MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-Chapter 973 Soaring from the house (end of the book)

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   Not long after, Li Zhenying also became an Earth Immortal, and Li Dandao didn't want to meet more people.

   Only Yaya talked with her good girlfriend.

   It's just that after Li Zhenying broke through to the Earth Immortal, she was also a show-stopper.

   Originally, I heard Yaya saying that the breakthrough would be doomed, and I was a little worried. Now that Yaya is alive and kicking, I have to go forward to fight and tell who is the senior sister and who is the junior sister.

   The result was quickly suppressed by Yaya, almost exactly the same as Li Dandao's suppression of Yaya just now.

  The two girls were fighting, and Li Dandao was too lazy to watch, so he went to Hengshan first, met Mrs. Wei, thanked her for her advice, and went to find Zhong Liquan, Huolong Zhenren, to thank him for his kindness in preaching and teaching.

   The real Huolong was okay. Seeing that Li Dan had attained the Dao, he was only relieved: "It is a great virtue to become a fairy. If you want to come to the poor Dao, it is not far from the fruit of the immortal Dao."

  Zhong Liquan had a taste for it: "When I came to cross you, you were still a young boy. Now, less than 20 years ago, you have already attained the Tao. I am still struggling to find this opportunity for detachment."

  Li Dan said with a smile: "I can send a few Ascension Talismans to Master Zhongli, I'm afraid that Master Zhongli won't fall behind, so he has to prove himself."

  Zhong Liquan sighed: "Yes, if you open the world, I can also enjoy the blessings, and I am getting closer and closer to the fruit of Tianxian, and I can also become a Zhengyang Patriarch."

Li Dan said with a smile: "Lao Jun has set up the Eight Immortals of Upper Cave, the Eight Immortals of Middle Cave, and the Eight Immortals of Lower Cave. I originally wanted to mix with the Eight Immortals of Middle Cave. After all, the Eight Immortals of Upper Cave are already Da Luo Tianxian, and now I have become Daluo Tianxian, don't follow a few to fight, grab."

   "Look! Are you talking about human words?" Zhong Liquan scolded with a smile: "Go, go, don't disturb my purity and disturb my mind."

  Li Dandao also understood that Zhongliquan had a firm heart, so he left quickly.

   After that, I met some old friends, Ye Fashan, Wan Ren, Henry Zhang and so on.

He also returned to Lou Guandao the Ascension Talisman that Qihuizi Tianshi had given to Li Dandao, and at the same time left the information that he had hidden in the bottom of Zhongnan Mountain in the depths of his scripture library for future generations to take out. It is the end of an incense friendship.

   went to find the goddess Tang Qiuer, the goddess of the underworld, the goddess who gave the child and the goddess to get the bird, and the goddess who cut the flesh.

"Tang Qiu'er, you have followed me the longest. Now that I have attained the Dao and want to ascend to the upper realm, are you willing to follow me to the upper realm, or continue to manage the divine way? If you follow me to the upper realm, I will help you to train Yin God, reverse the Yin spirit of ten thousand calamities and turn into a Yang God, you give up your **** position and fly away with me to the upper realm. If you continue to operate, I will personally give you an imperial seal, so that you can also obtain the third-rank heaven and earth industry position. It's the **** of the earth."

Tang Qiu'er was full of affection, but lowered her head: "The slave family should have belonged to Lord Lang, so she treated herself as a maid and left with Lord Lang. With countless lonely souls and wild ghosts, they are homeless, so I opened up an orphanage for them to live. If I leave, I am afraid that they will be in a bad situation..."

  Tang Qiuer sighed: "I also ask Langjun not to blame the concubine."

Li Dandao shook his head: "How could it be? You have your own ideals and aspirations, and I won't keep you by your side. If you can think like this, you are concerned about the common people, and you are already a qualified god. Take it easy."

   Then he asked the other two goddesses, and neither of them was willing to follow Li Dandao to fly away from the house, but wanted to stay in the world to save the suffering.

Seeing that their ambitions are firm and lofty, Li Dandao attracted Haotian's sea of ​​vitality, and used his authority of heavenly immortals to seal their respective third-rank positions in heaven and earth. Lotte Sound, there are all kinds of wonderful appearances.

   In addition to the seals of the three-rank heaven and earth industry status, Li Dandao also sealed them as the Bodhisattva of Buddhism. After all, he is the leader of the Mahayana foreign Taoism, and he has achieved the status of a Buddha.

  The three daughters got the job position, they were not happy but sad, crying and chirping.

  Li Dan said with a smile: "I just soared, not dead. After I ascended, you enshrine my tablet, can't I still give you a dream transmission?"

Tang Qiuer said: "We are crying with joy, how can we curse Langjun to die? It's just a temporary separation, I don't know when we can see each other again, and I also asked Langjun to allow his concubine to make a portrait as Langjun, and also explain the feelings of missing. "

  Li Dan was helpless and had to agree, but he had already obtained the Dao, and his face was the incarnation of the Dao, the so-called "Dao Xiang", Tang Qiuer drew the figure, but could not describe the facial features.

   Originally wanted to draw Li Dan's appearance when he was not attained Dao by relying on his previous memory, but found that his memory was also blurred.

  Li Dandao shook his head: "That's it, this is also God's will."

   After saying that, he left the city of death and returned to his home in Jingyang.

   When he got home, Li Dandao realized that his home was very different, because he became an immortal, and even the ancestral tomb began to emit purple smoke.

