MTL - After the Boss Retires, He Becomes Obsessed with Raising Cubs-Chapter 17 Workaholic actor's son 17

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Because he was visiting someone else's house, Xie Ze held his father's hand and stood there obediently. When he stepped into the door just now, a Erha rushed over with great enthusiasm.

When Xie Ze saw this familiar Erha, he subconsciously took a step back and hugged his father's thigh tightly.

Erha didn't realize that he had scared people at all, he was still bouncing around, and circled around Xie Ze twice, until the familiar old voice sounded.

"Fugui, don't be naughty, come here!"

An old man in Tang suit came over, grabbed Erha's leash, and pulled it back.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

Because the last time it happened was not long ago, kid Xie Ze still looks familiar to the old man he met when he was walking with his father.

"Hey, kid, it's you."

Xie Hui didn't realize it until this time. He didn't expect that the man in his thirties who was not married and just wanted to live his whole life with a camera in his mouth was actually a cutting-edge talented director in this circle.

The first movie he directed, with an unpopular theme, won a grand slam of the awards he could win.

Song Dao actually gave Xie Hui this opportunity, he just wanted to give it a try. After reading Xie Hui's previous works, he didn't feel deeply about him, and he couldn't say he was satisfied.

But after meeting him now, he realized that Xie Hui had the aura that he liked very much, and he also saw that his father and Xie Hui's son were getting along happily.

Fugui, whom his father had liked before, lay on the side and howled, but failed to attract his father's attention at all.

"Little friend, come, grandpa will bring you candy."

Xie Ze glanced at his father, and after his father nodded in agreement, he followed the old man.

Director Song took out the script he brought back from his bag, handed it to Xie Hui, and said in a low voice:

"It's up to you. Go back and read the script more. The shooting time is March next year. Because there are more martial arts scenes in the script, I hope you can come to the crew to train with the martial arts instructor for a period of time in advance, is that okay?"

Xie Hui took the script and nodded slightly.

"Well, of course."

Such a straightforward answer made Director Song suddenly heave a sigh of relief.

Now most of the artists in the circle are hot-tempered and squeamish, so he prefers to use newcomers. Although acting skills need to be adjusted and taught slowly, it is better to be obedient and obedient.

Nowadays, the martial arts dramas that are often complained by the audience are not as good-looking as before. The main reason is that some actors are unwilling to train, and it is difficult to deal with it directly with doubles.

"That's fine, I'll ask the assistant to sign with your company about the contract. My dad likes your son very much, so stay for a meal."

Song Dao was really afraid of his father's nagging. He was thirty-five years old and was not married yet. He was indeed old in the eyes of the older generation, but Song Dao was all focused on work now, and he didn't get distracted by it at all. Engage in feelings.

But his father was getting old, and Director Song couldn't bear to not come back to be with him, for fear that his son would want to support him and he would not be close to him.

Seeing a kid come over to talk to his father now, Director Song can feel a little more relaxed.

"Okay, then bother Director Song."

Song Dao is not too old in the director circle at this age, and his films are basically all high-quality goods, and he also has arrogance, and he feels that there is no actor who is not the best.

He saw Xie Hui's works, and he had some acting skills, plus he was willing to cooperate with the training with a good attitude, so he decided on it directly.

After eating, the pockets of Xie Ze's clothes were all bulging, and he still held a handful of candy in his hand.

Before leaving, the old man delivered it to the door, and asked Xie Ze to come and play often.

"Okay grandpa, I remember."

When Xie Ze was held in his father's arms, he waved goodbye to the old man.

The old man waited until their figures completely disappeared from his field of vision, then turned around, looked at his son standing by the door, and asked coldly:

"Look, isn't Xie Hui his son cute?"

Director Song nodded in bewilderment, thanking him that his son is really cute.

"Then when do you plan to get married and let me have a grandson?"

As soon as his father mentioned this again, Song Dao's face showed confusion, and his father came again.

After getting in the car, Xie Hui looked at Xie Ze who was struggling to stuff the candy into his pocket, and reached out to take some of the candy he couldn't hold.

"It can't be stuffed in, can dad hold it for you?"

"Okay, thank you Dad."

Jiang Ge was sitting on the other side at this time, and he was also very happy that Xie Hui could take this role.

He is not a fool, of course it can be seen that the reason why Xie Hui was able to win this role was that the brat also played a part in it.

"Xie Ze, this time your father is thanks to you."

Xie Ze, who was still arranging the candy in his pocket, raised his head suddenly when he heard Uncle Jiang calling his name.

"hold head high?"

Didn't he just come here to be with Dad and leave with some candy?

Xie Hui understood the meaning of Brother Jiang's words, and lowered his head to kiss his son's baby-fat face.

"Yes, thanks to you."

