MTL - African Entrepreneurship Records-Chapter 236 The plot of "Rome".

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  Chapter 236 "Rome" Conspiracy.

Speaking of the Italian issue, Franz's face darkened. After the Prussian-Prussian War, Italy took Venice. Before that, Italy also took away Lombardy and all the Italian affiliates of the Austro-Hungarian Empire with the support of the French. Power, Italy is indeed the biggest enemy outside the current Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Prussia won the leadership of the German region. It is true that it has never fought, but Italy is too good at standing in line, and it took away the territory of the Austrian Empire. As a result, only one port of Trieste remains in Austria. Navy, this is indeed the greatest humiliation Austria has suffered in these years.

  Frantz greeted Italy, Prussia and the rebel Hungary in his heart, internal and external troubles really followed.

   "Do you have a way?" Franz asked.

   It is the French who are protecting the Papal States now. Nasan can be said to be the biggest promoter of Italian unification. He also joined the Italian "Carbonario" during his exile in Italy in his early years. After Napoleon III became emperor in 1851, he clearly put forward the "principle of nationalism" and supported the unification of Italy. In 1856, the Crimean War broke out. At the end of the war, the Kingdom of Sardinia took advantage of the rift between Britain and France to stand with the French and win the trust of Napoleon III. In order to win over France, the Kingdom of Sardinia rewarded Savoy and Nice with the help of France, defeated the powerful enemy Austria, captured the Lombardy region controlled by Austria, and annexed Tuscany under Austria's sphere of influence. Small states such as Italy, Parma, and Modena initially unified Italy.

  Looking at it this way, the geo-environment is extremely bad for Franco-Prussian, Italian-Hungarian-Austrian (Sman) and Tsarist Russia whose relationship has messed up.

   Ernst said: "The question now is whether France's defeat in the European battlefield will lead to its withdrawal from Rome to support France."

  Frantz and Ferdinand looked at each other, not daring to say anything: "You mean that Prussia can pose a huge threat to France?"

   It's not that they look down on Prussia, but France is recognized as the number one power in Europe, even the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which is also a member of the great powers, must admit this.

France has always given people the impression that it is very strong, especially in the Napoleon era, singled out the heroes, and after the restoration of the three, the French army's power is still strong, and it has regained its position from Tsarist Russia in Crimea. Let Austria suffer a lot in Italy.

   "To put it bluntly, you have fought against Prussia yourself. At that time, Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire by itself."

   "That's different, Prussia has Italy as an ally, and the situation in the empire was not very good at that time..." Franz retorted.

   "I haven't fought, I just haven't fought, and you know what level Italy is. To be honest, the level of the Italian army may not be able to successfully win the Abyssinian Empire in northern East Africa even in Africa."


  Frantz and Ferdinand obviously don't believe it. How can the level of the natives be compared with that of Europe? If the opponent is replaced by East Africa, it will be almost the same.

   "It's okay if you don't believe it, don't be weird, Italy is inferior to your army, just admit it!"

   There are cases of the last war out there, and it really cannot be overturned.

"Besides, Prussia was just Prussia before, and now it is the entire North German Confederation, and how fast the Prussian army has grown over the years is obvious to all. A few years ago, it turned the Austrian Empire into the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and at the same time gained leadership in Germany. Now four years have passed, and the Prussian Army should have reached a new height."

   "You are bragging too much..."

"Am I bragging? In my opinion, I still have some right to speak. Apart from other things, the quality of the equipment of the Prussian army has improved a lot over the years. After all, I am also rushing for the bonus of the Second Schleswig War. I made a fortune, and even the Austro-Prussian War brought my business to a higher level, and the Franco-Prussian War will make a lot of money." Ernst said sternly.

Prussia declared war on France, among other things, with so many troops, the military expenditure must be collected, and a lot of war bonds will definitely be issued, and the current size of Hexingen Bank is just right to do some business, and the 5 billion war indemnity is indispensable a copy of

   "The last time Prussia fought against you, more than 500,000 troops were mobilized in a short period of time. If Prussia attacked France this time, it would probably be a million troops!"

Franz and Ferdinand did not refute this time. Prussia, which integrated the North German region, did have this ability. Prussia’s mobilization ability during the Prussian-Austrian War was terrifying, but it was not the limit of Prussia, because there were still many Austrian allies mixed in at that time. In the Prussian territory, the Prussian railway system could not use its full strength.

In addition to the last war, the states that the North German Federation merged into were all densely populated and economically developed areas. Their population should have been close to 30 million in recent years, while the population of France was about 38 million. The difference between the two sides Not too big, because the South German region is not counted, and the strength of several states in South Germany is not bad. The last Austro-Prussian War established Prussia’s leadership in the German region, so several states in South Germany will also support it. Prussia, Bavaria alone can make up for the demographic gap between the two groups.

  The entire population of the Little Germany area exceeds 40 million, and South Germany can contain part of France's forces without exerting all its strength.

   "Prussia must have a battle plan against you. Although this battle will definitely not be fought, it is certain that you are on the side of France." Ernst joked unkindly.

  I do! Franz said in his heart that it was actually impossible for Austria-Hungary to join the war, as his foreign minister said: "Austro-Hungary is already a 'defensive country' that cannot engage in territorial expansion. This country is already 'overweight' and cannot Take anything, whether it's dirt or gold, and he'll overturn."

"If France and Prussia fight, I am afraid it will be a very tragic war. The French are not terrible, because Napoleon III is not Napoleon the Great. No matter whether they win or lose, France and Prussia will do their best at the beginning. The Roman garrison closest to France may also I'm going back to China to support!" Ernst said with emotion: "What do you think Italy will do at this time?"

   "Take the opportunity to annex the Papal State!"

   "That's right, so this is the last chance for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The expansion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is very difficult, but it is still possible to make trouble for your enemies."

"However, how do we interfere in Italy, especially the Papal State, which is on the west coast of Italy. Even if we want to mobilize troops to intervene, it will be very difficult! Moreover, the French have not left yet, and we have no reason to interfere in the affairs of the Papal State." asked Franz.

   "So, arrange the army first!"

   "How to arrange it? This is impossible!"

   "Army doesn't have to wear military uniforms or carry weapons. You say it's an army, but I look like a devout pilgrimage to a holy place."

   "You mean to enter the Papal State disguised as believers! If you want to interfere in the affairs of the Papal State, there should be a lot of people!"

   "So these two months can be arranged slowly, and the number of people should be at least 5,000 to be safe. They will enter the Papal State in batches. As long as they can hold Italy, the empire will almost succeed in coercing Italy from Venice."

   "How to solve the weapon!"

   "Of course, merchant ships will be transported there. At the same time, a special diplomat should be set up to contact the Pope in time when the French army is about to withdraw, and invite Austria to send troops to achieve righteousness."

  Franz fell into deep thought. This plan is still feasible, but it is more difficult to implement it. Any mistake in any link may fall short. This is like gambling, making Franz, the emperor of stability, hesitant.

Ernst continued to encourage: "I missed this opportunity, but I don't even have any regrets. I don't need to tell you that the countries Italy hates the most are nothing more than France and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Based on this principle, Italy will only become more tit-for-tat against the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the future. The hatred has long been forged, and southern Austria and even the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula are the homeland that Italy never forgets."

   "Okay, I will consider this matter, but this plan is too risky, I still have to think about it carefully, military affairs are not trivial, I have to discuss the feasibility of the plan with the army first, and then make a decision."

  (end of this chapter)