MTL - After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible-Chapter 500 , banquet

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On the battlefield, Moren Sala was alone, facing Da Qin's army.

As a Rank 1 powerhouse, Morensara naturally doesn't have to worry about his own safety, but he can't just take action against ordinary people to avoid contaminating too much cause and effect, which will be detrimental to future promotion.

"My barbarian soldiers have retreated, and we can sign a ten-year armistice agreement!" Morensara said through gritted teeth.

"You must also swear that if a war starts within ten years, the power of the savage **** in your Morensara body will dissipate, and you will die. Moreover, within ten years, you will not be able to take action against my Daqin people. ." Meng Xing said.

"You..." Morensara controlled her heart to kill and said through gritted teeth, "I promise!"

"Master Guo Shi is indeed a Master Guo Shi. He does things in a measured manner, knows how to judge the situation, is not arrogant, and is so loyal to your barbarian king. Meng really admires it." Meng Xing said with a crackle.

Morensara pretended not to hear, this guy said these words just to disgust people.

So, Cai Han brought a few people to sign a truce with Morensara, bargained a bit, and then made the other party swear an oath.

For cultivators, this kind of oath is like the rules of heaven. If it is violated, it will be fulfilled in the dark, so that cultivators will experience bitter consequences.

Therefore, after Morensara swore an oath, Daqin's army returned to the city of Kuizhou to garrison, and Meng Xing released the barbarian king Mengerlei.

Moren Sala took Murray and left Kuizhou in frustration and returned to the barbarian tribe.

But in his heart, Meng Xing had already been put on the must-kill list. He could not do anything to Meng Xing within ten years, but he could send someone to intercept Meng Xing.

With Meng Xing's cultivation base, there are many ways to kill him, and he doesn't have to do it himself.

Although Morensala was extremely angry, she was also very calm, thinking about various strategies.

Then, he personally went to the land of the demon clan and discussed with the second-rank demon clan powerhouse for a long time.

The war ended, and countless fleeing people also returned to Kuizhou City. Many people were overjoyed when they heard the ten-year armistice agreement, and the whole Kuizhou City set off a carnival.

"Finally no more wars!"

"Within ten years, we can live and work in peace and contentment!"

"This is the credit of many soldiers!"

"The barbarians can still tear up the ten-year armistice agreement. It's not that they haven't done such a thing before."

"But the first-rank powerhouse of the barbarian tribe will not dare to take action within ten years, because Lord Meng made him swear an oath. If he violates it, he will be punished by heaven."

"Yeah! As long as the barbarian's first-rank powerhouse can't take action, and others come, we don't have to be afraid. It is said that Lord Meng has even slaughtered the barbarian's second-rank guardian beast. With him, what else do we have to fear?"

"Master Meng is so powerful, he is the patron saint of our Daqin!"

"Last time, Lord Meng had killed the barbarian commander once, and this time he killed another one. He also killed the guardian beast. He also captured the barbarian king, and forced the barbarian national master to retreat, saying that he It's a patron saint, it's no exaggeration."

"I heard that Lord Meng has also pulled out the lotus seeds of the **** of the barbarian temple, and the national teachers of the barbarians are so angry!"

"Pfft! When the barbarians meet Lord Meng, it's really bad luck!"

"Yes! Yes! The national teacher of the barbarian tribe is also very aggrieved. He is a first-rank powerhouse, but he is helpless and has to sign an armistice agreement to retreat."

Many people spittled about this big event.

In the military camp, Meng Xing took out Lei Python meat, ready to reward the three armies.

Some thunder python meat was left for the rest of the Zhenwu sect, and the rest were distributed to each team, and each of them took it to torment.

Soon, the fragrant smell of meat sounded in the barracks. Fortunately, the thunder python was big enough, and each team was divided.

After eating the thunder python broth, many people's strength increased greatly, and some people who were secretly injured also recovered.

This thunder python meat has a great effect on people below the fifth rank. The higher the cultivation base, the less effective it is to eat it.

In the Kuizhou city government office, Cai Han sat at the top and held a banquet with many generals, Meng Xing, Li Mochun and others, drinking and eating.

"It's really thanks to Mr. Meng this time! Mr. Meng, I'll toast you." Many generals picked up a big bowl to toast with Meng Xing, completely disregarding their image, and their behavior was vulgar.

Meng Xing did not brush off the good intentions of these generals, and drank them one by one. Fortunately, his cultivation base is strong, and this turbid liquor is not as mellow as the liquor in his previous life, otherwise he would really not be able to resist toasting in turns like this, and he would drink and get down early.

The rest of the Zhenwu Sect were also extremely excited and kept drinking. Following Meng Xing out this time was really eye-opening. The most important thing was that everyone's cultivation had been promoted, and it was a worthwhile trip.

Now, everyone's cultivation base is similar to that of the previous Sect Master Yan Zige.

Mo Xiuyuan said with emotion: "If Sect Master Yan came back, he would be shocked to see us like this."

"Yes! Yes! I'm afraid he never imagined that after he was captured, the True Martial Sect seemed to be even more prosperous." Shen Baidao also said with emotion.

"I thought it was impossible for me to break through to the fifth-rank realm in my life. I really didn't expect that we would break through with a single thought. This is all due to Senior Nephew Meng! In fact, we didn't do anything, we just followed. Join in for a while." Ren Jianqiu also said.

Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo were also sitting next to each other, eating with vegetables. Listening to the emotion of the three peak masters, they couldn't help but smile at each other.

The five of them were able to break through to the fifth-grade realm this time. In fact, it was because they had reached the peak of the sixth-grade realm, and there was only one bottleneck left, especially the three peak masters, who were stuck in the sixth-grade golden bell realm for many years and did not break through. There is no possibility of breaking through the bottleneck.

Therefore, Lei Python meat, which has been cultivated for more than 5,000 years, is full of vitality, but it gave everyone a chance to break through the bottleneck at once. UU reading

Cai Han raised his glass and said, "This time we were able to retake Kuizhou City, thanks to Meng Jinshi. Come on, Meng Xing, I'll give you a toast!"

"Thank you, Governor Cai!" Meng Xing said with a toast, and then drank it all.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone was a little drunk, and after they were full, they disbanded.

Li Mochun followed Meng Xing and said, "Brother Meng, have you really picked a lot of lotus seeds from the gods?"

Meng Xing smiled, threw him a lotus seed from the gods, and said, "Give it to you!"

"Thank you! Thank you! Brother Meng is really loyal!" Li Mochun said with great joy.

With this goddess lotus seed, he has the hope of breaking through to the third-rank realm.

Ding Chuixue also came over and said, "Brother Meng, can you give me one too? Ding is very grateful."

Meng Xing naturally agreed, as long as he kept some of these gods and lotus seeds for his brothers to use, it would be useless to keep the extra on himself.

"And me. Although I'm cultivating Daoist exercises, maybe it's useful to eat the lotus seeds of the gods." Daoist Wuchen also came to ask for it.

Meng Xing gave him another.

After dividing the lotus seeds, Meng Xing returned to Jianchi Peak with Mo Xiuyuan, Yao Jianyu and other Zhenwu Sect people.

The six people teleported back to Mengxing's house in Jianchi Peak through the teleportation array, and Mo Xiuyuan, Shen Baidao, and Ren Jianqiu couldn't wait to walk out to meet the other peak masters.

Yao Jianyu and Gu Qingzhuo also followed with a smile.

Meng Xing was a little speechless, but he went to the two senior sisters, let them go, the other nine peak masters must be envious and jealous.

By the way, I haven't looked at the nine-color lotus seeds, and I will study it at night.

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