MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 1013 Hao Shuai: I also want to have a cool appearance!

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  Outside Zhengqi Villa, accompanied by the sound of drums and sheng, the team of Purdue Cihang has arrived here.

After leaving the villa, Zuo Qianhu strode up to Pudu Cihang's legal frame, and knelt down on one knee: "Zuo Qianhu paid a visit to the protector of the country, and his humble post found out that Fu Tianchou was not a traitor or a traitor, and he did not commit treason." Heart, please Fa Zhang uphold justice!"

Sitting in the soft tent, Cihang Pudu couldn't see his face clearly, he only heard a soft and compassionate voice: "In today's world, too many people don't know right from wrong, so that they have many misunderstandings about the imperial court. Let this patriarch appease these loyal ministers and righteous men on behalf of the court. Kindness~goodness~~"

   "Thank you Fazhang!" Zuo Qianhu thanked him with great joy.

  In front of the lotus throne of Purdue Cihang, two Buddhist maids threw flower petals into the air, and then Cihang Pudu walked out of the curtain like this, and walked towards Zhengyi Villa on the petals.

  Purdu Cihang just walked a few steps before he met Hao Shuai who came out later and Fu Tianchou and his party behind him.

Hao Shuai looked at Pudu Cihang walking in the rain of petals, and saw that he was wearing a moon-white cassock and a sage hat, his face was old but beardless, and he looked kindly and kindly, with a gentle expression on his face, There is even a faint flash of Buddha's light behind him, just like the coming of the Buddha, which makes people unconsciously have the idea of ​​prostrating and worshiping.

  Hao Shuai had no intention of paying homage to him. Instead, he thought of the young man with kidney deficiency who also appeared in the world of Journey to the West and Conquering Demons for no reason.

  Different from the kid with kidney deficiency who can only find four old green onions to pretend to be a facade, Pudu Cihang is a real girl!

  Thinking of this, Hao Shuai, who felt sore in his heart, decided that after returning to Lu Ding Yi Tian Datang and other worlds, he must also create a team like this.

  All the members are all young girls, and their looks must be at least schoolgirl-level, and in addition to their looks, they also need a uniform uniform, such as women's pu suits, OL suits, sailor suits, etc., all put on.

  In the future, when I go out to inspect the world or something, I will also sprinkle flowers and pretend to be X along the way, envious of those passers-by~~


   "Officer Fu Tianchou pays homage to Master Fa Zhang." Hao Shuai could ignore Pudu Cihang, but Fu Tianchou and the others didn't have the guts. After seeing Pudu Cihang, they hurriedly led everyone to pay homage.

   "Good! Good! You are too murderous, don't hurry up and put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately." Seeing Fu Tianchou paying homage to him, Pudu Cihang had a peaceful expression and typed a Buddhist language.

"The lower official is deeply in an unjust prison, but he has state affairs in mind. He has always heard that the father-in-law is merciful, and hopes to help the emperor reorganize the government and save the world!" Put down the butcher knife.

"The floating world is a great calamity. You must know that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless and you will see the shore!" After Pudu Cihang said this, he clasped his hands together, and the clear words came out from Pudu Cihang's mouth, accompanied by the sound of the Buddha, like a Buddha chanting. There is a strange magical power that captivates the soul, and in the end, it seems that this world is filled with the curling Buddha's voice, which makes people confused.

The bursts of Sanskrit sounds seemed to have a strange magical power. As soon as they entered everyone's ears, Fu Tianchou and others were in a trance and lost their minds. His eyes froze.

A few righteous men with weak willpower, whose actions were already like corpses, walked towards the Cihang Purdue in a daze. He kowtowed repeatedly and begged loudly: "I have committed a lot of crimes in the previous life, and I have received this retribution in this life. I beg the Fazhang to cross over, I beg the Fazhang to cross over!"

  Even Zhiqiu Yiye, who had achieved success in cultivation, was using his mana with all his strength at this time, trying hard to resist the attack of the life-threatening Sanskrit.

  The people present, only Hao Shuai, did not respond, and even felt that the Sanskrit sound was buzzing around his ears like flies, which made him a little upset.

  In order to distract attention, Hao Shuai could only look around, and even looked at the maids behind Pudu Cihang, and commented on their appearance.

  The long ones are pretty, but unfortunately Hao Shuai knows that they have been killed, and now the skin is occupied by the little demon.

  Hao Shuai's unexpected reaction naturally fell into the eyes of Pudu Cihang, and his pupils shrank involuntarily. Before that, his attention was all on Fu Tianchou.

  Fu Tianchou is also a minister of the Ministry of Rites, a first-rank official of the imperial court, more or less condensed the luck of the imperial court.

  Pudu Cihang, who was already hungry and thirsty, how could he wait? Fu Tianchou was escorted to Beijing, and immediately ran all the way from the capital to this wilderness.

   This also explains why Pudu Cihang and Fu Tianchou and his party just met here in the plot.

Pudu Cihang, whose target was Fu Tianchou, suddenly saw Hao Shuai standing there without being threatened by the mantra. everywhere.

  Based on his thousands of years of cultivation, he still can't see through this person's cultivation. There are only two possibilities. Either this person is indeed a mortal, or his cultivation is far beyond his own, so that he can avoid his detection.

  In order to test out Hao Shuai's details, Pudu Cihang increased the output of the mantra of Suo Ming, and the golden light on his body became more dazzling.

In this situation, Hao Shuai is still fine, but the other people present have suffered. They all look like they have lost their souls, with silly smiles on their faces, and two righteous men even stood up and wobbled He walked towards Pudu Cihang as if he was drunk, but before he got there, a golden light suddenly appeared all over his body and instantly turned into charred black powder all over the place.

   Immediately afterwards, the sisters of the Fu family were also confused by the Sanskrit sound, and they stood up and walked forward foolishly.

   Just when Hao Shuai was about to rescue the Fu family sisters, Zhi Qiu Yiye, who had been struggling all the time, suddenly burst out a purple light to protect him.

   This should be due to the life-saving hole card Zhiqiu Yiye Shimen gave him when he went down the mountain.

  With this layer of purple light to isolate Zhiqiu Yiye from the Sanskrit sound, Zhiqiu Yiye immediately regained consciousness, stared at Pudu Cihang in shock and anger, and shouted: "Death Sanskrit!"

After finishing speaking, Zhiqiu Yiye had no time to think about it, quickly took out a talisman, tore it in half and stuffed it into his ears, then jumped in front of the Fu family sisters and Fu Tianchou, and pasted the three talismans on the three people. ears, finally brought them to a halt.

"Where is the monstrous monk, dare to use life-threatening Sanskrit to harm people." After saving Fu Tianchou's family, Zhiqiu Yiye quickly drew a immobilization spell in his palm, and shouted in his mouth: "The magic soldier is in a hurry, as fast as you can!" Laws, set!"

  It's a pity that the body-fixing spell that has been tried a lot has been missed, but it also interrupted Purdue Cihang's life-threatening mantra.

  As the Sanskrit sound disappeared, Pudu Cihang raised his head and looked at Zhiqiu Yiye with calm eyes. At the moment they looked at each other, Zhiqiu Yiye felt a tremor for no reason.

   It’s no wonder that Zhiqiu Yiye is timid. For any monk in the foundation building period, if he is stared at by the thousand-year-old demon king in the Yin God Realm, everyone’s heart trembles. If you are less timid, you may have collapsed to the ground...
