MTL - After Dressing Up As a Stepmother, I Transformed the Whole Family Into Working In the Fields-Chapter 247 Rich woman takes me

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Chapter 247 The rich woman took me

 Watching the twelve taels of silver handed out with his own eyes, Liu Ji felt that he was not feeling well.

"Look at this, we don't have money to begin with, but you insist on inviting someone to dinner, and you have to have the same standards as the other party, what good does it do us to make a fool of ourselves by pretending to be fat?" He leaned against the door, like an old pious woman chatter.

Qin Yao couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "Close the door and shut up!"

 Liu Ji: “Okay!”

Ma Liu closed the door and covered her mouth, but her heart still throbbed with pain. Twelve taels! What kind of fairy banquet is this? He doesn’t deserve to eat!

Qin Yao asked Liu Ji to stay where it was cool and not to disturb her eyes.

Sanlang and Si Niang, who were sitting on the floor playing with lanterns, happily waved to their father to play together.

 Liu Ji is not convinced, why can he only play with children? He doesn't!

 Liu Ji's face wrinkled up. It was difficult for him to comment on this beginning.

 When she returns home in June, she can go into full production.

But the evil woman makes money because Liu Ji makes money, and the rich one is the boss, so we can write whatever we are told.

As for herself, during her stay in Fucheng, she had to buy all the required production raw materials and send them to Liujiacun.

Qin Yao will have to stay in Fucheng until the end of May before returning to the village to take charge of the overall situation, which means that full production will not be put into operation until June.

 The reason is that transportation is inconvenient and circulation costs are high.

 The small amount of wood that we had before can still be obtained in the village, and more can be obtained in Jinshi Town.

Qin Yao read it several times before putting it down.

Qin Yao saw that he actually had a backbone, so she stood up and pulled out the big knife hidden under the bed.

She has arranged the raw materials, and Carpenter Liu is in charge of the village. With the help of the three brothers Liu Qi, Shunzi and Liu Bai, she should be able to prepare everything before she returns to the village.

The cake Qin Yao drew for the village chief and the villagers of Liujia Village in the letter was so big and fragrant that he was full of it.

 Getting up and coming to the table, he opened the wooden box.

Now is not what it used to be. Soon his family will become the richest man in the village. For no other reason than to save his family's land and assets from being taxed by the government, he wants to be a scholar.

 So this HSBC bank is also equivalent to a modern regional bank.

After writing the two letters, Liu Ji spread the letter paper on the table to dry the ink and burped "uh".

  However, because it is very convenient to use, major commercial banks basically use ticket numbers to do business.

 What she has to do now is to ask Carpenter Liu to expand the factory and recruit people for on-the-job training.

These sixty-four taels of silver, plus 10,000 catties of wheat at home, are her current savings.

 Qin Yao feels that it is wonderful that she is now in Fucheng. There are many commercial banks in Fucheng. If she can find Jiang Wen to help, the problem of producing raw materials can be solved much easier than in Kaiyang County.

However, unlike later generations, Shengguo Bank does not pay interest on deposits. Instead, it has to pay a certain percentage of insurance premiums every year.

The bank is called Hui Feng. There are dozens of branches in the six major provinces north of the Yangtze River. There are branches in every county. Those who hold the ticket number can withdraw the money on the ticket number at any time at the local county branch.

In order to avoid trouble when entering the city, she only brought her slingshot and bow and arrows with her on the open side. The knife was hidden all the time. It had not been taken out for several days to clean, and it was all dusty.

Qin Yao took a deep breath to calm down her excitement, put away the money and contracts, and caught Liu Ji who had been peeking.     “I read what you wrote.”

 In terms of time, it is very tight.

 Looking up again, someone had rolled onto the floor and was playing with lanterns with his children.

"Don't be afraid of flattery. You will be admitted tomorrow. Go to bed early today, take the exam well, take the exam seriously, and strive to contribute to this family as soon as possible. Naturally, you will benefit from it."

“By the way, I have to write another letter to the village chief.” Qin Yao signaled Liu Ji not to stop writing and continue writing.

 Only the large timber trading houses here in Fucheng can solve the problem.

Qin Yao doesn't care about cash or banknotes, as long as businessmen and people recognize their value.

The two parties agreed that the first batch of 3,000 wooden boxes should be delivered in late July, and the remaining 6,000 wooden boxes should be delivered in batches by October, that is, September.

Timber is the most important thing and must be sent to Liujiacun as soon as possible to ensure subsequent production.

 Subtracting these twelve taels, the original deposit is only fifty-seven taels.

Qin Yao took off the scabbard and blew on the blade. The cold light flickered under the reflection of the candlelight.

 The recipient of the letter is Liu Qi. This guy is the only one in the factory who can read a few more words. He is also blind when writing to Carpenter Liu.

 She wants to write a letter and send it back to Liujiacun, asking Carpenter Liu to prepare for a comprehensive upgrade of the factory, and at the same time fulfill his promise to stop selling related products.

Liu Jichong gave Qin Yao a thumbs up. He had already forgotten the physical pain of the twelve taels of meals before, and sincerely praised: "Madam, your skills are really good!"

Half of the seven taels obtained by the bandit and the seven taels obtained in the dragon boat race have been spent, and there are still seven taels left.

 While Qin Yao was reading the letter for Liu Ji to write, she was thinking about what procedures to arrange next.

 In addition to the contract and the guarantee note, there are also four banknote numbers with denominations of 500 taels of silver.

Today's meal cost twelve taels, and her flesh ached very much.

For the sake of convenience, some people go directly to the bank to make increases and decreases in person, which greatly reduces the trouble and risk of transporting money.

Qin Yao sneered, wiped the blade carefully, played with it for a while, and then put it away and hid it under the bed.

 But this is her attitude. She can afford Jiang Wen's dinner and treat him to dinner. The two are in an equal partnership and she is not his subordinate.

  Four light silver notes feel heavy in your hands.

 A big stick plus a sweet date, who can bear this?

Liu Ji puffed up his chest excitedly, patted his chest and promised, "Madam, let me test you as a scholar!"

 The larger the amount, the higher the premium.

He sat down opposite Qin Yao and stared at the small wooden box in her hand. He wanted to see how much money was in it.

 The establishment of this stationery factory affects the whole village. How can it lack the support of the village chief and the people of the Liu clan?

So Qin Yao’s first sentence is: Uncle, do you still remember the beautiful vision we promised together to get rid of poverty, become rich, and become well-off?

 But now that production has increased, small retail timber merchants in Kaiyang County simply cannot supply it.

 Looking down at the two thousand taels of silver notes in the box, it didn't really belong to her yet.

Qin Yao smiled faintly and hung another carrot in front, "When I finish this large order, I will ask Uncle Jiu and the others to build a new study room for you to study in. It will be big and bright, and it will be painted white. The walls will be covered with smooth wooden floors, and finally I will plant some plums, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums in front of the door to cultivate your sentiment."

 Liu Ji grabbed Qin Yao's hand, squeezed it hard, and screamed in his heart: Rich woman, take me!

 Muttered: "My wife is so affectionate and righteous, I will definitely live up to you for my husband!"

 The four children who were watching silently quickly covered their eyes and muttered silently: See no evil and hear no evil.

 (End of this chapter)