MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 592 Be normal, otherwise I’m afraid

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I don’t know how long it took, but Lin Wu gradually regained consciousness.

 Having a splitting headache and feeling weak all over.

Lin Wu didn't want to move, but he was very thirsty, his throat felt dry and he wanted to drink water.

Lin Wu forced himself to open his eyes and looked around drowsily. There was a thermos on the coffee table not far away.

She reluctantly moved, trying to get up, but the next moment a kettle suddenly appeared at her hand.

This made Lin Wu stunned for a moment. Without thinking too much, he picked it up and poured it into his mouth. He drank it all and finally felt better.

Her fingers moved unconsciously again, and the kettle floated directly to the bedside table in front of her eyes, without her having to sit up to put it down.

Hmm, drifting by... drifting by? ?

Lin Wu, who was in a daze, suddenly woke up, stood up and looked at the kettle uncertainly. She stretched out her hand, but before she could touch it, the pot hit her palm directly!

what's the situation? ?

Lin Wu was startled and uncertain. She concentrated and felt carefully. It seemed that an indescribable force overflowed from her consciousness and wrapped around the kettle, causing it to float in the air in front of her.

Lin Wu turned around and looked for something else to try, and it was still the same!

 Can she consciously control the retrieval of objects from across the air? ?

At this time, Lin Wu noticed that the surrounding area looked familiar. It was actually the room in the old castle where she lived on the island of Killer City! Why is she here? ?

Lin Wu immediately opened the quilt and checked himself. His whole body was intact, with no injuries at all.

 Lin Wu was stunned by this and thought back to the previous time.

Didn’t she die together with those extraterrestrial objects in the eighteenth floor of the Ice Prison according to what the city lord said? She was very sure that she was very seriously injured at the time and had to sacrifice everything in blood.

Then what's going on with her now? The last illusion before the soul body dissipates?

Lin Wu got out of bed in confusion and found that she was wearing very little, but she was not afraid of the cold at all.

 This is impossible in the polar regions.

It seems that everything in front of you is true or false?

Lin Wu went out, and the corridor outside was empty and quiet. She heard the noise when she went downstairs. Following her path, she saw Ren Ke at the table in the living room, eating ravenously and talking on the phone!

Ren Ke held the phone with one hand and said vaguely: "I'll go up and take a look later. I don't know when she'll wake up... If it doesn't work, I'll take her to the medical organization to check... Damn, will she never be able to see a doctor in this condition? In order to avoid being found to be in bad health..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Ke was slapped on the forehead, and Ren Ke was caught off guard and almost choked to death.

                        bang! The steak he was holding fell to the ground.

Ren Ke became angry: "Fuck, who is so **** bold—"

 Turning around, Ren Ke stopped abruptly, and the phone clattered to the ground.

 The person on the other end of the phone heard the sound and asked loudly what was wrong, it sounded like Lingxiu's voice.

Ren Ke didn't care and stared blankly in front of him.

Lin Wu looked at his hand and saw that it didn’t hurt either. This illusion is true or false.

 But I’m quite hungry.

Lin Wu turned her head and looked behind Ren Ke. There were two steaks on the table. She went over, took a knife and forked one piece and ate it directly. Three times five divided by two is enough to finish eating.

 Still hungry.

 Strange, she felt as hungry as if she could eat a cow, and her appetite increased greatly.

"Is there anything else?" Lin Wu asked, and thought that since she already had superpowers, it showed that she could do whatever she wanted with this illusion, so could she directly transform into a cooked cow?

Seeing that Ren Ke was still stunned, Lin Wu thought for a while and decisively slapped him again to wake him up.

To be honest, Lin Wu has wanted to do this for a long time.

Who told Ren Ke to talk back to her when she was so angry?

  I even pressed her down on the boat, and the wounds caused by the tossing were really cracked, and it was really painful.

However, Lin Wu just raised his hand, and Ren Ke suddenly rushed forward and hugged Lin Wu, as if he finally believed something.

