MTL - After I Signed with AC Milan, I Opened Up-v2 Chapter 22 The gears of fate are turning

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Under the silver bullet attack of the eldest lady, the three great doctors arrived in Milan by private plane.

On the contrary, the players of the Milan duo also benefited from it. Even the Inter Milan players came over to ask a doctor to see a doctor and gathered three great doctors at one time. This kind of opportunity is very rare.

There have been many examples in football before. Many players who were sentenced to death were treated by miracle doctors and continued their football careers. Each of these three bigwigs has changed the fate of many famous football players.

In this case, the players naturally cannot sit still.

Even Moji called Mr. Bei and wanted to send the player to Milan for medical treatment.

The whole world is happy, only the world where Huang is hurt is achieved.

Huang Kevin's plan to throw the blame on the Milan veterinarian did not come to fruition before it could be implemented.

His injury has been treated by a psychiatrist, and he will be able to return to the team in early August, and can participate in more than a week of training before the opener.

Ancelotti was very happy after hearing the news, and went home in the evening to open a bottle of precious red wine that was preserved in his playing days.

The only thing that made Kevin Huang feel a little consolation was that Livin Mascalk felt that the Milan laboratory was contrary to his philosophy, and finally failed to join Milan.

However, the genius doctor said that if there is any problem in the future, he can call him at any time.

Kevin Huang decided to delete Barbara's contact information at night while he was sleeping.

There were no two Belgian genius doctors left, as well as Nanni from Italy, who is also a big guy.

With Gianni Nanny around, it's not easy for Huang Kevin to cheat.

Especially the cruciate ligament is broken into pieces, and he can return to the field in 105 days. Let alone football, he is probably the top knee injury expert in the world.

Just because someone is a knee specialist doesn't mean they won't treat other injuries, it's just that knee injuries are particularly prominent.

Thinking of this, Kevin Huang feels very uncomfortable, and Dr. Melserman can't argue. You are the head of the Milan laboratory and the founder of the Milan laboratory. You have worked hard and laid a solid foundation for the injuries of the Milan players. , If it wasn't for his blind chicken treatment of Milan, it was possible to defend the Champions League. A figure who can change the football world by himself, just let the chief team doctor out so easily?

Damn, Kevin Huang is going to find a private detective to investigate Dr. Merserman, and by the way, bewitch Merserman. Kevin Huang secretly supported him, and asked Dr. Merserman to join other team doctors to stage a return of the king, bringing South Ni squeezed back to Bologna.

The depth of the water for a big team like Milan makes Nanni unable to grasp it.

He Huang and Dr. Melserman have a deep relationship, and he can't see honest people being bullied.

On August 1, the entire Milan team was invited to Huang Kevin's home.

Some teammates that I hadn't seen before were all present.

Seeing Kaka, Huang Kevin, who could already stand up, went straight up and gave a hug: "It's a pity that I didn't see you before. I liked you very much when I watched Sao Paulo's game before. It's great to play football with you."

"Thank you," Kaka smiled shyly, only feeling that Huang Kaiwen was very kind.

[Ding, get 50 Fate Points]

Huang Kevin calmly greeted Thomason and other teammates who had never met before, and immediately excused himself to go to the bathroom to check.

As expected, it was Kaka.

[Change the fate of Mr. Golden Ball Kaka in the future. 】

Click below to reveal the destiny.

Immediately there is a picture.

[Kaka and you hit it off, and your relationship is very good]

[With the support of Kaka, Maldini and others, others in the locker room dare not speak out, but they can only recognize you, the most powerful family in Milan]

[Kaka's knee injury was treated by Melserman and it didn't work. You suddenly remembered Jenny Nanny who was taken away by you. After Nanny's treatment, Kaka's knee got better, but it was a pity that it was treated by Melserman. Give it a delay, there is no way to return to the heyday]

【Even so, Kaka thank you very much】

[Kaka rejected the invitations of Manchester City and Real Madrid, and stayed with you in Milan, making the fans very happy]

[Kaka was delayed due to injury, and gradually turned into Dianka. He and you are two watchmen in the Milan stands. You have taught Kaka the experience of watching football in the stands. Two high-paid players have not played football, and they were protested by fans. Milan President Barbara was unmoved. In order to keep you from feeling lonely, he sent a contract to your good friend Kaka]

[Barbara said that Kaka is a team achievement, and Milan is not just a club. This statement has enhanced Milan's prestige in the hearts of players around the world. Every player hopes to be able to support their old age. Milan is obviously a good place for old age.]

[The team lacks two people all the year round, and the fans want to cry without tears. They even played a banner "Kevin and his friends team" in the stands to make fun of it]

[Stimulated by Barbara announcing that you and Kaka renew their contract for 5 years at the same time, although Kaka's salary is only a fraction of your salary, it is still the highest salary in the team except you, Kaka's eldest son was born, in order to thank you for your persistence Abandoned, the little guy who was supposed to be called Luca was named Kevin]

[After marriage, Kaka gradually showed the true character of a Brazilian player. The two of you often fool around together off the court. Kaka introduced several Brazilian supermodels. You feel that Kaka is really a good brother.]

[Kaka divorced, and later he married again, you are the best man at the wedding]

[Kaka played in Milan until the age of 38, because you chose to retire, and Kaka also chose to retire. After returning to Brazil, Kaka felt at a loss. He was used to your existence and decided to move back to Milan to live and learn China. culture】

[Your children are good friends, unfortunately, Kaka's son is more talented than your children. Your son will always cheer for his friends in the stands, known as the Milan cheerleader]

[Kaka lived to be 85 years old. On the hospital bed, Kaka held your hand, stared affectionately, and said his last words in Chinese: One generation, two brothers, will sit in the stands together in the next life]

The amount of information contained in this fate display was too large, and Huang Kaiwen couldn't react at once.

I didn't expect Kaka to be a playboy, but that's normal.

He remembered that Kaka had dated several Brazilian models after the divorce.

Therefore, Kaka's private life is only divided into pre-marriage and post-marriage.

Keeping the chastity before marriage, if you haven't opened the door, naturally you won't think about it.

After marriage, Kaka found a new world.

Huang Kevin vaguely remembers that when Kaka divorced, there seemed to be many rumors that he was cheating.

It seems that Kaka is no different from the Brazilian players after he starts eating meat, no wonder he can play with him.

Huang Kevin understands Kaka very well. How much temptation does a handsome player like Kaka and him have to be tempted by? Sometimes he can't help himself.

After a lot of emotion, Kevin Huang remembered the task.

He changed Kaka's fate, but not completely because the mission was not completed.

In other words, Gianni Nanni, the unsightly team doctor, is the key to Kaka's injury. Because of his treatment, Kaka's situation is better than in his previous life, but because he failed to get Nanny's treatment at the first time, so Kaka failed to return to its heyday.

Nanny instead becomes the crux of the mission.

Leaving Nanny, it's not easy for him to cheat someone.

Without leaving Nanny, Kaka must have been treated by Melserman as soon as he was injured. As soon as the veterinarian made a move, Kaka, the emperor star who had Mello standing on the sidelines, fell immediately.

Huang Kevin felt that the thief had such a headache.

This is for him to choose between his brother and himself.

Kevin Huang couldn't help but hummed "Dilemma".

"One side is friendship, the other side is love, neither side is left or right, embarrassing myself..."