MTL - After I Signed with AC Milan, I Opened Up-~ Thirty-one spells return to battle, open

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"According to the reliable reports we got, Kevin's health has no problems. Yes, the two genius doctors in Milan have said that every time he recovers from an injury, his physical condition is better than that of the entire team, which is very good. His frequent injuries are unscientific. And after our investigation, we finally discovered the truth of the matter - that Inter Milan was behind everything.

In very continents, employing witchcraft to cast spells is a common method, and it is also widely used in the field of football. After winning the African Cup in 1992, Cote d'Ivoire owes a salary to the wizards, and it has not been paid until now, and they have no good results.

In European football, there are also some examples.

Before the Champions League final in the 1986-1987 season, Porto once invited the wizard Drane Vieira. Before the penalty shootout with Bayern, he found two toads from a special place and put them on the pitch, but they were not optimistic in the end. Porto took 2:1.

England coach Hoddle left a deep impression in the 1998 World Cup, and he accompanied the team with wizards to coach the players.

In addition to casting spells, it can also act on the opponent.

Kevin's inexplicable injury was apparently cursed by a wizard, and according to our investigation, the wizard who cast the spell is from the hometown of Inter Milan's Nigerian striker Olusei Adshukan.

Inter Milan had tried to curse Kaka before, but it failed because Kaka was protected by the Lord. But with Kevin, they succeeded.

They almost destroyed AC Milan's super-talented, Kevin always inexplicably injured, what a terrible curse. The most important thing for AC Milan now is to find someone to defuse the curse on Kevin. "

I saw the report on Gazzetta dello Sport in the morning. I didn't expect that they would add oil to it and add Kaka to it. This special editor is quite good. Because Kaka is a devout believer, the curse failed.

There's nothing wrong with this logic.

Huang Kevin contentedly threw the newspaper aside.

In general, the writing is quite satisfactory to him.

He Huang was finally not injured inexplicably, but was "cursed" by Inter Milan looking for someone.

Barbara came over to eat after washing up, picked up the newspaper, and immediately forgot to eat.

She looked fascinated.

Huang Kevin said with a smile: "It's all nonsense."

"How could it be nonsense? I think what's written in the newspaper is very reasonable. Damn, they must be doing bad things." Barbara patted the table angrily.

After she finished reading the newspaper and put it down, the big bear was already up and down, and her mood was very fluctuating.

"I knew it, I knew it."

Barbara got up and put her arms around Huang Kevin's head, and comforted softly, "Don't worry dear, today I'm going to find out how to break the curse. I will definitely invite the best wizard to restore you to health."

Huang Kaiwen is numb.

He was hiding it from Barbara before, but he didn't want this effect.

But since the eldest lady has this idea, let her go.

Anyway, rich people don't feel uncomfortable.

When we go to team training, we all share the same hatred.

"Kevin, don't worry, we won't let those **** go."

"Damn Inter Milan knows the trick, I knew Moratti was not a good person."

"Why don't you believe in religion with Kaka, you can see that Kaka is fine."


Kevin Huang found another way to find a way.

After he really got rid of the [abnormal state] and got rid of the [vulnerable change], he said it was the credit of Kaka and God. Who the **** dares to question this in Europe?


As for now?

He Huang has no mind, and it is a kind of blasphemy to go to church if he can't calm down.

Even Ancelotti expressed sympathy for him and said that the club must come forward to resolve the matter.

At the end of the training in the evening, Barbara didn't come to pick him up, and Huang Kevin only left Milanello when he found that Gianni Nanni was blocked at the door for an interview.

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with Kevin's body, he has been injured completely unscientific, and the injury has not caused any damage to his body, but he is still injured, although I don't want to admit it, but I think "Gazzetta dello Sport" The report makes sense.”

In the face of reporters, Gianni Nannie said embarrassedly.

It is a very shameful thing for a doctor to blame an injury on ghosts and gods.

Seeing Kevin Huang, the reporters immediately found the backbone.

"Kevin, are you really cursed?"

"Will something evil suddenly appear in your mirror?"

"Is there anything supernatural happening in your house?"

"How do you want to deal with this?"

Huang Kevin lowered his head and pressed his tongue into his throat. When he looked up again, tears were already in his eyes.

"I...I don't know. Before I came to Italy, I was never injured. My body is very good. Although I have not received professional training, I often play basketball, football and badminton. For two hours, it was a simple bump at most, and I have never been seriously injured. I, I am not a person who is easily injured, but now I also have doubts."

Seeing that the reporters had to ask questions, Kaka, who happened to be driving by, got out of the car and pulled Kevin Huang to the co-pilot.

"I'll take you back."

"Thank you so I'll be in big trouble."

Huang Kevin wiped the sweat from his forehead and had never been a victim before. If he were to perform again, he would probably choose to "faint" directly at the door of Milanello.

"Seriously, you can go to church with me when you have time, and the Lord will save you."

Kaka said solemnly.

"Wait a while, I'm not in the mood right now."

Kaka didn't say much when he saw Huang Kevin who had a worried look on his face. He just accelerated and drove Huang Kevin back home.

Barbara came back a little late, seeing Huang Kevin waiting for her to eat, the eldest lady said apologetically: "I'm back late, my dear, I heard someone say a few wizards today, I'm going to leave in the next few days. Go get someone."

"Okay, okay, let's eat first."

Pulling Barbara to sit down, Kevin Huang started.

When the two of them were watching TV, the news of Inter Milan happened to be playing.

The head of Inter Milan's news said on it: "Inter Milan has never targeted any player or used rude means, and the accusations of Gazzetta dello Sport are even more nonsense. We reserve the right to be held accountable. A talented player, and we are here to wish him the best of luck."

"No one will admit to a crime by himself, huh!"

The lady said with a sneer.

Seeing that Huang Kevin's face was not good, Barbara softly persuaded again: "The wizard introduced to me is very good, and he will definitely help you solve this trouble. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I will invite someone."

Huang Kaiwen said in his heart, this **** spell has returned to the battle.

Why don't he get a kick from someone?

Directly put a reward in the newspaper and invite someone who can get him 1 million euros away from frequent injuries within half a year.