She cried bitterly: "Lin Wu, you **** woke up! You have been unconscious for two days, do you know?! Lu Guichi almost died, but he recovered and woke up after only half a day, but he is still a little weak, why are you so unconscious? How long? We thought you were not saved!"

Lin Wu was staggered, and his lower back hit the back of the sofa to stabilize himself, but he was almost knocked over and rolled into the sofa seat.

For a moment, Lin Wu, whose lower back hurt, inhaled hissingly, and there was Ren Ke's vicious high-decibel complaining demonic voice in his ears, which made Lin Wu's ears feel a little numb.

 Didn’t notice what Ren Ke said at all. "You...revenge the slap I just gave you, right?!"

Ren Ke just whined and complained: "Do you know that these two days have scared us to death? We were afraid that you would never wake up again, and we were afraid that you would really turn into an ugly and deadly monster. Then I would definitely shoot you to death. Let me save you, lest you watch yourself collapse."

Lin Wu: "..."

"Fortunately, you are really alive now, and you still look like a normal person, so I didn't give my mother a chance. I tell you, if you really die, I will haunt you even if I am a ghost, and I will never let you go!"


Lin Wu twisted his face and tried to push her away: "Even though you are in an illusion, you should be normal, otherwise I'm afraid..."

Suddenly, Lin Wu paused and realized something in a flash of lightning.

 “Is this true? I didn’t die. I was rescued??”

Ren Ke let go of Lin Wu, wiped his face randomly, and said, "Yes, do you know how hard it is to save you!"

 “But I...”

Lin Wu was confused. As soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by several voices coming from the door.


 “Lin Wu!”

 “Little Four!”

  Accompanied by the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Lin Wu turned his head in shock and saw Ling Xiu, You Yuan and Miyano rushing in from the door, followed by Zheng Lian, followed by Zhong Jun and Mo Lang.

There seemed to be someone behind them, but Lin Wu couldn't see clearly because they rushed in front of her, blocking her view.

"Master, are you really awake?!" Zheng Lian's eyes wet with joy.

When Miyano came over, he pulled Lin Wu to him. He looked around her carefully and saw that she was fine. Then he pinched her face. When he saw Lin Wu frowning in response, he happily turned around and said to You Yuan. : "Second brother, look, Xiaosi is awake, really awake!"

Ling Xiu and You Yuan approached, not as rude as Miyano and Ren Ke, but they were also red-eyed.

 “Just wake up.” You Yuan said.

Ling Xiu smiled at Lin Wu and said, "It seems that you are really fine. We can rest assured."

 Zhong Jun and Mo Lang behind him did not approach, looking at Lin Wu from a distance.

Mo Lang said calmly: "Now I have finally completed the task assigned by the city lord, and I can give it to the city lord."

 Zhongjun nodded without saying a word.

The two of them were sure that Lin Wu was fine, so they turned around and left, leaving them some space.

Lin Wu was confused.

Facing the scorching gazes of several people, she reluctantly accepted the fact that she was really alive.


"Why? I should have been dead, why am I still alive? Moreover," Lin Wu raised her hand, and the knife and fork on the table swung into her hand. She waved it a few times with neat and flexible movements. There was no hint of hurt at all, "Can it still be like this??"

"Not only can you do this, but you can also do that." Ren Ke, who was finally calm and calm, said, snorted sourly, and cursed: "Damn, I really can't beat you now, you are simply Foul, cheating!”

Lin Wu: "...? Say something understandable."

 The people in front of them all had complicated expressions.

 For a moment, You Yuan and Ling Xiu stepped aside in unison.

Miyano sighed: "Ask your brother, he can explain it more clearly."

"?? Are Gu Chengbai and Gu Shiqing here? Didn't I tell them not to let them know..."

Lin Wu raised his head and his words suddenly stopped.

At the door, Lu Guichi, who was pale, looked over at the still very weak Lu Guichi, and his eyes met hers in the distance.