Xie Ze was still confused, but he liked his father kissing him very much, so he narrowed his eyes with a smile.

It will take a while for Director Song's crew to start filming. It's just right for Xie Hui to go to training after they finish recording the parent-child program.

After arriving home, Xie Hui read the script carefully. The character he plays is a killer, not the protagonist, but the best knife in the hands of the villain.

The gang villain added many obstacles to the protagonist's success, and finally kidnapped the protagonist's son after being injured. Not only did the child not cry when he was kidnapped, but he wanted to wipe off the blood on him.

When he was cornered, the killer's master gave the order to kill the protagonist's son, but the killer was aroused by the child's action of trying to wipe the blood clean for him, and jumped off the cliff to commit suicide after releasing the child.

The roles are not too many, Xie Hui himself quite likes this character design, after reading the script, he finally understands why Director Song emphasized to him face to face that he needs to train for a period of time.

The character in the script is known as a humanoid weapon, the strongest knife in the royal family, and every time he shows up, he fights. Without martial arts skills, it is basically difficult to perform that feeling.

The son in the original owner's memory would often come to disturb his work, but now every time Xie Hui entered the study, Xie Ze would obediently find the nanny to play with him.

Just thank you for coming back to watch, because the original owner came back too rarely.

Xie Ze was already without his mother's company, and his father had no time to accompany him because of his busy work. Even if there was a nanny and auntie, it would not be able to make up for the vacancy brought by his parents.

Now that Xie Hui has given him enough love, Xie Ze is not as clingy as before.

In the filming of the following parent-child programs, Ke Zhen still looked like the domineering little princess. To Xie Hui's surprise, the father and daughter were scolded like that on the Internet, and they still insisted on not quitting the program group.

The last episode of the recording was in winter, and the location chosen by the program crew was in a small mountain village. The snow fell heavily, and the snow on the ground could reach people's knees.

Little Xie Ze was wrapped into a ball by his father, sitting on a small bench next to the fire and roasting his hands.

There were still sweet potatoes and radishes buried in the fire, and when the scent wafted out, Xie Ze swallowed unconsciously.

"Sister Yueyue, I heard from the director's uncle that this is the last filming."

Chen Yue, who was also sitting by the fire, nodded.

"Well, I'm going to be in first grade next year, when will you start kindergarten?"

Little Xie Ze, who was just bored and wanted to talk to Sister Yueyue, was stunned when he heard this sentence. It seems that his father hadn't told him.

"Xie Ze will go to kindergarten in the second half of next year. It's snowing heavily outside, so be careful when you go out."

When Xie Hui opened the door and walked in, he happened to hear Chen Yue's words, so he helped his son answer.

"Uncle Xie, where is my father?"

Because Chen Xing hadn't seen his father for too long, he asked when Xie Hui walked in.

"Your father hasn't finished it yet, so he should be back later."

The program team arranged for each of their fathers to build a snowman for their children. Chen Heng, who has two children, will indeed suffer.

Ke Ting also walked in afterward. Compared with the first episode, he was obviously much more silent. He was not as ignorant as he was at the beginning, and the recording of the program could be watched in the past.

Xie Hui walked to the side of the fire, picked up the tongs and pulled out roasted sweet potatoes and roasted radishes. A child put one in front of him and told them to wait a while before touching them.

The stomachs of the children who smelled the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes could no longer control their growls. Now that they heard Xie Hui's words, they all nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

Chen Heng was the last to come back. It was dark early in winter, and he still had a flashlight when he came back.

The last dinner prepared by the program group is hot pot, which is very suitable for this season.

None of the children can eat spicy food, but only Xie Ze quietly stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a piece of beef. Tears of spicy food came out and he couldn't bear to spit it out.

When Xie Hui turned his head to look, he saw him wiping the tears from the heat with the back of his hand.

Xie Hui picked up the spicy milk on the table and handed it to him. Seeing him holding the milk and drinking it obediently, he sighed helplessly:

"Don't know if you can eat spicy food? Little greedy cat?"

Xie Ze put down the cup, and after the hot and bewildered feeling faded a bit, he sniffed and said in a low voice:

"Dad, I, I can eat."

After the meal, the program staff asked the fathers to take their children to the open space at the entrance of the village, where there was a snowman they had built in the afternoon.

When I walked over, there happened to be a staff member who lit fireworks on the other side, and the crackling sound of the fireworks sounded, and then exploded in the sky.

The brilliance of the fireworks blooming in an instant illuminated the snowy land as bright as day.

The scene of several children jumping around the snowman in the snow became the last scene of the last episode of this parent-child show.

Xie Hui looked at the extraordinarily cheerful and jumping son, and couldn't remember what that poor little boy who didn't even dare to speak loudly was like when he first came into this world.