MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 427 Pierce: This is solid!

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Admiral in the Marvel World Chapter 427 Pierce: It's safe!


Trident Headquarters, top floor.


Faced with this sudden assist, Pierce was at a loss. He was ready for a full-scale war, ready for full exposure.


The famous brand on these people's chests is their trump card, and they can easily control them, but who knows that in a blink of an eye, Hydra will become Captain America... Wait!


Pierce's turbid old eyes lit up, what is Steve's most feared identity?


It is the title of Captain America. This title is a ray of hope in the world of the most desperate American people at that time.


This is his undefeated golden body, but now... he is the most evil Captain Hydra!


Regardless of whether it was before or not, he must be now. Pierce's eyes flashed coldly. I will nail this coffin board for you, and no one will be able to open it!


Not far away, the French representative looked stunned, his eyes filled with disbelief, what happened? How did things get like this? Is the captain really a hydra?


"Attention to all members of SHIELD!"


Pierce directly threw down the representative of the four countries, took three steps and two steps, ran to the console, communicated directly with the artificial intelligence, and addressed everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D., with suppressed ecstasy in his expression:


"Please remember that Captain Hydra has invaded S.H.I.E.L.D. The evil Hydra should not live in this world. Please keep in mind our mission of S.H.I.E.L.D. to destroy the sinful Captain Hydra!"


"Fairy Wood"


Pierce spoke very fast and vomited: "In addition, Captain Hydra is not alone, there is someone who is not weaker than him, the Winter Soldier, that is an evil killer whose left arm is a metal arm, they Murderous, ruthless, intent on stopping our great visionary program."


"Now is our most dangerous moment. I hope you all cheer up, don't be fooled by the enemy's nonsense, and resolutely and bravely destroy the Hydra!"


Pierce's remarks were righteous, and within S.H.I.E.L.D., the excitement just caused by Steve dissipated instantly.


From this moment on, the "righteousness" represented by Steve Rogers has completely disappeared. He has changed from Captain America back to Steve Rogers. From now on, he can only represent himself, but not as he did before. The entire American Empire.


Pierce couldn't help raising his champagne and taking a gulp. This is firm!


At the same time, the three motherships had begun to slowly ascend into the sky, and the three behemoths appeared in front of everyone with an unparalleled sense of oppression.


Among the motherships marked with white No. 1 on the outside of the ship, Gartler's face was gloomy. He was in charge of guarding the No. 1 mothership, and his apprentice Ward guarded the No. 3 mothership.


But... something is not right, the Insight Plan is not stable at all, not only is it known by the US team, but also by the US team.


"Damn Pierce, he lied to me!" Gartler gritted his teeth. He joined Hydra just to better absorb power and solve the problem of his own lifespan.


As for the Hydra order and spirit... what is that thing? Can you eat?


Gartler can't wait to fly the Quinjet directly out of here, but he doesn't dare. Now that Pierce has the advantage, once he is liquidated, the end will be even worse.


"Damn it!" Gatler stared at the Trident's command room in the distance. He was extremely embarrassed now. He didn't want to confront Captain America, and he didn't dare to disobey Pierce's order.


If he had delayed a little when he received Pierce's order the day before yesterday, or had been seriously injured by accident, he would not have fallen into such an embarrassing situation.


At this moment, a black figure with wings on his back flew over the bridge, and a figure wearing a star-spangled flag and holding a shield followed.


Gartler's cheeks twitched, and the worst happened. At the same time, the Winter Soldier and Sam landed on the other two motherships at the same time.

The next moment, the Winter Soldier started a frenzied killing mode, and he was ruthless and decisive. The person who saw him was either blasted off by a pistol, or pierced through his body by the arm of Zhenjin. These hydras enslaved him for a long time, and he could not kill him without killing him. Release the hatred of the heart.


In the face of the Winter Soldier who was on the verge of massacres, the Hydra soldiers quickly fell into a panic, but they also did not respond slowly, and soon they assembled into a team and began to use firearms to persecute the Winter Soldier little by little.


Seeing that nothing could be done, the Winter Soldier immediately turned around and ran. His purpose was to change chips, not to fight and kill.


Through monitoring, Pierce quickly found out that something was wrong, and when he had doubts, he immediately called Sitwell.


Captain America and the others couldn't rely on just three people to control three motherships. That was impossible.


Even if they kill everyone above, they can't do it, because the control of the mothership is not on the mothership, and in the Trident headquarters, the insight plan can still be executed.


They had Agent Hill, so it was impossible not to know about it, but they went anyway, indicating that they might have a real way to deal with the mothership. To be on the safe side, he called Sitwell back, just in case.


On the outskirts of North America, over the Atlantic Ocean.


Cao Gui and Sitwell are watching the battle at Trident headquarters from afar. Cao Gui has Nick Fury's second eye authority and has the same power as Pierce, so he can watch from a distance.


"What are they doing?" Sitwell looked suspiciously at Steve and the Winter Soldier who came to the bottom of the mothership.


"They should have something against the mothership in their hands..." Cao Gui frowned slightly. Fortunately, he killed Nick Fury ahead of time, otherwise he might be in trouble for him.


"Pierce called and asked us to come back." Sitwell covered the phone receiver and whispered, "What do we do now?"


"Of course, it was dragged until the three motherships were scrapped." Cao Gui laughed. If the three motherships were not removed, he could not sleep or eat.


Sitwell grinned, this kid is so bad.


"Okay, sir, I'll return immediately. In order to return faster, I will send a Kun-style fighter jet to go back early." After that, Sitwell hurriedly hung up the phone, then sat down, Continuing to watch the show, I also picked up popcorn by the way.


The friendly army is in trouble, but it does not move like a mountain.jpg


In the picture a few rabbits are rising and falling. The Winter Soldier, Captain America and Sam the locomotive have already replaced the blade chips. Since there is no battle between the Winter Soldier and Team America this time, the process of changing the chips is fast. Incomparable.


Even Pierce didn't realize what happened. The fire control system in the mothership reported that the target was missing, and in the blink of an eye, it reported that the target was locked on the other two motherships.


The other two motherships also reported the same thing to Pierce.


And then……


"Hill, fire!" In the headset, Steve roared, and he took the Winter Soldier to fly into the sky.


In the broadcast control room, Agent Hill gritted his teeth and pressed the fire button fiercely.


Immediately, on the mothership, all the large and small artillery turned their directions, aimed at each other, and then...


Boom boom boom!


The raging fire suddenly exploded, and the deafening explosion resounded throughout Washington. Pierce stared at the fire outside the window in stunned eyes.


The mothership is gone, the insight plan is gone, the Hydra order is gone, and his great cause is gone.


"Damn..." Pierce's eyes were red, his eyes were splitting, and he wanted to choose someone to devour: "Issuing a wanted order!"


"There is a $100 million reward for Steve, I'm going to kill him!"


"Damn Steve! Damn Maria Hill!"