  The ancestors of the Li ancestral hall in Tianma Village were blessed and turned into ghosts and gods of the fifth grade or above.

   Wufu Boys, that is, the wooden bats on the bed where Li Dandao slept, all of them got the Tao at this time, and they all returned to their beds after realizing the days of flying up from the house.

   The door **** on the door, at this time, is the real body of the door god, the kitchen master, who is laughing at this time.

   is connected to the mice in the firewood house. At this time, each of them gave birth to spiritual wisdom, and several members of the family are waiting for the ascension in the mouse hole.

   Chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, cats, dogs, and dogs all sensed the great opportunity. Even the sparrows who had eaten the millet of Lao Li's family were unwilling to leave at this time.

   In the room of Mr. Li Baojing, the portrait of his grandmother is also vivid, and he has obviously resigned from the priesthood at the place of Bixia Yuanjun of Mount Tai, returned home, and quietly waited for his ascension.

Li Dandao called Lao Fucheng, his mother Li Qi, and his grandfather Li Baojing: "Grandpa, mother, father, tomorrow is the day when I will rise up from the house. It can be seen that what else should I bring at home, and what I want to buy may be in heaven. No, you are all ready."

   "Ascension? You didn't coax me!" Li Baojing said in surprise.

  Li Dan said haha: "Tomorrow, it will be the time to lift up the house, and the foundations under our house will rise with our house."

   "What about this yard?"

   "I will bring it."

   "Where's the hut?"

   "You can also bring it."

   "What about the hundreds of acres of land in our family?" The old man continued to ask: "We still have some servants in our family, can the tenants bring them?"

   "That's not going to work. The servants are okay to say, you are not allowed to tell them the time of their ascension. If there is a predestined law, if they can catch up, they will naturally ascend together. If they can't catch up, then it won't happen."

   "Will the tenants become even less successful?"

  Li Dandao explained it for a while, and the family was busy and busy, starting to pack things, and buy them again. Li Qis also bought two large jars of pickles, for fear that they would not be able to go to the realm at any time in the sky, and they would never be able to buy them again.

  Li Dandao is sitting at home, transporting out the mana, refining the house, and treating it as one with himself. When he is flying, he can ascend smoothly. Otherwise, it will be no fun if it falls halfway.

   When I waited for the second day, the house was already full of things, and all kinds of animals were staying in the pens.

   There are horses, oxen, donkeys, mules, pigs, chickens, ducks, and dogs.

   There are also herring, grass carp, carp, crucian carp, snail, mussel shells and the like in the fish tank.

   It is even more grains and miscellaneous grains in a house, and there are many copper coins, gold and silver.

  White mice, green ploughing birds, beggar chickens... A group of people who had a deep relationship with Li Dandao held their heads high at this time.

  When the surrounding neighbors were still watching, they only felt that the ground was shaking.

   The entire Old Li family has been steadily rising in the air.

   Several of the Li family's servants went out to buy things. When they came back, they found that the house was already in the air, so they quickly put down their things and ran over: "And me, and me!"

   was crying bitterly, knowing that he had missed the opportunity.

   The matter of the Li family's ascension of the house has alarmed many people. Under the watchful eyes of the public, the Li family's mansion has risen higher and higher.

   And during the ascension, there is even more light falling down.

  In the house, Mr. Li, Li Fucheng, and Mrs. Li Qi have all been reborn and transformed.

  The beggar chicken directly becomes a pheasant, and the green ploughing bird becomes a green luaner.

The white-haired rat has turned into a girl, the black cat has turned into a colorful tiger, the pig has turned into a lucky golden pig, the Buddha's light shines on the back of the head, the sheep have turned into fairy yang, and there are three halo of sun behind them. Yang, Qingyang, and Ziyang are the so-called three Yang Kaitai.

  The fish in the fish tank turned into dragons one after another, the snails became the snail girl, and the clam shell became the clam girl.

  The horse becomes a dragon horse, and the donkey becomes a fairy donkey.

  The hen turns into a golden rooster, and all that lays out are golden eggs, the duck turns into a bird, and even the sparrow turns into a blue bird.

   This period involved the mysteries of good fortune, and even the power of ascending the Daluo Heavenly Realm.

   Not to mention these animals, it is the landscape paintings, the paintings of the gods on the door, and many house gods.

   This toilet has become a golden bucket of Hunyuan, the yard has become a cave, the water of the well has become a dragon well, and each house has become a mansion of a fairy.

  In the candles, the immortals in the candles were born, and even with various daily utensils, they were all transformed into treasures at this time and turned into magic weapons.

  Li Dandao's mana was rapidly consumed, but it didn't matter.

I only heard a loud laugh: "Dan enters the abdomen, it is unusual, the yin and yang are stripped and turned into pure yang. Flying up and feathering the three pure guests, each of them has succeeded in reaching the gods. . It seems that this is so happy, and traveling in the Three Realms is the most pure and wonderful."

   has already ascended to the thirty-sixth heaven, starting from the bottom, and then ascending layer by layer. During this time, the lead was washed away, and many creatures of the Li family became immortals and turned into sun gods.

  Becoming a Yang God is the minimum requirement for Li Dan to be able to reach the Daluo Heavenly Realm.

   "Son! Your sister and your uncle haven't ascended with you yet!"

   "Don't worry, they have their own luck!"

  Under the gazes of the immortals, the Li Family Immortal Mansion successfully ascended to the Daluo Heavenly Realm.

When    is flying, you can still hear the sound of roosters crowing and dogs barking.