MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 440 Dispensable Dr. Pym

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The Admiral in the Marvel Universe Chapter 440 The Dispensable Dr. Pym


"Good morning, Hank." A woman wearing a black lady's suit and short hair with her ears smiled. She had flaming red lips and fair skin, but... Cao Gui took a glance and retracted his gaze.


how to say? This Ms. Hope Pym is a little old, and she looks good because of the makeup on the outside. Cao Gui didn't even have the idea of ​​being a good shot.


It's really interesting, Dr. Pym is getting younger and younger, but his daughter looks a little old.


"Oh... Hope..." Dr. Pym sighed, "Will I die if you call me father?"


His wife fell into the quantum field during a mission. In order to get her back, he devoted his scientific talents and tried his best to bring back his wife from the quantum field.


But his identity is not just a husband, but also the identity of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hope's father.


But human energy is limited. On the one hand, he deals with the characters of S.H.I.E.L.D. to get funds to conduct research in the quantum field, and on the other hand, he focuses on research to bring back his wife.


And Hope... Pym can give her everything, money, honor, technology, but only lack of love.


Moreover, because he was worried that his daughter would do something wrong on impulse, Dr. Pym kept the news that his wife was still alive, so now, this daughter ignores her and even has a tendency to turn against each other.


As for Dr. Pym's words, Hope sneered, she was no longer the little girl she used to be, she has her own independent life, independent moral economy and values, this father... is indeed optional.


"Dr. Cross will be very happy for you to take the time to see us." Hope smiled while holding a stack of documents.


"Not happy, but very excited." The bald Darren Cross left Cao Gui and the other three and quickly ran over to shake hands with Dr. Pim. Dr. Pim was his mentor and taught him what he is today, right For him, there is both a teacher and a father.


Of course, there are no fathers and sons in the shopping mall, and whoever dares to stand in the face of interests is the enemy, so he still has some respect for Dr. Pym, but it needs to be divided into occasions and time.


"I received the invitation letter from you, which surprised me." Dr. Pym said solemnly, "What day is today? So grand?"


"Mr. Pym, you will know, right?" The bald man looked at Hope and smiled.


"It's ready inside, just waiting for you." Hope ignored Dr. Pym directly, walked into the company, opened the door with his ID card, and stood outside waiting for the guests to enter.


"She still ignores you." Darren Cross said helplessly, "Let's go,"


Having said that, Darren Cross took the guests who came and walked into the exhibition room first, and Hope Hank was the last to enter.


Cao Gui smiled. It stands to reason that Hope Pym's identity in the company should be on a par with Darren Cross's. Coupled with the inheritance of Dr. Pym's shares, she should be able to crush Darren K. Ross is right.


But judging from the series of performances in front of her... It's obviously not like this. She should have been kicked out. Darren Cross was concerned about her identity, so she never expelled her from the company.


It's really interesting, she teamed up with Darren Cross, a senior brother, to kick her father out, but it didn't take long before she was kicked out by Darren Cross again, and the entire Pym Technology was completely named Cross.


Darren Cross is really a ruthless man. He completed the inheritance of the Pym family without even being a son-in-law. He packaged Dr. Pym's technology and company. If Dr. Pym lived a long time, maybe this Ms. Hope Pym will become Darren Close's property.


Entering the exhibition room, Darren Cross first introduced Dr. Pym solemnly, and then began to introduce the Pym particle. At the beginning, everyone's attention was attracted by this bald doctor.


"Gentlemen, when I took over the company from Mr. Pym, I started working on a particle that could change the distance between molecules and change the density and strength."

Cao Gui frowned slightly. It was indeed a bit wrong. It stands to reason that Dr. Pym would hide this secret, but this bald-headed Dr. Darren Cross still knew about it. Where did he know it?


"Why is this idea so revolutionary buried in Hank Pym's research? I don't know."


Darren Close said, "But, gentlemen, imagine how much damage a soldier, an insect-sized soldier with a deadly weapon, can do?"


Having said that, Darren Cross pressed the switch, the screen above the exhibition room began to play a video, and a logo called the Strategic Dangerous Intervention and Intelligence Logistics Division flashed by.


Cao Gui frowned slightly. This organization was a name once used by S.H.I.E.L.D., that is to say, this video material really came from inside S.H.I.E.L.D.


"It looks like there is an inner ghost..." Cao Gui chuckled twice. This is good news. S.H.I.E.L.D. generally can't interfere with the normal operation of the American emperor, but... it is another matter if there is an inner ghost.


Cao Gui has a way to get hold of Dr. Pym's father and daughter. I don't believe that the Pym particle can't be obtained under this circumstance?


Of course, this is the last resort. If the problem can be solved normally, there is no need to use this additional method.


In the video, some soldiers were knocked down by an inexplicable force, and the machine guns were fired without being operated. Then, the video screen was enlarged, and a small humanoid creature appeared in the screen.


It's not that no one is there, it's that people have become smaller and become in a state that is difficult to observe with the naked eye, which is why this situation is caused.


Everyone is amazed. Ants are not scary, but an ant with human power is scary, especially if he also knows how to operate weapons.


Darren Cross eloquently said that Hank Pym was an Ant-Man before everyone, but Hank directly denied it.


His wife did not take the initiative to enter the quantum realm, but was forcibly pressed in in a state of shrinking to a subatomic state.


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This caused him to be extremely jealous of the particles he developed, and he did his best to forbid his daughter from contacting his disciples, and even deleted the name of Pym particle.


But unfortunately, all his efforts have been a complete failure today.


Darren Close showed everyone the technology of shrinking inanimate objects, a table, an old desktop computer, he reduced it to something the size of a little And for this, not only It was Hank Pym who looked shocked, and even Hope Pym was equally shocked.


Obviously, it was the first time she knew about it.


After showing the shrinking technology of non-living bodies, Darren Cross showed the idea of ​​Ant-Man. Just now, he asked Dr. Pym in front of everyone whether there was Ant-Man in this world, but Hank The answer: "It's just a legend."


And now, Darren Cross said that he was about to complete this vision and turn the legend into reality. At the same time, he was very excited to thank his mentor for the cultivation and choked Dr. Pym to death.


"Okay, the new technology is over for the time being." Darren Cross clapped his hands: "Hope?"


"Thank you very much for coming, please come with me, I will take you out." Hope Pym said with a jolt, and immediately smiled, who didn't know she thought she was Darren Cross's assistant.


"About this... No rush, Dr. Cross, can we talk?" Cao Gui chuckled.


Darren Cross was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course, Mr. Shareholder, how can I help you?" It was detected that your latest reading progress is "Chapter 270 Journey to New Mexico"


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