Xingyun blinked and smiled: "Playing with you."

The glass was shocked, and she was stunned by such a calm provocation.

"And, my name is cloud, I will call my name, and what about my sales?"

Selling... How about selling, how about playing her! Did this guy eat all the chastity and the temperament! I can say such a thing so calmly! What is enchanting!

"But it’s so sinful to sell and sell you, is it so sinful?" Xing Yun’s attitude is to be a good person. "Well, well, I won’t let you know it next time."

After all, he poked his glassy head and stood up to continue cooking.

Shen Li has tried his best to climb outside the kitchen. This person is too dangerous. She must change her place to raise her wounds. Otherwise, I will continue to follow this trend.

But now, the glass is exhausted, and it has been hard to climb for a long time. It only has no strength to climb to the front yard. The door is close at hand, but she can’t reach it. The dusk glow is bleak on her bare. On the back, I only listened to the clouds and screamed: "Meal." Then she was taken to the backyard and placed in front of a bowl of risotto.

Stop it... let's eat it first.

The moonlight was beautiful this night, and the glass seemed to have a dream. She recovered her body and lay under the grape rack. The coldness accompanied the moonlight into the skin. She couldn't help but hug her naked arm. At the right time, a thin blanket seemed to fall from the sky and covered her. The warmth and faint scent of the fragrance made her unable to hold her hips. She grabbed the edge of the quilt and fell into a deeper dream. in.

"Yeah." Helped the glaze to cover the quilt. The cloud sat down beside her. She reached over her black hair that was scattered on the floor. She smiled. "The hair is strong." Looking down, staying in her On the five senses, I looked at it carefully. "The appearance is still a sign, but it is a good girl."